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JUSTITIA : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum dan Humaniora Vol 7, No 4 (2020): JUSTITIA : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum dan Humaniora
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (300.795 KB) | DOI: 10.31604/justitia.v7i4.845-855


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis pengaturan Praperadilan di dalam KUHAP dan pengaturan Praperadilan berdasarkan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif yaitu penelitian yang mengacu kepada norma-norma dan asas-asas hukum yang terdapat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan dan putusan pengadilan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Wewenang Praperadilan dalam sejumlah ketentuan KUHAP hanya disediakan oleh Undang-undang untuk menguji “sebagian” kewenangan Penyidik dalam melakukan Penyidikan dan “sebagian” kewenangan Penuntut Umum dalam melakukan penuntutan, yaitu penangkapan, penahanan, penggeledahan, penyitaan, penghentian Penyidikan, penutupan perkara demi hukum, dan penghentian penuntutanBerdasarkan Peraturan Praperadilan di dalam KUHAP berdasarkan Pasal 77 sampai dengan Pasal 83 KUHAP mempunyai unsur-unsur yang mengatur tentang kewenangan atau objek Praperadilan adalah: 1) kewenangan pengadilan negeri untuk memeriksa dan memutuskan sah atau tidaknya penangkapan, penahanan, penghentian, Penyidikan atau penghentian penuntutan; dan ganti kerugian atau rehabilitasi bagi seseorang yang perkara pidananya dihentikan pada tingkat Penyidikan atau penuntutan.
Jurnal Abdi Ilmu Vol 14 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Abdi Ilmu

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The corruption is an axtradionary crime that damage and endagers the financial and economic of a state. If this nation did not aware the corruption as the root of problem, it is difficult for Indonesia to manage its self even for rise from the buried. The returning the loss of nation did not terminate the law prosecess on the corruption crime. But the returning of the loss of the state and followed by the elimination of the law process on corruption crime can be accepted as ultimate in corruption eradication. The problem in this thesis are : How the returning process of the state financial asset through the corruption crime justice as mentioned in the Act ? Did the returning the state financial will influence the punisment for criminal in the corruption crime justice ? What a returning of state financial in corruption crime justice in relationo to the objective of the punishment ? The asset recovery did not determined explicitly in Act No. 17/2003 concering to the State Financial and Act No. 20/2001 concering to theCorruption Crime Eradication even did not in Act No. 15/2002 that revised by Act No. 25/2003 concerning ti the money Laundry. The asset recovery is new nomenclatire and independent, separated from the term “State Financial”.this term indicate ecplicitly that asset of corruption is a property as the state asset. If the asset recovery had implemented in corruption crime justice, the judge is wise to provide the lower punishmen because the asset had be recovered.
Law Jurnal Vol 1, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Dharmawangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46576/lj.v1i2.1129


ABSTRAKPengungkapan kejahatan adalah salah satu tugas pokok Polri dalam rangka penegakan hukum. Pada dasarnya penyelidikan dan penyidikan tindak pidana adalah untuk mengumpulkan alat bukti guna membuat terang peristiwa yang terjadi dan menemukan pelakunya. Konsep kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis pengaturan proses pengambilan data elektronik yang digunakan sebagai alat bukti dan prosedur penggunaan teknologi dalam proses penyelidikan dan penyidikan kasus pembunuhan berencana. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif yang bentuk penyajianya bersifat deskriptif analisis. Akhir kesimpulan di hasilkan bagaimana bukti-bukti elektronik sebagai kajian bukti yang sah dalam mengarahkan pertanggung jawaban pelaku atas tindak kejahatan yang dilakukan dalam menjerat pelaku telah sesuai dengan prosedur kewenangan, sebagaimanana Cek/Olah TKP; Permintaan Salinan CCTV; Permintaan Otopsi dan Uji Balistik; Permintaan Cloning Handphone ke Labfor Mabes Polri; dan Permintaan CDR ke Telkomsel sebagaimana aturan dasar dalam pemenuhan minimal 2 (dua) alat bukti yang sah sesuai dengan Pasal 184 KUHAP dan ditambah dengan perluasan alat bukti yang sah berdasarkan Pasal 5 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) UU ITE.Kata Kunci: Penyelidikan dan penyidikan; teknologi informasi; pembunuhan berencana.
Law Jurnal Vol 1, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Dharmawangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46576/lj.v1i2.1130


ABSTRAKPencegahan kasus pelecehan seksual anak di bawah umur dengan pemberian perlindungan terhadap korban sekaligus memeberikan efek jera terhadap pelaku merupakan peranan penyidik. Sampel pada penilitian ini didapat dari laporan kepolisian di Polres Langkat. Kronologisnya tindak pidana perbuatan cabul terjadi pada hari Kamis, 04 Oktober 2018 pada pukul 14.00WIB di Jalan Kampung Kruni Kecamatan Stabat Kabupaten Langkat berlokasi di garasi rumah nenek korban. Pelaku yang melakukan perbuatan sodomi kepada korban belum diketahui. Pada mulanya korban MD tidak menandai siapa pelakunya dikarenakan tidak mengetahui nama pelaku namun ketika pihak keluarga korban MD memperlihatan foto barulah diketahui pelaku tersebut bernama Misdi Alias Mes Salon. Misdi melakukan perbuatan cabul dengan menyodomi korban MD hanya 1 (satu) kali. Kajian ini akan mengkaji serta menganalisis bagaimana aturan terkait penyidikan dan penyelidikan yang dilakukan oleh Polri, proses penyidikan dan penyelidikan Polres Langkat dalam mengungkap tindak pisdana pelecehan seksual dengan korban anak tuna rungu, serta kendala yang terjadi dalam penangkapan kejahan pelecehan seksual.Kata Kunci: Penyelidikan dan penyidikan; tindak pidana pencabulan; anak tuna rungu.
Kebijakan Tembak di Tempat Terhadap Pelaku Kejahatan 3C di Wilayah Hukum Polrestabes Medan Wamilik Mabel; Syafrudin Kalo; Madiasa Ablisar; M. Ekaputra
DOKTRINA: JOURNAL OF LAW Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Doktrina:Juornal of Law Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/doktrina.v4i2.4334


Consumer protection should receive more attention, because foreign investment has become part of Indonesia's economic development, where the Indonesian economy is also related to the world economy which can have negative implications for consumers. This study aims to determine the adoption of the ultimum remedium principle in consumer protection law and to determine the ultimum remedium principle of business actors in consumer protection law. The research method used is a normative juridical research method with secondary data source and analyzed deductively. The research desire to be achieved in consumer protection is to create a sense of security for consumers in meeting the needs of life. It is proven that all consumer protection norms in the Consumer Protection Law have criminal sanctions. The presence of criminal sanctions in consumer protection regulations is a form of ultimum remedium (the last alternative) when resolving consumer protection disputes through other legal channels is not sufficient.
Police Description In The Investigation of Criminal Narcotics (study at the north Sumatera National Narcotics Agency) Agung Anugrah Lubis; Syafruddin Kalo; Madiasa Ablisar; Sunarmi Sunarmi
LEGAL BRIEF Vol. 10 No. 1 (2020): Law Science and Field
Publisher : IHSA Institute

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Discretion is interpreted as “freedom and/or authority in making decisions to take actions that are considered appropriate or in accordance with the situations and conditions faced wisely and with due regard to all possible considerations and options. This research is a type of empirical normative legal research and the nature of the research used is descriptive-analytical. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The discretion of the police against narcotics crime at the investigation level is regulated in Article 18 paragraph (1) and Article 16 paragraph (1) letter 1 and paragraph (2) of the Police Law. The discretionary power of the police cannot be separated from several factors, namely internal and external factors. The legal consequences of discretionary actions by investigators of narcotics crimes are resolved through general courts.
Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Pada Kasus Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Yang Mengakibatkan Kematian Atas Dampak Kerusakan Jalan (Studi Kasus Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Rembang Nomor 129/Pid.Sus/2019/PN Rbg) B.A.S. Faomasi Jaya Laia; Madiasa Ablisar; Alvi Syahrin; M. Ekaputra
Iuris Studia: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Vol 2, No 3 (2021): Oktober 2021 - Januari 2022
Publisher : Iuris Studia: Jurnal Kajian Hukum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55357/is.v2i3.156


The problem of traffic accidents that cause death due to road damage is a problem that is always prominent from time to time. Of course, it needs to be studied in the aspect of criminal liability to resolve if there is a legal event in question occurs. The research method used in this research is normative juridical. The results showed that awave of traffic accidents that occurred due to road damage here found there were 2 (two) pihak which will basically receive the consequences ofroad users(community)  both victims and perpetrators,for  road organizers (whodeal withroad repairs / road repairs, namely the Public Works Office in each region),  Criminalliability for the occurrence of traffic accidents that result in death caused by road damage,can be charged to different parties because of their nature is kasuistis. Rembang District Court Decision No. 129 / Pid.Sus / 2019 / PN Rbg  basically the judge's decision can be said to be appropriate to say the defendant has been negligent because he was not careful and vigilant when driving on damaged roads / potholes
Analisis Yuridis Terhadap Putusan Hakim Mengenai Putusan Lepas Dari Segala Tuntutan Hukum (Studi Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Mandailing Natal Nomor 26/PID/2019/PN.Mdl) Cecep Priyayi; Madiasa Ablisar; Mahmud Mulyadi; Sutiarnoto Sutiarnoto
Iuris Studia: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Vol 2, No 3 (2021): Oktober 2021 - Januari 2022
Publisher : Iuris Studia: Jurnal Kajian Hukum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55357/is.v2i3.165


A judicial process ends with a final verdict (vonnis). The decision imposed by the judge must be in accordance with justice and legal certainty. The legal certainty itself lies on the regulations. The Indonesian Penal Code included three possibilities of jurisprudenceon Section 1 Point 11, which is in the form of adjudgment, free, or off from all legal proceedings. In the case of a decision offfrom all legal proceedings, it should be imposed by the judge if all elements of the act against the criminal law are proven, that a criminal act has occurred. However, the perpetrator, apparently, cannot be responsible (does not own a fault in a broad sense) due to certain reasons attached to the defendant as an excuse for forgiveness. The judge should have relied on evidence to prove a verdict. Accordingly, it is necessary to realize that the evidence proposedmust support confidence and be able to strengthen the judge’s stance. Otherwise, the judge shall set him free, if it is not convincing or causing doubts. But if the judge mistakenly free the guilty, then he is only going to deal with juridical accountability due to a fault of applying the law. Based on the background, then the research problem in this study were: (1) How is the legal settingagainst the criminal act of letterforgery; (2) How is the legal setting of judge’sdecision in herziene inlands reglement (HIR), the book of the law of criminal procedure(Code of Criminal Procedure) and bill of book of the law of criminal procedure (Bill of Code of Criminal Procedure); and (3) How is the analysis of the free verdict from any lawsuits, a verdict of District Court Mandailing Natal No.26/pid/2019/Pn.Mdl.The methods applied in this study was normative legal research. The nature of this study was analyticaldescriptive with legislation approach (statute approach).In normative legal research, the data used were secondary data which were obtained by conducting research on the primary, secondary,and tertiary legalmaterials. The juridical analysis of the judge's decision off from all legal proceedingsin District Court Mandailing Natal No. 26/pid/2019/Pn.Mdl, the defendant was proven to have committed the accused but not a criminal act.Based on the judge's decision and after being juridically analyzed, it can be seen that there was an error in the judge's decision, this was due to the absence of some special reasons or forgiveness in the defendant. Therefore, the judge should have decided that the defendant was found guilty of a criminal act and served his sentence in accordance with the final decision (judge's verdict).
Pemberian Remisi Bagi Narapidana Tindak Pidana Korupsi Di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas IIA Binjai Supian Natalis; Madiasa Ablisar; Mahmud Mulyadi; Syafruddin S. Hasibuan
Iuris Studia: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Vol 2, No 3 (2021): Oktober 2021 - Januari 2022
Publisher : Iuris Studia: Jurnal Kajian Hukum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55357/is.v2i3.151


Corruption in Indonesia occurs systematically and spreads widely; it does not only injure the country financially but also violates the social and economic rights of the people. In order to eradicate corruption in Indonesia, the government has attempted to make various preventive and repressive strategies. The repressive strategy is aimed to give the sanction quickly and accurately imposed on those who have committed corruption. One of the attempts is the moratorium policy in giving remission to corrupt prisoners. However, Law No. 12/1995 on Penitentiary states that one of the prisoners’ rights is to obtain remission, including the rights of the corrupt prisoners.
Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Pelaku Tindak Pidana Korupsi Dalam Bentuk Penyuapan (Studi Putusan No 12/Pid.Sus Tpk/2018/Pn Medan) Saur Sihaloho; Madiasa Ablisar; Mahmud Mulyadi; M. Eka Putra
Iuris Studia: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Vol 2, No 1 (2021): Februari - Mei
Publisher : Iuris Studia: Jurnal Kajian Hukum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55357/is.v2i1.88


Corruption can take place anywhere, in state institutions, in private institutions, and also in daily life. Combating corruption requires treatment and prevention in an integrated manner with the proper functioning of the legal system of the law and legal institutions in the criminal justice system. Types of research conducted in this research is normative juridical and the nature of this research is descriptive analysis. The data collection techniques used in this research is through library research. Based on the results of this research criminal liability against corruption is the liability of the offenses committed by the offender. Criminal act committed must meet the elements that have been determined by constitution. Someone will be held accountable for these actions when there is an element in the action against the law and there is no excuse and fault elements must be met in terms of combating corruption. This is due to the principle of liability in criminal law that is not tobe punishment if no fault. Criminal acts and the responsibility of the perpetrators of criminal acts for corruption in the form of bribery based on Decision No. 12 / Pid.Sus.TPK / 2018 / PN Medan where to defendant has been proven legally and convincingly, the defendant is able to be responsible and there is no excuse any fault that may negate or justification which can eliminate the unlawful nature of the act, the criminal liability for acts of corruption in the form of sentencing of offenders as set forth in Medan District Court's decision
Co-Authors Ade Jaya Ismanto Adi Chandra Agung Anugrah Lubis Agusmidah Agusmidah Almunawar Sembiring Alvi Syahrin Alvin Ziawa Andri Dharma Andri Rico Manurung Annisa Hafizah Ayu Anisa Azwarman Azwarman B.A.S. Faomasi Jaya Laia Brivan Sitompul Budi Prakarsa Ketaren Cecep Priyayi Chairul Bariah Choky Permana Hutagalung Dedy Chandra Sihombing deny setiawan siregar Deny Setiawan Siregar Dwina Elfika Putri Edi Suranta Sinulingga Edi Yunara Ediwarman Ediwarman Edy Ikhsan Edy Suranta Tarigan Ekaputra Ekaputra Ekaputra, Mohammad Esther Wita Simanjuntak Fadli Imam Syahputra Harahap Faomasi Laia Gheanina Prisilia Kaban Hendy Iskandar Herlina Sitorus Hermoko Febriyanto Husein Pohan Ismawansa Ismawansa Jelly Leviza Jenda Riahta Silaban Jimmy Donovan Joy Ananda Putra Sianipar Juni Kristian Telaumbanua Lisa Yuliani M Hamdan M. Adityo Andri Cahyo Prabowo M. Ainul Yaqin M. Eka Putra M. Ekaputra M. Hamdan Mahmud Mulyadi MAHMUL SIREGAR Maichael Sinambela Marlina Marlina Martuasah Tobing Mauliza Mauliza Mirza Nasution Muhammad Ridwanta Tarigan Nadya Chairani Pujiati Rafiqoh Lubis Ramboo Loly Sinurat Regi Putra Manda Ria Ekawardani Riamor Bangun Ritha F Dalimunthe Rosmalinda Rosmalinda Ruth Gladys Sembiring Saur Sihaloho Sri Delyanti Sudarma Setiawan Suhaidi Suhaidi Sunarmi, Sunarmi Supian Natalis Sutan Sinomba Parlaungan Harahap Sutiarnoto Sutiarnoto Sutiarnoto Sutiarnoto Syafruddin Kalo Syafruddin S. Hasibuan Syafrudin Kalo Syarifah Taryono Raharja Teuku Isra Muntahar Wamilik Mabel Wessy Trisna Yolanda Sari KS Yudi Syahrudin Zulkarnain Zulkarnain