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Patanjala: Journal of Historical and Cultural Research Vol 13, No 2 (2021): PATANJALA VOL. 13 NO. 2 OKTOBER 2021
Publisher : Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Jawa Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30959/patanjala.v13i2.795


Artikel ini membahas mengenai budaya pasar yang berlangsung di Pasar Baru Kota Balikpapan. Budaya pasar sendiri merupakan keseluruhan norma dan nilai yang melingkupi kegiatan pemangku pasar tradisional dalam berkegiatan di pasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode etnografi dalam menggali data dari para pemangku Pasar Baru yang menjadi lokus penelitian. Etnografi dipilih karena penelitian ini berusaha menjaring data baik itu data lisan, visual maupun tertulis dari sudut pandang pengampu Pasar Baru Balikpapan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa para pedagang yang berdagang di Pasar Baru Balikpapan berasal dari latar budaya yang beragam. Mengingat Balikpapan merupakan salah satu wilayah strategis juga pintu masuk dan jalur perniagaan khususnya di Kalimantan Timur. Dalam melakukan aktivitas perdagangan, pedagang membawa nilai budaya masing-masing. Meskipun demikian secara perlahan tercipta pola tindakan dari para pedagang. Meskipun berasal dari latar budaya yang berbeda, secara tidak tertulis para pedagang seperti telah mencapai kesepakatan dalam berkegiatan di pasar.This article discusses the market culture at Pasar Baru in Balikpapan City. The market culture in this study can be defined as the overall norms and values adopted by traditional market stakeholders in their daily activities in the market. This study uses ethnographic methods to collect data from the stakeholders of Pasar Baru as the research locus. Ethnography was chosen based on the consideration that this research seeks to collect data, both oral, visual and written data from the point of view of the Pasar Baru supervisor in Balikpapan. The results show that the traders who trade at Pasar Baru in Balikpapan originate from the diverse cultural backgrounds. It is a consequence of the City of Balikpapan as one of the strategic areas as well as the entrance and route of commerce, especially in East Kalimantan. In their trading activities, the traders bring their respective cultural values. It slowly encourages the creation of new patterns in the behavior of traders. They seem to have reached an agreement in their activities in the market.
Pangadereng : Jurnal Hasil Penelitian Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 8, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36869/pjhpish.v8i1.238


Penduduk pedesaan di ekosistem desa mengembangkan berbagai pengetahuan lokal untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungan hidupnya, salah satunya adalah ‘membaca alam’ atau mencermati sistem pertanda di alam. Beberapa pertanda yang dimaknai sedemikian rupa oleh pemangkunya biasanya menjadi pedoman dalam melihat peristiwa tertentu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji lebih dalam jenis-jenis burung yang dianggap masyarakat sebagai pembawa pertanda, serta bagaimana masyarakat memaknainya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode etnografi bersifat kualitatif, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara mendalam dengan informan, untuk menggali data dan informasi dari sudut pandang pengampu (masyarakat). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa beberapa jenis burung dimaknai membawa pertanda tertentu. Misalnya saja sebagai pertanda buruk, seperti akan terjadi kematian, terjadi celaka, dan juga sering dimaknai sebagai pertanda kehadiran makhluk gaib. Burung derkuku/tekukur, burung puter, burung kutut/perkutut, suaranya dimaknai penduduk sebagai pembawa rezeki. Kedatangan burung bondol Jawa/Pipit Bondol/Emprit dimaknai penduduk akan kedatangan tamu penting. Burung Dali/ Seriti Kembang yang masuk rumah dimaknai sebagai pertanda akan mendapat rezeki bagi yang punya rumah. Serta burung Kepodang dipercayai penduduk dapat membawa wibawa bagi pemelihara. bagi warga Desa Ngablak, Pati keberadaan burung tersebut menjadi penting sebagai pengingat. Lebih dalam lagi, pemaknaan terhadap burung-burung tertentu memberikan pengaruh terhadap pola perilaku kehidupan masyarakat. Pada akhirnya, menjaga keberadaan burung-burung dan penanda-penanada alam lain menjadi penting dan prioritas bagi masyarakat. Implikasi hasil penelitian ini sangat penting bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, khususnya bidang etnoornitologi, dan juga untuk kepentingan praktis, seperti dapat mendokumentasikan pengetahuan lokal penduduk agar tidak punah.
Kajian Etnobotani Tanaman Rempah sebagai Bumbu, Obat dan Kias Siti Nuraeni; Budiawati Supangkat; Johan Iskandar
Umbara Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/umbara.v7i2.39395


Traditional market has been the main provider of various spices and herbs. This research aims to describe spices and herbs being traded in Warungkondang traditional market, West Java. It also aims to describe how people use those spices and herbs for various purposes such as seasonings, traditional medicine, as well as kias (amulet). This research was conducted using a qualitative method, in particular ethnography. Data were collected through participant observation and semi-structured interviews. This research identifies 32 species of spices and herbs being traded in the market. Among those, 21 species  have been used not only for seasonings but also as traditional medicines, and kias. Cikur (Kaempferia galanga), honje (Etlingera elatior), jahe (Zingiber officinale), koneng (Curcuma longa), and laja (Alpinia galanga) are the most widely used spices and herbs. Parents and family members as well as electronic mass media have been the main sources of knowledge about spices and herbs, and its benefit. In Warungkondang market, knowledge about spices and herbs has been exchanged among buyers and sellers. This indicates the crucial role of traditional market which is not only serves as provider of spices and herbs, but also as the place where knowledge about it has been preserved and exchanged.
“SELF-FULFILLMENT” SEBAGAI ENTREPRENEURISM PELAKU USAHA MIKRO (STUDI ETNOGRAFI PADA PEMILIK WARUNG KOPI EMPAT SAUDARA) Muhamad Radhiya Rizky Raviandy Rushandy; Nur Fikri Fadhilah; Mohamad Yanuar Burhanudin; Budiawati Supangkat; Margo Purnomo; Hardian Eko Nurseto
Jurnal Antropologi: Isu-Isu Sosial Budaya Vol 24, No 2 (2022): (December)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jantro.v24.n2.p213-223.2022


Research around the emergence of entrepreneurship usually pays special attention to aspects of motivation and driving factors that support a decision to become an entrepreneur. Self-fulfillment is one of the driving factor that is still abstract in its meaning. This article aims to provide a deeper meaning of self-fulfillment, viewed from a cultural perspective as a result and shaper of the thought process, by looking at the meaning of entrepreneurism value for an entrepreneur who runs a micro business in a coffee shop. The method used is case study with ethnography approach which utilizes participation observation on Warung Kopi Empat Saudara in Kliningan, Bandung. The study's results found that the meaning of self-fulfillment can be found and described in cultural aspects such as the fulfillment of religious and social values. The fulfillment of religious values can be found in religious freedom to pray during work, described as giving workers access to pray, honesty in business, and having muslims as workers. While the fulfillment of social values is described as helping each other, upholding responsibility to the community, and keeping life harmonious. 
Konstruksi Sosial Dalam Kasus Kekerasan Seksual Anak Di Bandung Barat Ajeng Syaripah Tunur; Budiawati Supangkat; Budhi Gunawan; Ardi Maulana Nugraha
Sosioglobal Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Sosioglobal: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Sosiologi
Publisher : Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jsg.v7i1.28440


Kekerasan seksual merupakan salah satu masalah sosial yang sangat memprihatinkan bagi Negara Indonesia, kekerasan seksual saat ini, sudah mulai dialami oleh anak-anak remaja. Tujuan penelitian ini, untuk menganalisis proses terbentuknya konstruksi social yang terjadi pada kasus kekerasan seksual anak di Kecamatan Cipongkor Bandung Barat. Pendekatan ini, menggunakan konsep konstruksi sosial yang terdiri dari proses eksternalisasi, objektivikasi dan internalisasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu metode kualitatif. Data penelitian didapatkan melalui tahapan observasi, wawancara dan dokumen penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa Pertama, pada tahap eksternalisasi keluarga korban mendefinisikan kekerasan seksual merupakan aib karena dengan anaknya menjadi korban kekerasan seksual artinya anaknya telah kehilangan kehormatannya. Kedua, Proses Objektivikasi dimana proses ini sudah pada tahap terlegitimasi secara pemikiran, cara pandang orang tua korban yang memandang bahwa kekerasan seksual sebagai aib sudah menjadi pemikiran secara kolektif sehingga menjadi suatu acuan keluarga korban dalam mengambil tindakan, termasuk melakukan tindakan melalui jalur hokum. Ketiga, Proses Internalisasi dalam proses ini dimana korban dan keluarga merasa harus beradaptasi dengan nilai-nilai yang ada dimasyarakat sekitar. Proses konstruksi social dalam terjadi kekerasan seksual karena adanya proses sosialiasi yang tidak sempurna di masyarakat atau keluar dari nilai-nilai dan norma-norma toleransi masyarakat.    Sexual abuse is one of the social problems that is very concerning for the Indonesian State, sexual violence at this time, has begun to be experienced by teenagers. The purpose of this study was to analyze the process of social construction that occurred in cases of child sexual violence in Cipongkor District, West Bandung Regency. This approach, using the concept of social construction consisting of externalization, objectification and internalization processes. The method used in this research is qualitative method. Research data obtained through stages of observation, interviews and research documents. The results of this study that first, at the stage of externalizing the victim's family defines sexual violence as a disgrace because with her child being a victim of sexual violence means her child has lost his honor. Second, the objectification process in which this process has been legitimized in the mindset, the perspective of the victim's parents who view sexual violence as a disgrace has become a collective thought so that it becomes a reference for the victim's family to take action, including taking action through legal channels. Third, the internalization process in this process where victims and families feel they have to adapt to the values that exist in the surrounding community. The process of social construction in the occurrence of sexual abuse due to an imperfect socialization process in society or out of the values and norms of community tolerance.
Student’s Online Platforms Entrepreneurship During the COVID-19 Pandemic Mutiara Murin; Nugraheni Putri Lestari; Salsabila Nur Azizah; Budiawati Supangkat; Margo Purnomo; Hardian Eko Nurseto
Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan Vol 4 No 4 (2022): Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship Journal (November)
Publisher : Entrepreneurship Faculty, Universitas Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35899/biej.v4i4.382


The combination of the pandemic and the digitization process development is considered the right combination to boost students entrepreneurial spirit in this article. Through the use of digital ethnographic methods and interviews, the factors that influence the processof starting a business include self-will, encouragement from people around, awareness of the widespread phenomenon of online shopping,the desire to increase pocket money, and the use of free time from the flexible course schedule. This article also underlines the innovationsmade by students in developing their respective businesses through the social media platforms they use, such as continuously updating thecatalog of goods sold and brand development to stand out in the market with the same goods in the hope of attracting buyers' s attention.Overall, online business using social media offers an excellent opportunity for students during this pandemic. The growth of theentrepreneurial spirit in the subject can be studied by looking at how a student uses time to become an entrepreneur.
Abdi Dosen : Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 7 No 4 (2023): DESEMBER 2023
Publisher : LPPM Univ. Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/abdidos.v7i4.2107


Waste is basically materials intentionally or unintentionally discarded as the product of human activities or natural processes. The handling and management of waste are increasingly more complex and complicated as its volume, types, and composition are more and more complex. Optimizing waste management needs an active role of the community to reduce, sort, and recycle the waste. However, the participation of the community in waste management often presents a complex challenge because it involves cultural, social, and economic factors. The community empowerment was conducted in Cileles Village, Jatinangor. Its proximate location to the center of education and economy gives Cileles Village the potential for the development of sustainable waste management. However, up to the present time, waste management in the village still faces some obstacles, such as the lack of infrastructure and the lack of the community’s motivation for sorting their waste. The result of this community service activity indicates that the community has a positive perception of waste and an awareness of waste management. However, the perception has not materialized in the community's daily behavior in managing their waste. For this reason, Socialization models of waste management have been carried out with participation, behavior change, and collaboration models.