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Perancangan Aplikasi Pemetaan Sarana Olahraga (PSO) Berbasis Website dan Selular Sebagai Informasi untuk Memetakan Sarana Olahraga Hidayat, Rahmat; Setiawan, Reza
JEPIN (Jurnal Edukasi dan Penelitian Informatika) Vol 3, No 1 (2017): Volume 3 No 1
Publisher : Program Studi Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (921.317 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/jp.v3i1.20133


Aplikasi Pemetaan Sarana Olahraga (PSO) berbasis Website dan Selular merupakan suatu aplikasi untuk memetakan sarana olahraga menggunakan layanan GPS, sehingga pengguna dapat mengetahui lokasi sarana olahraga, informasi fasilitas, dan jalan yang ditempuh menuju lokasi tersebut. Layanan ini dapat diakses melalui website secara online dan juga perangkat selular dengan tingkat mobilitas yang tinggi. Adapun tujuan dari pembuatan dan penelitian aplikasi PSO ini adalah: 1) Mengetahui proses pembuatan, 2) Mengetahui cara kerja, dan 3) Mengetahui keunggulan  aplikasi PSO. Pembuatan aplikasi PSO terdiri dari beberapa tahap, yaitu: (a) Peninjauan Aplikasi, pada tahap ini menggunakan proses pengumpulan data dan fakta sebagai awal pembuatan aplikasi PSO. Terdiri dari mendownload aplikasi pendukung dan pembelian hosting dan domain, (b) Analisa Aplikasi, menggunakan proses tahapan untuk menganalisa aplikasi secara lebih spesifik baik secara proses, fungsi dan prosedur yang disesuaikan berdasarkan data-data. Terdiri dari analisa requirement system, analisa proses dan analisa modul sistem, (c) Desain Aplikasi, pada tahap ini menggunakan proses pemodelan untuk keperluan database, alur sistem, dan proses yang sesuai dengan analisa sebelumnya. Tahapannya adalah: desain modul, dan proses, desain struktur database dan desain arsitektur sistem, (d) Prototyping, pada tahap ini dilakukan pengkodean program, prototype database dan desain template form, menu dan report. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan maka diperoleh hasil yaitu aplikasi PSO. Cara kerjanya adalah ketika pengguna mengakses  aplikasi melalui website ataupun selular maka data yang ada di website PSO maupun di selular, datanya diambil dari MySQL server yang ada di VPS Hosting. Kemudian dieksekusi oleh PHP server. Tetapi jika melalui selular ditambah dengan fasilitas GPS Tracking System. GPS diaktifkan dan dibuka aplikasi PSO mobile, kemudian akan didapat titik koordinat dimana posisi pengguna berada. Koordinat yang diperoleh aplikasi PSO mobile dikirim ke server PSO. Data koordinat yang diperoleh oleh server PSO diposisikan di Google Maps, kemudian dapat diperoleh informasi yang diinginkan.Kata Kunci : aplikasi Pemetaan Sarana Olahraga (PSO), GPS Tracker System,  Pembuatan, Pemetaan, Sarana Olahraga
Design of Hybrid Smokeless Waste Burners Machine for Producing Organic Fertilizer Riyadi, Sugeng; Setaji, Yogi; Pamekas, Hansyah Faisal; Setiawan, Reza
JEMMME (Journal of Energy, Mechanical, Material, and Manufacturing Engineering) Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (673.369 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jemmme.v4i2.8668


The number of waste problems in Karawang are increasing but the handling is still limited. Every day, the Karawang community produces 920 tons of garbage. Of that amount, 400 tons of waste is sent to TPSA in Jalupang, while 520 tons of the remaining garbage is scattered everywhere. Overcoming the waste problem, it is necessary to have an environmentally friendly tool for direct burning of waste that can?t be recycled again. Hybrid Smokeless Waste Burners Machine (HSWBM) is an environmentally friendly technology by burning smokeless waste through smoke filtering using water or water scrubbers and using Hybrid technology by using electricity independently from solar panels and PLN electricity which is only used when weather conditions don?t. The method used is the design of tools, and component assembly. HSWBM has an environmentally friendly advantage because it uses smoke filtration through water and dangerous gas filtration so that the discharged gas is more environmentally friendly, electricity is independent of solar panels thus saving the operational costs of the tool. The remaining combustion or ash can be used as organic fertilizer or briquettes. Deposition of smoke in water (aerosols) for a mixture of fertilizing agricultural crops and reducing waste in Karawang so that a clean environment is created. The application of the use of this tool on a limited scale such as in schools, campuses and housing in Karawang.
Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Kimia Vol 14, No 2 (2020): July (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Kurangnya peran serta siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran menyebabkan siswa cepat jenuh sehingga dapat memperlambat tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran, salah satu tujuan pembelajaran kimia adalah kemampuan berkomunikasi. Pembelajaran yang dilakukan secara berkelompok dapat menimbulkan dampak yang negatif yaitu siswa hanya mengandalkan anggota dalam kelompoknya, sehingga tidak seluruh anggota kelompok berkontribusi dalam pembelajaran. Kondisi inilah yang menyebabkan kurangnya kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang efektifitas MPKTGI terhadap kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa pada topik titrasi asam-basa semester dua di salah satu SMA Swasta di daerah Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experiment dengan desain penelitian pretest-postest control group design. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 31 siswa kelas XI di kelas eksperimen dan 35 siswa di kelas kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh tahapan MPKTGI terlaksana sesuai dengan tahapan model pembelajaran tersebut. Kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa di kelas eksperimen lebih besar daripada kemampuan siswa di kelas kontrol, ditunjukkan dengan hasil uji statistika (uji-t) bahwa pada taraf signifikansi 0,05 terdapat perbedaan kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa yang signifikan pada topik titrasi asam-basa melalui penerapan MPKTGI. Selain itu, peningkatan kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelas kontrol dan siswa memberikan respon positif terhadap model pembelajaran ini.
The DevelopingOf Electronic Teaching Media and Programming Using Printed Circuit Board Solventing Rahmat Hidayat; Reza Setiawan; Vera Pangni Fahriani; Enjang Ahmad Juanda; Rusman
International Journal of Science, Technology & Management Vol. 1 No. 4 (2020): November
Publisher : International Journal of Science, Technology & Management

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46729/ijstm.v1i4.79


Karawang is one of the regency in West Java having many industrial area in Indonesia.One of the industrial field is electronic industry. This condition gives a chance to the graduatees of vocational High School students, especially electro major study, to gain an occupation and develop the entrepeneurship in the field of electronic appliances industry in Karawang. This research uses the methods of “rancang bangun”. Sequencely, the method is a neccesity of identification needed. Then, this neccessity is analysed to obtain the specifically component. Furthermore, it is conducted soft and hard applicance design, making and testing. The result working from PCB based on the direction from a microcontroller Atmega8 which have to control the servo motor spin and calcuyate the process timing device work. Before the program is undergone, the user have to reset the timer process solventing on the menu that can be set through LCD display. After the program is undergone, so the device will be working as the well made program.Timer will be working as fast as possible after being pressed the “run” button. When the solventing has achieved the setting value or mark, so the microcontroller will direct the step timer motor to stop working on and the buzzer will stop ringing until the reset button pressed or power bottom turning down.
Analisa transient structural disc-brake dengan material yang berbeda menggunakan software finite element Abbari, Arif Dzaky; Gusniar, Iwan Nugraha; Setiawan, Reza
Patria Artha Technological Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Patria Artha Technological Journal
Publisher : Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Patria Artha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33857/patj.v5i2.450


One of the causes of traffic accidents is the vehicle factor caused by the brake system that is not functioning properly. Brakes are a very important component in a vehicle, its function is to reduce the kinetic energy of the vehicle where the safety of the driver is very dependent on this component. Materials are very important role in the design of disc brakes, the main factor in the braking process is friction, and each material has its own friction coefficient. In the automotive industry there are many types of disc brake materials, so it is necessary to conduct a more indepth study on the effect of the disc brake material to determine the deformation, stress and strain that happen during the braking process. The method we used is to design a disc brake on solidworks and simulate it in ansys 19.2 software to find the structural transient values of gray cast iron, aluminum alloy, stainless steel, and titanium alloy materials. The result of this research is a data on the transient structural disc brake of the Vario 125 CBS motorcycle with the highest maximum total deformation happens in the gray cast iron material of 8.4965 mm. For the maximum value of equivalent elastic strain, the highest happens in aluminum alloy material at 0.012275 mm/mm. For the highest maximum equivalent stress value happens in stainless steel material at 1494.3 Mpa.
Hasil Pengujian Proksimasi Dan Gas Buang Pada Briket Campuran Limbah Serutan Kayu, Sekam Padi Dan Bulu Ayam Muhamad Rizky Adipratama; Reza Setiawan; Najmudin Fauji
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Vol 14 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Mesin
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/jtm.14.1.489


Biomass energy is one that can be used as an alternative energy as a substitute for fossil fuels and can also be useful for reducing environmental pollution due to increasing waste or waste. The manufacture of briquettes from chicken feather waste, wood shavings and rice husk waste aims to help deal with the problem of waste and use it as an alternative fuel. The making of briquettes is carried out by the process of drying the ingredients, charcoal, milling, sieving, kneading, printing, drying, proximate testing and measuring emissions on the briquettes. In this study, the composition of a mixture of chicken feathers (30%, 40%, 50%), wood shavings and rice husk (35%, 30%, 25%) was treated as well as particle sizes of 30 mesh and 60 mesh. The results of this study indicate that the lowest moisture content is in sample B2 of 4.5%. The lowest levels of volatile matters were in sample A1 of 37.4%. The lowest ash content was found in sample B3 at 10.8%. The highest fixed carbon was found in sample A3 at 45.1%. The highest calorific value (Gross Calorific Value) is found in the B3 sample of 5594 Kcal / Kg. And it has the highest CO, CO2, and HC emissions produced from the briquettes, namely 0.24%, 0.8%, 46 ppm. The properties of briquettes that have met SNI standards are moisture content, calorific value (except for sample A1), and the resulting emissions. And those that have not met SNI standards are the levels of volatile matter, ash content and fixed carbon. The resulting briquette can be used because the calorific value obtained is quiet high, which is above the specified standard of ≥ 5000 Kcal/Kg.
Perancangan Bilah Turbin Angin Jenis Taperless Untuk Pesisir Pantai Utara Jawa Barat Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak QBlade Shinta Dwi Oktaviani; Reza Setiawan; Farradina Choria Suci
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Vol 14 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Mesin
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/jtm.14.2.561


Energy needs in Indonesia continue to increase, while the availability of non-renewable energy sources is decreasing and is exacerbated by the increasing use of fuels that are not environmentally friendly, so efforts are needed to find alternative uses of renewable energy that are renewable and environmentally friendly. The Cirebon coast has good wind conditions which can be used to create renewable energy sources through the wind. This study aims to utilize the energy that is already available by designing a horizontal wind turbine blade. The method used starts from literature study, selecting airfoils, analyzing data, selecting the best airfoils, analyzing the best airfoils and ending with design drawings. The initial data used as the initial design is the Cirebon City wind data which has the highest average wind speed of 9 m/s. This study designed a horizontal wind turbine blade using QBlade Software with 3 types of NACA, NACA 4415, 6412 and 6415. NACA 6415 has a power coefficient of 0.40%, the highest coefficient is then obtained NACA 6412 with a coefficient of 0.41%, and The highest power coefficient was obtained by NACA 4415 with a coefficient of 44%
Analisis komputasi perbandingan temperatur pembakaran boiler menggunakan udara pembakaran konvensional dan pembakaran oxy-fuel Ihsan Budiman; Reza Setiawan; Najmudin Fauji
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Indonesia Vol 16 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Mesin Indonesia
Publisher : Badan Kerja Sama Teknik Mesin Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36289/jtmi.v16i1.192


Pembakaran bahan bakar fosil merupakan penyebab emisi Karbon Dioksida (CO2) terbesar di dunia saat ini. Emisi CO2 sendiri menyebabkan efek rumah kaca dan pemanasan global. Boiler merupakan pembangkit uap yang menggunakan bahan bakar fosil seperti batu bara dan gas alam dalam pengoperasiannya. Boiler sendiri umum digunakan pada pembangkit uap utilitas dan pembangkit uap industri. Dalam operasionalnya, boiler konvensional berbahan bakar gas alam menggunakan udara untuk pembakaran yang mana kandungan gas Nitrogen (N2) pada udara biasa mencapai 79% yang melarutkan gas CO2 pada gas pembuangan, sehingga gas CO2 tersebut terbawa ke atmosfer. Beberapa teknologi yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi emisi CO2 diantaranya pre-combustion, post-combustion, dan oxy-fuel combustion. Metode numerik seperti Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) digunakan karena teknologi oxy-fuel memiliki keterbatasan dalam penggunaannya di dunia industri dan utilitas, serta membutuhkan biaya pengadaan yang besar. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi didapat temperatur maksimum pada pembakaran konvensional sebesar 1917áµ’C sementara pada pembakaran oxy-fuel temperatur yang dihasilkan sebesar 1857áµ’C. Meskipun begitu, distribusi temperatur pada pembakaran oxy-fuel lebih merata dibandingkan pembakaran konvensional sehingga penyerapan panasnya akan lebih baik. Hal ini dibuktikan melalui grafik perbandingan temperatur pada masing-masing dinding furnace. Hasilnya terjadi penambahan temperatur sebesar 7,8áµ’C pada dinding furnace bagian kiri, 7,7áµ’C pada dinding bagian bawah, 6,6áµ’C pada dinding bagian atas dan 6,2áµ’C pada dinding bagian belakang.
Design of Hybrid Smokeless Waste Burners Machine for Producing Organic Fertilizer Sugeng Riyadi; Yogi Setaji; Hansyah Faisal Pamekas; Reza Setiawan
JEMMME (Journal of Energy, Mechanical, Material, and Manufacturing Engineering) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jemmme.v4i2.8668


The number of waste problems in Karawang are increasing but the handling is still limited. Every day, the Karawang community produces 920 tons of garbage. Of that amount, 400 tons of waste is sent to TPSA in Jalupang, while 520 tons of the remaining garbage is scattered everywhere. Overcoming the waste problem, it is necessary to have an environmentally friendly tool for direct burning of waste that can’t be recycled again. Hybrid Smokeless Waste Burners Machine (HSWBM) is an environmentally friendly technology by burning smokeless waste through smoke filtering using water or water scrubbers and using Hybrid technology by using electricity independently from solar panels and PLN electricity which is only used when weather conditions don’t. The method used is the design of tools, and component assembly. HSWBM has an environmentally friendly advantage because it uses smoke filtration through water and dangerous gas filtration so that the discharged gas is more environmentally friendly, electricity is independent of solar panels thus saving the operational costs of the tool. The remaining combustion or ash can be used as organic fertilizer or briquettes. Deposition of smoke in water (aerosols) for a mixture of fertilizing agricultural crops and reducing waste in Karawang so that a clean environment is created. The application of the use of this tool on a limited scale such as in schools, campuses and housing in Karawang.
Thermal Design Optimization of No Phase Change Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger using Particle Swarm Algorithm Vera Pangni Fahriani; Reza Setiawan; František Hrdlička; Prihadi Setyo Darmanto
JEMMME (Journal of Energy, Mechanical, Material, and Manufacturing Engineering) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jemmme.v6i1.11766


Shell-and-tube heat exchanger is designed to satisfy certain requirements such as heat transfer capability, allowable pressure drop and limitation of size. Beside such requirements, it is important to consider economical point of view to get lowest total cost. In this study, computational program and optimization for thermal design shell-and-tube heat exchanger were built for liquid to liquid with no phase change process in four variables design parameters using Bell-Delaware method. The design variables were tube size, tube length, baffle cut to shell inside diameter ratio and central baffle spacing to shell inside diameter ratio. Particle swarm algorithm was used as optimization method to get lower solution for economical point of view shell-and-tube heat exchanger. The results from two study cases show that particle swarm algorithm got lower total cost from the original design. The total cost decreased 28.84 %  in first study case and 52.57 %  in second study case from the original design.