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Should Students Keep on Learning Writing although Facing Problems and Feeling Less Confident? Shofi Nurmala Sari; Lestari Setyowati
Journal of English Education Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Journal of English Education
Publisher : Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31327/jee.v6i1.1578


Learning to write in English is not an easy task. Foreign language learners (EFL) need to put their best effort to produce an acceptable piece of writing in terms of content and language. This paper is intended to investigate the English Language Education problems in writing essays. This study uses a descriptive-quantitative design, by using mini-scale research on the 2020 batch of students taking essay writing courses this semester. The total population of the participants is 120 students, Yet, the researchers only took 17% of the total population as the respondents.  The instrument used is a five-scale questionnaire in which all items exploring the students’ problems in writing. The researchers distributed the questionnaire randomly to 20 students by using a google form application.   The result shows that the problems frequently faced by the students are the writers' block during writing. All students also felt that the lack of reading affects the progress of their writing.  Furthermore, the students felt they have problems in using proper grammar and how to make the essay intact. As a result, there are 65% of the students do not have enough confidence in writing, and only 30% of them are sufficiently confident with their writing ability.
Pelatihan Penggunaan Mesin Sablon Botol Untuk Pelaku UMKM Makanan Minuman Ringan Di Kota Pasuruan Lestari Setyowati; Sari Kamina; Arif Sutrisno; Fariza Wahyu Arizal; Barotun Mabaroh
Altruis: Journal of Community Services Vol. 2 No. 4 (2021): Altruis
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/altruis.v2i4.18123


 One way to attract consumers to buy products is through attractive packaging. Therefore, this community service (SSI) aims to provide training related to packaging polishing using screen printing for small scale industry actors in the city of Pasuruan. Specifically, the purpose of writing this article is to describe the implementation and results of bottle screen printing training as a form of community service for food and beverage business actors in the city of Pasuruan. The method implemented is divided into three main stages, namely analysis as well as preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The team collaborated with the Demer sablon company, Pasuruan city to provide screen printing training materials. In the training session, many participants were enthusiastic about asking questions and greatly appreciated the training activities. Also, in the practice of screen printing, many participants produced good screen prints in the first trial (84%), while others (16%) produced ordinary screen prints. It can be concluded that community service activities through bottle screen printing training for SSI actors in the city of Pasuruan are very useful and increase the knowledge and basic skills of participants on how to screen print packaging bottles manually.
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (274.044 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/dpp.v5i1.318


ABSTRACTWith todays technology advancement, it is a requirement for teachers to be familiar with Information Technology (IT) world. One of the ITs which can be maximized in ELT classroom is You Tube. However, not many ELT teachers have adequate knowledge on how to use You Tube to teach English, especially writing. You Tube  is a free and rich learning tools that can be used to teach writing and at the same time, if it is planned and used properly, raise the students’ positive characters. Since many of the EFL students feel that writing is a demanding and difficult subject, writing teachers need to connect the topic of the composition with life outside the classroom. Thus, You Tube serves as an excellent tool to relate the topic in writing classes and life outside school. This paper is intended to addresses various ways teachers can use the video website (or other online streaming video websites) to teach English, especially in writing, and which part of character building which can be triggered from the use of particular kind of You Tube videos. Key Words: You Tube, writing, character building
The Students’ Perception On Writing Tools Application For Essay Writing Class Lestari Setyowati; Fahmi Rizky Abiyasa; Ana Ahsana El-Sulukiyyah; Nova - Ariani
Publisher : Jurnal Dimensi Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24269/dpp.v10i1.4446


The purpose of this study is to describe the students’ opinion 1) about writing in general, 2) the type of writing tools application used by the students in writing, 3) the most preferable writing tools application.  The research uses a cross-section design. In this design, quantitative data collection and analysis are followed by qualitative data collection and analysis before the results are interpreted.  The subject of this research was 32 fourth-semester students in English Education Study Program, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the University of PGRI Wiranegara, Pasuruan. The instruments used in this study were a questionnaire, interview, and documentation. The result reveals that half of the participants feel writing is difficult, while the other half feel writing is easy. Almost half of the students (47%) state that language/grammar is the most difficult element in writing. The types of writing tool applications used by the students are Grammarly (55%), U_Dictionary (24%), and Goggle Translate (21%). These writing tools help the students to solve the writing problems, such as in language, vocabulary, idea development, and drafting. The students think that writing tools application is practical and timesaving (74%). The students also believe that the writing tools application is beneficial and helpful to improve the quality of their essay. Interestingly, the students confess that they are uncertain if they can write well without writing tools application. Some of them feel that they cannot write well without the help of the application. The implication of the finding is discussed. 
Feeling nature in writing: environmental education in the EFL writing course Lestari Setyowati; Sari Karmina; Ahmad Heki Sujiatmoko; Nova Ariani
Journal on English as a Foreign Language Vol 12, No 1 (2022): Issued in March 2022
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palangka Raya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23971/jefl.v12i1.3092


Environmental degradation increases the threat to ecological disaster. Thus, environmental education is crucial for disaster mitigation. This study is intended to investigate the students’ level of environmental attitude, the students’ writing performance when writing with environmental issues, and their opinion when writing about an environmental topic. The study uses a cross-sectional design. The subjects were 23 students of the Department of English at a state university in Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia who joined the Essay writing course. The result shows that the students’ environmental attitude fall in the moderate category, the students’ performance in writing essays with environmental topics belongs to the ‘good’ category, and the students said that using an environmental issue raised their ecological awareness and their critical thinking skills. The result also shows that most of the students can write the introduction well, make relevant topic sentences well, give a relevant explanation well, and write a proper conclusion by using a recommendation to save and protect the environment. The study implies that environmental topics can be incorporated into language classes to sharpen language skills and to nurture the care and love of nature.
Jurnal Gramaswara: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 1, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Jurnal Gramaswara: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.gramaswara.2021.001.02.02


Writing scientific articles requires a skill, especially for teachers who want to improve their careers. However, not all teachers have the skills to write good scientific articles. This community service was carried out in two high schools, and three elementary schools in Pasuruan Regency which was held in the year 2020. The community service involved five lecturers across study programs, namely lecturers from English language education, Indonesian language and literature education, and mathematics education. This service aims to describe 1) the problems encountered by the teacher when writing scientific articles, 2) describe the stages of problem solving, and 3) describe the results that have been achieved during mentoring in writing scientific articles for publication. The problem of identifications show that teachers lack of knowledge and skills regarding how to write abstracts,  good background for scientific articles, presentation of discussions,  and writing a bibliography. The stages of problem solving are divided into three stages, namely 1) the planning stage, 2) the implementation stage, and 3) the publication stage. The results of the service show that there are three teachers who can meet the minimum standards of scientific articles to be published in scientific journals. The three articles were published in scientific journals selected by their respective authors and are currently published in a national non-accredited journal.
Using Tenggerese Oral Folktales for Teaching Paragraph Writing: How Good Are the Students’ Composition? Sony Sukmawan; Lestari Setyowati
Journal of Innovation in Educational and Cultural Research Vol 3, No 4 (2022)
Publisher : Yayasan Keluarga Guru Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (394.073 KB) | DOI: 10.46843/jiecr.v3i4.248


Indonesia is a nation that is rich in cultural artifacts. One of the cultural artifacts is the oral literature which is spread across the archipelago. This study is intended to describe the use of documented local Indonesian oral folktales applied for a paragraph writing class. The oral literature chosen was the Tenggerese oral literature in Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia. The study used a mixed-method design. The subjects of the study were 46 students of the English Education Study Program who joined a paragraph writing class in Universitas PGRI Wiranegara, Pasuruan. The students’ writing was assessed by using a primary trait scoring rubric. The result shows that 98% of the students were able to make a topic sentence that shows comparison and contrast paragraphs. Although most of the students were able to make comparison and contrast paragraphs (83%), half of them were still unable to develop the ideas in the paragraph well (52%). The probable causes identified were first, the students were not given enough chance to revise and edit their composition, and secondly, the documented local oral literature lacked details in its story development. Yet, the study implies that local oral folklores have a chance to be used as one of the teaching materials for skill courses.
Green project work for process writing amidst the pandemic: Planning, implementing, and reflections Lestari Setyowati; Sari Karmina; Sony Sukmawan; Razlina Razali
Bahasa dan Seni: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni, dan Pengajarannya Vol 50, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um015v50i22022p223


Green project work for process writing amidst the pandemic: Planning, implementing, and reflectionsThe aims of this paper are to discuss the concepts underlying Project-based learning (PjBL) and its syntax and to explore the planning, implementation, and reflection of PjBL in the online teaching of writing a process paragraph on the topic of using Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle (3R) principles to save the environment. Thirty-one students joined the paragraph writing course. The learning process and the students’ products of their projects were collected and documented in the form of videos, Power Point presentation, and electronic writing portfolios. The paper discusses how PjBl promotes collaborative work, problem-solving, critical thinking and technology integration. It also illustrates the steps of the implementation of PjBL which include planning, implementing, and reflecting. The project products were the students’ compositions and the videos showing the process in how to do or to make something that reflect the 3R principles. The majority of the students’ compositions were in ‘very good’ criteria, and the students’ videos were published in YouTube. The implementation of PjBL in the online teaching of process writing on the environmental topic increases the students’ critical thinking and creativity in solving global problems.Proyek Hijau untuk menulis paragraf proses di tengah pandemi: Perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan refleksiTujuan artikel ini adalah membahas konsep yang mendasari pembelajaran berbasis proyek (PjBL) dan sintaksnya, dan mengeksplorasi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan refleksi PjBL dalam pembelajaran online menulis paragraf proses dengan topik menggunakan prinsip-prinsip Reduce, Reuse, dan Recycle (3R) untuk menyelamatkan lingkungan. Ada 31 mahasiswa yang mengikuti kelas menulis paragraf. Semua proses belajar mahasiswa dan produk proyek me­reka dikumpulkan dan didokumentasikan dalam bentuk video, presentasi Power Point, dan portofolio tulisan elektronik. Artikel ini membahas bagaimana PjBl mengedepankan kerja kolaboratif, pemecahan masalah, integrasi teknologi, dan berpikir kritis. Artikel ini juga mengilustrasikan langkah-langkah implementasi PjBL yang meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan refleksi. Produk proyek adalah karya mahasiswa dan video yang menunjukkan proses bagaimana melakukan atau membuat sesuatu yang mencerminkan prinsip 3R.  Sebagian besar tulisan mahasiswa termasuk dalam kriteria 'sangat baik', dan video mahasiswa telah dipublikasikan di YouTube. Penerapan PjBL dalam menulis paragraph proses bertema lingkungan meningkatkan daya pikir kritis dan kreativitas siswa dalam memecahkan masalah ekologi global.
The Implementation of Songs for Listening and Speaking Activities for Eleventh Graders in SMAN 1 Lawang Putri Nadya Azizah; Salsabila Saifa Fitra Ichwany; Ahmad Ali Mahfudz; Rini Ika Sari; Lestari Setyowati
EDUCAFL : Journal of Education of English as Foreign Language Vol 6, No 1 (2023): EDUCAFL
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Brawijaya

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Song is an interesting medium for teaching English in a foreign language context. Through songs, students can learn new vocabulary, the grammar, and the idiomatic expression in an authentic way. The purpose of this paper are 1) to investigate the implementation of songs for listening and speaking activity; 2) to identify the students’ and teacher's problems and solutions in using songs for listening and speaking activities, and 3) to investigate how the students’ listening and speaking activities are assessed through the use of songs. The design of the study is a mixed method explanatory sequential design. The data was firstly collected from the questionnaire and followed with an interview. The researchers used a convenient sampling method because of its accessibility and availability. The targeted population was the eleventh graders of SMA N 1 Lawang. The sample was the 6th parallel class of science major, and the 3rd Social Science major. The total respondents were 34 students.  The result shows that the listening activities of song selection and its comprehension were done at home, while the speaking activity in song interpretation was done in the classroom. The finding also reveals that many students had no problem in the listening comprehension, especially in the accent and pronunciation (41.2%). Some students had grammar, pronunciation, self-confidence, and lack of vocabulary problems in interpreting songs orally even though half of the students were in a neutral position. The solutions for their listening problems, among others, are finding difficult words in the dictionary, memorizing the words and the songs, and listening to native speakers' speech and dialogs from movies and YouTube. While for the speaking problems, the solutions are to have a lot of practice with friends and native speakers, joining speech competitions, and singing English songs. The students' performance in listening and speaking skills were assessed by using scoring rubric prepared by the teachers.
Building ‘Entrepreneurial Mindset’ through Writing Ability in the EFL Classrooms Ahmad Heki Sujiatmoko; Lestari Setyowati
ELITE JOURNAL Vol 5 No 1 (2023): ELITE JOURNAL: Journal of English Linguistics, Literature, and Education
Publisher : ELITE Association Indonesia

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ABSTRACTMany educated people are found to be unemployed due to lacks of the job vacancy provided in accordance with their background knowledge at university or college. This can be a serious problem entailing the failure of building economic growth in society. This study investigated the students’ entrepreneurial mindset seen from their essay writing products. This study also used a cross-sectional design. There were 25 subjects from English department of the Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang. The instruments used were a questionnaire and a depth-interview. The results showed that most of the students did not have a good motivation, intention, and experience in doing business due to some factors like having no permission from the parents, no skills for practicing business, no social networks in business, and also feeling taboo to connect education with business in the life. However, the students’ writing performance were mostly good. The study implies that entrepreneurial mindset can be the alternative topic to support the students’ writing skill and be the solutions for leading them to be prosperous people with a bright future behind their education level. Keywords: Entrepreneurial mindset, Writing ability, EFL classrooms