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Monitoring dan Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan Koperasi pada Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM Provinsi Bali dengan Dukungan GIS Fedlina, Ketut Queena; Susiowati, Rita Dwi; Nirmala, Bagus Putu Wahyu
Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Vol 2, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (309.801 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/ojsinf.v2i2.314


The growth of cooperatives in Indonesia today is very fast, especially the growth of cooperatives in Bali. Based on data from the Department of Cooperatives, Micro, Small and Medium Bali Province the number of cooperatives in bali per June 30, 2016 as many as 4934, this is certainly a positive picture for the growth of cooperatives. The development of micro-credit activities undertaken cooperative is also growing very rapidly, but this is not matched by the quality of the performance of the cooperative itself. These conditions encourage the government oversight of credit unions and savings and loans by issuing a decision on guidelines for the rating of the cooperative based on Regulation Supervision Deputy Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia Number 01 / Per / Dep.6 / IV / 2016. The process of calculating the cooperative health assessment has now been made but there is still a conventional manner using Microsoft Excel so that experienced problems in the calculation and delivery of information on the results. Supervision of the cooperative in question is difficult because the delay of information and the lack of technology used. Computerized system and geographic information system support can be used to assist in the process of assessment of the level of health and also facilitate cooperative Cooperative Agency in monitoring the cooperative in question.
GuideAR: Aplikasi Berbasis Augmented Reality dan Global Positioning System untuk Pengenalan Daya Tarik Wisata Kusuma, I Wayan Wegha Nanda; Putra, I Gede Juliana Eka; Nirmala, Bagus Putu Wahyu
KARMAPATI (Kumpulan Artikel Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Informatika) Vol 10, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/karmapati.v10i1.31988


Abstrak—GuideAR adalah sebuah aplikasi pengenalan tempat wisata dengan menggunakan teknologi augmented reality, aplikasi ini dikembangkan dengan menggunakan metode Agile, yaitu sebuah metode pengembangan software yang memerlukan adaptasi cepat dan dapat mengalami perubahan secara berkala sehingga bisa dibilang metode ini berfokus terhadap kualitas produk yang dihasilkan daripada dokumentasi, negosiasi kontrak, dsb. Oleh karena itu, peneliti menggunakan metode ini agar aplikasi yang dibuat dapat disesuaikan dengan keinginan calon pengguna aplikasi.          Dari hasil pengembangan aplikasi GuideAR menggunakan metode Agile ini didapatkan bahwa aplikasi yang dibuat perlu dilakukan beberapa iterasi agar hasil yang didapat lebih maksimal. Hasil pengujian aplikasi memberikan saran agar menambahkan lokasi-lokasi wisata yang lebih banyak ke depannya agar lebih banyak tempat wisata di daerah Tegallalang yang terekspos dan lebih dikenal.Kata Kunci­­—Aplikasi GuideAR; Realita Tambahan; Metode Agile; Kecamatan Tegallalang.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pemesanan Online Aktivitas Wisata ( Santana, Febriana; Nirmala, Bagus Putu Wahyu; Dewi, Eka Grana Aristyana
KARMAPATI (Kumpulan Artikel Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Informatika) Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/karmapati.v10i2.31713


Bali is one of the main tourist destinations in Indonesia. The island of Bali which is known to be known almost all over the world is one of the most favorite destinations. The large number of domestic and foreign tourists who come to Bali make the tourism industry in Bali grow rapidly. Most of the livelihoods of Balinese people are also in the tourism industry.The existence of a commission system in the world of tourism provides an opportunity for everyone to earn additional income by inviting them to do tourism activities. These opportunities have a positive impact on the wider community in generating additional income without having to leave their main job. To facilitate ordering tourism activities, this research has developed an information system for ordering tourism activities at In addition, this research also discusses the distribution of commissions for those registered as freelance agents. The programming language used in this research is PHP using the Agile method as the system foundation. This research succeeded in developing an information system for ordering tourism activities in a bold manner, with the results of testing the functionality of the system using black box testing. It can be said that the system built can run well.
Perancangan Mobile Application untuk Startup dengan Metode Design Sprint Ashshiddiqy, Nur Rohman; Astawa, Ni Luh Putu Ning Septyarini Putri; Nirmala, Bagus Putu Wahyu; Paramitha, A.A Istri Ita
KARMAPATI (Kumpulan Artikel Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Informatika) Vol 10, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/karmapati.v10i3.38999


The development of technology today is very influential in all fields. Including in the business field, information technology is very influential, for example, today many businesses depend on websites orapplications mobile in carrying out their business processes such as promotion and ordering of products or services offered. One example of a business that can use this business method is call vehicle service services. The problem found from initial observations is that online service orders are still very manual, namely still using thefeature chat (WhatsApp), which makes potential customers and mechanics find it difficult to find a mechanic or the location of the customer. Based on these problems, the researchers designed the user interface for the application based on aapplication mobile that can help prospective customers and mechanics. The design method used is themethod sprint design. This method is a design method developed by Google Inc. which aims to solve problems by involving users through making, prototyping, designing and testing ideas quickly for 5 working days consisting of five stages. The result of this research is the design of the User Interface which has been tested on prospective users using the System Usability Scale (SUS). The average SUS score obtained is 83.5, which is included in Grade B.Keywords—Planning, Startup, Metode Design Sprint
Rancang Bangun Media Interaktif Pengenalan Objek Wisata Tanah Lot Menggunakan Virtual Reality Berbasis Android I Gst Bgs Harris Young Perdamaian Wibawa; Komang Tri Werthi; Bagus Putu Wahyu Nirmala
Jutisi : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi JUTISI Vol. 8, No. 3, Desember 2019
Publisher : STMIK Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (851.919 KB) | DOI: 10.35889/jutisi.v8i3.380


ABSTRAK.   Promosi obyek wisata Tanah Lot telah dikelola secara professional oleh Pemerintah Daerah setempat, namun perlu sentuhan teknologi yang lebih modern dalam upaya mempertahankan tingkat kunjungan wisatawan. Virtual Reality merupakan sebuah teknologi yang memungkinkan untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan yang disimulasikan oleh komputer. Paper ini menyajikan rancangan media interaktif untuk memperkenalkan objek wisata Tanah Lot menggunakan Virtual Reality berbasis Android, sebagai  alternatif dalam promosi obyek wisaya Tanah Lot melalui media digital, dengan tujuan agar para wisatawan dapat mengetahui lebih banyak mengenai keberadaan objek wisata  Tanah lot. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode Luther-Sutopo, metode ini digunakan karena metode ini merupakan metode dengan tahapan paling simple untuk pembuatan sebuah media interaktif. Hasil uji sistem menunjukkan bahwa informasi yang didapatkan dari aplikasi yang dikembangkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan informasi wisatawan terkait dengan objek wisata Tanah Lot. Kata kunci: Rancang Bangun, Media Interaktif, Virtual Reality, Luther-Sutopo, Wisata Tanah Lot    ABSTRACT.   The promotion of Tanah Lot attractions has been managed professionally by the Regional Government, but it needs a touch of more modern technology in an effort to maintain the level of tourist visits. Virtual Reality is a technology that allows for use with an environment authorized by a computer. This paper presents an interactive media design to introduce Tanah Lot attractions using Android-based Virtual Reality, as an alternative to promoting Tanah Lot wizard objects through digital media, with the aim that tourists can find out more about the attractions visited by Tanah Lot. The method used in this study is the Luther-Sutopo method, the method used because this method is the simplest method for making interactive media. The results of system testing that shows information obtained from the developed application can meet the information needs associated with Tanah Lot attractions. Keywords: Design and Development, Interactive Media, Virtual Reality, Luther-Sutopo, Tanah Lot Tourism
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penyedia Asisten Rumah Tangga di Yayasan Kasih Keluarga I Putu Eko Wira Dharma; I Putu Satwika; Bagus Putu Wahyu Nirmala
Jutisi : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi JUTISI Vol. 8, No. 3, Desember 2019
Publisher : STMIK Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (466.873 KB) | DOI: 10.35889/jutisi.v8i3.387


Abstrak. Yayasan Kasih Keluarga merupakan lembaga pengasuhan yang berdiri sejak 1995 yang melayani pengasuh bayi (baby sitter), asisten rumah tangga (house maid), dan pengasuh lansia (care giver) saat ini tercatat memiliki 1800 orang pekerja yang aktif maupun tidak aktif. Dalam proses manajemen pekerja dan transaksinya masih dilakukan secara manual dengan buku catatan, yang membuat proses bisnis didalamnya memerlukan waktu cukup lama dan rawannya terjadi kerusakan dan kehilangan dokumentasi. Rancang bangun sistem informasi penyedia asisten rumah tangga menjadi solusi atas permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) dengan model waterfall. Dalam proses perancangan sistemnya menggunakan diagram UML dan ERD, proses implementasi rancangan terhadap sistem yang dibuat menggunakan Framework Laravel dan Framework Vue. Penelitian ini berhasil merancang dan membangun sistem informasi penyedia asisten rumah tangga di Yayasan Kasih Keluarga berupa aplikasi website yang menjadi solusi atas permasalahan pada proses bisnis di yayasan Kasih Keluarga seperti penglolaan data pekerja, pengelolaan transaksi, dan pengelolaan laporan. Kata kunci: Rancang Bangun, Sistem Informasi, Penyedia Layanan, Asisten Rumah Tangga Abstract. Kasih Keluarga Foundation is a nurturing institution founded in 1995 that serves baby sitters, house maids, and care givers currently has 1800 active and inactive workers. In the process of managing employees and transactions are still manually with papers, which makes business processes in it require a long time and are vulnerable to damage and loss of documentation. Information system for household assistant providers is the solution to this problem, this research was conducted using the Software Life Cycle Development (SDLC) method with a waterfall model. In the process of designing a system using UML and ERD diagrams, the process of implementing system design is created using Laravel Framework and Vue Framework. This research succeeded in designing and building an information system for household assistant providers at Kasih Keluarga Foundation in the form of a website application which is can be a solution for their business processes problems such as employee data management, transactions management, and reports management. Keywords: Design and Development, Information Systems, Service Providers, Household Assistants
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Nusabalitour Berbasis Website I Kadek Agus Virgo Wahyudi; I Gusti Lanang Agung Raditya Putra; Bagus Putu Wahyu Nirmala
Jutisi : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi JUTISI Vol. 8, No. 2, Agustus 2019
Publisher : STMIK Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (721.527 KB) | DOI: 10.35889/jutisi.v8i2.346


Abstrak. Bisnis di bidang tour travel semakin berkembang saat ini dengan adanya kemajuan teknologi. Selama ini, pelanggan melakukan pemesanan melalui telepon atau datang langsung ke tour travel, sehingga staff tour travel harus mengelola banyak data transaksi secara manual dengan kertas. Hal lain seperti kesibukan orang perkotaan, kemacetan lalu lintas di kota menyebabkan pelanggan kesulitan, malas untuk datang langsung ke tour travel. Selain itu, banyaknya pelanggan yang datang ke tour travel mengakibatkan resiko kesalahan yang tinggi dalam transaksi. Sedangkan pemesanan melalui telepon beresiko ketidakakuratan data karena salah penulisan oleh staff. Dengan aplikasi Nusabalitour berbasis website mampu memfasilitasi wisatawan agar lebih mudah dalam pemesanan paket tour khusus ke Nusa Penida secara real time. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam perancangan sistem aplikasi ini menggunakan metodologi SDLC (system development life cycle). Aplikasi Nusabalitour dibuat dengan menggunakan framework Codeigniter. Pengujian aplikasi dilakukan kepada 27 user/wisatawan dan didapatkan hasil bahwa 77% menyatakan setuju sistem informasi Nusabalitour dapat membantu user/wisatawan dalam mem-booking paket wisata secara real time. Kata Kunci: Sistem Informasi, Codeigniter, SDLC, Tour Travel, Nusa Penida Abstract.  Businesses in the field of tour travel are increasingly developing today with the advancement of technology. During this time, customers make reservations by telephone or come directly to travel tours, so travel tour staff must manage a lot of transaction data manually with paper. Other things such as busy urban people, traffic congestion in the city causes customers difficulties, lazy to come directly to travel tours. In addition, the large number of customers who come to travel tours results in a high risk of errors in transactions. While ordering by telephone is at risk of inaccurate data due to a typo by the staff. With the Nusbalitour application based on website, it is able to facilitate tourist to be easier in booking special tour packages to Nusa Penida in real time. The methodology used in designing this application system uses the SDLC methodology (system development life cycle). Nusabalitour application is created using the Codeigniter framework. Application testing was carried out on 27 users / tourists and it was found that 77% agreed that the Nusabalitour information system could help users / travelers to book tour packages in real time. Keywords: Information Systems, Codeigniter, SDLC, Tour Travel, Nusa Penida
Model Sistem Informasi Berbasis Website Pada Ekowisata Penyu Leceria Turtle Farm Tanjung Benoa Ida Bagus Dwi Dharma Putra; Bagus Putu Wahyu Nirmala; I Nyoman Yudi Anggara Wijaya
Jutisi : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi Vol 11, No 1: April 2022
Publisher : STMIK Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (659.027 KB) | DOI: 10.35889/jutisi.v11i1.810


Abstrak. Media promosi berbasis offline menyebabkan keterbatasan akses informasi bagi wisatawan mengenai tempat penangkaran penyu Leceria Turtle Farm sebagai salah satu tempat rekreasi di Tanjung Benoa. Artikel ini menyajikan model sistem informasi berbasis Web untuk diimplementasikan sebagai media promosi pada usaha wisata Leceria Turtle Farm Tanjung Benoa. Metode Agile Development yang menekankan kolaborasi tim pengembang dan klien, digunakan dalam upaya untuk mempercepat dan meningkatkan fleksibilitas proses pengembangan sistem. Pengembangan Web menggunakan framework PWA (Progressive Web Apps), dengan memadukan antara Web, Apps dan mobile aplikasi dalam bahasa javascript, dengan library Bootstrap, sedangkan database menggunakan MySql. Beberapa fitur fungsional utama yang dihasilkan dalam kajian analisis kebutuhan, berupa: media galeri, media fasilitas, informasi tiket, dan formulir rencana kunjungan. Metode pengujian blackbox testing digunakan untuk memvalidasi keterpenuhan fitur-fitur fungsional yang telah diidentifikasi pada tahapan analisis kebutuhan pengguna. Hasil uji fungsional menunjukkan fitur-fitur fungsional yang terdapat pada aplikasi Web telah valid.Kata Kunci: Media Promosi; Progressive Web Apps; Bootstrap; Blackbox testing Abstract. The offline-based promotional media has limited access to information for tourists regarding the turtle hatchery, Leceria Turtle Farm, as a recreational area in Tanjung Benoa. This article presents a Web-based information system model to be implemented as a promotional medium for the Leceria Turtle Farm Tanjung Benoa tourism business. The Agile Development method, which emphasizes the collaboration of the developer team and the client, is used in an effort to speed up and increase the flexibility of the system development process. Web development uses the PWA (Progressive Web Apps) framework, by combining the Web, Apps and mobile applications in javascript language, with the Bootstrap library, while the database uses MySql. Some of the main functional features produced in the needs analysis study are: gallery media, facilities media, ticket information, and visit planning forms. The blackbox testing method is used to validate the fulfillment of the functional features that have been identified at the user requirements analysis stage. The results of the functional test show that the functional features contained in the Web application are valid.Keywords: Promotional Media; Progressive Web Apps; Bootstrap; Blackbox testing
Pengenalan Artefak Museum Gedong Arca Berbasis Mobile Virtual Reality I Made Ochlan Pramana Putra; I Gede Juliana Eka Putra; Bagus Putu Wahyu Nirmala
Progresif: Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer Vol 17, No 1: Februari 2021
Publisher : STMIK Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (860.352 KB) | DOI: 10.35889/progresif.v17i1.570


Abstrak.  Museum seharusnya dapat menjadi pusat pendidikan yang bersinergi antar generasi. Namun pada kenyataanya keberadaan Museum sering hanya dianggap sebatas tempat penyimpanan benda-benda kuno yang sepi pengunjung. Kesulitan memikat pengunjung untuk berkunjung ke museum menjadi masalah secara nasional yang perlu ditangani secara komprehensif. Artikel ini menyajikan model Game Pengenalan Artefak Museum Gedong Arca, yang merupakan game yang mensimulasikan Gedung serta benda bernilai sejarah yang ada di Museum kedalam dunia Virtual atau Virtual reality. Pengembangan game ini dikerjaakan dengan sistematika LutherSutopo atau Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC). Hasil pengembangan game menggunakan metode MDLC didapatkan bahwa game yang dibuat mendapatkan hasil memuaskan berdasarkan poin-poin yang disampaikan dalam pengujian sistem. Uji Penerapan Game untuk Pengenalan Artefak Museum Gedong Arca Berbasis Mobile virtual reality juga mampu meningkatkan minat masyarakat untuk mepelajari tentang Artefak-artefak yang ada di Museum Gedon Arca. Kata kunci: Artefak Museum, Game, Virtual Reality Abstract.  Museums should be able to become a center of education that synergizes between generations. However, in fact, the existence of the museum is often considered only as a storage area for ancient objects which is empty of visitors. The difficulty in attracting visitors to visit the museum is a national problem that needs to be addressed comprehensively. This article presents the Gedong Arca Museum Artifact Recognition Game model, which is a game that simulates buildings and historical objects in the Museum into the virtual world. This game development is done with Luther-Sutopo systematics or Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC). The results of game development using the MDLC method show that the games made get satisfactory results based on the points conveyed in the system testing. Game Application Test for the Introduction of Gedong Arca Museum Artifacts Based on Mobile virtual reality is also able to increase public interest in learning about the artifacts in the Gedon Arca Museum. Keywords: Museum Artifacts, Games, Virtual Reality
Implementasi Sistem Informasi Muselok Menggunakan Augmented Reality Berbasis Android Doni Saputra; I Gede Putu Krisna Juliharta; Bagus Putu Wahyu Nirmala
Publisher : Program Studi Sarjana Pariwisata, Fakultas Pariwisata, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1122.954 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JDEPAR.2020.v08.i01.p21


Multimedia development methods with several stages such as, concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing and distribution, with these stages can produce multimedia products. Therefore, researchers developed a Muselok application based on the method of Luther-Sutopo combine with qualitative approach. This application build to show the collection of NTB Museum. Negeri Nusa Tenggara Barat / NTB as a technology Augmented Reality / AR. From the results of making the Muselok application by using the method of Luther-Sutopo, it was found that, during the implementation, several flow changes were made during the Muselok application making process, assembly process and testing process can be changed repeatedly until it was difficult to find the problem points of the application. From the Muselok application users there is constructive and positive feedback even though there are still some shortcomings in terms of the Muselok application interface.However, it must be realized that technical aspects was not the main problem. In fact, the process between the museum manager, the design team and the views of experts were dificult to combining their’s perspective. In the future, a transdisciplinary approach is needed to be able to produce the right technology, according to needs and provide added value even in technology research especially in the related with tourism as a science. Keywords: Augment Reality, Muselok Application, Luther -Sutopo, Museum, Tourism