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PERBEDAAN INDEKS MASSA TUBUH PADA AKSEPTOR KB SUNTIK 1 DAN 3 BULAN Rufaridah, Anne; Putri, Kurnia; Cumayunaro, Ayuro; Sidaria, Sidaria
Jurnal Endurance Vol 2, No 3 (2017): Jurnal Endurance: Kajian Ilmiah Problema Kesehatan
Publisher : Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi (LLDIKTI) Wilayah X

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (226.441 KB) | DOI: 10.22216/jen.v2i3.1975


Injection method is the most widely used contractive because the usage are safe, simple, effective and practice as long as the high these acceptor it is certaily followed by complain of side effects such weight changes, the purpose study uses an analitic with cross sectional approach. The population where 188 people where the acceptor injection contraceptives the sample amounted to 33 clients in each acceptor of 1 and 3 month the data collection are demographic data and questionaire sheet and it was analyzed by paired t-test and independent t-test. The result of this study showed that most of then were totally weight gains wich the difference mean value between pretest and postest the acceptor KB of 1 month is 3,71 kg/m² the while a mean value of the acceptor 3 months is 5,10 kg/m² those means there were a change of impact on weight gains amoung the acceptor KB of 1 and 3 months. While the value of independent t-test showed p=0,021 (p>0,05). Baced on these results it can be concluded that there were significantly  difference wight changes between and acceptor injectable contraceptives 1 and 3 month expecte.
Hubungan Stres Akademik dengan Kualitas Tidur Mahasiswa Keperawatan Tingkat Akhir Program Alih Jenjang Esthika Ariany Maisa; Andrial Andrial; Dewi Murni; Sidaria Sidaria
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 21, No 1 (2021): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v21i1.1345


Sleep is a basic human need. Poor sleep quality can have an impact on students' health and academic performance. Nursing students at the end of the level transfer program have the risk of poor sleep quality due to the high academic task load coupled with other assignments besides lectures that can take up student break time. One of the factors that affect the quality of sleep is stress, and among students it is called academic stress. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between academic stress and sleep quality in the final year students of a level transfer program. The study was conducted at one of the campuses in the city of Padang using a correlation analytic research design with a cross sectional approach. The sample in this study amounted to 64 students at the end of the level transfer program with the total sampling technique. This research was conducted from October to November 2019. Data was collected using the Pittsburh Sleep Quality Index and Student Academic Stress Scale research instruments. The results of this study indicate that nursing students at the end of the level transfer program experience poor sleep quality with high academic stress. Correlation analysis provides a linear and positive pattern of relationship between academic stress and sleep quality of nursing students at the end of a level tansfer program, with a very strong correlation strength level, which means that the higher the student's academic stress, the worse the quality of sleep.. It is expected that students can manage academic stress with stress management and time management, so as not to have an impact on the quality of student sleep.
PEMANFAATAN MAKANAN TAMBAHAN BERBASIS DIVERSIFIKASI DADIAH PADA IBU HAMIL DAN PELATIHAN PEMANTAUAN STATUS GIZI PADA PETUGAS KESEHATAN Susmiati Susmiati; Helmizar Helmizar; Asrawati Nurdin; Zifriyanti Minanda Putri; Esthika Ariany Maisa; Yuanita Ananda; Muthamainah Muthamainah; Sidaria Sidaria; Ilfa Khairina
Jurnal Hilirisasi IPTEKS Vol 2 No 4.a (2019)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (480.33 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jhi.v2i4.a.317


Stunting adalah kondisi gagal pertumbuhan pada anak balita akibat kekurangan gizi dalam waktu lama terutama pada 1.000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (HPK), yang disebabkan oleh banyak faktor seperti kondisi sosial ekonomi, gizi ibu saat hamil, kesakitan pada bayi dan kurangnya asupan gizi bayi. Stunting akan mengakibatkan anak mengalami keterlambatan dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangan otak, beresiko mengidap penyakit metabolik dan degeneratif dikemudian hari. Salah satu program lokal berbasis masyarakat yang mungkin dilakukan adalah pemberian makanan tambahan pada ibu hamil yang merupakan usaha peningkatan gizi pada 1000 hari pertama kehidupan. Salah satu makanan yang sangat tinggi nilai gizi baik protein, lemak dan probiotiknya yang mudah didapatkan di daerah Lintau Buo adalah dadiah. Pemberian makanan tambahan ini tidak efektif bila tidak diikuti dengan pemantauan tumbuh kembang oleh petugas kesehatan. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan peningkatan pengetahuan ibu hamil tentang PMT dan peningkatan pengetahuan petugas tentang pemantauan tumbuh kembang bayi dan anak. Pengabdian berupa penyuluhan tentang pemanfaatan pemberian makanan tambahan berbasis dadiah pada ibu hamil serta pelatihan pemantauan tumbuh kembang pada petugas kesehatan di Nagari tanjung bonai Lintau Buo Utara Kabupaten Tanah datar yang terkenal sebagai penghasil dadiah yang tinggi kandungan bakteri asam laktat. Sasaran Pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah ibu hamil dan petugas kesehatan di wilayah Lintau Buo Utara. Metode pelaksanaan program ini terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu tahap persiapan berupa persiapan izin lokasi, pembuatan modul penyuluhan. Tahap kedua yaitu pelaksanaan penyuluhan atau desiminasi ilmu dan peragaan pemantauan tumbuh kembang bayi dan anak. Tahap ketiga adalah tahap evaluasi terhadap kegiatan yang dilakukan. Dari kegiatan ini memberi nilai tambah pengetahuan ibu hamil dan petugas kesehatan sehingga diharapkan angka kejadian stunting dapat ditekan.
Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kepuasan Kerja Perawat Di Rumah Sakit Padang Dewi Murni; Sidaria Sidaria; Annisa Annisa; Maharani Maharani
Ners Jurnal Keperawatan Vol 18, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/njk.18.1.1-7.2022


Job satisfaction is an individual’s general attitude towards the work he does. Nurses’ job satisfaction will reflect the level where a nurse has responsibility and likes work. Selecting the work given or assigned will positively impact both the nurse herself and the patient. Job satisfaction is (job satisfaction) an affective or emotional response to various aspects of one's work. The factors that influence the job satisfaction of nurses are motivation, environment, and the role of the manager. This type of research is quantitative with a cross-sectional model approach. The population of this study was all nurses who served in the inpatient room of RSI Siti Rahmah Padang, with a total sample of 50 nurses. The sampling technique used is proportional stratified random sampling, which meets the sample criteria. Data was taken using a questionnaire containing the item, job satisfaction of nurses. The motivation variable is the dominant factor that affects the job satisfaction of nurses, with a value of = 0.007. It is hoped that the hospital will review the motivations that can increase the job satisfaction of nurses and the policies taken and make decisions.Keywords: Nurse Job Satisfaction, Motivation, Environment, Manager's Role
Menara Ilmu Vol 12, No 9 (2018): Vol. XII No. 9 Oktober 2018
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/mi.v12i9.965


Social skills are very important for teenagers in helping social interaction. Low social skills canlead to poor teenagers to interact effectively with the environment. One of the external factorsaffecting social skills is the advancement of gadget technology where the current phenomenon ofadolescents tend to be addicted to gadgets. The purpose of this study to determine the relationshipof gadget addiction with social skills in adolescents class X & XI in Senior High School PGRI IPadang 2017. This type of research is analytical with cross sectional approach. The population inthis study amounted to 311 people with sampling technique that is proportional random samplingof 76 samples. The research was conducted on July 6, 2017. Data analysis was done by univariateand bivariate statistic test using chi-square with 95% confidence α = 0,05. The results of the studyfound that 55.3% of respondents have poor social skills, adolescents who are addicted to highgadget as much as 52.6%. From the statistical test results showed p value = 0.042 (p <0.05).Baced on these results it can be concluded that there is a relationship between gadgetaddiction with social skills.Key words: Gadget addiction, Social Skills, Teenagers
Ensiklopedia of Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Vol 2 No 1 Edisi 2 Oktober 2019
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Penerbitan Hasil Penelitian Ensiklopedia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (153.504 KB) | DOI: 10.33559/eoj.v2i1.362


The world is currently experiencing health problems where the increase of mortality and morbidity become uncontrolable, one of the main causes is resulted by Non Communicable Diseases (NCD) such as stroke, hypertension, cancer and diabetes.the increase of NCD can reduce the productivity of human resources, even the quality of nation’s generation. to overcome this the government has launched a national movement through the instruction of Indonesian Presiden Number 1 in 2017. This movement is as known as Gerakan Masyarakat Hidup Sehat (GERMAS). This research aims to know related factor of knowledge level And role of health officer with application Gerakan Masyarakat Hidup Sehat (GERMAS) at RW 8 Kubu Marapalam sub-district working area of Andalas Public Health Center in 2018. Research design is analytic with cross-sectional approach. Sampling technique that is proportional random sampling of 73 family. The research was conducted on March-August 2018, and research instrument was questionnaire. Univariate analysis is in the form of distribution of frequency table and bivariate analysis is by using chi-square test. Result from this Research found 57.5% of families with poor application of GERMAS, 57.5% of families with low knowledge level, 53.4% of families with poor the role of health workers, there was significant correlation between level of knowledge with the application of GERMAS p = 0.000, there was significant correlation between The role of health workers with the application of GERMAS p = 0,000. It is recommended for health agencies in this case Andalas Public Health Center to make more significant efforts to improve the application of GERMAS to the community by doing counseling, activating the program keluarga binaan and activating Pos Pembinaan Terpadu (POSBINDU).
Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Mahasiswa Profesi Ners Selama Pembelajaran Klinis di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Sidaria Sidaria; Dewi Murni; Ilfa Khairina; Nelwati Nelwati
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 22, No 2 (2022): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v22i2.2274


Hybrid learning during the Covid-19 pandemic was also applied to clinical practice of undergraduate nursing students. The policy of limiting practice hours and the guidance process is mostly done online. With these changes, it is necessary to measure student satisfaction. Student satisfaction in clinical practice is important to achieve optimal learning objectives. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of satisfaction of undergraduate nursing students during clinical learning in the Covid-19 pandemic. Quantitative design was used with descriptive study. The research sample was undergraduate nursing students who were taken using the total population technique, the number of samples was 81. Data were collected using the CLES+T questionnaire. Data analysis was performed univariately. The level of satisfaction of undergraduate nursing students during clinical learning in the Covid-19 pandemic was 49.4 % satisfied and 40.7 % very satisfied, leadership style of The ward manager dimension was 53.1 % very satisfied, role of the Nurse teacher dimension was 48.1 % very satisfied, premises of nursing on The Ward was 43.2 % very satisfied, supervisory relationship was 40.7 % very satisfied, pedagogical atmosphere was 35.8 % very satisfied. The majority of the satisfaction levels of undergraduate nursing students during clinical learning in the Covid-19 pandemic are satisfied and very satisfied. The leadership style of the ward manager dimension is the most very satisfied.
Publisher : LPPM (Institute for Research and Community Services) Universitas Andalas Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/bina.v5i3.433


The implementation of education in the city of Padang has been carried out online and face-to-face, including at the elementary school level. Face-to-face learning has a high risk of COVID-19 transmission. For this reason, the COVID-19 prevention health protocol is very important that must be implemented by students and schools. From the observations of elementary school students at SD N 21 Lubuk Lintah, Kuranji District, they still do not comply with health protocols such as washing hands, keeping a distance from friends and masks that often hang around their necks. To improve student behavior in implementing health protocols, health literacy can be done. The purpose of this activity is to increase the knowledge of school-age children about the importance of implementing COVID-19 preventive health protocols and implementing COVID-19 prevention health protocols at school and outside the school environment. The activity was carried out at the TPQ of the Al Jadid Mosque, Karang Ganting, Kuranji District because it was not clear when face-to-face learning would be conducted after the online learning was resumed. The activity was carried out with a health literacy approach, namely by providing material about COVID-19 and COVID-19 prevention health protocols to 50 students, demonstrating the implementation of health protocols and motivating students to apply health protocols. The activity continued with the delivery of masks, hand sanitizers, hand soap to the Head of the TPQ of the Al Jadid mosque and attaching posters on how to wash hands and posters of health protocols. The results of the evaluation showed that there was an increase in the behavior of implementing the protocol during the pre-test and post-test. Suggestions for the school and the TPQ to continue to motivate students to carry out health protocols and monitor the implementation of health protocols.
Analisis Hubungan Suport Kerja Perawat dengan Kualitas Hidup Perawat yang Bekerja Selama Krisis Kesehatan di Rumah Sakit Swasta di Padang: studi cross-sectional Dewi Murni; Sidaria Sidaria; Nelwati Nelwati
Jurnal Kesehatan Medika Saintika Vol 13, No 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Stikes Syedza Saintika Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30633/jkms.v13i2.1592


Perubahan kondisi krisis kesehatan saat ini telah merubah kondisi yang dialami oleh tenaga kesehatan khususnya perawat. Dampak yang terjadi pada perawat mulai dari kondisi fisik yang mudah lelah setelah bekerja, stress atas resiko tinggi penularan penyakit, stress. Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh suport Kerja Perawat dan Kualitas Hidup Perawat yang Bekerja Selama Krisis Kesehatan di Rumah Sakit Indonesia. Desain penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan teknik proporsional random sampling, dengan jumlah sampel 74 perawat praktik yang telah memenuhi kriteria sampel. Penelitian tersebut dilakukan oleh sebuah rumah sakit swasta di Kota Padang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang berisi item, support (dukungan dan lingkungan yang kondusif), dan instrumen kualitas hidup WHOQOL-BREF (World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF). Data diolah menggunakan SPSS, dengan analisis univariat dan bivariat. Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara motivasi kerja dengan kualitas hidup perawat (p<0,005). suport perawat dengan kualitas hidup sebesar 78,6%, support (OR=5,70; 95% CI=2,07-15,67). Suport atau dukungan dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup perawat pada saat krisis kesehatan. suport yang baik dari semua sistem dapat mengurangi kelelahan fisik dan stress yang dialami perawat dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan di rumah sakit.
Penerapan SDKI, SLKI, dan SIKI dalam Pendokumentasian Asuhan Keperawatan di Ruangan Interne Pria RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang Yuanita Ananda; Yulastri Arif; Zifriyanthi Minanda Putri; Esthika Ariany Maisa; Dewi Murni; Sidaria Sidaria; Ilfa Khairina; Muthmainnah Muthmainnah; Susmiati Susmiati; Nelwati Nelwati
Warta Pengabdian Andalas Vol 29 No 4 (2022)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jwa.29.4.388-393.2022


Nursing services are often used as a benchmark for the image and quality of a hospital in the eyes of the public. One indicator of service quality is nursing documentation. Nursing documentation is a nursing care process for patients that must be carried out by nurses. The results of interviews conducted with nurses in the Men's Internal Room at RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang found that nursing documentation through IDHS, SLKI, and SIKI had not run optimally. Therefore, it is necessary to provide education on the application of the SDKI, SLKI, and SIKI in carrying out nursing documentation. The purpose of this activity is that nurses can apply nursing documentation with SDKI, SLKI, SIKI to patients. The implementation of the activity was carried out directly to the nurses with a total of 30 respondents starting with the pretest, giving material, and ending with the post test. The results of the pre test were the level of knowledge of nurses in the Men's Internal Room of Dr. M. Djamil Hospital Padang regarding the application of SDKI, SLKI, and SIKI in nursing documentation before being given education, namely 7 nurses had good knowledge (23%), 10 nurses had sufficient knowledge (33%), 13 nurses have less knowledge (44%). The results of the post test were the level of knowledge of nurses in the Men's Internal Room Dr. M. Djamil Hospital Padang regarding the application of SDKI, SLKI, and SIKI in nursing documentation after being given education, namely 25 nurses had good knowledge (83%), 5 nurses had sufficient knowledge (17%). Based on these results it can be concluded that this educational activity is very useful and can increase nurses' knowledge about documentation and can be applied directly to patients. The suggestion is that nursing managers can control the nursing documentation process so that the quality of nursing services can be optimal.