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Diversity and Abundance of Cerambycid Beetles in the Four Major Land-use Types Found in Jambi Province, Indonesia . Fahri; Tri Atmowidi; Woro Anggraitoningsih Noerdjito
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 23 No. 2 (2016): April 2016
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2531.278 KB) | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.23.2.56


Longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) have an important function in the ecosystem, i.e. bioindicators, saproxylic, pollinators, and as food of other organisms. Land cover changes due to land use can disrupt the natural balance of the ecosystem, which can result in a decrease of cerambycid diversity. Cerambycid species diversity was evaluated in four land types, i.e. jungle-rubber, rubber plantations, oil palm plantations, and felled jungle-rubber. Collections of cerambycid beetles were conducted by using artocarpus trap, made by freshly cut Artocarpus heterophyllus branches. Collections of beetles were made on day 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, and 16th after the traps were set up. In the four land-use types in Jambi province, we collected 72 species including 34 morphospecies of cerambycids, consisting of 42 species from the jungle-rubber, 39 species from rubber plantations, 16 species from oil palm plantations, and 28 species from felled jungle-rubber. Cerambycid diversity was highest in jungle-rubber (H' = 3.23), followed by rubber plantation (H' = 2.67), felled jungle-rubber (H' = 2.38), and oil palm plantations (H' = 2.01). Highest similarities of cerambycid communities occurred in the rubber plantation–felled jungle-rubber (51.2), followed by jungle-rubber–rubber plantation (50.0), rubber plantations–oil palm plantations (43.5), oil palm plantation–felled jungle-rubber (42.4), jungle-rubber–oil palm plantations (35.3), and jungle-rubber–felled jungle rubber (34.8). The number of cerambycid species and individuals collected was highest on day 7th.
Intra- and Interspecies Wing Venation Variations of Apis cerana and Apis nigrocincta Species in Indonesia Nisfia Rakhmatun Nisa; Berry Juliandi; Rika Raffiudin; Jauharlina Jauharlina; Mahardika Gama Pradana; Araz Meilin; Jasmi Jasmi; Yulia Pujiastuti; Puji Lestari; Fahri Fahri; Windra Priawandiputra; Tri Atmowidi
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 29 No. 2 (2022): March 2022
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.29.2.222-233


Apis cerana has a wide distribution in Asia, including Sundaland, and is currently found in Wallacea, while the sister species, A. nigrocincta, is native in Sulawesi. The wide geographic distribution and the island isolation led to form morphological differences in the bees. The morph and wing venations are known to have a high genetic inheritance. Therefore, this research aimed to (1) analyze the landmark variation of wing venations of A. cerana from Sundaland and Wallacea, and A. nigrocincta from Sulawesi, (2) determine the relationship between these two bee species. The research was conducted by digitizing 550 wing venations based on nineteen landmarks. Our study on intraspecies showed that A. cerana Sumatra revealed a high variation in bending energy. Overall, the deformation grid of A. cerana from Sundaland has higher displacement than those from Wallacea, meaning higher variations of the Sundaland A. cerana. We found geometric morphometric markers of landmarks 16 and 17 in intraspecies and interspecies bees. Thus, these landmarks known as a cubital index can be used for species identification. The differentiation of interspecies has been shown in the PCA. Apis nigrocincta was separated from the single group of the centroid A. cerana and was supported by the Neighbor-Joining tree.
Identifikasi Spesies Kepiting Bakau Famili Ocypodidae di Kabonga Kecil, Donggala, Sulawesi Tengah Donny Aprilyanto; Fahri Fahri; Annawaty Annawaty
ZOO INDONESIA Vol 26, No 2 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Masyarakat Zoologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52508/zi.v26i2.3718


Salah satu wilayah di Sulawesi Tengah yang memiliki ekosistem hutan bakau adalah kawasan oantai Kelurahan Kabonga Kecil, Kecamatan Banawa, Kabupaten Donggala. Hutan bakau yang masih banyak ditumbuhi pepohonan masih sangat memungkinkan menjadi habitat dari berbagai fauna akuatik termasuk kepiting bakau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifkasi dan mendeskripsi jenis kepiting mangrove famili Ocypodidae di Kabonga Kecil, Banawa, Sulawesi Tengah. Koleksi sampel dilaksanakan pada bulan JUnu 2016 dan Januari 2017 menggunakan metode purposive sampling pada empat stasiun peneltiian di area pasang surut hutan mangrove. Identifikasi dilakukan di laboratorium biodeiversitas jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNTAD dan laboratorium Crustacea, MZB, LIPI. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat enal spesies kepiting famili Ocypodidae di Kabonga Kecil. Keenam spesies tersebut termasuk ke dalam 3 genus yaitu (Austruca (A. annulipes, A. triangularis, dan A. perplexa). Tubuca (T. dussumieri dan T. demani), dan Gelasimua (G. vocans)
Scripta Biologica Vol 5, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Biologi | Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1113.417 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/


Sulawesi is one of the four Greater Sunda Islands characterized by rivers and lakes habitats of freshwater shrimps and prawns with a high degree of endemism. The freshwater shrimp and prawns diversity in the Batusuya river of Donggala is less studied compared to the ancient lakes in the Central Sulawesi area. This study aimed to determine the diversity of freshwater shrimp and prawns of the Batusuya river. The sample was collected in November 2016 using tray net. The study site divided into three sampling stations based on the type of habitat. Nine species of freshwater shrimps and prawns were found, i.e., Macrobrachium australe, M. esculentum, M. horstii, M. lar, M. placidulum, Caridina brevicarpalis, C. gracilipes, C. weberi, and Atyopsis spinipes. Six species were found in all localities including Macrobrachium australe, M. esculentum, M. horstii, M. lar, C. brevicarpalis, and C. gracilipes, while M. placidulum, C. weberi, and A. spinipes were not found in all stations. The highest diversity index (H') was found in the station III indicated freshwater shrimps and prawns favored the environmental conditions of this station. The highest measure of species richness (R) was found in the station I and presumably related to the life cycle of freshwater shrimps and prawns which is amphidromous. The occurrence of nine species of freshwater shrimps and prawns along the Batusuya river indicated the environmental condition of the stream was suitable for most freshwater shrimps and prawns, and the Macrobrachium australe was found as the most abundant species.
Bio-Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Vol. 8 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/bl.v8i1.6611


Kumbang longhorn yang dikenal dengan nama kumbang cerambycid merupakan kumbang yang memiliki peran sangat penting dalam proses pembusukan yang berguna bagi keseimbangan ekosistem hutan. Keanekaragaman kumbang ini masih belum banyak diketahui dan dipelajari di Indonesia, terutama di Provinsi Riau. Sedangkan provinsi ini memiliki heterogenitas vegetasi yang tinggi yang merupakan habitat dan sumber makanan bagi kumbang antena panjang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginventarisasi dan mengkarakterisasi kumbang longhorn di hutan Talang Pematang Pudu Provinsi Riau. Metode yang digunakan adalah menggunakan perangkap Arthrocarpus. Kumbang dikumpulkan pada pukul 15.00 wib. Kemudian dilakukan pengawetan dan identifikasi karakter morfologi berdasarkan ciri kepala, dada dan perut. Hasil penelitian didapatkan sebanyak 12 spesies kumbang longhorn, dengan genera yang terdiri dari Sybra, Pterolophia, dan Epepeotes dari Subfamili Lamiinae. Jumlah individu yang diperoleh sebanyak 110 kumbang. Ciri-ciri kumbang longhorn yang dapat membedakan jenis kumbang terdapat pada ciri-ciri antena, elytra, skutelum dan pronotum.
Identifikasi Spesies Kepiting Bakau Famili Ocypodidae di Kabonga Kecil, Donggala, Sulawesi Tengah Donny Aprilyanto; Fahri Fahri; Annawaty Annawaty
ZOO INDONESIA Vol 26, No 2 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Masyarakat Zoologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52508/zi.v26i2.3718


Salah satu wilayah di Sulawesi Tengah yang memiliki ekosistem hutan bakau adalah kawasan oantai Kelurahan Kabonga Kecil, Kecamatan Banawa, Kabupaten Donggala. Hutan bakau yang masih banyak ditumbuhi pepohonan masih sangat memungkinkan menjadi habitat dari berbagai fauna akuatik termasuk kepiting bakau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifkasi dan mendeskripsi jenis kepiting mangrove famili Ocypodidae di Kabonga Kecil, Banawa, Sulawesi Tengah. Koleksi sampel dilaksanakan pada bulan JUnu 2016 dan Januari 2017 menggunakan metode purposive sampling pada empat stasiun peneltiian di area pasang surut hutan mangrove. Identifikasi dilakukan di laboratorium biodeiversitas jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNTAD dan laboratorium Crustacea, MZB, LIPI. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat enal spesies kepiting famili Ocypodidae di Kabonga Kecil. Keenam spesies tersebut termasuk ke dalam 3 genus yaitu (Austruca (A. annulipes, A. triangularis, dan A. perplexa). Tubuca (T. dussumieri dan T. demani), dan Gelasimua (G. vocans)
Landmark-Based Geometric Morphometric of Apis dorsata and A. d. binghami Wing Venation in Indonesian Archipelagos Innayah Zahara; Fahri Fahri; Jacobus S.A Lamerkabel; Qashiratuttarafi Qashiratuttarafi; Berry Juliandi; Rika Raffiudin
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 29 No. 5 (2022): September 2022
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.29.5.658-668


The giant honey bee Apis dorsata has a vast distribution in Asia, including in the Indonesian archipelagos, whereas A. d. binghami is endemic to Sulawesi Island. This research aimed to analyze the variations of landmarks in wing venation of A. dorsata from Sumatra, Belitung, Java, Sumbawa, Moluccas islands, and A. d. binghami in Sulawesi, based on geometric morphometric analysis. Nineteen landmarks from 200 wing venations were analyzed using Thin Plate Spline software. Our study found landmarks 16 and 17, known as Cubital Index in traditional morphometrics, contributed to the wing shape of A. dorsata and A. d. binghami Among all samples, these two landmarks show high displacement in the wing shape of A. d. binghami in Sulawesi and A. dorsata in the Moluccas. On the contrary, we found that the Sumatra, Belitung, and Java Apis dorsata revealed low displacement in the deformation grid; resulting in their shapes being more similar to the reference landmark. The variations of wing shape separate A. d. binghami from Sulawesi and Sumbawa in the Principle Component Analysis and agreement with the Neighbor-joining tree. Therefore, the geometric morphometric based on landmarks of wing venation is a powerful tool to discriminate the subspecies level of A. dorsata.
The Development of Portfolio Evaluation Tools to Improve Expository Writing Skills Kuswardani, Rahayu; Nur Abida, Fithriyah Inda; Purwati, Oikurema; Fauzia, Nur; Darma, Diana Budi; Fahri, Fahri; Chakim, Nur; Hilmi, Muh Aries
ELS Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): June
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (295.172 KB) | DOI: 10.34050/elsjish.v5i2.21186


This research is intended to help English teachers both at the college and high school levels in using portfolios as an evaluation tool in writing skills. Portfolio assessment was chosen in this research because of its wide use and easy adaptation to various needs. This study used Research and Development method. The development stage is based on the IQF curriculum implemented in English Language and Literature Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. The exploratory writing skills held for students are expected to help them in further writing, namely Thesis Proposal Writing and Academic Journal Writing where students will write down their thoughts about a concept or phenomenon and present an explanation accompanied by adequate research data. The results of the study show that the use of portfolio is quite positive. There is an improvement in students’ writing after applying a portfolio as an evaluation tool for writing skills. However, some additions need to be made to improve the quality and format of the portfolio as an evaluation tool for writing skills.
Potential of various trap crops for the control of Bemisia tabaci on chilli pepper Mihwan Sataral; Syahril Daud; Fahri; Maria Hevianti
CELEBES Agricultural Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): CELEBES Agricultural
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Tompotika Luwuk University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (560.961 KB) | DOI: 10.52045/jca.v2i2.398


The whitefly Bemisia tabaci is an important pest of chilli peppers and a vector insect that causes yellow leaf disease. This study aimed to compare the whitefly population and the intensity of its attacks on chilli production in plots with or without trap crops. This study used eggplant, tomato and mungbean as trap crops. As the main crop, Chilli pepper was planted in plots measuring 7 m x 4 m with a spacing of 60 cm x 70 cm. Trap crops were planted around the chilli pepper plots, with 16 plants in each plot. The results showed a significant difference between whitefly populations and the intensity of their attacks in plots without trap crops and plots with mungbean traps. The biggest chilli weight was obtained from plots with mungbean trap plants. State that mungbean has the best potential as a trap crop to control B. tabaci.