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Journal : Jurnal Aquatik

Jurnal Akuatik Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Aquatik
Publisher : Nusa Cendana University

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Abstract - Pumpkin seeds contain lots of vitamin E so it can be used as a supplement for the brood fish to improve the maturities gonad. This study used a pumpkin-seed flour added in to the feed (pellets) which aims to determine the index maturity of gonad (IMG) 0f lele sangkuriang (Clarias sp.), and the concentration of pumpkin-seed flour is effective against gonad maturity. The study was conducted for 2 months using completely randomized design (CRD) with the treatment of pumpkin seed concentration in the feed ie: 0, 100, 150 and 200 gram /kg of feed each treatment was repeated 3 times. The results shows that the highest IKG value was 5.7 (± 0.55) in treatment with 200 g / kg of feed compared with controls whose IGM value was only 2.6 (± 0.39), while treatment with 100 and 150 g / kg of feed obtained by IMG value 4,21 (± 0,89) and 44,98 (± 0,48). The data analysis, ANOVA, showed that the treatment hight significant (P˂ 0.01) on IMG.The study condution concluded that the addition of pumpkin-seed flour into the feed can increase the maturity of the gonad of lele sangkuriang. Keywords : Pumpkin Seeds, IKG, Catfish.
Jurnal Akuatik Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Aquatik
Publisher : Nusa Cendana University

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Abstract - The study has been conducted in Batubao,west region of Kupang, for 3 mounths, to know the rates of E. cottonii growing and carragenan content by second pitch of seaweed reding. The second pitch seeds were the newtreatent that thalus was pitched out from two times 25 days cultivation of F2_seed. The rates of growing and carragenan production of F2_seed was companing to 45 days cultivation of sea weed, a conventional seed called control seed. Both of seed eas cultivated subseguently for 45 days. The results shows that the biomas of F2_seed treatment raise to 636±23,30 g and control are 617±23,97 g. The carragenan protection of F2_seed are 7,2% and control are 6,4%. The corelysion is growing and carragenan production of F2_seed treatment are higher them the conventional seed. Keyword : Seaweed, Eucheuma cottonii, Growth, Carrageenan.
PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN PAKAN ALTERNATIF DARI BAHAN MAKROALGA (Gracilaria spDAN Ulva lactuca) DALAM PELET TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN IKAN NILA (Oreochromis niloticus) Ndjandji Karipi Wuhi; Yulianus Linggi; Priyo Santoso
Jurnal Akuatik Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Aquatik
Publisher : Nusa Cendana University

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A research has been conduct to know the effect of both Gracillaria sp and Ulva lactuce flour on Nile, Oreochromis niloticus, growth rate. These flour was substitute in to pellets till the allotted amount of each treatment and reshaped as it was subsequently. The study using 2 x 2 x 3 factorial design based on completely random design. Adding the flours of gracillaria, ulva and its combination were the first factor, and the 10 to 20% amount of each flour were the second factor. The results show that the Nile’s SGR was higher, 1.69% day-1, on 20% of ulva flour treament. The following grade of Nile’s SGR are 1.67, 1.53, 1.45, 1.32, and 1.16 % day-1 for adding 10% gracillaria, 20% combination, 10% ulva, 10% combination, 20% gracillaria respectively. We suggest that both Gracillaria sp and Ulva sp would raise up the growth of Nile but the flour proportion is a specific for each kind of feed. The Nile growth rate of ulva’s treatment was significant different to gracillaria’s treatment. Keywords: Ulva, Gracillaria, Feed, Growth, Nile
Jurnal Akuatik Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Aquatik
Publisher : Nusa Cendana University

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A research on crab’s gonad maturation had been conduncted by adding vitamin E in to their feed, with a view to knowing the stage of gonad maturity. The aim of this research is to know the maturity stage of gonad by observing the colour change as indicator of TKG with the addition of vitamin E in feed as much 20, 25 and 30 ml . kg -1 of feed. The research was conducted with completly randomized design (CDR) with 4 treatments and 3 repatitions.The results showed that the addition of vitamin E in to the feed as much 30 ml . kg -1 of feed can increase TKG (gonad maturity stage)to reaches stage IV and addition vitamin E as much 25 ml . kg -1 of feed can stimulate crab gonad up to TKG III, While the addition of vitamin E 20 ml . kg -1 of feed and control was only able to stimulate crab’s gonad reach to stage II. Based on these results it is concluded that the more vitamin E is added (up to dose of 30 ml . kg -1 of feed) in to the feed then the maturity rate of gonad crab’s is increasing. Keywords: gonad maturity, gonad colour, vitamin E, mud crab
Pengaruh perbedaan substrat terhadap pertumbuhan ikan sidat (Anguilla bicolor bicolor) di dalam wadah budidaya Anyodin O Yolla; Yulianus Linggi; Nicodemus Ndahoklory
Jurnal Akuatik Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Edisi Maret 2020
Publisher : Nusa Cendana University

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Ikan sidat menghabiskan banyak atau sebagian besar waktu mereka di substrat, baik diliang penggaliannya sendiri atau di rongga-rongga bebatuan alami. Tingkat hunian substrat dapatmengurangi risiko kematian, melindungi terhadap arus kuat, atau sebagai tempat untuk mendapatmakan. Ikan sidat yellow eel menghabiskan waktu di substrat, baik di liang yang digali dalamsedimen lunak, atau di bebatuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan ikan sidat Anguilla bicolor bicolorberukuran 3,1-5,9 g, dipelihara selama 60 hari yang diberi pakan komersil yang diberikan air laludibentuk menjadi pasta. Nilai pertumbuhan mutlak menunjukkan bahwa ikan sidat yang dipeliharapada substrat pasir- kerikil-batu (C) bertumbuh lebih cepat yakni 3,63 g selama 2 bulandibandingkan ikan sidat lainnya yang dipelihara dalam substrat dasar yang lain. Hasil sidik ragam(ANOVA) menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan berpengaruh sangat nyata (Pvalue = 5,82 x 10-16) yangberarti bahwa peluang untuk membantah konsep seperti pada rumusan hipotesis penelitian yakni“substrat yang berbeda mempengaruhi pertumbuhan” adalah sangat kecil sehingga dapatdisebutkan bahwa ikan sidat yang dipelihara dalam wadah dengan substrat yang berbeda akanmemiliki nilai pertumbuhan yang berbeda pula. Hasil Uji BNT menunjukkan bahwa Perlakuan Cberbeda sangat nyata terhadap semua perlakuan kecuali terhadap perlakuan D, sedangkan perlakuanA, B dan D masing-masing saling berbeda sangat nyata.Kata kunci: Ikan Sidat, Kualitas Air, Pertumbuhan, Substrat
Beberapa aspek reproduksi ikan nipi (Hemiramphus sp); suatu studi pendahuluan tentang berkurangnya populasi ikan nipi di Propinsi NTT Yulianus Linggi; Marcelien Dj Ratoe Oedjoe; Agnette Tjendanawangi
Jurnal Akuatik Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Maret
Publisher : Nusa Cendana University

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Ikan nipi (Hemiramphus sp) adalah ikan yang tergolong cukup populer bagi masyarakat NTT karena harganya murah dan rasanya cukup gurih. Beberapa tahun belakangan kelimpahan ikan nipi di pasar-pasar tradisional di wilayah NTT mulai berkurang, namun belum ada laporan ilmiah mengenai penyebab berkurangnya populasi ikan nipi tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan studi pendahuluan tentang berkurangnya populasi ikan nipi yang tertangkap di perairan-perairan NTT. Penelitian diawali dengan studi aspek reproduksi karena ikan nipi merupakan ikan musiman yang diduga melakukan ruaya ke perairan dangkal untuk melakukan pemijahan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui beberapa aspek reproduksi yang berhubungan dengan terjadinya ruaya yang mempengaruhi musim penangkapan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan hasil tangkapan nelayan secara acak di beberapa lokasi kemudian mengamati morfometrik seperti panjang (mm), bobot (gram), TKG, kondisi gonad dan oosit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ukuran ikan nipi yang ditangkap di Perairan NTT yakni: panjang 148 – 220 mm dan berat 48,9 – 81,7 g. Individu terkecil yang sudah matang (tingkat IV) adalah 169 mm (berat 48,9 gram) dan, TKG terendah adalah tingkat II. Jumlah ikan nipi yang matang pada bulan Agustus rata-rata sebesar 58,08% dan terendah pada Bulan oktober yakni rata-rata 5,56 %. Pada bulan Juni jumlah ikan yang belum matang rata-rata pada tingkat II sebesar 35%, tingkat III sebesar 41,83% dan terus menurun hinggga pada bulan September tersisa 3,21 %. Sedang Jumlah ikan yang telah salin (tingkat V) mencapai puncak (52,71%) pada bulan September. Setelah pertengahan Oktober tidak ditemukan lagi ikan nipi di pasaran yang menandakan ikan nipi telah kembali ke habitat semula. Disimpulkan bahwa ikan nipi yang tertangkap di Perairan NTT sedang melakukan ruaya reproduksi yang memijah pada Bulan Agustus hingga September. Kata Kunci: Hemiramphus, musim-memijah, ruaya.
Uji coba pemberian ikan rucah sebagai pakan terhadap pertumbuhan ikan bandeng (Chanos chanos) Maria Graselita Bilin; Marcelien Dj Ratoe Oedjoe; Yulianus Linggi
Jurnal Akuatik Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Maret
Publisher : Nusa Cendana University

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pertumbuhan ikan bandeng yang diberikan ikan rucah sebagai pakan tambahan. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan selama dua bulan sejak Desember – Januari bertempat di BBIP Tablolong, Kecamatan Kupang Barat, Kabupaten Kupang, penelitian ini menggunakan rancanan acak lengkap dengan tiga perlakuan dan tiga ulangan yakni, perlakuan A hanya menggunakan pelet, perlakuan B hanya menggunakan pakan rucah dan perlakuan C menggunakan pelet dan pakan rucah, hasil menunjukkan bahwa berat mutlak tiap perlakuan yang tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan C dengan berat rata-rata 62,79 gr, kemudian diikuti oleh perlakuan B dengan berat mutlak rata-rata adalah 54,77gr dan bobot terendah terdapat pada perlakuan A dengan berat mutlak rata-rata 50,43, hasil sidik ragam ANOVA menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan pemberian rucah sebagai pakan berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap pertumbuhan ikan bandeng. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji beda nyata terkecil (BNT), menunjukan bahwa perlakuan C berbeda nyata terhadap semua perlakuan tetapi antara perlakuan A dengan B berbeda tidak nyata. Dengan demikian dapat dinyatakan bahwa dari ketiga perlakuan tersebut yang paling optimal adalah perlakuan C yakni perlakuan pemberian pakan rucah yang dikombinasikan dengan pelet komersil. Kata Kunci : Ikan Bandeng, Laju Pertumbuhan, Pakan Rucah
Pemanfaatan tepung putak (Corypha utan) sebagai pakan pengganti tepung dedak (Oryza sativa) terhadap pertumbuhan ikan bandeng (Chanos chanos Forskal) Dionesia A Hanmima; Yulianus Linggi; Yudiana Jasmanindar
Jurnal Akuatik Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Maret
Publisher : Nusa Cendana University

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This research aims to determine the growth of milkfish fed with putak flour formulation as a substitute for bran and to determine the optimal level of substitution for milkfish growth which was carried out for 2 months in the implant ponds of the Fisheries Service, Dualaus Village, KakulukMesak sub-district, Belu regency. This study used a completely randomized design (RAL, 5r, 3t). The treatments tested were treatment A (100% bran flour in feed), treatment B (25% putak flour, 75% bran flour in feed), C treatment (50% putak flour, 50% bran flour in feed), treatment D ( 75% putak flour, 25% bran flour in feed) and E treatment (100% putak flour in feed). The ANOVA shows that the treatment is significantly different on absolute growth, significantly different on specific growth and not significantly different on survival. The highest weight growth was found in treatment E (13.33g), followed by D (11.53 g), treatment A (10.5g), treatment B (9.53g) and treatment C (8.3g). The highest specific growth was treatment E (1.61g), followed by treatment D (1.59 g% / day), treatment A (1.07 g% / day), treatment B (0.99 g% / day) and treatment C (0.89 g% / day). day). The highest survival rate was found in treatment A (96.6%), followed by treatment E (93.3%), treatment B and D (90%), treatment C (0.89%). The results of this study provide the conclusion that the optimal level of putak flour substitution to bran flour by giving 100% putak flour in feed can increase the growth of milkfish. Key words: Growth, Milkfish, Sago Flour, Survival Rate.
Jurnal Akuatik Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Maret
Publisher : Nusa Cendana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (222.503 KB) | DOI: 10.1007/aquatik.v5i1.6542


This research was conducted in West Kupang District, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province in October-November 2020. The aim of the study was (1) to determine the average contribution of the seaweed cultivator's wife's income to household income in order to determine the role of income. seaweed cultivator wife on household improvement. (2) to determine the average amount of time spent working for the social activities of the wives of seaweed cultivators, both formal and non-formal. The population in this study is the wife of seaweed cultivators who work as seaweed workers who live in West Kupang District, Kupang Regency, while the samples taken proportionately from each of the existing villages, where the number of samples is 60 respondents spread across three villages namely Bolok, Tesabela and Tablolong. And to determine the respondent (sample) from each village using accidental sampling method, where the sample taken is based on the population found with the consideration that the population distribution is not even in each village. And the data sources used are primary data and secondary data. The data analysis used is descriptive quantitative, namely the discussion of the variables of the wife's role in increasing household income. Quantitative analysis is using the analysis of income contributions. The results of this study indicate that the activities carried out by the wife in the process of cultivating seaweed in helping to increase household income are processing seaweed for sale with the highest number or at most 37 people or with a presentation value of 61.67% while the lowest or a little with a total income of one million to one million and five hundred with a presentation value of 20% with the number of respondents 12 people. The average contribution of the wife's income to the household income of seaweed cultivators is 37%, which is in the sufficient category. Keywords: Contribution of income, Spending of wife's working time, household inco
Menumbuhkan Pakan Alami Di Tambak Ikan Bandeng (Chanos Chanos) Menggunakan Kombinasi Kotoran Sapi, Kotoran Ayam, Jerami Padi, Pupuk Urea, Dan Sp-36 Aloysius Samuel Akoit; Yulianus Linggi; Franchy Ch Liufeto
Jurnal Akuatik Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Maret
Publisher : Nusa Cendana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.1007/aquatik.v6i1.9862


Ikan bandeng (Chanos chanos) merupakan salah satu sumberdaya perikanan yang dihasilkan dari budidaya tambak. Peneltian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pertumbuhan ikan bandeng dalam tambak yang diberi pupuk dari kombinasi kotoran sapi, kotoran ayam, jerami padi, pupuk urea dan SP-36 dengan parameter yang diukur pada penelitian ini meliputi pertumbuhan mutlak, tingkat kelulushidupan, kepadatan fitoplankton dan kualitas air ( suhu, pH, salinitas). Hasil penelitian ini menunnjukkan bahwa pemupukan dasar tambak menggunakan kombinasi kotoran sapi, kotoran ayam, jerami padi, pupuk urea dan SP-36 dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan ikan bandeng (Chanos-chanos). Rata-rata berat mutlak ikan bandeng yang didapat selama penelitian sebesar 68 gram, sedangkan rata-rata panjang mutlak ikan bandeng sebesar 15 cm. Terdapat 7 jenis fitoplankton yang terdiri dari 7 kelas ; antara lain Chlorophyta, Dinophyceae, Bacillariopyceae, Cryptophyta, Chlorophyceae, Cyanobacteria, dan Chaetoceros sp. Kata kunci : Ikan bandeng, fitoplankton, pemupukan, kotoran sapi, kotoran ayam, jerami padi, pupuk urea, SP-36, tambak.