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Classifying Vehicle Types from Video Streams for Traffic Flow Analysis Systems Imran B. Mu’azam; Nor Fatihah Ismail; Salama A. Mostafa; Zirawani Baharum; Taufik Gusman; Dewi Nasien
JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization Vol 6, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Society of Visual Informatics

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/joiv.6.1.739


This paper proposes a vehicle types classification modelfrom video streams for improving Traffic Flow Analysis (TFA) systems. A Video Content-based Vehicles Classification (VC-VC) model is used to support optimization for traffic signal control via online identification of vehicle types.The VC-VC model extends several methods to extract TFA parameters, including the background image processing, object detection, size of the object measurement, attention to the area of interest, objects clash or overlap handling, and tracking objects. The VC-VC model undergoes the main processing phases: preprocessing, segmentation, classification, and tracks. The main video and image processing methods are the Gaussian function, active contour, bilateral filter, and Kalman filter. The model is evaluated based on a comparison between the actual classification by the model and ground truth. Four formulas are applied in this project to evaluate the VC-VC model’s performance: error, average error, accuracy, and precision. The valid classification is counted to show the overall results. The VC-VC model detects and classifies vehicles accurately. For three tested videos, it achieves a high classification accuracy of 85.94% on average. The precession for the classification of the three tested videos is 92.87%. The results show that video 1 and video 3 have the most accurate vehicle classification results compared to video 2. It is because video 2 has more difficult camera positioning and recording angle and more challenging scenarios than the other two. The results show that it is difficult to classify vehicles based on objects size measures. The object's size is adjustable based on the camera altitude and zoom setting. This adjustment is affecting the accuracy of vehicles classification.
Perancangan Animasi 3D Untuk Pertolongan Pertama Pada Kucing Berbasis Website Alin Meisya Putri; Dahliyusmanto Dahliyusmanto; Dewi Nasien
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 8 (2021): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Cats are pets that are liked by people of all ages and circles, including in Indonesia. Adorable physical form and behavior are the reason cats are much liked. However, people's knowledge is currently lacking on care, health, and first aid for cats. Website-based 3D animation is a good place to convey information about health and give first aid to cats. In this study, 3D animation was created using Blender software. 3D animation videos hosted on the website. The website used in this study uses a static website type. The programming languages used in making this website are HyperText Markup Language (HTML), JavaScript, and Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). The complete address of the website results is 3D animation videos and websites were tested for usability using a Likert scale. The test was conducted on 20 respondents from various circles and one validator, namely a veterinarian. The test results show that this website-based 3D animation is in the very worthy category.Keywords: Cats, 3D Animation, Website
Optimization of Genetic Algorithm in Courses Scheduling Dewi Nasien; Andi Andi
IT Journal Research and Development Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIR PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/itjrd.2022.7896


Scheduling courses is an intricate and pivotal part of a university as it impacts the teaching and learning process. The problem frequently occurs is the struggle of placing schedules which is manual, takes a long time, and inaccurate. This paper explores the process and how effective the genetic algorithm method is in solving scheduling problems in lecture environment. The selection of genetic algorithms owes to it produces an optimal scheduling solution. To build a scheduling optimization system, it is essential to collect room data, lecturers, courses, days and hours of teaching. The data collection comes from field studies by observations and interviews. Literature studies are also needed to acquire the basic course scheduling, optimization, genetic algorithms, PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, and Visual Studio Code. The test outcomes attained the preeminent one with the highest fitness value in the number of generations, populations, the crossover combination and mutation rates. The final result showed that the first chromosome is the finest chromosome produces scheduling with the highest fitness value. The outcomes of the whole algorithm process are consistent with the original predicted data, and the same lecturer is not scheduled to teach more than once at the same time. It is expected that the application of the genetic algorithm method optimizes course scheduling with great outcome.
PKMS PELATIHAN DESAIN GRAFIS MENUJU WIRAUSAHA BAGI PEMUDA RT.03 RW.04 KELURAHAN UMBAN SARI Yenny Desnelita; Gustientiedina Gustientiedina; Wilda Susanti; Dewi Nasien; Ramalia Noratama Putri
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019): Dinamisia: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v3i2.3662


Perkembangan aplikasi di bidang teknologi informasi mempunyai dampak besar di berbagai bidang kehidupan, salah satunya dibidang industri kreatif seperti advertising, reklame, desain grafis dan pengolahan gambar digital. Salah satu menunjang keterampilan bagi pemuda-pemudi RT 03 RW 04 Kelurahan Umban Sari Kecamatan Rumbai Kota Pekanbaru. Dilakukan pelatihan life skill yang berupa perancangan desain grafis untuk advertising dan reklame. Metode pengabdian ini berupa pelatihan keterampilan desain grafis yang menggunakan computer dan memakai software CorelDraw dan Photoshop. Kegiatan PKMS ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan pemuda dalam meningkatkan kualitas kemampuan dalam membuat desain grafis yang menarik sehingga peserta dapat bersaing untuk memenuhi permintaan akan kebutuhan lapangan kerja dan juga menuju wirausaha. Dari 15 peserta 11 orang diantaranya berhasil membuat dan menyelesaikan mendesain produk untuk kebutuhan advertising atau bidang percetakan. Hasil kegiatan pelatihan keterampilan desain grafis menunjukan peserta bisa merancang logo, kartu nama, undangan, famplet, banner, spanduk dan bentuk advertising lainnya.
Performance Analysis of Support Vector Machine in Sex Classification of The Sacrum Bone in Forensic Anthropology Iis Afrianty; Dewi Nasien; Habibollah Haron
Publisher : Department of Informatics, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/jti.v15i1.25254


Sex classification is part of forensic anthropological identification aimed at determining whether the skeleton belongs to a male or a female. This paper exhibits the performance of the Support Vector Machine (SVM) in classifying the sex of the sacrum in forensic anthropology. Bone data was measured by the metric method based on six variables, namely superior breadth, anterior length, mid ventral breadth, real height, diameter the base, and max-transverse diameter of the base. This study shows performance analysis of SVM using the library libSVM with linear, polynomial, and RBF kernel to observe the results of the comparison of the accuracy of the kernel used. According to the results of the trials, the best accuracy was attained in each kernel function, i.e., the RBF kernel is 83.33% with g = 1 and C = 1, the polynomial is 85.56% at γ = 2, C = 2 and d =1, and the linear kernel obtained best accuracy is 84.44 % with C = 2 and C = 3. In conformity with the experimental result, polynomial attained the highest accuracy of 85.56% at γ = 2, C = 2, and d =1.
The Best Smartphone Brand using The Preference Selection Index Method Sherkhing Angriawan; Dewi Nasien; M. Hasmil Adiya; Roni Sanjaya; Yenny Desnelita; Feri Candra
International Journal of Electrical, Energy and Power System Engineering Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): International Journal of Electrical, Energy and Power System Engineering (IJEEP
Publisher : Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/ijeepse.5.2.37-44


The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact in all aspects, including the educational aspect. Before the pandemic, education generally is done by face-to-face learning, but after the pandemic hit, it changed to online learning. Several problems often occur during online learning education, especially for college students, such as a mobile phone that does less support for online learning activities. Hence, the author wants to build an application that has the function of helping users to choose a mobile phone which supports online learning activities. The selection decision used by the author is the Preference Selection Index method since it can determine the value for each attribute and continue with a ranking that is able to select each attribute from the best alternative from several existing alternatives, with the help of a decision support system and application of the PSI (Preference Selection Index) method. The result indicates that the highest value obtained from smartphone selection with an average price under 3 million rupiah is infinix by 90.88%. The application's output meets the purpose because it is able to provide recommendations to buyers in determining which smartphone to buy and can simplify the decision-making process to become more accurate, effective, and efficient in generating information.
Application of Quizzes “BelajarKuy” for Junior High School Based on Android Dewi Nasien; M. Hasmil Adiya; Andrio Pratama Sirait; M. Nurul Ihsan; Mahfuzan Hadi Wicaksono
International Journal of Electrical, Energy and Power System Engineering Vol. 2 No. 3 (2019): International Journal of Electrical, Energy and Power System Engineering (IJEEP
Publisher : Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (620.313 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/ijeepse.2.3.1-4


In today’s social life, many children to students use gadgets in their daily life. Their gadgets are used mostly android. Android is utilized for all activities namely, games, social media, and others. Besides, the gadget also can be used for education such as quizzes. In this paper, BelajarKuy is proposed for education, especially for junior high school. BelajarKuy is a quiz application based on Android and it uses Java programming language. BelajarKuy contains some questions that are useful for sharpening the brains for students and teachers. Besides, BelajarKuy contains several quizzes which are Mathematics, Bahasa Indonesia, English, Science, Religion, Civic Education, and Social Education. Each quiz has twenty questions and there are four answer choices namely, A, B, C and D. However, it has a solution to the question. At the end of this quiz, students can see scores for all right and wrong questions. This is very helpful in preparing them before an exam that will be given by teachers.
Decision Support System for Selecting University in Pekanbaru Based on Android Dewi Nasien; M. Hasmil Adiya; Ahmad Mulyadi; Ahmad Sukabul; Gilang Rianda; Deni Yulianti
International Journal of Electrical, Energy and Power System Engineering Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020): International Journal of Electrical, Energy and Power System Engineering (IJEEP
Publisher : Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/ijeepse.3.2.30-34


Nowadays development of technology is growing fast, especially Android Operating System (OS). Android is a technology that can help human to improve their works both quality and quantity, e.g. making decisions. This study discusses the application of decision support systems to select university. Many students are still confused to select the best university for them. Hence, this application aims to assist students for making decisions using weighted product (WP) method. It exploits some criteria namely, distance, university accreditation and number of lecturers. The research methodology are used namely problem analysis, analysis both hardware and software requirements, design system, implementation and testing. Ultimately, application can be utilized. This application is built on Android Studio and Java Development Kit. It is implemented in Universities in Riau. This application can help students to choose the best university quickly and accurately.
Analisis Perbedaan Penerapan Sekolah Ramah Anak dan Kompetensi Sosial Ditinjau dari Karakater Anak SD Negeri Kota Pekanbaru Sardius Sardius; Dewi Nasien; Amalia Sapriati
Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): July
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jlls.v5i2.53045


The problem that occurs in schools, in general, is bullying. This problem needs to be addressed immediately so it does not become an increasingly worrying and ongoing problem. Ways to deal with violence by developing social skills. This study analyzes the differences in child-friendly school programs regarding character and social competence. This study uses quantitative analysis with comparative hypotheses to test the differences. The sample in this study was 352 children selected by proportional random sampling technique. The instrument in this study used a child-friendly school questionnaire, children's social competence, and children's character. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing using MANOVA. The data analysis results show differences in child-friendly school programs regarding children's character. Children with polite character have a very good perception of implementing the Child-Friendly School program. Second, there are differences in children's social competence in terms of the child's character. Children with polite character have very good social competence, while those with self-confidence and discipline have poor social competence results.
Implementation of the Winnowing Algorithm in Detecting Plagiarism in Title and Abstract of Student's Final Project Dewi Nasien; Eka Putra Yansen
IT Journal Research and Development Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : UIR PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/itjrd.2022.7897


In this modern era, technology has become more sophisticated. All information can be accessed quickly and efficiently. Nevertheless, when surfing the internet to search for information, people frequently find it almost similar and even have no different. Moreover, to news information content on the internet, similarities are found in final semester student research titles and abstracts as well. In preventing this, the researchers explored how to establish a website design by checking the similarity of titles and abstracts with winnowing method, which is exacted to complete examining the similarity of titles and abstracts on students' final assignments. The researchers applied dummy data obtained from Google Scholar for this study. The results revealed that the application of the winnowing method can aid in achieving similar results from the student's final assignments. It is deliberated as a benchmark for accepting a title and abstract at a university and reducing plagiarism.