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Analisis Gigi Perontok Pada Mesin Power Thresher dengan Metode DFMA Syifa Nurohmah; Deri Teguh Santoso
Jurnal Mettek: Jurnal Ilmiah Nasional dalam Bidang Ilmu Teknik Mesin Vol 7 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Mesin Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/METTEK.2021.v07.i02.p06


Perkembangan teknologi yang ada di Indonesia saat ini berjalan dengan cepat dan semakin canggih, sehingga dapat dirasakan dalam berbagai kegiatan dan kehidupan sehari-hari, khususnya dalam bidang industri sektor pertanian. Mesin Power Thresher merupakan alat untuk merontokkan padi menjadi gabah, sebagai alat bantu bagi petani unuk memisahkan gabah dengan jeraminya. Perakitan produk power thresher memerlukan waktu yang lama, dengan perakitan manual. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk proses evaluasi suatu rancangan yaitu metode Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA). Tujuan dari DFMA yaitu untuk menentukan desain produk yang benar-benar dapat menghilangkan komponen-komponen yang sebenarnya tidak diperlukan dan mengurangi dalam proses pembuatan. Dengan menggunakan metode DFMA pada perancangan gigi perontok mesin power thresher didapat selisih waktu perakitan antara silinder gigi perontok thresher PT Raja Ampat dan hasil DFMA adalah 622,6 detik/unit atau 10,38 menit/unit. Dan efisiensi waktu sebesar 21,1 %. Assembly efficiency index desain hasil DFMA pada gigi perontok sebesar 0,99. Estimasi yang dilakukan pada biaya produksi thresher PT Raja Ampat dengan thresher hasil DFMA mengalami pengurangan biaya sebesar Rp. 38.026,-/unit. The development of technology in Indonesia is currently running fast and increasingly sophisticated, so that it can be felt in various activities and daily life, especially in the agricultural sector industry. The Power Thresher machine is a tool for threshing rice into unhulled rice, as a tool for farmers to separate unhulled rice from straw. Power thresher product assembly takes a long time, with manual assembly. The method that can be used for the evaluation process of a design is the Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA) method. The goal of DFMA is to determine product designs that can completely eliminate unnecessary components and reduce unnecessary components in the manufacturing process. By using the DFMA method in the design of the power thresher engine thresher teeth, the difference in assembly time between the PT Raja Ampat thresher removal gear cylinder and the DFMA result is 622.6 seconds/unit or 10.38 minutes /unit. And the time efficiency is 21.1%. The assembly efficiency index of the DFMA design result in the removal gear is 0.99. Estimates made on the production costs of PT Raja Ampat thresher with the DFMA thresher resulted in a cost reduction of Rp. 38.026/unit.
Pengaruh keputusan adopsi cloud computing dari segi kerangka teknologi, organisasi, dan lingkungan terhadap Kinerja UMKM Rianita Puspa Sari; Aditia Ayu Rahma Nabila; Aulia Fashanah Hadining; Deri Teguh Santoso
Operations Excellence: Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering VOL 12, NO 3, (2020): OE NOVEMBER 2020
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/oe.2020.v12.i3.001


The existence of Industry 4.0 has a disruptive impact on the economic sector, which results in a complex level of competition. Anticipating this, the Indonesian government launched making Indonesia 4.0 in an effort to improve the performance and competitiveness of the national industry. One of the priorities is Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), because MSMEs are the backbone of the economic sector in Indonesia. On the other, MSMEs have a number of constraints in the form of limited capital and costs, lack of infrastructure and facilities, lack of work networks, inadequate human resources in the field of business and low use of information technology, which makes it difficult to compete. Therefore, MSMEs need information technology solutions that meet their needs. Adoption of cloud computing is one of the information technologies that is a solution for MSMEs to be able to improve their performance towards a better direction so that they can be competitive. The adoption of cloud computing in MSMEs has several consideration factors that are seen from the aspect of TOE. The purpose of this study, in the form of analysis of decision factors from the aspect of TOE in the adoption of cloud computing to the performance of MSMEs in Karawang Regency, using the SEM-PLS method with 100 samples of MSMEs. The results of this study indicate that the aspects of TOE affect cloud computing adoption and MSME performance, while cloud computing adoption does not affect the performance of MSMEs.
Jurnal Teknologi Vol 13, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/jurtek.13.1.15-24


MSMEs of shoes and sandals producers in Cibaduyut centers in the process of work that is carried out continuously, are known to have a high enough risk, namely in the process of installing sole. The sole installation process in the Home Industry is still using modest work facilities. Besides this sole installation is often done not on the table but on the thigh of the worker, this is very dangerous for the worker because he has a high enough risk of accidents, so that workers become uncomfortable at work. The purpose of this research is to design a working aid in the form of a workbench at the sole of shoe installation station with material selection so that the worker's body position becomes safer, more comfortable and healthier so as to reduce the risk of work accidents due to unfavorable work positions and will increase work productivity. The method used in this study, is an anthropometric method to measure the level of risk of danger from the worker's posture that is using the RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment) method. This calculation is only done at the sole station. Furthermore, using the results of the RULA method, a working tool design in the form of a sole of shoe mounting table can be designed using an appropriate software based on raw material selection, as well as the principles of mechanics and ergonomics.
ROTOR Vol 14 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (133.443 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/rotor.v14i2.26460


The manufacturing industry is currently experiencing rapid development from various aspects. This aspect develops, it is increasingly necessary to find solutions to get more effective and efficient results. The Air Handling Unit (AHU) machine is a heat exchanger between cold water and air. The method used to identify the damage is the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method. With this method, it is hoped that the point of damage that occurs can be known and can be planned for further maintenance. The results of the analysis of the FMEA method were obtained from related fields regarding the damage to the AHU engine components. Based on the results of the analysis of the Pareto diagram, it can be seen that there are several types of damage that dominant in the Air Handling Unit engine, namely; Motors & blowers; Pipe; Air Filter; Spray Nozzles. According to the principle of the Pareto diagram, which is 80/20, it means that 80% of damage to the machine is caused by 20% of the causes of damage. In this case damage the motor & blower, pipelines, air filters must be prioritized for maintenance so that the quality and efficiency of the engine is getting better.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 4, No 6 (2020): DESEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (966.918 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v4i6.3110


Abstrak: Pandemi Covid-19 tidak hanya mengguncang sektor indutri dan pariwisata, namun juga sektor Pendidikan di Dunia. UNESCO memberikan solusi pembelajaran jarak jauh bagi sistem Pendidikan, kehadiran industry 4.0 membuat transformasi digital semakin cepat yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pembelajaran jarak jauh berupa pemanfaatan aplikasi video conference. Zoom merupakan aplikasi yang dirasa efektif dalam membuat interaksi setiap peserta secara visual, tulisan dan lisan. Aplikasi video conference dapat memberikan pembelajaran jarak jauh yang interaktif dan real-time sehingga dapat menjadi media pengganti tatap muka. Maka dari itu, pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan sosialisasi aplikasi video conference bagi Dosen dan Mahasiswa dengan menggunakan metode video edukasi yang disebarkan melalui platform youtube untuk menunjang pembelajaran daring/jarak jauh di masa pandemic Covid-19. Proses pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan secara daring disebarkan pada grup WhatsApp Dosen dan Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Unsika, Dosen Magang UGM-2018, Dosen TMI 2013 dan grup Facebook Ikatan Dosen Republik Indonesia (IDRI) dan Asosiasi Dosen Indonesia (ADI), dengan 234 responden yang mengisi kuesioner. Hasil menujukkan adanya peningkatan penggunaan aplikasi Zoom dari 53% menjadi 94,9% setelah dilakukannya sosialisasi, serta dapat diketahui 94% aplikasi yang banyak digunakan setelah sosialisasi dari video di youtube merupakan aplikasi zoom. Selain itu, pengabdian ini memberikan dampak pada minat perilaku pada penggunaan aplikasi, pemahaman aplikasi, menambah informasi fitur-fitur aplikasi, menimbulkan ketertarikan, rekomendasi dan efektivitas, sehingga video conference khususnya aplikasi zoom dapat diterapkan untuk menunjang pembelajaran jarak jauh.Abstract:  The Covid-19 pandemic has not only shaken the industry and tourism sector, but also the education sector in the world. UNESCO provides distance learning solutions for the education system, the presence of industry 4.0 makes digital transformation faster which can be used for distance learning in the form of using video conferencing applications. Zoom is an application that is considered effective in making the interaction of each participant visually, in writing and orally. Video conferencing applications can provide interactive and real-time distance learning so that it can become a face-to-face replacement medium. Therefore, this service aims to disseminate the video conference application for lecturers and students by using the educational video method distributed through the YouTube platform to support online / distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The process of implementing activities carried out online is distributed to the WhatsApp group for Lecturers and Students of the Unsika Faculty of Engineering, UGM Internship Lecturers-2018, 2013 TMI Lecturers and the Facebook group of the Indonesian Lecturer Association (IDRI) and the Indonesian Lecturer Association (ADI), with 234 respondents filling out questionnaires . The results show an increase in the use of the Zoom application from 53% to 94.9% after the socialization, and it can be seen that 94% of applications that are widely used after socializing from videos on YouTube are zoom applications. In addition, this service has an impact on behavioral interest in application use, understanding applications, adding information to application features, generating interest, recommendations and effectiveness, so that video conferencing, especially zoom applications, can be applied to support distance learning.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 5, No 6 (2021): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (313.104 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v5i6.4928


Abstrak: Permasalahan mengenai limbah selalu menjadi topik yang tidak pernah selesai. Salah satu permasalahan tentang limbah adalah proses pengelolaan limbah tersebut. Beberapa limbah seperti limbah B3 akan berbahaya jika dibuang ke alam tanpa adanya proses pengolahan yang lebih lanjut. Salah satu limbah B3 adalah limbah oli bekas, limbah ini cukup sulit untuk diurai secara alami oleh lingkungan. Sehingga salah satu cara mengatasi permasalahan limbah oli bekas adalah dengan memanfaatkannya sebagai bahan bakar alternatif. Tujuannya adalah melakukan penerapan teknologi tepat guna berupa alat burner dan mesin pencetak briket dari abu arang batok kelapa sehingga terjadi efektivitas dan peningkatan nilai tambah pada UMKM Arang Batok Jaya. Metode yang dilakukan adalah pelatihan dalam penggunaan teknologi alat burner ini kepada mitra dalam kegiatan ini. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah tercapainya tujuan dalam penerapan teknologi tepat guna alat burner dan mesin pencetak briket yang dapat dilihat dari kenaikan tingkat produktivitas UMKM Arang Batok Jaya.Abstract: The problem of waste has always been a topic that has never been solved. One of the problems regarding waste is the process of managing the waste. Some wastes such as B3 waste will be dangerous if they are disposed of in nature without any further processing. One of the B3 wastes is oil waste, where this waste is quite difficult to be decomposed naturally by the environment. So the way to overcome the problem of used oil waste is to use it as an alternative fuel. The goal is to apply appropriate technology in the form of burner tools and briquette printing machines from coconut shell charcoal ash so there is effectiveness and increased added value for SMEs Charcoal Batok Jaya. The method used is training in the use of this burner tool technology to partners in this activity. The result of this activity is the achievement of goals in the application of appropriate technology for burners and briquette printing machines which can be seen from the increase in the productivity of MSME Charcoal Batok Jaya.
JCES (Journal of Character Education Society) Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Januari
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jces.v4i1.3461


Abstrak: Ikan merupakan produk pangan basah yang sangat rentan dan memiliki keterbatasan terhadap daya simpan yang sangat pendek. Pengolahan ikan sangat diperlukan, tujuannya agar ikan menjadi lebih awet sehingga mudah untuk didistribusikan keberbagai wilayah. Kondisi peningkatannya produksi ikan pindang tidak seiring dengan peningkatan keterampilan usaha yang dimiliki oleh pengusaha ikan pindang, berdasarkan hasil pengamatan saat survei masyarakat cicinde utara masih melakukan olahan ikan pindang dengan skala rumahan, olahan proses pemindangan dilakukan dengan sangat tradisional, berdasarkan hasil resep turun-temurun, selain itu ikan yang di dapatkan biasanya tidak hanya dari tempat pelelangan ikan, namun harus order ke luar daerah untuk memenuhi kapasitas produksi, selain itu area pemasaran ikan pindang masih terbatas pada area daerah karawang. Tujuan penabdian berupa pendampingan UKM ikan pindang di Desa Cicinde Utara dengan meningkatkan kewirausahaan melalui pelatihan keterampilan teknologi pengolahan ikan pindang, dan pendampingan pengemasan serta transaksi penjualan di UKM Juragan Tongkol. Metode yang digunakan berupa Penyuluhan melalui pemberian materi mengenai upaya peningkatan kualitas melalui teknik pengolahan dan pengemasan ikan pindang, seta pelatihan penggunaan teknologi dan pembukuan Hasil capaian terdapat peningkatan dan keterampilan karyawan UKM terkait penggunaan mesin presto dan vacuum sealer, serta pembukuan transaksi jual beli.Abstract:  Fish is a wet food product that is very vulnerable and has a very short durability. Fish processing is very necessary to make the fish more durable and easy to distribute to various regions. The increasing to pindang fish production is not in line with the increase in business skills possessed, based on observations when the Cicinde was still processing pindang fish on a home scale, the processing was carried out in a very traditional and hereditary recipes, Besides that, the fish that are obtained are usually not only from the fish auction place, but must order outside the region to meet production capacity, besides that the marketing area for pindang fish is still limited to the Karawang area. The aim of the dedication is in the form of assistance for pindang fish SMEs in North Cicinde Village by increasing entrepreneurship through training in pindang fish processing technology skills, and assistance in packaging and sales transactions at Juragan Tongkol UKM. The method used is in the form of counseling through the provision of material on efforts to improve quality through processing and packaging techniques of pindang fish, as well as training in the use of technology and bookkeeping. The results of the achievements are improvements and skills of SME employees related to the use of presto machines and vacuum sealers, as well as buying and selling journal transactions.
JCES (Journal of Character Education Society) Vol 5, No 2 (2022): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jces.v5i2.8046


Abstrak: UMKM merupakan salah satu pendukung ekonomi nasional yang perlu diberdayakan dalam menghadapi perkembangan zaman. Pemberdayaan dapat dilakukan melalui perbaikan kualitas produk yang mengacu pada standarisasi kerja, karena kualitas merupakan jaminan bagi konsumen dalam menggunakan produk. Permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra sasaran UMKM bengkel las rasyid yaitu saat proses pengelasan produk yang masih terdapat patahan pada produk. Kegiatan pengabdian bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan mengenai metode dan cara mengetahui kualitas produk pengelasan melalui uji kekuatan las Non Destructive Test (NDT) sesuai prosedur. Hal tersebut dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk agar mampu bersaing dengan produk lainnya. Metode pelaksanaan pada pengabdian ini adalah sosialisasi, edukasi, dan pelatihan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengabdian ini, pekerja mengetahui cara pengujian kekuatan las dan teknis keterampilan pengujian serta modul prosedur pemeriksaan kekuatan las. UMKM bengkel las perlu menyadari dan memperhatikan tiga hal dalam proses pengelasan yaitu kebersihan material, posisi material dan posisi pekerja, serta kerapatan agar produk yang dihasilkan memiliki kulitas baik.Abstract: MSMEs are one of the supporters of the national economy that need to be empowered in the face of the times. Empowerment can be done through improving product quality which refers to work standardization, because quality is a guarantee for consumers in using the product. The problem faced by the target partner of MSMEs in Rasyid's workshop is when the product welding process still has fractures in the product. The service activity aims to provide knowledge about methods and ways to determine the quality of welding products through the Non Destructive Test (NDT) welding strength test according to the procedure. This is done to improve product quality in order to be able to compete with other products. The implementation method for this service is socialization, education, and training. The results obtained from this service, workers know how to test weld strength and technical testing skills as well as the welding strength inspection procedure module. Welding workshop SMEs need to realize and pay attention to three things in the welding process, namely the cleanliness of the material, the position of the material and the position of the workers, and the density so that the resulting product has good quality.
Pengembangan Model Kesiapan UMKM di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 Rianita Puspa Sari; Deri Teguh Santoso
Jurnal Media Teknik dan Sistem Industri Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Suryakancana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35194/jmtsi.v3i1.561


Abstract— Entering the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 impacted MSMEs as economic sector builders. Industry 4.0 refers to the concept of internet of things use, as well as smart and cloud based manufacturing. The change in the industrial revolution was faced with the Making Indonesia 4.0 with one of its priorities to empower MSMEs. Constraints of MSME actors from capital, managerial skills, to the use of technology, so that it requires a readiness of MSMEs in the face of Industry 4.0. In this study, UMKM readiness refers to the e-readiness concept to determine readiness in adopting, using and utilizing information technology. The purpose of the research is the development of a model to identify the readiness of MSMEs in Kab. Karawang against industrial revolution 4.0 The research method is descriptive research to develop a research model in identifying the readiness of MSMEs in the era of industrial revolution 4.0, with a random sampling method of 100 respondents. Research results in the form of research model development with survey results stating that many young MSME actors are able to adapt and capture opportunities for current development and market demand, but not following the MSME community are of particular concern so that further approaches are needed in developing the MSME industry in Karawang Regency, so that coaching can be done.Keywords— MSMEs  readiness; Industry 4.0; e-readiness. Abstrak— Memasuki era Revolusi Industri 4.0 berdampak pada UMKM sebagai pembangun sektor ekonomi. Industri 4.0 mengacu pada konsep penggunaan internet of things, serta smart and cloud based manufacturing. Perubahan revolusi industri dihadapi dengan adanya Making Indonesia 4.0 dengan salah satu prioritasnya pemberdayaan UMKM.  Kendala pelaku UMKM dari permodalan, keterampilan manajerial, hingga penggunaan teknologi, sehingga diperlukan sebuah kesiapan UMKM dalam menghadapi Industri 4.0. Pada penelitian ini, Kesiapan UMKM mengacu pada konsep e-readiness untuk mengetahui kesiapan dalam mengadopsi, menggunakan dan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi. Tujuan penelitian berupa pengembangan model untuk mengidentifikasi kesiapan UMKM Kab. Karawang terhadap revolusi industri 4.0 Metode penelitian berupa penelitian deskriptif untuk mengembangkan model penelitian dalam mengidentifikasi kesiapan UMKM pada era revolusi industri 4.0, dengan metode random sampling dari 100 responden. Hasil Penelitian berupa pengembangan model penelitian dengan hasil survey yang menyatakan banyaknya pelaku UMKM berusia muda mampu beradaptasi dan menangkap peluang perkembangan masa kini dan permintaan pasar, namun tidak mengikuti komunitas UMKM menjadi perhatian khusus sehingga diperlukan upaya pendekatan lebih lanjut dalam mengembangkan industri UMKM di Kabupaten Karawang, agar dapat dilakukan pembinaan.Kata kunci— Kesiapan UMKM; Industri 4.0; e-readiness 
Analisis Sifat Mekanik pada Komposit dari Campuran Serat Limbah Rambut Manusia dan Sabut Kelapa Miftahul Anwar; Deri Teguh Santoso; Ratna Dewi Anjani
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 7 No 8 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher :

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (300.494 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5775349


Currently, the use of materials in the engineering world is growing which encourages researchers from students, companies, to professors in various parts of the world to compete to find the best and environmentally friendly materials and can be recycled (biodegradable). One of them is to make composites from natural fibers as the main material, easy to obtain, high strength, and durable. In this study, the aim of this research is to influence the variation of fiber volume fraction and matrix on the mechanical properties of waste human hair fiber and coconut coir with an epoxy matrix. The method in making this composite uses the hand-lay-up method with a number of variations of 2 specimens each. The volume fraction variations that will be carried out in this study are 5% human hair: 5% coconut fiber: 90% epoxy matrix and 7.5% human hair: 7.5% coconut fiber: 85% epoxy matrix with the test used to test impact ASTM D256. The fiber from human hair itself is obtained from salon waste and the coconut coir itself is obtained from a seller of coconut ice which is dried and then the fiber is taken. Human hair fiber was chosen because it has protein ingredients that cannot be completely decomposed and coconut itself was chosen because it contains cellulose which is capable of having high tensile strength and tenacity. The results of the composite study of a mixture of human hair fiber and coconut fiber showed that the impact test had the best chance in energy and impact value at the volume fraction of 10%: 90%, respectively, 37.7 J and 0.72 J/mm2