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Journal : Academic Physiotherapy Conference Proceeding

Academic Physiotherapy Conference Proceeding 2021: Academic Physiotherapy Conference Proceeding
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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Introduction : Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries are the most common knee injuries during sports. The incidence of ACL rupture ranged between 30-78 people per 100,000 people per year. Most athletes with ACL injuries undergo reconstructive surgery in hopes of returning to do some sports activities. To accelerate and optimize conditions for a return to sport, a proper rehabilitation program is needed so that the patients can return to do some sports activities. According to protocol, proper rehabilitation involves exercises to increase muscle strength, knee ROM, proprioception, accompanied by reducing pain, and inflammation. Case Presentations : An 18 years old male patient came to physiotherapy with a diagnosis of post-ACL reconstruction. He did surgery a week before seeing the physiotherapy. The patient came with complaints of swelling and pain in the knee area. The pain increases when he bending the knee and doing activities that require support on the knee.. Management and Outcomes : Patients did 8-time therapies in 4 weeks. In one of the therapy sessions, the patient was given a rehabilitation program in the form of ice compression, ROM exercise, and isometric exercise. All of these rehabilitation programs will be evaluated with several measurement instruments, including; Pain measurement with NRS, anthropometric measurement with metline, measurement of muscle strength with MMT, and measurement of functional ability using KOOS. Discussion : The ACL post-reconstruction rehabilitation program is divided into 4 phases. Time for 0-6 weeks after surgery is included in phase 1 or what is known as an acute condition. The purpose of the program in phase 1 is to focus on reducing the risk of postoperative complications by reducing inflammation symptoms, maintaining joint mobility, and stimulating muscle contraction. The patient is given ice compression to reduce pain and reduce edema. Furthermore, ROM exercises are given to maintain joint mobility and flexibility of the tissues around the joints. The patient is also given isometric exercise to activate the muscles around the knee to improve knee joint stabilization. Conclusion: By providing interventions in the form of ice compression, ROM exercise, and isometric exercise, the post ACL reconstruction rehabilitation program in phase 1 can reduce pain, reduce edema, increase muscle strength and improve the patient's functional ability.
Exercise Therapy To Reduce Complaints In Osteoarthritis Patients – Case Report Budiyatmo Joko Subiyakto; Agus Widodo; Feryda Triana Dewanti
Academic Physiotherapy Conference Proceeding 2021: Academic Physiotherapy Conference Proceeding
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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Introduction:Osteoarthiritis (OA) is a disease joint degenerative whichinvolve the joints securingloads such as hip, knee and ankle foot. Osteoarthiritis occurs when there is abnormality radiography form the osteophytes, degree of sclerosis bone subchondral, loss of bone cartilage andsand formation ofcysts. Generally clinical symptoms of OA among others pain, stiffness and l imitation of motion. Other risk factors for knee OA are gender, obesity, joint injury, repetitive joint loading, osteoporosis and muscle weakness. Case Presentation: In this research, the method used is case report. The case report comes from a 70-year-old Mrs. S patient at one of the hospitals in Magetan.The patient complained of pain in both knees, then the right knee was more painful than the left. Knee pain experienced by the patient or less since one year ago with no known cause. The pain gets worse when you sit for a long time and when you get up from sitting to standing. Management and Outcome:The provision of isometric exercise and strengthening exercise is one of the exercise therapy that can be given to OA patients to reduce pain and increase muscle strength. Discussion:Isometric exercise is given to patients because this exercise can reduce pain because when trained isometrically the muscle contracts/moves without lengthening the muscle because no change can minimize movement and reduce pain, besides that isometric exercise uses adaptive concepts to relieve the pain felt. Strengthening exercise is given to muscles that experience weakness. Strengthening exercise can increase the resistance and stability of the knee joint so that the load received by the joint decreases. By decreasing the joint load, the pain will decrease so that functional activity will also increase Conclusion:Handling physiotherapy in the form of giving exercise therapy can reduce pain complaints in cases of osteoarthritis.
Academic Physiotherapy Conference Proceeding 2021: Academic Physiotherapy Conference Proceeding
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (367.297 KB)


Introduction: Retention Urine Postpartum (RUP) is the inability tourinate spontaneously after 6 hours post labor per vaginal or 24 hours post SC . This occurs because of the dyssynergy of the contraction mechanism which there is weakness of detrusor muscle and a decrease in the relaxation of the external urethral sphincter, increasing resistance to urine flow. Physiotherapy can be participate in providing stimulation of detrusor muscle and increasing relaxation of the external urethral sphincter. Case Presentation : Patient a woman , 27 years old, primigravidae, 7th day postpartum, catheter inserted , unable to urinate spontaneously , and still feel pain in the stitches , thus interfering with their functional activities. Management and Outcome : The patient is given a program of physiotherapy in the clinic and home program .Physiotherapy treatment is given every day for 11 days , namely sensory stimulation of tactile in the S2-S4 dermatome area which can stimulate pelvic and pudendal nerve. Tactile stimulation in the form of touch with light pressure on the sensory areas S2-S4. After treatment the started to urinate spontaneously after 4 days of treatment, even though the bladder had not completely emptied , disappearance of incisional pain in the perineum, and increased functional ability. Discussion : Giving sensory stimulation treatment in the area S2-S4 dermatome area will help stimulate the muscle contractions of detrusor muscle and the external urethral sphincter for relaxation so that the urine can come out spontaneously . In addition , sensory stimulation can reduce pain at the incision site in the perineum.
Rehabilitation Program for Bell's Palsy Patients - Case Report Dwy Ningsih; Agus Widodo; Ana Kusumawati
Academic Physiotherapy Conference Proceeding 2021: Academic Physiotherapy Conference Proceeding
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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Introduction: Bell's palsy is an idiopathic paralysis that affects more than half of the facial muscles due to injury at the bottom of the seventh cranial nerve, and symptoms of facial muscle weakness or total paralysis . Bell's palsy is an acute peripheral type VII nerve palsy whose cause is unknown. Bell's palsy is one of the most common problems affecting the motor neurons of the facial muscles both unilaterally and bilaterally. It affects function and quality of life. Therefore, physiotherapists focus on restoring facial function with different modalities as well as exercises. Case Presentation: Patients complain thick on the face of the left, unable to close his left eye completely, unable to lift his left eyebrow and lip merot right. On examination of the muscles there is a decrease in muscle strength on the side of the face. The diagnosis for this patient's case was Bell's palsy. Management and Outcome: Patients complain thick on the face of the left, unable to close his left eye completely, unable to lift his left eyebrow and lip merot right. Around 22:00 WIB on January 6, 2021, the patient felt half dizzy on the left side of his head and buzzing in his left ear. Because it is not strong enough to withstand the dizziness, the patient compresses with ice. In the morning when he woke up the patient felt a thick patch on the left side of his face. The patient looks in the mirror and notices changes in the face with drooping lips to the right Discussion: : Physical therapy is given to patients bell's palsy is to increase the strength of the facial muscles. The intervention given in this case is infrared to provide a relaxing effect and to increase metabolism, then electrical stimulation is given to stimulate weak muscles, massage is given with the aim of providing stimulation to the muscles which will later have the effect of increasing muscle strength, and the last is mirror exercise where this exercise is given to increase the functional activity of the patient. Conclusion: In the case of Bell's palsy, physiotherapy programs in the form of infrared, electrical stimulation, massage, and mirror exercises can increase muscle strength and increase functional activity in patients.
Physical Therapy Management for Post OP Tibia Plateu Dextra: A Case Study Hanif Kemal Prasetyo; Agus Widodo; Guntur Rusmana Putra
Academic Physiotherapy Conference Proceeding 2022: Academic Physiotherapy Conference Proceeding
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.064 KB)


Introduction: Fracture or fracture is a form of bone continuity disorder caused by direct or indirect trauma. Fracture treatment is divided into 3 stages, namely restoring the position of the bone to its anatomical shape, maintaining the position of the bone for some time / immobilization and restoring function / rehabilitation, so that a patient will be able to return to activities without significant obstacles. Physiotherapy with various exercise therapy modalities can reduce pain and improve LGS so that patients can be active and productive again. Exercise therapy that is usually given to improve LGS is conventional exercise therapy such as passive stretching and special mode exercise therapy such as hold relax.Case Presentation:Mrs. T was 52 years old on May 6, 2022 while walking the patient fell while descending 1 stair due to wrong support and then fell with support on the outer right knee which caused the bone to fracture / crack after that surgery was carried out on May 7 , 2022 and the patient was treated for 4 days until May 11, 2022. After that the patient is referred by a rehabilitation doctor to perform physiotherapy actions at PKU Muhammadiyah Sukoharjo Hospital Management andOutcomes:Patients undergo therapy three times in two weeks with a physiotherapy program that includes Infra Red, TENS, Quadriceps Set, Hamstring and Gastroc Stretching, Mobilization Exercises on the legs, Kicking exercises using Ankle, Kicking exercises with the therapist's body resistance. Patients were evaluated using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and Manual Muscle Testing (MMT).Conclusion:After receiving physiotherapy treatment with physiotherapy modalities and exercise therapy plus a home program that has been carried out by the patient, the results are decreased pain, increased muscle quality and decreased edema in the patient's right leg.