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Implementasi Algoritma Profile Matching untuk Pencarian Karyawan Terbaik Tri Shoni Wijaya; Siswanto Siswanto
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 3 No 1 (2019): SISFOTEK 2019
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

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The company gives rewards or rewards to employees who get the title as the best employees in the form of money with a certain nominal. To support the performance or enthusiasm of the employees in the marketing department. It is expected that the reward can stimulate the enthusiasm of employees at work. However, when evaluating employees there are obstacles, including subjective judgments and calculation errors often occur in determining who the employee gets the best employee title. By utilizing a Decision Support System that uses the Profile Matching Algorithm. Profile Matching is a decision making mechanism by assuming that there is an ideal level of predictor variables that must be met by the subjects studied, rather than the minimum level that must be met or passed, Profile Matching can help problems in determining the best employees in the marketing department. In this study there are two aspects and within the aspects there are several criteria. The Performance Aspect consists of Target Achievement, Work Quality, Work Responsibilities and Services. The Personality Aspect consists of Attendance, Communication, Attitude, Team Work and Loyalty. So the result of this research is an application or decision support system that produces an output from each employee, so that the management of decision makers can see the value of each employee based on the ranking.
Kendali dan Monitoring Ruang Server dengan Sensor Suhu DHT-11, Gas MQ-2 serta Notifikasi SMS Firdiansyah Firdiansyah; Siswanto Siswanto; Muhammad Anif; Basuki Hari Prasetyo
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 3 No 1 (2019): SISFOTEK 2019
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

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If the server room temperature is too hot it will cause damage to the existing hardware in the server room, whereas if the gas threshold is too high it will be able to indicate that a fire has occurred in the server room. One way to maintain the temperature level of 20-21ºC / (68-71ºF) and 350 ppm - 1000 ppm gas levels in the server room is to periodically monitor the temperature and gas content whether it is within the threshold that we specify ... So that if one day there is a deviation temperatures outside the tolerance range can be immediately taken responsive measures. Currently the server administrator must continue to monitor changes in temperature in the server room in stable condition and still manually. Temperature and gas monitoring systems and web-based control using DHT11 sensors and MQ-2 sensors can be one solution to monitor the temperature of the server room so that it is always in a conducive state, so as to minimize the occurrence of excess heat in devices in the server room . If there is a situation where changes in temperature and gas in the server room are detected, the system will send a notification to the user via SMS and automation of the additional air conditioning so that it can stabilize the room temperature again. Thus the temperature and gas of the server room will continue to be maintained and stable in full control by the server administrator without having to continue to be in the server room. The programming language used to create this system is the Arduino programming language whose syntax resembles the C language and for its visual appearance using the PHP programming language and MySQL database. From the observation of 23 days the application trial was able to run and give notification as much as 98% and system failure as much as 2%.
Perekrutan Karyawan Menggunakan Algoritme TOPSIS dan Pengujian UAT Siswanto Siswanto; Muhammad Satria Al Aziz; Mujito Mujito; Basuki Hari Prasetyo
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Vol 4 No 1 (2020): SISFOTEK 2020
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (572.838 KB)


The problem at PT. Putra Bangsingja Perkasa has difficulty in providing employee recommendations that are accepted according to the needs of the 160 prospective employees who register every 6 months of employee recruitment and who assess only 2 people. Employee recruitment applications using the TOPSIS algorithm need to be made to recommend employees who really meet the quality and match the desired criteria such as physical appearance, comprehension, communication, work motivation, education and work experience. The final results of this study are the results of the UAT testing process, the respondents agree (above 83.3%) that overall this employee recruitment application helps the leadership in providing employee recommendations that are accepted according to their needs.
Implementasi Algoritme Profile Matching dan Pengujian UAT Untuk Memilih Karyawan Terbaik Siswanto Siswanto; Recky Juniansyah Asad; Gunawan Pria Utama; Wahyu Pramusinto; M Anif
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Vol 4 No 1 (2020): SISFOTEK 2020
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (638.725 KB)


In supporting the performance or enthusiasm of employees in the regulation department, the company gives rewards or awards to employees who get the title as the best employees in the form of money with a certain nominal value. It is expected that this reward can stimulate the enthusiasm of employees at work. But when assessing employees there are obstacles, including subjective judgments and calculation errors often occur in determining who the employee gets the title of the best employee. The application for selecting the best employees has been made using the profile matching algorithm. In this study using two aspects, namely aspects of performance consisting of speed of work, quality of work, work responsibilities and problem solving and personality aspects consisting of absenteeism, work knowledge, attitude, team work and loyalty. So that the final results of this study in the form of the results of the testing process with the UAT, the respondents agreed (above 91.2%) that overall the application for selecting employees helps the decision maker management in providing the best employee recommendations based on ranking correctly.
Pengamanan File Audio Menggunakan Algoritma Kriptografi Blowfish Dan Pengujian UAT Siswanto; Farizal Dias Amsari; Basuki Hari Prasetyo; Wahyu Pramusinto; Gunawan Pria Utama; M. Anif
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 5 No 1 (2021): SISFOTEK V 2021
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

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The current problem at PT. Central Asia Insurance is data or information from meeting recordings that have been made without security so that the resulting data is leaked and can be published by unauthorized persons. This study aims to secure the results of the meeting in the form of audio that will be sent to the branch of PT. Central Asia Insurance using blowfish cryptographic algorithm and UAT testing. Therefore, I created an encryption application to secure the audio from the meeting at PT. Central Asia Insurance. The goal is to prevent irresponsible people from being able to know the results of the meeting directly because the Audio file has been encrypted. By making this application, it can guarantee the audio file of the meeting at PT. Central Asia insurance can be accepted by people who are entitled and have keys. The final result of this research is that this application is able to encrypt audio files with a maximum data size of 120 Mb. Based on trials carried out as many as 15 encrypted files, the encrypted file size becomes large with an average value of 12,009,507 bytes and an average encryption process time of 37.0 seconds while the decryption time is 52.2 seconds. So that the files obtained can be protected and can only be accessed by users who have a password lock. In the UAT test, a questionnaire with a Likert scale scale of 5. has been used. As a result, the respondents agree (above 91.23%) that the overall application of the blowfish algorithm to secure data files can be kept confidential.
Penerapan Algoritma Kriptografi Twofish Untuk Mengamankan Data File Siswanto Siswanto; Anggun Saputro; Gunawan Pria Utama; Basuki Hari Prasetyo
Bit (Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Budi Luhur) Vol 18, No 1 (2021): APRIL 2021
Publisher : Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (907.96 KB) | DOI: 10.36080/bit.v18i1.1446


Perkembangan teknologi dalam bidang telekomunikasi menjadikan orang semakin sering melakukan pengiriman data file berupa doc, pdf, xls, voice, image, video melalui internet. karena internet merupakan media umum yang rentan akan terjadinya penyusupan dan pencurian informasi terhadap data atau file oleh pihak yang tidak berhak. Masalahnya adalah sering terjadi perubahan atau manipulasi atas isi data file dari bank notes processing, cash pick-up, document pick-up, warkat kliring, atm & cdm service, atm cash replenishment, atm first line maintenance dan atm second line maintenance. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mencegah orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab supaya tidak dapat mengetahui laporan yang akan dikirim dari cabang ke pusat dengan membuat aplikasi penerapan algoritma kriptografi twofish untuk mengamankan data file. Hasil uji coba yang dilakukan sebanyak 15 buah file yang dienkripsi, maka rata-rata file yang dienkripsi ukurannya menjadi besar sebesar 0.11 %, lama waktu proses enkripsi sebesar 9,5352 milidetik dan lama waktu proses dekripsi sebesar 9,3294 milidetik. Pada pengujian UAT, telah digunakan kuesioner dengan likert scale skala 5. Hasilnya, para responden setuju (di atas 91,23%) bahwa secara keseluruhan aplikasi penerapan algoritma twofish untuk mengamankan data file dapat terjaga kerahasiannya.
Identify the Color and Shape of Eggplant Using Back Propagation Method Siswanto; Yuhefizar; M. Anif; Basuki Hari Prasetyo; Ari Saputro
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 6 No 5 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29207/resti.v6i5.4453


Currently, artificial neural networks are being developed as a tool that can help with human tasks. The main purpose of this study is to identify the structure of an eggplant, and to distinguish the type of eggplant. This study empirically tested the shape and color of several eggplants using the back propagation neural network learning method. The data is obtained from an image that will be entered into the program. The data used in the identification process are two photos containing two types of eggplant, the first eggplant is green and round and the next eggplant is purple and oval. The results of the identification process using this backpropagation from the tests that have been carried out previously, the highest calculation results obtained with the best results using a learning rate of 0.7 and epoch iterations of 500 and producing an accuracy of 73.33%.
Penerapan Fuzzy Logic untuk Sistem Deteksi Banjir Menggunakan Mikrokontroler ESP32-CAM dan Notifikasi Telegram Enggar Prastyo; Siswanto Siswanto
Jurnal Ticom: Technology of Information and Communication Vol 11 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Ticom: Technology of Information and Communication
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer Provinsi DKI Jakarta

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Indonesia menjadi negara yang rawan akan bencana. Salah satu bencana alam yang kerap terjadi di wilayah Depok sejak tanggal 16 Februari 2022 hingga 2 Juni 2022 adalah banjir. Pada tanggal 16 Februari 2022 tepatnya di Keluarahan Cinere, Depok mengalami banjir yang menyebabkan banyak rumah di RW 12 terendam banjir. Pada tanggal 17 Februari 2022 wilayah Pasir Putih kota Depok mengalami bencana banjir dan longsor. Kelurahan Pasir Putih mengalami banjir dengan ketinggian mencapai 130 cm yang membuat 53 keluarga terdampak dan mengalami berbagai macam kerugian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat prototipe sistem deteksi banjir menggunakan Water Float Sensor, mikrokontroler ESP32-CAM, LED, buzzer, metode fuzzy logic dan notifikasi secara otomatis mengirimkan teks dan foto informasi banjir via telegram berbasis IoT serta menggunakan Bahasa pemrograman Bahasa C. Sistem pendeteksi banjir ini juga dirancang untuk dapat menyampaikan peringatan secara cepat dan dengan jangkauan yang luas. Penyebab terjadinya banjir di kota Depok karena tersumbatnya saluran air serta curah hujan tinggi yang menyebabkan air meluap dari sungai dan menyebabkan banjir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prototipe dapat digunakan masyarakat Depok untuk mendapatkan informasi dengan cepat terkait banjir yang akan terjadi. Water Float Sensor dapat memberikan data ke ESP32-CAM dan diproses untuk memberi informasi berupa teks, LED, buzzer dan foto kondisi sekitar. Informasi Foto juga berhasil terkirim ke user melalui Bot Telegram dengan waktu 10 sampai 20 detik.
Identification of Color and Texture of Ripe Passion Fruit with Perceptron Neural Network Method Siswanto; Riefky N. Sungkar; M. Anif; Basuki Hari Prasetyo; Subandi; Ari Saputro; Buana Suhurdin Putra
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi) Vol 7 No 1 (2023): February 2023
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia (IAII)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29207/resti.v7i1.4612


Research using artificial neural network methods has been developed as a tool that can help human tasks, one of which is for passion fruit UMKM entrepreneurs. The problem so far that has been faced by UMKM entrepreneurs of passion fruit is that it is difficult to identify ripe passion fruit with sweet and sour taste, because there are 6 colors of passion fruit and the color of passion fruit skin is visually slightly different, as well as the texture of maturity. The main purpose of this study was to identify the color structure and texture of the ripeness of passion fruit, in order to recognize the color and texture of the ripeness of passion fruit which is good for processing into syrup, jam, jelly, juice, passion fruit juice powder by entrepreneurs of UMKM of passion fruit. This study empirically tested the color and texture of the ripeness of 10 passion fruit using the perceptron artificial neural network learning method. The data is obtained from an image that will be entered into the program. The results of the identification process using the perceptron artificial neural network from the tests that have been carried out previously, the highest calculation results obtained with the best results using a learning rate of 0.8 and 500 epoch iterations and producing an accuracy of 80%.
IMPLEMENTASI ALGORITME TWOFISH UNTUK MELINDUNGI LAPORAN KEUANGAN BIMBA AIUEO Siswanto Siswanto; Muhammad Akbar; Muhammad Anif; Ari Saputro; Subandi Subandi; Basuki Hari Prasetyo
SKANIKA: Sistem Komputer dan Teknik Informatika Vol 6 No 2 (2023): Jurnal SKANIKA Juli 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36080/skanika.v6i2.3053


The problem with Bimba AIUEO is that there are frequent changes in financial reports by staff at Bimba AIUEO from both Bimba and Bimbel. The purpose of this research is to build an application to protect Bimba AIUEO's financial statements using the twofish cryptographic algorithm. The results of the application trial showed that the ciphertext that had been encrypted had changed in size by 1.81%, the plaintext that had been decrypted was an accuracy rate of 100% and there was no damage to the contents of the file. The test results of 26 UAT respondents 89.1% agreed that the entire implementation of the twofish algorithm can be used by Bimba AIUEO employees to easily protect financial reports