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Ansosry Ansosry
Universitas Negeri Padang

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Optimalisasi Produksi Alat Gali Muat dan Alat Angkut pada Pengupasan Overburden dengan Menggunakan Metode Antrian dan Kapasitas Produksi di Pit 3 PT. Jambi Prima Coal, Kecamatan Mandiangin, Kabupaten Sarolangun, Provinsi Jambi Yuyun Frediana; Ansosry Ansosry
Bina Tambang Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract. PT. Jambi Prima Coal is a coal mining company located in Pemusiran Village, Mandiangin District, Sarolangun City, Jambi Province. In the process of production overburden in pit 3, the company uses 1 excavator and 5 dump trucks. In July 2019 overburden production was not achieved. PT. Jambi Prima Coal targets overburden production of 50,000 Bcm / month. However, the actual production of overburden only reached 86.52% of the total production target. This is due to the mismatch of the loading and transportation equipment and the low working efficiency of the mechanical equipment. This study uses the queuing method and production capacity which aims to get the match factor of the loading and transportation equipment in order to achieve the specified target. Based on the results of calculations using the queuing method, it was found that work efficiency increased from 69.5% to 91% resulting in overburden production of 61,669.29 Bcm / month where there was an increase in production by 36.82% and using queuing simulation, the performance of the equipment was matched. MF = 1.01 where the transportation means have experienced no waiting time. By using the production capacity method, the optimal dump truck settings are obtained from 5 units to 4 units.Keywords: Production, Work Efficiency, Overburden, Queue, Production Capacity, Excavator, Dump truckAbstract. PT. Jambi Prima Coal is a coal mining company located in Pemusiran Village, Mandiangin District, Sarolangun City, Jambi Province. In the process of production overburden in pit 3, the company uses 1 excavator and 5 dump trucks. In July 2019 overburden production was not achieved. PT. Jambi Prima Coal targets overburden production of 50,000 Bcm / month. However, the actual production of overburden only reached 86.52% of the total production target. This is due to the mismatch of the loading and transportation equipment and the low working efficiency of the mechanical equipment. This study uses the queuing method and production capacity which aims to get the match factor of the loading and transportation equipment in order to achieve the specified target. Based on the results of calculations using the queuing method, it was found that work efficiency increased from 69.5% to 91% resulting in overburden production of 61,669.29 Bcm / month where there was an increase in production by 36.82% and using queuing simulation, the performance of the equipment was matched. MF = 1.01 where the transportation means have experienced no waiting time. By using the production capacity method, the optimal dump truck settings are obtained from 5 units to 4 units. Keywords: Production, Work Efficiency, Overburden, Queue, Production Capacity, Excavator, Dump truck
Optimasi Pencampuran Batubara Beda Kualitas Dengan Metode Trial And Error untuk Memenuhi Kriteria Permintaan Konsumen di CV. Bara Mitra Kencana Kota Sawahlunto Sumatera Barat Muhammad Divo; Ansosry Ansosry
Bina Tambang Vol 5, No 1 (2020): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract. CV. Bara Mitra Kencana Is one of the mining companies engaged in coal mining, located in the city of Sawahlunto, West Sumatra. Coal produced by CV. Bara Mitra Kencana consists of various types which are grouped based on their calorific value from different pits. These coal calories are influenced by the geological conditions of a mining location, including high quality coal, medium quality, and low quality (low quality) to determine the quality of the coal, the company interpreted the coring correlation from the results of geophysical well logging.The results of calculations using the Trial and Error Method using four parameters of coal quality and consumer demand Calculation using the Trial and Error Method approaches consumer demand (can be fulfilled).With the results of calculations using the Trial and Error Method from researchers there is a GCV 6297 Cal / gr better than the results of the Laboratory blending analysis that is 6000 Cal / gr and can approach consumer demand with GCV 6300 Cal / gr. Besides TM, ASH and TS also affect consumer demand. with TM the results of researchers 10.6% ar can be accepted because consumer demand for TM 10% ar because of the smaller quality of water contained in the coal, the better, ASH researchers' results 17.32% adb can be accepted because ASH consumer demand is 15% adb because the smaller the ash quality, the better, so is the TS where researchers get a 0.8% adb TS smaller than 0.8% adb.Keywords: Blending, Tiall and Error Method, Total Moisture, Ash, Sulfur, Calorie Value
Implikasi Struktur Patahan Singkarak Terhadap Kerusakan Mesjid Nurul Islam dan Fasilitas Umum di Nagari Guguk Malalo, kecamatan Batipuh Selatan, kabupaten Tanah Datar, provinsi Sumatera Barat Rifky Pratama Putra; Ansosry Ansosry; Jukepsa Andas
Bina Tambang Vol 3, No 4 (2018): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstrak. Nagari Guguk Malalo di kecamatan Batipuh Selatan, kabupaten Tanah Datar berada di bagian pinggir danau Singkarak dan dilalui segmen patahan Sumani yang merupakan bagian dari sistem patahan geser menganan Sumatera. Berdasarkan Peta Prakiraan Wilayah Terjadi Gerakan Tanah Provinsi Sumatera Barat bulan November 2017 (Badan Geologi, Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi), kawasan kecamatan Batipuh Selatan termasuk kedalam zona potensi terjadi gerakan tanah menengah. Pada zona ini dapat terjadi gerakan tanah jika curah hujan diatas normal, terutama pada daerah yang berbatasan dengan lembah sungai, gawir, tebing jalan atau jika lereng mengalami gangguan. Selama periode tahun 2004 hingga 2017 tercatat 8 kali gerakan tanah yang terjadi di nagari Guguk Malalo. Dampaknya terhadap fasilitas umum dapat terlihat pada mesjid Nurul Islam yang mengalami nendatan dan retakan pada beberapa bagian lantai dan dindingnya. Dalam lingkup penelitian ini, dilakukan pembuatan peta kerentanan pergerakan tanah untuk nagari Guguk Malalo berdasarkan metoda kuantitatif menggunakan analisis SIG yakni dari peta tataguna lahan, peta kelerangan dan peta litologi. Untuk analisis kualitatif, digunakan data pengamatan struktur geologi dan litologi batuan. Hasilnya diperoleh bahwa 40,52% daerah di nagari Guguk Malalo memiliki potensi gerakan tanah yang tinggi, 14, 43% memiliki potensi gerakan tanah menengah dan 45, 32% memiliki potensi gerakan tanah rendah.Kata kunci: segmen Sumani, patahan geser Sumatera, peta kerentanan pergerakan tanah, metoda kuantitatif, metoda kualitatif
Bina Tambang Vol 3, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Rancangan sistem penyaliran di PT. Artamulia Tatapratama belum optimaluntuk menangani air yang masuk ke pit tambang baik air limpasan maupun airtanah. Catchment Area pada daerah penelitian dibagi menjadi 4 bagian, luasnyasecara berurutan adalah 43,33 Ha, 63,01 Ha, 60,26 Ha dan 20,2 Ha. Debit air totalmasing-masing catchment area secara berurutan adalah 1,456 m3/detik, 2,492m3/detik, 2,133 m3/detik dan 1,532 m3/detik. Volume tampungan optimal mainsump, temporary sump central, serta temporary sump timur secara berurutan adalah90.317,5 m3, 23.285,5 m3, 96.785,5 m3serta. Saluran terbuka yang direncanakanyaitu pada catchment area I, dimana saluran terbuka bertujuan untuk mencegah airmasuk ke front penambangan. Pompa yang digunakan adalah pompa Multiflo MF-420E 2 buah pada main sump dan CF-48H masing-masing 1 buah pada temporarysump timur dan temporary sump central. Besar debit pompa yang harus ditampungsettling pond adalah sebesar 0,594 m3/detik, jadi volume settling pond yangdirencanakan adalah 21.264 m3. Biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk operasi pompaadalah sebesar Rp 3.187.000/jam. Sedangkan biaya yang dikeluarkan untukpembuatan sump keseluruhan adalah sebesar Rp 1.488.793.210,7. Biaya pembuatansaluran terbuka sebesar Rp 61.494.110,51 dan pembuatan settling pond adalah Rp101.435.538,4.
Analisis Pengaruh Perubahan Nilai Total Moisture, Ash Content dan Total Sulphur Terhadap Nilai Kalori Batubara Bb-50 Di Tambang Banko Barat Pt. Bukit Asam, Tbk. Tanjung Enim Sumatera Selatan Muhammad Agil Fadhili; Ansosry Ansosry
Bina Tambang Vol 4, No 3 (2019): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract. One type of coal mined at PT Bukit Asam, Tbk is BB-50, in the distribution of coal there are found differences in the quality of coal. This study aims to obtain differences in calorific value (GCV), total moisture, ash content and total sulfur on front, stockpile and railway carriage and the effect of these parameters on calorific value (GCV). The analysis uses statistical methods that’s descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, one way ANOVA, correlation  and regression. Average calorific value (GCV) on fronts, stockpile and railway carriage respectively are 5037 Kcal/KgAr, 4928 Kcal/KgAr and 4869 Kcal/KgAr, the average of total moisture value respectively are 27.87%Ar, 27.84%Ar and 29.49%Ar, the average of ash content value respectively are 2.01%Ar, 4.01%Ar and 3.63%Ar and the average of sulfur value respectively are 0.49%Ar, 0.41%Ar and 0.51%Ar. Parameters that experience significant differences from front to the railway carriage are the calorific value has decreased by 96,056 - 240,610 Kcal/KgAr, total moisture has increased by 0,851 - 2,38%Ar and ash content has increased by 1,6 - 2,18%Ar. The effect of total moisture, ash content and total sulfur on calorific value is expressed in the equation GCV = 641,204 + 1,029TS - 63,781TM - 57,69ASH.Keywords: Coal Quality, Statistical Analysis, Front, Stockpile, Railway Carriage
Bina Tambang Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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The steps of the mining activities in PT. Aman Putra Toebillah includes the activities of land clearing, stripping the ground cover, the exploitation of coal, transporting, processing and marketing of coal. After the mining is finished, the ex of mining area will leave an opening hole. Therefore any company of mine obligatory to implement reclamation of ex mining area to maintain environmental sustainability. Based on Ministerial Regulation Number 7 Year 2014, reclamation are activities during of mining to organize, restore, and improve the quality of the environment and the ecosystem to the function. Therefore, it takes a good planning, so the rate reclamation success can be realized.Mining avtivities include the arrangement of land reclamation. The Inpit Dump will be covered with land cover. Then on the top layer is covered with top soil as a medium growing plants. After the arrangement is finished then the Inpit Dump will be replanting (revegetation). To prevent the erosion, we made waterways, do care and give limes to settling pond to prevent the formation of acid mine water.Based on calculations of planning reclamation and revegetation, direct costs for reclamation activities and revegetation on the Pit D1 PT. Aman Toebillah Putra amount to Rp RP,00 and indirect costs amount to Rp 1.339.901.555,00. Then the total cost of reclamation and revegetation on the site amount to Rp 15.444.128.447,00.Keywords: Reclamation Plans, Costs, Pit D1
Studi Karakteristik Mineral Pirit pada Seam Batubara A2 dan C Di Pit 1 Utara Penambangan Banko Barat PT. Bukit Asam, Tbk, Tanjung Enim, Sumatera Selatan aufa fikri abdillah; ansosry ansosry; heri prabowo
Bina Tambang Vol 6, No 5 (2021): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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PT. Bukit Asam, Tbk is a coal mining company in South Sumatera Province that supplies coal from Steam Power Plant (PLTU) with domestic shipments to Tarahan Steam Power Plant (PLTU) reaching 39.7% of coal production. The purpose of this research is to determine the potential characteristics of pyrite minerals that produce sulfur dioxide gas (SO2) which affects coal combustion and it can form an encrustation or slag in the steam power plant (PLTU) boiler pipes. The results of the XRF analysis for coal of A2 seam detected the oxidation of sulfur SO3 is 41.28% and Fe is 17.908% and XRF detected the oxidation of sulfur SO3 is 75.838% and Fe 8.026% for coal of C seam. Based on the results of microscopic analysis on coal of A2 seam and C seams, there are different of pyrite minerals types analysed. According to the analysis on coal of A2 seam that it contained an epigenetic pyrite mineral type. Mineragraphic analysis on coal of seam C that it contained a sygenetic pyrite mineral type. the framboidal pyrite mineral has fine crystals so it is reactable quickly and it is predicted that it can cause a slag during coal combustion in steam power plants (PLTU).
Estimasi Kebutuhan Peralatan Tambang Batubara Untuk Mencapai Target Produksi Pada Tahun 2017 Pt. Partner Resource Indonesia Jobsite Sungai Lilin, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan Yonal Ferdian; Ansosry Ansosry
Bina Tambang Vol 3, No 3 (2018): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Pit yudistira which has value of stripping ratio 1:5.6 is still economical enough to be mined. Considering that of coal is expensive enough this year.To achieve the production target in 2017 of Partner Resource Indonesia company amount 4.020.000bcm overburden it is needed Dig load equipment amount 3 unit of excavator and amount 11 unit of, and amount 708.000 ton of coal it is needed Dig load dumptruck equipment amount 2 unit excavator and 5 unit dumptruck.The level of achievement of production target in 2017 from mechanical equipment which is working to strip the overburden amount 99,32% for excavator and 104,6% for dumptruck with the deficiency of production amount 27416,5 bcm, for demolition of coal amount 103,77% for excavator and 98,34% for dumptruck with the deficiency of production amount 11757,6 ton.To fullfil the deficiency of production target overburden amount 27416,5 bcm in 2017, it should have to added 1 unit of excavator PC by working hours during 288,11 hours. For the amount 111757,6 ton, so it should be added 2 units dumptruck Hino FM 260 by working hours during 201,5 hours. Keywords: Coal’s mine, overburden, production target, dump truck, excavator.
Bina Tambang Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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PT Semen Padang merupakan salah satu perusahaan produsen semen di Indonesia yang mengelola dan memenuhi kebutuhan bahan baku utamanya sendiri. Selain terdapat bahan galian silicastone dan limestone, PT Semen Padang juga meiliki sumberdaya bahan galian basalt yang belum dimanfaatkan. Bentuk dan penanganan dalam memanfaatkan bahan galian basalt berupa penambangan dan pengolahan yang menghasilkan output berupa batu split. Hal ini dilakukan karena bahan galian basalt tidak dapat dijadikan bahan dalam pembuatan semen kerena memiliki kadar MgO lebih besar dari 5%. Sebelum dilakukannya kegiatan penambangan perlu dikaji terlebih dahulu kelayakan teknis dan ekonomis dari penambangan dan pengolahan bahan galian basalt tersebut.Kegiatan penambangan yang dilakukan berupa pemboran dan peledakan dengan kedalam lubang ledak hasil pemboran 9,2m dan volume yang terbongkar sebanyak 44558,6 ton/bulan. Bahan peledak yang digunakan sebanyak 5127.5 kg Dabex, 66 pcs inhole delay, 65pcs surface delay dan 66 booster. Material hasil peledakan digali dengan 1 unit excavator Komatsu PC300 untuk dimuat ke truk Hino FM260JD sebanyak 2 unit. Untuk kegiatan penunjang penambangan di butuhkan 1 unit Wheel Loader dan Buldozer. Crusher yang digunakan adalah jaw crusher type PE-750x1060 sebagai primary crushing dan cone crusher type PYFB 1321 STD M sebagai secondary crushing. Biaya pengeluaran yang dibutuhkan untuk memproduksi 7.815.383 ton batu split basalt adalah sebesar Rp272.468.571.040,02. Maka biaya produksi per tonnya adalah sebesar Rp34.863,11 per ton (di luar pajak pendapatan dan pajak bahan galian) atau Rp.71.928,05 (sudah termasuk pajak bahan galian dan pajak pendapatan). Berdasaran hasil analisis investasi, didapat nilai tiga parameter berikut; Net Present Value Rp128.769.327.542 Internal Rate of Return 162,8179% dan Payback Periode 0,6145 tahun. Dengan demikian dapat dinyatakan penambangan dan pengolahan bahan galian basalt secara teknis dan ekonomis layak untuk dilakukan.
Identifikasi Sungai Bawah Tanah Berdasarkan Nilai Resistivitas Batuan Pada Danau Karst Tarusan Kamang, Kabupaten Agam. Yuyu Fajriyatil Husni; Ansosry Ansosry
Bina Tambang Vol 4, No 1 (2019): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract. Tarusan Kamang Lake is an area suspected of being a karst area and has an underground river. This is due to the presence of the lake that only appear or fill with water at certain times. For this reason, a research using geoelectric resistivity method with Wenner-Schlumberger configuration was used to obtain a 2D and 3D subsurface model. The retrieval of data is using by three measurement with a length of each track is 188 meters and the space is 4 meters. The results of measurement and interpretation of the data show that there are 4 types of constituent rock layers, namely sandstone clay, filite, quartzite and limestone. Based on 2D resistivity cross section models found a layer that has a tendency to form a tunnel that is in the layer of carbonate or limestone which has a range of resistivity values around 1.019-10.485 Ωm. This contour pattern is thought to be underground river passageways. This contour pattern is found on tracks 1, 2 and 3. This layer is found in the northwest direction towards the southeast at a depth of about 20-30 meters more than the surface. This carbonate rock layer is thought to have caprock or capsrock which is an underground river structure. Keywords:  Karst, Geoelectric, Resistivity, Carbonate, Capsrock.