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Training Leadership dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Menggunakan Metode Communicative Language Teaching di Desa Wisata Adat Sengkoah Puspita Dewi; Kuntary Ibrahim, Isra’ Dewi; Hastuti, Hilda; Pratama, Yuda Januar; Anggriani, Rini
JPMB : Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berkarakter Vol 2 No 2 (2019): Agustus-Desember
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Rekarta Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36765/jpmb.v2i2.10


Abstrak: Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan jiwa kepemimpinan dan meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris anak-anak dan remaja di kampung Wisata Adat Sengkoah. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris ini adalah metode communicative language teaching yang menekankan pada interaksi baik pada proses maupun tujuan pembelajaran dan memfokuskan pada exposure yaitu memberikan kesempatan lebih besar kepada pembelajar untuk berbicara Bahasa Inggris. Tahapan dalam pelaksanaan ini terdiri dari survey kelompok sasaran, analisis kebutuhan kelompok sasaran, persiapan materi, pelaksanaan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (PPM), evaluasi kegiatan PPM, dan penyusunan laporan dan pembuatan artikel publikasi. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan Bahasa Inggris anak-anak dan remaja di Desa Wisata Adat Sengkoah menjadi lebih baik dan meningkat dibuktikan dengan para pembelajar mampu mengungkapkan introduction, numbers, part of body, animals dan public places.Abstarct:This training aims to foster a leadership skill and to improve the English skills of children and young people in the Sengkoah Traditional Tourism village. The method used is communicative language teaching that emphasizes on interaction with both the process and learning objectives and focuses on exposure, which is to provide greater opportunities for learners to speak English. The stages in this implementation consist of survey of target groups, the needs analysis of target groups, preparation of materials, implementation of Community Service (PPM), evaluation of PPM activities, and preparation of the reports and preparation for publication of the article. The results showed that the English skills of children and adolescents in the Sengkoah Indigenous Tourism Village are better and increased proven by the students being able to express introduction, numbers, parts of body, animals and public places.
Penerapan Alat Peraga Trigonometri Sudut Istimewa Bagi Siswa pada SMK Yabri Terpadu Pekanbaru Nur Hadziqoh; Icha Fatwasauri; Puspita Dewi
Abdimas Universal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Balikpapan (LPPM UNIBA)

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The problem that is faced by students is the difficulty of students to understand in learning mathematics. It affected the interest of students in learning mathematics. One of the factors is the one-way method in teaching. The direction of information is from the teacher to the students that makes students passive in class. Most students have a low imagination to understand abstract and invisible mathematical concepts. The use of concrete objects as intermediaries in the learning process is an alternative to delivering interesting and interactive learning in the classroom. One of them is by using a display tool. The aim of this activity is to provide learning alternatives that make it easier for students to understand the Trigonometry Special Angles and to develop critical thinking of students during the learning process. The implementation of this activity is to apply a display tool as a Learning Tool In Trigonometry Special Angles. This activity was carried out on class XI students of SMK Yabri Terpadu Pekanbaru. This activity is carried out in three stages that are preparation, implementation, and evaluation. From the results of this activity, an evaluation shown that the use of Trigonometry Special Angles Display Tool in the learning process, make students easier to understand the learning trigonometry special angle and make the learning process more interesting and interactive.
Pengaruh Konflik Interpersonal dan Beban Kerja Terhadap Stres Kerja Perawat di Ruang Rawat Inap RSUD Gunung Tua Kabupaten Padang Lawas Utara Tahun 2021 Puspita Dewi; Ismail Efendi; Miskah Afriani
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v8i1.1950


Stress kerja dapat beresiko bagi kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang dapat menyebabkan stress kerja pada perawat diantaranya adalah konflik interpersonal dan beban kerja. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan diketahui bahwa perawat di ruang rawat inap RSUD Gunung tua mengalami stress kerja. Penelitian ini membahas tentang stress kerja yang diakibatkan oleh konflik interpersonal dan beban kerja, dimana konflik interpersonal berupa ego dan policy conflik. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh konflik interpersonal dan beban kerja terhadap stres kerja perawat di RSUD Gunung Tua Kabupaten Padang Lawas Utara Tahun 2021. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain survei analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 67 orang dan Sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan tehnik total sampling dengan menggunakan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 57. Analisa Data dilakukan secara Univariat, Bivariat dan Multivariat. Untuk Analisis Bivariat menggunakan Uji statistik chi square dan uji multivariat menggukanan regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh antara konflik interpersonal terhadap stresss kerja dengan nilai signifikan < 0.05.berdasarkan uji multivariate diketahui bahwa konflik interpersonal lebih memengaruhi stress kerja perawat. Disarankan kepada pihak rumah sakit untuk melakukan evaluasi terhadap manajemen konflik interpersonal dan memberikan reward atau hadiah kepada perawat yang mempunyai beban kerja yang tinggi dan membuat kebijakan mengetnai tugas perawat sesuai SOP di ruang rawat inap dan kebijakan terkait jam kerja perawat di ruang rawat inap.Kata Kunci: Konflik interpersonal, beban kerja, stres kerja perawatOccupational stress can risk safety and health of workers. There are several factors that can cause work stress on nurses including interpersonal conflict and workload. As per preliminary studies, nurses in the inpatient room at Gunung Tua Hospital is stressed at work. Work stress is caused by interpersonal conflict and workload, the interpersonal conflict focusing on the process of ego and policy conflict in this study. The purpose of the research is just how interpersonal conflict and workload effect nurses' work stress in 2021 at Gunung Tua Hospital in North Padang Lawas Regency. The analytical survey using a cross sectional approach was employed as the quantitative research method. The study's population was 67 respondents, and the sample employed a total sampling technique with inclusion and exclusion criteria, creating a total sample of 57 people. Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate data analysis were used. The chi square statistical test was used for bivariate analysis, and the ordinal logistic regression analysis was used for multivariate analysis.With a significant value of 0.05, the results showed that interpersonal conflict would have an effect on work stress. According the multivariate test, interpersonal conflict has a greater impact on nurses' work stress. It is recommended that its hospital evaluate the management of interpersonal conflict, give rewards or prizes to nurses who have a high workload, and adopt policies for nurse skills in inpatient rooms founded on SOPs, and policies for nurses' working hours in inpatient rooms.Keywords: Interpersonal Conflik, Nurse Workload, Nurse Work Stress, Inpatient Room
Utilization of Leaf Turi (Sesbania grandiflora) Fermentation In Artificial Feeds on Growth Fish Seed Baung (Hemibagrus nemurus) Puspita Dewi; Adelina &#039;; Indra Suharman
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Wisuda Februari Tahun 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan

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The research was conducted on 1 April-26 May 2015. The purpose of this study to determine the number of leaves turi fermented flour in fish feed formulation baung (Hemibagrus nemurus) the effect on growth, feed efficiency and protein retention. This study uses a completely randomized design (RAL) with one factor, 5 treatments and 3 replications. Treatments using turi leaves fermentation where are P1 (0%), P2 (5%), P3 (10%), P4 (15%) and P5 (20%). Which Feed protein contain 35%. The results showed that the highest treatment contained in P3. Use turi leaves fermented formulated in the feed as much as 10%, produces the best baung fish seed growth is digestibility of the feed 30.07%, the feed efficiency is 24.46%, protein retention is 10.98% and specific growth rate is 2.02%.Key word: (Hemibagrus nemurus), Fermentation Leaf Turi
Peningkatan Keandalan Jaringan Distribusi Dengan Rekonfigurasi Puspita Dewi; Dian Yayan Sukma
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 5 (2018): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Reconfiguration of distribution network is one way to increase network reliability index of the distribution system. In this research, reliability index is computed using section technique. The optimization of the distribution network is achieved by changing the switches in the distribution network to obtain the most optimal distribution network configuration. The optimization method used in the genetic algorithm. The parameters that generated as a benchmark in determining the optimal distribution network is SAIFI (System Average Interruption Frequency index) and SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index). The result from reconfigurated of the distribution network had a decrease of SAIFI value i.e 7.8199 % and the decrease of SAIDI value i.e 7.9968 % from before reconfiguration.Keywords : distribution network, genetic algorithm,reconfiguration, reliability,section technique
Humanitatis : Journal of Language and Literature Vol 5 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bumigora Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (322.614 KB) | DOI: 10.30812/humanitatis.v5i1.445


Mass media is one of the great services utilized by people who have the purpose of selling goods and providing services to the public. Mass media is the right market to promote an item or service so that choosing the right diction is a must. The purpose of this study is to identify the meaning of the sentence in the Sampoerna Mild cigarette advertisement "nggak ada Loe, nggak Rame". The research method used is descriptive qualitative using an approach that are hermeneutic and semiotic. The results of the study show that the choice of words in the advertisement has a very persuasive and interesting meaning which has very close social relations. The meaning of " nggak ada Loe, nggak Rame" is a good diction for teenagers who are quickly affected to their peers. This is because teenagers are more likely to like to hang out with their teenage friends. Language, culture and society have strong and good connection.
Humanitatis : Journal of Language and Literature Vol 5 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bumigora Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (347.607 KB) | DOI: 10.30812/humanitatis.v5i1.447


Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk's (RDP) literary work is a part of the work considered in the world because in some countries the literary work is one of the materials studied by students as academic studies. The purpose of this study is to examine the nature of RDP's work by looking at the ontology of the creation of these literary works. This research uses sociology of literature approach by looking at the relation between the literary works with the community context. The results of this study are that the RDP literature illustrates the tense state of political struggle and social conditions at that time. This work also explains the atmosphere of a small village with various community characters full of erotic lifestyles. This is illustrated through the Ronggeng figure namely Srintil and the inner complication of Rasus who hates the inaugural process of Srintil who will become ronggeng. One of the night process of not having mosquito nets is a ritual to become a ronggeng. Auctions of virginity like this occur in the Hamlet of Paruk, the value of sexuality highlighted by Tohari as one of the harsh criticisms that women are more valued and protected. Literary works in the form of novels written by Tohari are not only literary works that can be read and enjoyed, but Tohari emphasizes on moral values that must be imbedded in community.
Humanitatis : Journal of Language and Literature Vol 5 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bumigora Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (313.037 KB) | DOI: 10.30812/humanitatis.v5i2.456


Women become a symbol of who often gets injustice and violence because she was born as female. Literary works are one of the media stories about many things in life including women's lives. Novel Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk by Ahmad Tohari as a research source. The purposes of this study are to identify forms of gender inequality in the Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk novel and analyze the factors that influence on it. The research method used is a qualitative method. The data analysis technique in this study is heuristic and hermeneutic reading. The results showed that forms of gender inequality were found in RDP novels such as sexual violence, female exploitation, and defense of the capitalist system. Sexual violence occurs because there is a system of power and control, Srintil, as a child exploited by the Kertaraja family as adults. The exploitation of women is also lasting because there are elements of kinship or close family relations between those who control and are controlled. Finally, the capitalist system that continues to run in the community, Srintil bought and sold its "virginity" to get gold. The three factors are a crucial part of gender inequality in the novel Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk (RDP) by Ahmad Tohari.
Implementing of Education Supervision at School of SDN 112304 Panigoran Ahmadi Hamsa; Chandra Winata; Nurul Zahara Bancin; Puspita Dewi; Sri Mulyani; Tia Pratiwi; Inom Nasution
Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (450.959 KB) | DOI: 10.33487/edumaspul.v6i2.4362


Supervision is supervision of the implementation of educational technical activities in schools, not just physical supervision of physical materials. Supervision is supervision of academic activities in the form of teaching and learning processes, supervision of teachers in teaching, supervision of situations that cause them. Supervision is one of the principal's functions to improve the quality and professionalism of teachers in carrying out teaching. In connection with the importance of school supervision activities related to improving the quality of teachers in particular and improving the quality of education in general. Supervision has the aim of providing services and assistance to improve the quality of student learning, not only improving teaching abilities but also developing the potential of teacher quality. Supervisors must be keen to read the problem, analyze, describe the causal factors and matters related to it, thoroughly present the problems encountered and the steps that must be taken as an effective solution.
Pendampingan Scale Up Aspek Pemasaran Usaha Younk Cookies dengan Pendekatan Model Project-Based Learning Pratama, Aryan; Rini Anggriani; Lady Faerrosa; Puspita Dewi; Meilyana; I Made Mangku Arsana; Nasifa Tridasari Akib
JILPI : Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian dan Inovasi Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): JILPI: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian dan Inovasi (Desember)
Publisher : Insan Kreasi Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57248/jilpi.v2i2.333


Digital transformation has played an important role in the sustainability of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The use of digital platforms as a marketing strategy continues to show rapid development and has been able to expand market reach. However, not all MSME actors are able to adapt in their implementation and application independently due to low understanding of digital literacy. This community service is intended to encourage and determine solutions to problems in the marketing aspect in the digital era through a Project-Based Learning approach. Through this activity, business actors are able to identify and recognize the problems they are facing and find solutions to these problems. The use of Instagram social media in product marketing can be used as an effective promotional medium that has an impact on expanding market reach, increasing brand awareness, increasing production and sales. In the future, it is also expected to increase the capacity of financial management and digital payments.