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Jurnal ABDI: Media Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/ja.v7n1.p18-22


UMKM Desa Sukorejo memiliki beberapa produk unggulan yang tergabung dalam BUMDes Podhojoyo Sukorejo. Banyaknya produk yang dihasilkan oleh UMKM setempat, mendorong masyarakat dan pengelola BUMDes Podhojoyo Sukorejo untuk belajar terkait pemasaran online. Kegiatan PKM ini berupaya memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan pemasaran online dengan materi pelatihan mengenai konsep komunikasi pemasaran dan pengenalan aplikasi pendukung pemasaran online (Shopee). Metode yang digunakan adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan serta monitoring evaluation agar proses pelaksanaan program PKM ini dapat berjalan sesuai rencana, memperoleh hasil sesuai harapan dan tuntas dilaksanakan. Hasil pelatihan pemasaran online menunjukan bahwa peserta menjadi lebih mengetahui besarnya peluang pasar melalui toko online. Selain itu, peserta juga lebih mengetahui proses memasarkan produk yang dimiliki pada toko online. Kata Kunci: pemasaran online, toko online, pelatihan dan pendampingan
Photo Product dan Content Marketing Instagram dalam Pemasaran Online Marketing INTAKO Tias Andarini Indarwati
Abimanyu : Jornal of Community Engagement Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Agustus 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (349.109 KB) | DOI: 10.26740/abi.v2i2.14443


Koperasi INTAKO yang berdiri sejak 1976 memproduksi tas dan koper yang memiliki konsumen dalam negeri maupun luar negeri memiliki potensi besar dalam dalam bidang ekonomi. Kondisi bencana lumpur Lapindo di tahun 2006 telah menjadikan penurunan penjualan mencapai 80%. Kondisi Pandemic saat ini lebih memprihatinkan bagi koperasi INTAKO dilihat dari omset penjualannya. Koperasi INTAKO telah berupaya menggunakan social media Instagram akan tetapi belum dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya tampak pada tidak terupdate-nya informasi yang ada. Pandemic seperti ini pemasaran online adalah hal yang tidak dapat dihindari. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah memaksimalkan photo produk dan content marketing dari Instagram dalam rangka meningkatkan pemasaran Koperasi INTAKO. Metode yang kami gunakan adalah workshop sehingga karyawan INTAKO dapat melanjutkan kegiatan tersebut kedepannya. Hasil dari kegiatan ini bahwa terdapat perubahan tampilan Instagram yang berbeda secara photo produk nya dan content marketing sebagai sarana komunikasi dan informasi bagi calon konsumen.
Pengaruh Destination Social Responsibility dan Destination Reputation terhadap Revisit Intention dengan Perceived Trust sebagai Variabel Mediasi di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Firman Adhar Wisandiko; Tias Andarini Indarwati
Pusaka: Journal of Tourism, Hospitality, Travel and Business Event Vol 3 No 2: Agustus – Januari 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Pariwisata Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (364.709 KB) | DOI: 10.33649/pusaka.v3i2.105


Pariwisata dan industri kreatif menjadi salah satu sektor yang paling terdampak dari pandemi Covid-19, termasuk diantaranya yaitu pusat perbelanjaan yang menjadi salah satu bagian dari wisata belanja. Pusat perbelanjaan atau kerap disebut Mall yang ada di Kota Surabaya tidak mengalami penutupan dikarenakan dianggap masih banyak orang yang menggantungkan hidupnya pada destinasi tersebut. Berbagai upaya perlu dilakukan oleh pengelola destinasi agar dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan dan mendorong tingkat kunjungan ulang guna mempertahankan profitabilitas sebuah destinasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pentingnya peran dari destination social responsibility, destination reputation,dan perceived trust terhadap revisit intention pada masa pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian riset konklusif. Pengunjung Tunjungan Plaza Surabaya selama masa pandemi menjadi fokus pada penelitian ini dengan mengunakkan teknik non probability sampling dengan kriteria responden dengan rentang usia 15-54 tahun dan pernah mengujungi Tunjungan Plaza setidaknya 2 kali selama pandemi covid-19 . Kuesioner online disebarkan kepada total 200 responden dan dilanjutkan dengan analisis data dengan analisis jalur menggunakkan program IBM SPSS Amos 24. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa destination social responsibility berpengaruh positif terhadap perceived trust dan juga revisit intention. Hasil lain menemukan bahwa destination reputation juga terbukti memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap perceived trust dan revisit intention. Selain itu perceived trust juga terbukti memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap revisit intention. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa perceived trust terbukti berperan sebagai mediasi dalam hubungan destination social responsibility dan destination reputation terhadap revisit intention. Penelitian ini menunjukkan pentingnya membangun kepercayaan dan niat berkunjung ulang pada sebuah destinasi selama masa pandemi covid-19 masih berlansgung melalui penerapan destination social responsibility dan juga menciptakan destination reputation yang baik bagi masyarakat. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan dasar pertimbangan bagi pengelola destinasi wisata untuk dapat lebih memperhatikan tingkat kepercayaan serta mengatur strategi dalam mendorong niat berkunjung ulang terlebih pada kondisi krisis pandemi covid-19.
Pengaruh Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, dan Compatibility with Lifestyle terhadap Intention to Use Fitur Social Commerce Dyan Erlyn Oktania; Tias Andarini Indarwati
Nomicpedia: Journal of Economics and Business Innovation Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Maret
Publisher : Inspirasi Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (713.926 KB)


Social media companies began to grow their business by making innovations in shopping features. The intention to use shopping features is influenced by several factors, including perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and compatibility with lifestyle. The purpose of this study was to find out the influence of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and compatibility with lifestyle on the intention to use features of TikTok Shop. This type of research is quantitative research with judgemental sampling methods. An online questionnaire with a Likert scale of 1-5 was distributed to 100 respondents via social media TikTok. Data analysis techniques use multiple linear regression tests with the help of IBM SPSS 20. The results showed that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and compatibility with lifestyle had a significant and positive effect on the intention to use. Based on the result, it is recommended that TikTok can develop creative marketing strategies by paying attention to the usability, ease, and compatibility of the TikTok Shop features with the user's lifestyle in order to increase the intention to use.
Perceived Ease of use on Purchasing Decisions in E-Commerce : a case study of TikTok social media Tias Andarini Indarwati; Riska Dhenabayu; Ramadhan Maruta Pradana; Erta; Hapsari Shinta Citra Puspita Dewi
Publisher : CV ODIS

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The ease of technology makes it easier for humans to do activities.  The Tiktok Shop application has a positive impact on consumers shopping online.  This convenience makes customers have high purchasing decisions to buy products.  The reason for the high purchase decision is because there is a perception of convenience by the user.  This research was based on the experience of TikTok Shop consumers aged 17 years and over.  The method in this research uses qualitative case studies.  Data collection techniques were carried out using interviews, observations, and documentation studies analyzed thematically.  The results of this study indicate that the ease of technology in facilitating online shopping and purchasing decisions has increased with the various services available on the TikTok Shop application feature.
The Management Strategy for Sports Events During the Covid-19 Pandemic for the East Java Province Koni Management: Management Strategy, Events, Sports Events, Pandemic Covid-19, KONI JATIM Ramadhan Maruta; Erta; Tias Andarini Indarwati; Dani Primanata; Hapsari Shinta Citra Puspita
Journal of Sport Science and Education Vol 7 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Olahraga, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

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Competition activities in large sports competitions require a good management in their management. Good management will support the process of running an event that will be organized by KONI of East Java Province. As a sports committee body that oversees all sports at the level of the province of East Java, which will carry out several events to screen regional athletes who will compete at the National and International levels. Several matches have been arranged and scheduled for one year in a row to meet the needs of qualified regional athletes. The Covid-19 pandemic has forced several match schedules to be shifted and canceled due to impossible conditions. Uncertain circumstances make the management revolution to make the right planning in changing and determining the schedule of sports matches so that there is no big loss when a match is postponed or canceled. . Based on the results of the research, several themes are produced, namely good planning that will minimize the occurrence of risk, organizing the division of tasks to speed up work, actuality of practical implementation of sporting events, and control to improve quality. Careful planning and implementation can make it easier to manage the management of sporting events during the Pandemic.
Implementasi QRIS sebagai Media Transaksi Digital yang Transparan dan Akuntabel pada Organisasi Sosial Nurul Indawati; Tias Andarini Indarwati; R.A. Sista Paramita; Purwohandoko Purwohandoko; Riska Dhenabayu
Abimanyu : Jornal of Community Engagement Vol 3 No 2 (2022): August 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/abi.v3n2.p16-23


Covid-19 merupakan pandemi yang menjadi realitas global yang menerjang tatanan kehidupan umat manusia dari level internasional, hingga level terkecil yaitu rumah tangga. TPQ-Al-Aqsha dan Masjid Baitul Makmur I adalah contoh organisasi sosial yang terkena dampak dari pandemi covid-19. Masalah yang dihadapi mitra TPQ Al-Aqsha yaitu mitra mengalami kesulitan dalam menyampaikan laporan keuangan dan pertanggungjawaban kegiatan, serta mempromosikan TPQ Al-Aqsha kepada calon donatur akibat adanya aturan PSBB dan social distancing yang membatasi kegiatan masyarakat. Kurangnya jamaah yang signifikan pada Masjid Baitul Makmur I Unesa juga menyebabkan infaq yang diterima menurun. Program IbM ini ditujukan untuk memberikan solusi untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan ketrampilan mitra dalam bentuk pelatihan penerapan teknologi QRIS dan aplikasi financial technology Bebas Bayar. Hasil dari kegiatan ini berupa publikasi ilmiah, publikasi pada media massa, dan pamflet/poster digital.
Analysis Influence of Market Orientation and Digital Marketing Capability on The Marketing Performance of Digital Culinary Sector MSMEs In Surabaya City Whindya Rahmadi Muhammad; Tias Andarini Indarwati
Publisher : CV ODIS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55607/ijembis.v3i2.152


Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are business units that have an omzet under 2.5 billion rupiah per year and have assets under 10 billion rupiah. However, MSMEs take an important role in the Indonesian economy because they have contributed to PDP Indonesia by 60.3%. This Performance was achieved because MSMEs have implemented market orientation and have digital marketing capability. But, with the ability the marketing Performance of MSMEs has actually by 11.6% compared to 2021. So this study aims to reveal whether there is a significant influence between market orientation and digital marketing capability on Performance. digital MSME marketing in the Surabaya culinary sector. In sampling for this study, use Purposive  Sampling.  The data taken n  this study was through primary data by distributing questionnaires to as many as 99 respondents who were selected based on the criteria of UMKM in the Surabaya culinary sector who were at least 1 year had already been digitally transformed. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression by using SPSS25 and the results showed that there was an effect of market orientation and digital marketing capabilities on the marketing Performance of digital MSMEs in Surabaya's culinary sector.
The Influence of Digital Marketing Capability and Product Innovation in Marketing Performance: Study on Food and Beverage MSMEs in Surabaya Muhammad Iqbal Kamaruzzaman; Tias Andarini Indarwati
Publisher : CV ODIS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59889/ijembis.v3i3.177


MSMEs are one of the sectors that make the largest contribution to the GDP of the Republic of Indonesia, which is 60.5%. The number of SMEs every year is always increasing. However, the magnitude of the contribution and the increase in the number of MSMEs is not in line with the data which states that MSMEs experienced a decline in sales in 2020 of 94.69%, where the biggest decline was experienced by MSMEs that ran their business offline. Based on this phenomenon, this study aims to determine the effect of digital marketing capabilities and product innovation on marketing performance in MSMEs. This research is a quantitative research with a questionnaire as a research instrument which was distributed to 131 respondents using a purposive sampling technique. Data processing in this study used multiple linear regression analysis which was processed with SPSS 25. The results of the research show that digital marketing capabilities and product innovation have a positive and significant influence on marketing performance in food and beverage MSMEs in the city of Surabaya.
A Systematic Literature Review: UTAUT In Fashion Tias Andarini Indarwati; R.A. Sista Paramita; Imami Arum Tri Rahayu; Muh Ariffudin Islam
Publisher : CV ODIS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59889/ijembis.v3i3.179


UTAUT better explains the various technological and contextual factors to behavioural intention in technology adoption in individual and organizational contexts. Based on an extensive summary and synthesis, an alternative theoretical model proposed is UTAUT, the most frequently used IS/IT adoption model. This study uses a systematic literature review by applying two stages. In the first stage, articles will be identified and included in the Prism Flow Diagram model. In the next stage, articles are analyzed based on research methods, UTAUT dimensions, and presentation of research results. Articles that discuss UTAUT cover the fields of banking, health, vehicles, and online shopping. Most sites have articles about mobile payments, health, and online shopping, while UTAUT's research in education, banking, and other fields is conducted in Asian and European countries. Analytical data collection methods are quantitative and qualitative. The UTAUT model has four fundamental constructs that influence behavioural intentions. A comprehensive overview of meta-UTAUT has not been studied in the context of chatbots in the service industry. There are five significant meta-UTAUT constructs (performance expectations, effort expectations, social influence, facilitating conditions, and attitudes) to identify trends in continuing intentions to use chatbot services. The Meta-UTAUT model is most appropriate for understanding cellular adoption because, on the one hand, it represents an integrated model with attitude as a new mediating variable. Behavioural intention to use the system is influenced by several factors, including perceived risk, perceived trust, perceived cost, and self-efficacy, so the Meta-UTAUT Model is the most appropriate model for understanding mobile adoption.