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All Journal Sinkron : Jurnal dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika RABIT: Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Univrab Jurnal Informatika Universitas Pamulang JurTI (JURNAL TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI) Matrik : Jurnal Manajemen, Teknik Informatika, dan Rekayasa Komputer JISTech (Journal of Islamic Science and Technology) Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi JURNAL PENDIDIKAN TAMBUSAI KOMIK (Konferensi Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer) The IJICS (International Journal of Informatics and Computer Science) Journal on Education JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND SOCIAL RESEARCH Infoman's STRING (Satuan Tulisan Riset dan Inovasi Teknologi) Jurnal SITECH : Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Building of Informatics, Technology and Science Jurnal Mantik Technologia: Jurnal Ilmiah TEKNOKOM : Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sistem Komputer Jurnal Manajemen Informatika dan Sistem Informasi JTIK (Jurnal Teknik Informatika Kaputama) Journal Cerita: Creative Education of Research in Information Technology and Artificial Informatics Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science G-Tech : Jurnal Teknologi Terapan JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEM RESEARCH (JOSH) Journal of Computer Networks, Architecture and High Performance Computing Jurnal FASILKOM (teknologi inFormASi dan ILmu KOMputer) Jurnal Abdi Mas Adzkia Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Sistem Komputer TGD JTECS : Jurnal Sistem Telekomunikasi Elektronika Sistem Kontrol Power Sistem dan Komputer Jurnal SAINTIKOM (Jurnal Sains Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer) Jurnal IPTEK Bagi Masyarakat AKM: Aksi Kepada Masyarakat Bulletin of Information Technology (BIT) Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi sudo Jurnal Teknik Informatika Hello World Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Jurnal Hasi Penelitian Dan Pengkajian Ilmiah Eksakta - JPPIE Jurnal Informatika Teknologi dan Sains (Jinteks) Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Jurnal Pendidikan, Sains dan Teknologi International Conference on Sciences Development and Technology Jurnal INFOTEL The Indonesian Journal of Computer Science Impression : Jurnal Teknologi dan Informasi
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Journal : Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi

Perancangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Inventaris Kontrol Stok Barang Berbasis Web Evi Kurniawati; Ali Ikhwan
Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi Vol. 6 No. 3 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/jtsi.v6i3.30881


PT. Florindo Makmur is a company that processes cassava into tapioca flour into finished products. This company still has a number of problems that occur due to document processing that goes from one party to another. Document approval processes, for example purchase requisitions, are slow and long, this is because the employee is on leave or out of town, thus causing the required signature to take a long time and while the employee is at the workplace. Referring to these various problems, researchers identify problem solving whose goal is to improve the company's business processes. This company developed a supply chain management information system using steps including: analyzing the business stages that run there, analyzing problems that arise in the procurement stage and thinking about what effects and limitations arise when implementing SCM. SCM is the process of supply chain management, starting from the source of raw materials, through production, until the final product reaches the hands of the customer. One of the objectives of implementing SCM in corporate is to build good cooperation with suppliers. One possibility is the implementation of SCM. With this implementation, the process of purchasing raw materials becomes easier and good corporate relations can be established. In addition, internal corporate aspects such as production must also be considered. Delivery and services offered to consumers must be considered so that they feel comfortable. In establishing this system, researchers used MYSQL for the database, programming languages via PHP and HTML, and the waterfall method as planning and problem formulation.
Aplikasi User Interface Berbasis Android pada Perpustakaan Lafran Pane Tapanuli Selatan Menggunakan Customer Relationship Management Umi Kalsum Siregar; Ali Ikhwan
Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The Lafran Pane Library is a library located in Pangurabaan village, Sipirok Tapanuli Selatan.  With today's technological developments This allows the library to be less developed because the library still uses a manual system and does not attract the attention of visitors. Apart from that, visitors who only want to borrow books must go to the library directly and must produce a membership card to be able to borrow books, so it wastes a lot of time. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to build an Android-based user interface information system. This application is designed for Android based on Customer Relationship Management (CRM), The concept of CRM is very relevant to library information services and helping libraries provide information services that satisfy users and build loyal user communities. Android-based User Interface application at the Lafran Pane Library in Tapanuli Selatan, will result in an application that functions as a responsive and intuitive user interface. This application allows library members to easily access book catalogs, borrow and return books online, and get the latest information about library events and activities.
Aplikasi Pemilihan Bibit Sapi Limosin Menggunakan Metode Weight Aggregated Sum Product Asessment (WASPAS) Muhammad Rizki Ramadhan; Ali Ikhwan
Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/jtsi.v7i2.38624


A large and structured farming enterprise has problems with the acquisition of quality cattle, so it requires a proper decision in the process of selection of the cattle to be bred because at this initial stage will determine how much the maximum profit margin will be received in the future. At the Arifin Farm CV farm there is a problem with the selection process of the limousine cattle seed is still done manually so it will take time and great risk of selection errors because of a lot of data is not structured. This will affect the final selection result that does not match the expected qualification. In order to facilitate the selection of the cattle seed, it is necessary to build a system that covers the choice of the limousine cattle to be selected and then expanded on the farm to produce super ready-to-sale cattle. And it is also necessary to apply a method aimed at producing more accurate measurement, the method used is the method of weighted aggregated sum product assessment on the system supporting the decision selection of the limousine cattle seed, such a method is a combination of simple additive weighting and weight product method. In the application of such methods resulted in the accumulation of supporting decisions with weighted quantities and product weighted thus resulting in more accurate ranking results. Responding to the need to solve the problem, the research has produced a decision-supporting application system that can calculate the candidate limousine seed based on existing criteria and then give the results of the recommendation of the best limousine seed. The creation of such an application aims to make the selection process more structured and computerized so that the final selection will be more accurate and accountable.
Sistem Informasi Penjualan Menggunakan Metode User Centered Design (UCD) Berbasis Web pada Icikiwir Distro Adinda Ayu Mega Pramesti; Ali Ikhwan
Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/jtsi.v7i2.38729


Icikiwir Distro Shop is a trading business operating in the fashion sector, which only started selling in 2012, located on Jalan Besar Negeri Lama, Bilah Hilir District, Labuhan Batu Regency. The Icikiwir Distro Shop sells various kinds and types of clothing, socks, hair oil, hats, shoes and other things, and accepts screen printing orders. Currently, the media used at the Icikiwir Distro Shop is putting up banners on the Icikiwir Distro Shop, and for social media for the Icikiwir Distro Shop, namely using Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook. The problem is that in marketing new products or old products, many consumers do not yet know widely about what items can be found at the Icikiwir Distro Shop. Due to current problems, the Icikiwir Distro Store requires an increase in item display to increase customers and increase store income. The online sales information system is one of the advances in innovation and the web. Web access is used to trade on the web. Data frameworks are one of the important things to help business progress. Therefore, to overcome promotional problems at the Icikiwir Distro Store, it is necessary to create a web-based information system that can further develop the implementation of officers, stock administration and report preparation which can develop the system which has been running manually to become more modern. The strategy used in this exploration is the User Centered Design UCD method). The User Centered Design (UCD) method is an iterative connection point configuration process approach that highlights comfort targets, user quality, environment, assignments, and work processes in the plan.
Co-Authors Abdul Halim Hasugian Adam Malik Siregar Adam Syahputra Ade Risky Pradika Adetya Maharani Marpaung Adhe Eva Yolanda Adhe Eva Yolanda Adi Widarma Adinda Ayu Mega Pramesti Adinda Fitri Adinda Fitri Adnan Buyung Nasution Adnan Buyung Nasution Agung Ardiyansyah Ahmad Raynaldi Ahmad Rifai Ahyanuardi Ahyanuardi Aji Wardana Aji Wardana Alda Penira Alfasyahri Zaki alwi awilo haryada Alwi Haryada Ananda Br Barus Ananda Salsabila Khairi Anggi Dessisiliya Anggi Refachriati Nasution Aninda Muliani Annisa Almira Arjuna Sitepu Arris Fahrian Ary Santri Yuanda Arya Dwi Utama ARYA PRATAMA DAMANIK Asyahri Hadi Nasyuha Atika Sari br pa Atikah Zulfi Ayuni Ayu Azzahra Batubara Azi Asnawi Azrah Cipta Amandha Bagus Rizki Lubis Bagus Sopian Wanandi Bagus Sopian Wanandi Cahaya Muzaddidah Cholil Bisri Cindy Cintya Cindy Sintya Daffa Al Hafizd Dara Amelia Deli Kartika Abrianisyah Dewi Putri Ayu Andira Dewi Diah Sawitri Dicky Novriansyah Dimas Krisna Maulana Dina Amalia Putri Lubis Dita Sucinta Sembiring Elfany Rizqi Syaputri Euis Desy Khairiyati Evan Alfian Syahnur Evi Kurniawati fahreza shiddiq siregar Faisal Al Fasih Fajira Mahmudah Fauziatun Husna Firda Aulia Frihartini Ayu Salsabilah Gadiel Naufa Akila Gilang Ramadhan Hairul Amri hairul amri Harun Yahya Harun Yahya haryanzelina bancin Hasypa Aulia Hazizah W.S Manik Hendra Cipta Heru Irfansyah Huzaefah Utama Ilka Zufria Indah Saputri Indah Syafitri Mulya Ira Murni Jaka Gunawan Jihan Ula Usla Kairul Abdi Aceh Khairul Abdi Khairul Khairul Khofifah Fauzani Kiki Andrea Kiki Andrea Laila Turrubiah Ila Laura Melsya Lili Saputri Liza Alzahra Manurung M. Irawan Pratama Mahzura Aznur Mahzuro Supianti P Maulana Ikhsan Mega Andriani Mega Lestari Mhd. Aria Agung Widodo Mhd. Aria Agung Widodoa Miana Sweety Miftahul Jannah Miftahul Jannah Miftahul Jannah Toar mira aripin panjaitan Mirna Annifah Hasibuan Mohammad Badri Mohammad Badri Mohammad Badri Moustafa H. Aly Muhammad Abdurrahman Hafizh Muhammad Arif Suhada Muhammad Dahria Muhammad Dedi Irawan Muhammad Dimas Abdillah Muhammad Faiz Muhammad Faris Adira Muhammad Fikri Assidiqie muhammad hafi isfahan isnan Muhammad Isnan Muhammad Jaffar Rayhannur Muhammad Khoir Al Alim Manurung Muhammad Naufal Fathin Hibrizi Muhammad Oemar Abdillah Muhammad Rizki Ramadhan Muhammad Rizky Ramadhan muhammad rizky ramadhan Muhammad Syafiq Raihan Myra Thasandra Nadila Agnestesia Nadila Agnestesia Suyadi Nadila Munawarah Naila Umniati Nasution, Muhammad Irwan Padli Novika Wulandari Nurhadizah Saragih Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurhayati, Nurhayati Nuri Aslami Nuri Aslami Nurkosrina Aisah Nurul Afriani Tanjung Ogie Ariansah Pane Oris Krianto Sulaiman Pasaribu, Hamidah Pauji Wibowo Phaklen Ehkan Pria Mitra Purba Putra Wan Putrawan Putrawan Putri Farhani Putri Natasya Adelia Putri Ratricia Qurani Awaliyana Rafikha Aliana A. Raof Rafli Khalis Nugraha Raflikha Aliana A. Raof Raflikha Aliana A. Raof Raissa Amanda Putri Randa Syuhada Rasyid Ridho Rayhan Alfatih Atsil Reni Septiani Ritonga Reza Kurnia Lesmana Riyan Hidayah Purnama Riyan Hidayat Riyan Hidayat Rizka Annisa Putri Rizki Prasetya Nasution Rizwana Alya Sahril Azmi Nasution Saiful Nur Arif Salwa Alipia Fadillah Tambunan Samsudin, Samsudin Santi Ariani Rambe Sarjon Defit Satria Habibi Ritonga Sefian Habil Hafidz Septia Ona Sutra Septina Ona Sutra Sinta Dara Efita Siti Marlina Ritonga Siti Mawaddah Sri Hartati Sri Suartini Suci Syah Putri Suendri Suendri Suendri, Suendri Sulystiani Sunilfa Maharani Sunilfa Maharani Tanjung Surganda Sitompul Suwinda Aulansari Syaidah Fiddarain T Sabrina Tasya Maulariqa Insani Taufiqurrahman Tri Ulandari Tursina Juliani Dlt Umi Kalsum Siregar Uswatun Hasanah Wahyu Sofianda Wanda Audiansyah Widya Ayu Safitri Wiranda Wiranda Yasmin Yacob Yulia Fatma Harahap Yulia Imanita Yunita Dwi Cahaya Yustria Handika Siregar Zahra Azura Zakiyah Khalilah