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Journal : Jurnal Gamma

Jurnal Gamma Vol 6, No 1 (2010): September
Publisher : Jurnal Gamma

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Consumption of wheat flour in our country from year to year continue to increase. Ironicallyuntil now wheat flour as raw material still completely imports. In 2007 imports of wheat has reached4.4 million tons. So for those reasons, it is necessary to substitution of wheat flour with other flourof tubers are widely planted by our society. One source of potential tubers is starch that can beprocessed into starch. The major problem of tapioca flour has no gluten so is relatively difficult toexpand. For those reasons, need modification of starch.The general objective of this research is to find a method of starch synthesis of lactate byphysical and chemical characteristics of wheat flour-like characteristics. The specific objective ofthis research is to improve the physical and chemical characteristics of starch so that it hascharacteristics that resemble the characteristics of wheat flour. The results showed that thefermentation for 12 hours to 60 hours of power a real influence on the development of the flourproduced kasava. Additionally, improvement of physical and chemical properties of flour kasavaresult of natural fermentation treatment. This allows a variety of products can be made using rawmaterials from kasava flour fermentation. While the cake flour produced from the fermentationkasava not much different from the cakes made from flour or it can be said nearly matching thequality of wheat flour.
Jurnal Gamma Vol 8, No 2 (2013): Maret
Publisher : Jurnal Gamma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (133.199 KB)


Karakterisasi Tepung Dari Kulit, Daging Buah dan Buah Pisang Kepok (Musa Sp.)Characterization of Wheat From Skin, Flesh Fruits and Kepok Fruit Banana (Musa Sp.)DamatJurusan Ilmu dan Teknologi PanganFakultas Pertanian-Peternakan, UNMUH MalangEmail: prevalence of colon cancer in Indonesia tended to increase. This disease can be prevented with consume foods that contain dietary fiber. Dietary fiber can not be hydrolyzed by human digestive enzymes, so that will be up in the colon and become substrates for lactic acid bacteria and produce short chain fatty acids (SCFA), especially butyric acid which is known to be quite effective to suppress colon cancer. One source of dietary fiber is banana. The aim of this studied were to obtain the characteristics of banana flour banana. This research was conducted using factorial randomized block design with 2 factors. The first factor, type of material, and the second factor types of solutions soaking. Parameter analysis includes analysis of microscopy, the brightness and color of flour, proximate analysis, and analysis of amilografi. Results of research known that properties amilografi, microscopy, and color of a banana skin is different with flour from banana. Flour banana from the fruit by soaking in a solution of meta bisulfite have higher levels of brightness when compared to other types of flour.Keyword : banana flour, dietary fiber, amilografiABSTRACTPrevalensi kanker usus besar di Indonesia cenderung meningkat. Penyakit ini dapat dicegah dengan mengkonsumsi makanan yang mengandung serat makanan. Serat pangan tidak dapat dihidrolisis oleh enzim pencernaan manusia, sehingga akan sampai di usus besar dan menjadi substrat untuk bakteri asam laktat dan menghasilkan asam lemak rantai pendek, Short-Chain Fatty Acid (SCFA), terutama asam butirat yang dikenal cukup efektif untuk menekan kanker usus . Salah satu sumber serat makanan adalah pisang. Tujuan dari ini diteliti untuk mendapatkan karakteristik tepung pisang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok faktorial dengan 2 faktor. Faktor pertama, jenis bahan, dan jenis faktor kedua solusi perendaman. Analisis Parameter meliputi analisis mikroskop, kecerahan dan warna tepung, analisis proksimat, dan analisis amilografi. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa sifat amilografi, mikroskop, dan warna kulit pisang berbeda dengan tepung dari pisang. Tepung pisang dari buah dengan cara merendam dalam larutan bisulfit meta memiliki tingkat kecerahan bila dibandingkan dengan jenis tepung lain.Kata kunci: tepung pisang, serat makanan, amilografi
Jurnal Gamma Vol. 6 No. 1 (2010): September
Publisher : Jurnal Gamma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Consumption of wheat flour in our country from year to year continue to increase. Ironicallyuntil now wheat flour as raw material still completely imports. In 2007 imports of wheat has reached4.4 million tons. So for those reasons, it is necessary to substitution of wheat flour with other flourof tubers are widely planted by our society. One source of potential tubers is starch that can beprocessed into starch. The major problem of tapioca flour has no gluten so is relatively difficult toexpand. For those reasons, need modification of starch.The general objective of this research is to find a method of starch synthesis of lactate byphysical and chemical characteristics of wheat flour-like characteristics. The specific objective ofthis research is to improve the physical and chemical characteristics of starch so that it hascharacteristics that resemble the characteristics of wheat flour. The results showed that thefermentation for 12 hours to 60 hours of power a real influence on the development of the flourproduced kasava. Additionally, improvement of physical and chemical properties of flour kasavaresult of natural fermentation treatment. This allows a variety of products can be made using rawmaterials from kasava flour fermentation. While the cake flour produced from the fermentationkasava not much different from the cakes made from flour or it can be said nearly matching thequality of wheat flour.
Karakterisasi Tepung Dari Kulit, Daging Buah dan Buah Pisang Kepok (Musa Sp.) Damat .
Jurnal Gamma Vol. 8 No. 2 (2013): Maret
Publisher : Jurnal Gamma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Karakterisasi Tepung Dari Kulit, Daging Buah dan Buah Pisang Kepok (Musa Sp.)Characterization of Wheat From Skin, Flesh Fruits and Kepok Fruit Banana (Musa Sp.)DamatJurusan Ilmu dan Teknologi PanganFakultas Pertanian-Peternakan, UNMUH MalangEmail: prevalence of colon cancer in Indonesia tended to increase. This disease can be prevented with consume foods that contain dietary fiber. Dietary fiber can not be hydrolyzed by human digestive enzymes, so that will be up in the colon and become substrates for lactic acid bacteria and produce short chain fatty acids (SCFA), especially butyric acid which is known to be quite effective to suppress colon cancer. One source of dietary fiber is banana. The aim of this studied were to obtain the characteristics of banana flour banana. This research was conducted using factorial randomized block design with 2 factors. The first factor, type of material, and the second factor types of solutions soaking. Parameter analysis includes analysis of microscopy, the brightness and color of flour, proximate analysis, and analysis of amilografi. Results of research known that properties amilografi, microscopy, and color of a banana skin is different with flour from banana. Flour banana from the fruit by soaking in a solution of meta bisulfite have higher levels of brightness when compared to other types of flour.Keyword : banana flour, dietary fiber, amilografiABSTRACTPrevalensi kanker usus besar di Indonesia cenderung meningkat. Penyakit ini dapat dicegah dengan mengkonsumsi makanan yang mengandung serat makanan. Serat pangan tidak dapat dihidrolisis oleh enzim pencernaan manusia, sehingga akan sampai di usus besar dan menjadi substrat untuk bakteri asam laktat dan menghasilkan asam lemak rantai pendek, Short-Chain Fatty Acid (SCFA), terutama asam butirat yang dikenal cukup efektif untuk menekan kanker usus . Salah satu sumber serat makanan adalah pisang. Tujuan dari ini diteliti untuk mendapatkan karakteristik tepung pisang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok faktorial dengan 2 faktor. Faktor pertama, jenis bahan, dan jenis faktor kedua solusi perendaman. Analisis Parameter meliputi analisis mikroskop, kecerahan dan warna tepung, analisis proksimat, dan analisis amilografi. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa sifat amilografi, mikroskop, dan warna kulit pisang berbeda dengan tepung dari pisang. Tepung pisang dari buah dengan cara merendam dalam larutan bisulfit meta memiliki tingkat kecerahan bila dibandingkan dengan jenis tepung lain.Kata kunci: tepung pisang, serat makanan, amilografi