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Pengaruh Lama Perendaman dan Konsentrasi Asam Sulfat (H2SO4) terhadap Perkecambahan Benih Jati (Tectona grandis Linn.f) Suyatmi, Suyatmi; Hastuti, Endah Dwi; Darmanti, Sri
BULETIN ANATOMI DAN FISIOLOGI dh SELLULA Vol 19, No 1 (2011) : Volume XIX, Nomor 1, Maret 2011

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (652.416 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/baf.v19i1.2581


The Aims of the research to determine the effect of soaking time and concentration of H2SO4 on the germination of seeds jati (Tectona grandis Linn. f). The research using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with factorial pattern   3 x 4. Factor I is a long time soaking (W1: 20 minutes, W2: 30 minutes and W3: 40 minutes), factor II is the concentration of H2SO4 (K0: 0%, K1: 70%, K2: 80% and    K3: 90%). Each treatment with three replications. The data obtained were analyzed by ANAVA at 95% significance level, followed by Duncan's test at the 95% test level. Parameters observed were: the percentage of germination (%),hipokotil seedling length (cm), radicels seedling length (cm) and seedling dry weight (gr). The results showed there were interactions between treatment long time soaking and H2SO4 concentration on the percentage of seed germination of jati. Interaction treatment 70% H2SO4 concentration on the length of soaking of 30 and 40 minutes showed the highest percentage germination. Seeds that capable to germinate under thus treatment the seedling growth is not affected by treatment.
Kemampuan Mengikat Air oleh Tanah Pasir yang Diperlakukan dengan Tepung Rumput Laut Gracilaria verrucosa Sinulingga, Maranatha; Darmanti, Sri
BULETIN ANATOMI DAN FISIOLOGI dh SELLULA Vol 15, No 2 (2007): Volume XV, Nomor 2, Oktober 2007

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (82.911 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/baf.v15i2.2570


Sand is media plant which was ability fasten the water absorb of very low. Sea weed of Gracilaria verrucosa pregnant of gel able to fasten water. This research aim to know of ability fasten waterby mixed sand with Gracilaria verrucosa flour at some comparations. Research use random device complete with 4 treatment, every treatment by 5 restating. Result of research indicate that ever greaterly of comparison of grass flour go out to sea to sand, hence juicy progressively able to be bound by sands.
Penurunan Pertumbuhan Tajuk Kedelai [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] Akibat Cekaman Ganda Interferensi Teki (Cyperus rotundus L.) dan Kekeringan Darmanti, Sri
BULETIN ANATOMI DAN FISIOLOGI dh SELLULA Vol 24, No 1 (2016): Volume 24, nomor 1, tahun 2016

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (309.88 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/baf.v24i1.11693


Plants under stress conditions will decrease the  variety of physiological processes speed, so  the growth and production did not reach the genotypes potential. Weeds interference and drought stress that occurred simultaneously is one of obstacle in improving the soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] production. Purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) is the important weeds in soybean, invasive and difficult to eradicate. This research uses experimental method completely randomized design of two factors such as the level of water supply and the level of purple nutsedge interference. Each treatment unit, with five replications.  The aim of this research to determine  multiple stress of purple nutsedge  interference and drought stress effect to the decrease of soybean shoot growth. The results showed  that combination of three or six purple nutsedge interference with mild or severe drought stress causes a decrease of fresh weight, dry weight and length soybean shoot. The more weight the greater levels of stress decrease. The smallest decrease occurred in the shoot length parameter and successive increases in dry weight and wet weigh.   Keywords : multiple stress, Cyperus rotundus L., Glycine max (L.) Merr., growth, shoot
Pengaruh Penyiraman Air Cucian Beras Fermentasi Satu Hari Dan Fermentasi Lima Belas Hari Terhadap Kadar Pigmen Fotosintetik Dan Pertumbuhan Vegetatif Tanaman Sawi Hijau (Brassica juncea L.) Fadilah, Aprilia Nurul; Darmanti, Sri; Haryanti, Sri
Bioma : Berkala Ilmiah Biologi Vol. 22, No 1, Tahun 2020
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (285.363 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/bioma.22.1.76-84


Mustard plants are a type of vegetable favored by most people. Demand formustard plants continues to increase along with the increasing population and awareness of nutritional needs, but there are obstacles in increasing the production. This is due to the lack of nutrients needed by the mustard plant for its growth. One effort to increase the production of mustard plants is by adding nutrients through fertilization. Fertilizers are divided into two types, namely organic and inorganic fertilizers. However, long-term use of inorganic fertilizers can reduce soil quality and environmental health. One alternative to overcome these problems is to use liquid organic fertilizer in the form of fermented rice washing water. This study aims to determine the effect of 1-day fermented rice washing water and 15-days fermented rice washing water at different concentrations on photosynthetic pigment content and vegetative growth of green mustard plants and find out the best dose of rice washing water for the growth of green mustard plants. The study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) of 1 factor with 5 treatments. Each treatment with 4 replications with ordinary water as a control, 1-day fermented rice washing water with the concentration of 50% and 100%, and 15-days of fermented rice washing water with the concentration of 50%, and 100%. The results showed that the watering on 1-day fermented rice washing water with the concentration of 50% and 100% and 15-days of fermented rice washing water with a concentration of 50% had no effect on all parameters but the watering of 15-days fermented rice washing water with a concentration of 100% had an effect on increasing the plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, plant fresh weight, and plant dry weight. The growth of mustard green plants (Brassica juncea L) is best obtained in the treatment of 15-days fermented rice washing water with a concentration of 100%.
Buletin Anatomi dan Fisiologi (Bulletin of Anatomy and Physiology) Volume 5, Nomor 1, Tahun 2020
Publisher : Departemen Biologi Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/baf.5.1.2020.%p


Madu merupakan cairan alami yang dihasilkan oleh lebah madu,berasal dari nektar bunga atau bagian lain dari tumbuhan. Madu dinyatakan memiliki kualitas baik apabila memenuhi standar kualitas madu. Kualitas madu dapat ditentukan berdasarkan kadar air, gula dan keasaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas madu lokal di Kabupaten Magelang. Pengambilan sampel secara purposive sampling dari lima wilayah Kabupaten Magelang, yaitu Desa Kaliurang, Ringinanom, Kaliabu, Munggangsari, danKebonrejo. Penentuan kadar air dan gula total dengan metode refraktometri, sedangkan keasaman dengan metode titrasi asam-basa. Analisis kadar air, gula total, keasaman dibandingkan dengan standar kualitas madu. Hasil uji kualitas madu menunjukkan nilai kadar air berkisar antara 20,72-31,72%, gula total 66,33-77,89?Brix, keasaman 37,12-271,35 ml NaOH/kg di mana kualitas madu Desa Kaliurang dan Desa Munggangsari telah memenuhi standar SNI 01-3545-2013 dan  U.S. Patent Application Publication. Kata kunci:kualitas, Magelang, kadar air, gula total, keasaman
Total Phenol Content of Avicennia marina Leaf and Its Relationship to the Environmental Quality Hastuti, Endah Dwi; Izzati, Munifatul; Darmanti, Sri
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 12, No 3 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v12i3.23957


Environmental dynamic in the coastal area is suggested to affect the metabolite concentration in mangrove plants. This research aimed to study the concentration of total phenol in A. marina leaf and to analyze the effect of environmental parameters on total phenol content dynamics. Environmental parameters studied in this research was temperature, pH, DO, and salinity, as well as N, P, and C sediment content. Data analysis was carried out through multiple regression of natural logarithm transformed data. Laboratory analysis resulted the value of total phenol content in A. marina leaf ranging from 0.88 – 1.62% with the average concentration of 1.28 ± 0.28%. Regression analysis resulted the significant effect of temperature, DO, and sediment content P and C expressed in the formula: ln(TP) = 31.229 – 7.224ln(T) – 0.067ln(DO) – 1.054ln(P) – 1.241ln(C). The research implicated that the increasing value of those factors was approaching the suitable condition for A. marina. Thus, instead of increasing the phenol concentration, the parameters negatively effect the secondary metabolite. The result showed that increasing temperature, DO, and content of P and C reduced the stress in A. marina and reduce total phenol content. This suggests that low temperature, DO, P and C concentration provides more potential of phenolic products from A. marina. 
Glutamic Acid Application for Enhancement of Growth and Productivity of Okra Plant (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) Eva Septiyana; Nintya Setiari; Sri Darmanti
Biogenesis: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol 7 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Sci and Tech, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/bio.v7i2.10146


Red okra fruit has high nutritional value and fiber but still has low production. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) consists of sodium and glutamic acid. In plants, sodium can role of replacing potassium, stomata physiology, and chlorophyll biosynthesis. Glutamate as the nitrogen donor in primer metabolism and gibberellic acid precursor. The assumption that MSG in plants has a positive impact. This research aimed to examine the effect of MSG and the optimum dosage for enhances of growth and production. This research was conducted with Completely Randomized Designs (CRD) with one factor, is the MSG dosage (0, 3, 6, and 9 g). Quantitative data were analyzed using analysis of variant (ANOVA) dan Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at a 95% confidence level. The result shows that the MSG treatment enhances the growth of the okra based on parameters of plant’s height, fresh weight of plant, dry weight of plant and the width of the leaf and enhances the production of the okra based on the flowering time, the number of the flower, the number of the fruit, the percentage of flower becoming fruit, the weight of fruit, width of fruit, and the diameter of the fruit. The optimal dosage of MSG for okra production and growth is 3 g/plant.
Respon Fisiologis Kedelai [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]Varietas Grobogan terhadap Tingkat Naungan yang Berbeda Andini Vermita Bestari; Sri Darmanti; Sarjana Parman
Biospecies Vol. 11 No. 2 (2018): Volume 11, No.2, July, 2018
Publisher : Universitas Jambi

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The study aimed to analyze physiological responses of soybean varieties Grobogan to different shade levels, including changes in amount of leaf total protein content, photosynthetic pigments content, index stomata and stomata gap width and vegetative growth. The research was conducted using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) one factor, that is shading level with three treatments: no shading, 50% shade and 70% shade. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and continued by DMRT at 95% confidence level. The results showed that Soybean varieties Grobogan is able to adapt and survive under 50% and 70% shade. Varieties Grobogan responded to increased shade by increasing leaf total protein content and photosynthetic pigments content and decreasing index stomata and stomatal gap width. Shaded plants showing stunted vegetative growth, seen by decreased of leaf number, leaf area, leaf thickness, stem height, stem diameter, root length and plant weight.
Jurnal Akademika Biologi Vol. 6 No. 2 April 2017
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Undip

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Cayenne pepper is one of horticulture crops that has the benefits and high economic value. Problem often encountered in the cultivation of chili that growth and still low production can not meet consumer demand continues to increase. This causes cayenne prices become relatively expensive in the market. Nutrients silica (Si) role in supporting growth and crop production. Applications use silica has now been developed in the form nanosilica as quickly absorbed by plants and needed in very small amounts. This study aim to assess the effect of nanosilica fertilizer on the growth, size of stomata and content of chlorophyll cayenne pepper. This research was conducted using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) one factor, that is nanosilica concentration with five treatments: 0 ml/L; 2.5 ml/L; 5 ml/L; 7.5 ml/L; 10 ml/L. The parameters observed are plant height, wet weight, dry weight, number of leaves , size of stomata and content of chlorophyll. The data was analized by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and continued with multiple range test Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 95% confidence level. These results indicate that fertilizer nanosilica can increase plant height, wet weight, dry weight, number of leaves  and size of stomata Cayenne pepper. N1-N4 treatment tends to improve content of chlorophyll cayenne pepper although not significant by ANOVA. Keyword: Cayenne pepper, growth, nanosilica, stomata, chlorophyll
Pertumbuhan Daun Tanaman Cabai (Capsicum annuum L.) yang Diinfeksi Fusarium oxysporum pada Umur Tanaman yang Berbeda Himmatul Ulya; Sri Darmanti; Rejeki Siti Ferniah
Jurnal Akademika Biologi Vol. 9 No. 1 Januari 2020
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Undip

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Cabai merah merupakan salah satu komoditas hortikultura yang ditanam di Indonesia. Salah satu penyakit yang menyerang tanaman cabai adalah layu fusarium. Layu fusarium diakibatkan oleh infeksi fungi Fusarium oxysporum. Infeksi F.oxysporum menyebabkan pengguguran daun lebih cepat sehingga menyebabkan penurunan daerah fotosintesis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan pengguguran daun tanaman cabai yang diinfeksi fungi F.oxysporum pada fase vegetatif dan generatif. Parameter yang diamati adalah jumlah daun yang dihitung setiap 5 hari, luas daun dihitung setiap 20 hari, dan jumlah daun gugur yang dihitung setiap 5 hari. Setiap perlakuan dilakukan 5 ulangan. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah tanaman cabai yang diinfeksi fungi F.oxysporum pada fase generatif mengalami penurunan pertumbuhan daun lebih tinggi dan pengguguran daun lebih banyak bila dibandingkan dengan tanaman cabai yang diinfeksi F.oxysporum pada fase vegetatif.