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Model Hidrologi Runtun Waktu Untuk Analisis Hujan Aliran Menggunakan Metode Gabungan Model Transformasi Wavelet Ihacres (Studi Kasus Sub DAS Lubuk Bendahara) As, Andyca Putra; Suprayogi, Imam; Fauzi, Manyuk
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Wisuda Februari Tahun 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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The IHACRES model application has been successfully applied in Indonesia. The existence of this success, it is necessary to further develop an approach to improve the correlation coefficient at the phase of calibration, verification, and simulation by combining the wavelet transformation - IHACRES model by taking a case study in Siak Hulu sub-watershed, Riau Province. Wavelet transformation method in this research has the advantage to decomposed and reconstructed in processing a raw data of time series to increased model performance. The output of wavelet transformation model would be use as IHACRES model input. Wavelet family which suitable for modeling are Haar and Biorthogonal wavelet. This research used the variety of length data that grouped into scheme 1 until scheme 8. The results showed that the best scheme in calibration phase for IHACRES model is scheme 2 (two year calibration) with a correlation value of 0.549. Scheme 2 used for wavelet transformation - IHACRES combine analysis. At wavelet transformation – IHACRES phase, the best calibration value was the used of Haar wavelet level 1 for rainfall and temperature data with a correlation value of 0.561. The best verification and simulation phase used Haar wavelet level 1 to input the data of rainfall and discharge. The result of verication phase valued at 0.674 and simulation was 0.737 which categorized as strong correlation. According to result of reserch, the use of wavelet transformation – IHACRES provides increased performance model, if compared with the IHACRES model.  Keywords: Siak Hulu sub-watershed, Wavelet Transformation, IHACRES.
Kinerja Sub DAS Siak Bagian Hulu Dalam Pengelolaan DAS Siak Khairullah, M; Suprayogi, Imam; Sujatmoko, Bambang
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 2, No 2 (2015): Wisuda Oktober Tahun 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Siak river is one of the major rivers that gain national attention and was also included in the category of national strategic river, because the river has a function and a very large role in the development of the region and the economy both locally, regionally and nationally. The research objective is to monitor performance subzone Siak Hulu Part In Siak River Basin Management uses two criteria, namely the use of land and water management. Land use criteria determined by indicator closure by vegetation, suitability of land use, and the index of erosion, while water management criteria determined by indicator of river water discharge. DAS performance results Siak Hulu Section obtained a weighted sum of 26%, a total score of 12, the total value of the indicator 58 and the category is rather good. DAS performance results Siak Hulu section obtained with a value of 2.23, the value category classification DAS performance Siak Hulu section has a subzone category are "Rather Good". Performance Part subzone Siak Hulu quite a bit better illustrates that than the four indicators used in the assessment of the performance of subzone Siak Hulu section is one of the better parameters.Keywords : Watershed, Siak River, DAS Performance Parts Siak Hulu.
Analisis Indeks Kekeringan Menggunakan Metode Thornthwaite Mather Pada DAS Siak Cahyono, Sandi; Suprayogi, Imam; Fauzi, Manyuk
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Wisuda Februari Tahun 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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The level of risk of drought in the DAS Siak can be known, by calculating the index for drought using Thornthwaite Mather method. This method emphasizes the importance of rainfall data as input and potential evapotranspiration as superficial, but it is also necessary parameters soil moisture and vegetation as listener. The relationship between rainfall and potential evapotranspiration shows the state of the showing period of drought month and and the wet month. In the drought month period the amount of rain water is not sufficient for the water used by the plant, resulting in a shortage of soil moisture. The relationship between soil moisture shortage by potential evapotranspiration yield drought index. The choice of location DAS Siak in this study in order to reinforce the Drought Disaster Risk Index Map Riau Province issued by BNPB. Climate variability analysis results showed a decrease in the average annual rainfall of 15.50 mm/yr and an increase in average annual temperature of 0.08 °C. Thornthwaite Mather method analysis results showed an increase in average drought of 3.99% every year. The highest level of risk of drought occurred in 2014 and 2015 with a duration of severe drought occurred from January to November.Keywords: drought index, Thornthwaite Mather
RACIC: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Abdurrab Vol 2 No 02 (2017): Terbitan Keempat Bulan Desember 2017
Publisher : Universitas Abdurrab

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Satellite-based rainfall data GSMap_NRT is expected to predict and forecast flooding in the area of sub watershed Pasir Pengarayan. Advances in remote sensing technology make it possible to overcome the problem of available data limitations by utilizing data sourced from satellite. The availability of many remote sensing programs connected directly to satellites speeds up the process of collecting data. One of the program tools used is Integrated Flood Analysis System (IFAS) version 1.3.0 for hydrological modeling and flood discharge analysis at Pasir Pengarayan River. The data used in May 2012 is assumed as an analysis of flood event data for May 2013. Satellite data for rainfall is used GSMaP_NRT Correction Method original and GSMaP_NRT correction Method (Type1) formula 2 in the form of hourly rainfall data. The parameters used to assess model accuracy are waveform error (Ew), volume error (Ev), and peak discharge error (Ep). GSMap modeling, conditions May 01 - 06 May 2012 period, where initial condition after IFAS parameter is simulated, Ew, Ev, and Ep are 43,52%, -9,92% and -5,93% for original GSMaP_NRT. While the simulation results from GSMaP_NRT correction obtained 1.57%, 12.58%, and 20.34%. Modeling GSMap Corrected method type formula 2, conditions May 01 - 06 May 2013 period, where the initial condition after IFAS parameter is simulated, Ew, Ev, and Ep are 43,528%, -9,925% and -5,938% for GSMaP_NRT Corrected. While simulation results from GSMaP_NRT correction method type 1 formula with 12 mm rainfall simulation obtained 0.004%, 7.706%, and 28.030%
Analisis Pengaruh Perubahan Tata Guna Lahan Terhadap Saluran Drainase Jalan Dorak Berdasarkan Pola Rencana Tata Ruang Tata Wilayah Kabupaten Meranti Tahun 2013-2032 Menggunakan Model Epa Swmm 5.0 Suprayogi, Imam; Sujatmoko, Bambang; Morena, Yenita; Ghofirin, Khoirul
JURNAL SAINTIS Vol 17 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : UIR Press

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Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah melakukan suatu analisis pengaruh perubahan tata guna lahan terhadap Saluran Drainase pada kawasan Jalan Dorak Kota Selatpanjang berdasarkan Pola Rencana Tata Ruang Tata Wilayah (RTRW) Kabupaten Meranti tahun 2013-2032. Metode pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan untuk kebutuhan simulasi menggunakan pendekatan program bantu model matematik EPA SWMM dengan input model data curah hujan bulanan Stasiun Curah Hujan Buatan tahun 2001-2015 dari BWS III Sumatera, peta topografi dan peta penggunan tata lahan dari BP-DAS Indragiri Rokan Provinsi Riau. Hasil utama penelitian membuktikan bahwa terjadinya peningkatan nilai parameter (% impervious) akibat perubahan tata guna lahan dengan mengacu pola RTRW Kabupaten Meranti tahun 2013-2032 di Kawasan Jalan Dorak. Kondisi di atas mengindikasikan perlunya perubahan dimensi saluran utama drainase dengan cara melakukan pelebaran saluran pada kondisi eksisting dari 1.4 m x 1.2 m menjadi 3.7 m x 1.2 m sehingga akan meningkatkan luas penampang basah saluran akibat meningkatnya volume limpasan air yang masuk ke ke saluran utama drainase pada kawasan Jalan Dorak sampai tahun 2032.
Proceedings ACES (Annual Civil Engineering Seminar) Vol 1 (2015): Annual Civil Engineering Seminar (ACES)
Publisher : Proceedings ACES (Annual Civil Engineering Seminar)

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Tujuan utama penelitian adalah mengembangkan model hidrologi runtun waktu untukkebutuhan peramalan debit sungai sehingga akan diperoleh informasi yang akurat untuk dapatdijadikan sebagai pengamatan dalam beberapa waktu ke depan di suatu titik kontrolpenampang sungai berbasis softcomputing. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini adalah menggunakan Daubechies Wavelet dan Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy InferenceSystem. Data pendukung penelitian diperoleh dari pencatatan Pos Duga Air Otomatis StasiunPantai Cermin yang berupa stage hydrograph dari tahu 2002–2012, yang selanjutnya datatersebut ditransformasikan menjadi data debit harian dengan menggunakan persamaan ratingcurve yang disusun oleh Balai Wilayah Sungai (BWS) III Sumatera Provinsi Riau. Hasil utamapenelitian membuktikan bahwa hasil ketepatan dari model peramalan hidrologi runtun waktudebit sungai menggunakan program bantu MATLAB 7 yang diuji menggunakan kriteriaparameter statistik koefisien korelasi ( R ) memiliki jangkauan ketepatan peramalan untuk satuhari ke depan ( t + 1) sebesar 0.9483.Kata kunci: Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System, Daubechies Wavelet, debit sungai,model, peramalan.
Proceedings ACES (Annual Civil Engineering Seminar) Vol 1 (2015): Annual Civil Engineering Seminar (ACES)
Publisher : Proceedings ACES (Annual Civil Engineering Seminar)

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Pada umumnya ada 2 (dua) penyebab utama terjadinya banjir di Kota Pekanbaru, pertamadikerenakan curah hujan yang tinggi didaerah hulu DAS Siak dan Kota Pekanbaru, sehinggadaerah yang merupakan hamparan datar dan berelevasi rendah tidak dapat membawa airdengan cepat ke saluran pembuang yang sering menimbulkan bajir dadakan di jalan-jalantertentu dan juga pada kawasan permukiman padat. Pemetaan daerah-daerah yang memilikitingkat kerentanan banjir dapat dilakukan menggunakan perangkat GIS secara cepat mudah danakurat terhadap parameter-parameter penyebab banjir yang dapat mempermudah penyajianinformasi spasial khususnya yang terkait dengan penentuan tingkat kerentanan banjir dalamsuatu wilayah. Metode yang dilakukan dalam pemetaan kawasan rentan banjir di KotaPekanbaru menggunakan perangkat GIS dalam pengolahan dan pembuatan peta curah hujan,peta penggunaan lahan, peta ketinggian (kontur), peta kelerengan, dan peta satuan lahan.Analisa keruangan yang berhubungan dengan data vektor maupun raster melalui prosesklaisfikasi/reklasifikasi serta overlay antar peta dalam bentuk luasan (poligon) maupun irisan,sedangan analisa atribut merupakan proses pemberian nilai harkat, bobot dan skor pada tiapkelas masing-masing parameter yang besarnya disesuaikan dengan pengaruh terjadinya banjir.Hasil yang didapat dari analisa secara keruangan dan atribut berupa Peta Kawasan RentanBanjir dalam Kota Pekanbaru, terdiri dari tingkat kerentanan sangat rentan banjir seluas123,336 km² (19,32), rawan dengan luas 429,655 km², Kurang Rawan 85,074 km², dan Tidakrawan hanya dengan luas 0,182 km³ tidak terlihat didalam peta karena persentasenya yangsangat kecil.Kata kunci: Kota Pekanbaru, parameter terkait banjir, peta kawasan rentan banjir, overlay,Sistem informasi geografis.
Kajian Pemanenan Air Hujan Skala Individual Untuk Pemenuhan Air Baku Wilayah Pesisir Wilayah Kajian : Desa Tanah Merah, Kecamatan Tanah Merah, Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir Triliani, Ana Aulia; Suprayogi, Imam; Sasmita, Aryo
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 6 (2019): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Indragiri Hilir Regency is a condition of the area which is dominated by salt water, the water quality is very inadequate in terms of quantitative and qualitative hydrology due to swamp environmental conditions. Therefore the need for other alternatives to meet raw water needs by utilizing Rainwater Harvesting technology. In this study conducted the study in Tanah Merah Village, Tanah Merah District, Indragiri Hilir Regency. To find out the large contribution of rainwater harvesting, design designs, and budget plans that are carried out calculation and analysis of data. Supported by the Raincycle Standard v2.0 program based on the falling raindrops (roof's drip) which is the catchment area and water requirements based on the number of family members of each type of house. And the results obtained after the analysis of data for rainwater catchment areas, namely with an area of 208 m², 156 m², and 126 m², the percentage of rainwater donations fulfilled by 3 tanks is 82% with a planned budget of Rp 14,358,000.00 while for the rainwater catchment area, which is 80 m² in size, and 49 m² of the percentage of rainwater donation that is fulfilled by 2 tanks is 72% with a budget plan that is Rp. 10,332,000.00. And in terms of quality parameters that exceed the quality standard, namely detergent, to reduce the levels, namely by filtering with filters from media activated carbon, sand, and silica.   Keywords: Rainwater Harvesting, Indragiri Hilir Regency, Raw Water
Analisis Pasang Surut Di Pantai Dumai Menggunakan Metode Least Square 15 Piantan Arif, Muhammad; Hendri, Andy; Suprayogi, Imam
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 6 (2019): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Least square is a method of tidal harmonic analysis that ignores meteorological factors in analyzing and predicting tidal elevations. This study analyzes the accuracy of tidal elevation predictions based on the initial date of the simulation. The analysis used 15 days tidal data from Pelindo Port C, Dumai. Furthermore, the results of the study were compared with the results of the most recent study, namely predictions of tide admiralty 15 days in the same location. The results of this study indicate that the results of the 15 days least square method prediction are more accurate than the admiralty method. The RMSE value from the least square method calculation gives the smallest Root Mean Square (RMSE) value of 34,56 cm, while the admiralty method is 71,38 cm. The most appropriate time to take primary data in the field for the purposes of tidal predictions is at the beginning of the third week of each month in the hijri calender or when the half moon phase.Keywords : least square method, tidal prediction, RMSE
Model Hubungan Antara Tinggi Muka Air-Debit Menggunakan Pendekatan Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) (Studi Kasus : Pos Duga AWLR Stasiun Pantai Cermin) Fahmi, Naufal Muhammad; Suprayogi, Imam; Fauzi, Manyuk
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Wisuda Februari Tahun 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Rating Curve is a equation to describe correlation between of the stage-discharge in AWLR (Automatic Water Level Recorder). This equation (formula) is important for the planning of water resources and hidrology model. The equation in AWLR on the site Pantai Cermin Surb-Watershed Siak Hulu in years of 2002-2009 is not-available because it hasn’t data of the rating curve equation based on it, This research was developed to predict the rating curve equation on the site Pantai Cermin.This Research using Matlab R2013a software as a tool with ANFIS Sugeno Model. The data in ANFIS Sugeno Model using combination between data of stage-discharge in years of 2002-2006. The output of that is the data discharge in year of 2008. Result of this research with using of these data that it consist of 70% of the training data, 30% of the testing data, and 100% of validation datais a very good of the correlation value. The correlation values of this research are 0.99999, 0.99998, and 0.99999. The equation of the rating curve in 2009 is the Q=22,279 x H1,3036 with the correlation value R=0,9999587.Keyword : Rating Curve, ANFIS, Model Sugeno, Site of Pantai Cermin.
Co-Authors ', Nurdin Alfian Alfian Alfian Alfian Andy Hendri, Andy Andyca Putra As, Andyca Putra Anton Ariyanto Anton Ariyanto Aras Mulyadi Aras Mulyadi Aras Mulyadi Arneni, Arneni Aryo Sasmita Ashral, Ashral Asmura, Jacky Aswal Fitra Yadi Bambang Sudjatmoko Bambang Sujatmoko Bochari - Bochari - Bochari - Bochari - Bochari . Bochari Bochari Bochari Bochari Cahyono, Sandi Citra Perdana Daviq Chairilsyah Edi Suhendri Edi Yusuf Adiman Effendi Sianipar Efri Maryoni Eki Efrizal, Eki Ela Fitriana Ela Fitriana Elianora Elianora Elvi Yenie Elvi Yenie, Elvi Ermiyati Ermiyati Ermiyati fadly, Rendy Fahmi, Naufal Muhammad Fakhri Fakhri Fakhri, Fakhri Febrian, Anggi Feranita Feranita Ferry Fatnanta Fitria Sari Gandung Rahmadi Ghofirin, Khoirul Gufrion Elmart Sitanggang Habrio Ilva Handrianti, Pipi Hardiman Hardiman Hendro Ekwarso Ivnaini Andesgur Ivnaini Andesgur, Ivnaini Jacky Asmura Jecky Asmura Jecky Asmura Joleha - Joleha, Joleha Khairullah, M Khoirul Ghofirin Mahyudin Mahyudin Manyuk Fauzi Maryoni, Efri Mathrab Binhar Muhammad Arif Muhammad Shalahuddin Nahar Afrizal Novan, Andre Nurdin - Nurdin . Nurdin Nurdin Pipi Handrianti Randhi Saily Randhi Saily Resty Agesti Handayani Resty Agesti Handayani Riady, Rony Rahmad Ronald M Hutauruk Rudi Hasmadan Safridatul Audah Salvi Novita Sandi Cahyono Saputra, Ricko Adi Septya Ardiani Shalahuddin Siswanto Siswanto Sri Djuniati Suprasman Suprasman Suryafit, Sagit Suwondo Suwondo Suwondo Suwondo Syarfi Syarfi Triliani, Ana Aulia Trimaijon, Trimaijon Tsauri, Muhammad Idraq Ibnuts Ucin Muksin Verawati Vernando Sahputra Limbong Wawan Yenita Morena Yenita Morena Yohana Lilis Handayani Yohanna Lilis Handayani Yulasni Astri Zulfan Saam Zulkifli ZULKIFLI ZULKIFLI Zulkifli Zulkifli