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Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Vol 8, No 2 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/jpf.v8i2.2673


The formulation of the problem in this study is the effect of the Cooperative Learning model of the types of  Team Games Tournament on the ability of students to understand the concept of physics learning in class X in SMK PGRI 2 Palembang. This study aims to determine whether or not there is an influence of the cooperative learning model of type of  Team Games Tournament (TGT) on the ability of students to understand the concepts of physics in class X learning at SMK PGRI 2 Palembang. The research method used is the Experimental Design method, the category of Posstest-Only Control Design. in this design often used in research experiments with data collection technigues obtained using tests, and documentation.The average value of student learning outcomes in the experimental class can be categorized  as good at 78.47  by using the cooperative games tournament  type (TGT) Model, while the average value of the learning outcomes of the control class by not using the model cooperative Team Type Tournament games can be categorized enough with the average  student learning outcomes is 63.05. Based on calculations t arithmetic > t table = 7.105 > 1.667 ie t arithmetic = 7.105 and  t table = 1.667 then accept the hypothesis (ha) which  means ” There is an influence of the cooperative learning model Team Games Tournament type (TGT) on the ability of students to understand the concept of learning physics in class X in SMK PGRI 2 Palembang.
Pengembangan E-LKPD Materi Momentum dan Impuls Berbasis Android untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Siswa Sisri Novriani; Lukman Hakim; Lefudin Lefudin
Phenomenon : Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA Vol 11, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA
Publisher : Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/phen.2021.11.1.7136


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk e-LKPD pada materi momentum dan impuls untuk peserta didik Kelas X yang valid, praktis, dan mampu meningkatkan pemahaman konsep peserta didik. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development) dengan menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE yaitu analysis, design, development, dan evaluation. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh e-LKPD yang dikembangkan: a) kevalidan dengan kriteria valid berdasarkan penilaian ahli dengan skor rata-rata 80% dari aspek materi; 82,5% dari aspek desain, dan 85,71% dari aspek bahasa. b) kepraktisan dengan kriteria praktis berdasarkan angket respon oleh peserta didik dan guru dengan skor rata-rata 83,33% pada tahap uji perorangan; 86,88% pada tahap kelompok kecil; dan 82,5% penilaian oleh guru. c) keefektifan dengan kriteria tinggi berdasarkan hasil N-gain sebesar 0,73.  
Development of Teaching Materials in The Form of Comics Based on Local Wisdom Wave Material Chercules Chercules; L Hakim; Lefudin Lefudin
Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Vol 9, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/bipf.v9i3.9512


This study aims to develop teaching materials of comics based on local wisdom of Sriwijaya country on wave material in class VIII SMPN 15 Palembang. The research method used was Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE model. The study was only until the stage of Analysis, Design, and Development (ADD). The subject of this research was conducted at SMPN 15 Palembang by involving 11 students of class VIII. This research consists of 3 stages, namely the analysis stage, the design stage, and the development stage. The implementation and evaluation stages were not carried out due to limited research time. Data analysis of student needs was measured through observation activities. The questionnaire was used to determine the feasibility of teaching material products based on expert validation and student responses. This prototype was then validated by construct and content experts from Raden Fatah State Islamic University Palembang and PGRI Palembang University. The results showed that the teaching material product was feasible based on expert validation with the category (80% - 89%) valid and supported by student responses with the category (75.1% - 100%) very practical. Due to time constraints, the problem of productive teaching materials for the implementation and evaluation stages was not carried out. Therefore, this research can be developed or continued in further research that has been studied on the limitation of the problem. It is hoped that researchers can develop this research according to the study of the ADDIE research model until the implementation and evaluation stages are completed. 
Pelatihan Pembuatan Multimedia Interaktif sebagai Alternatif Media Pembelajaran Lukman Hakim; Lefudin Lefudin; Dwi Ratnaningdyah; Sugiarti Sugiarti
E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 11, No 1 (2020): E-DIMAS
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/e-dimas.v11i1.4295


Peningkatan kompetensi guru telah menjadi agenda pemerinta secara nasional dalam upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Perkembangan TIK dalam pembelajaran menjadi agenda pemerintah dalam mengembangkan kompetensi guru secara nasional. Universitas PGRI Palembang merupakan salah satu Perguruan Tinggi yang menghasilkan sarjana pendidikan yang tersebar di seluruh Sumatera Selatan dan sekitarnya. Sebagai kepedulian terhadap peningkatan mutu pendidikan melalui peningkatan kemampuan pengembangan dan penerapan TIK dalam pembelajaran dosen program studi pendidikan fisika melakukan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat. Tujuan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan wawasan dan kemampuan guru dalam menggunakan TIK dalam pembelajaran. Metode pelatihan yang digunakan adalah pemaparan materi, pendampingan pembuatan multimedia dengan ispring dan evaluasi. Peserta pelatihan adalah semua guru SMA N 1 Padamaran Kecamatan OKI. Setelah kegiatan guru diberi kuisioner tentang tanggapan guru terhadap penerapan TIK dalam pembelajaran. Instrumen tanggapan guru bebentuk skala liekert. Hasil tanggapan guru terhadap penerapan TIK dalam pembelajaran adalah positif.
Inovasi Pembelajaran E-Learning Dalam Menghadapi New Normal Di SMK Negeri 1 Lawang Wetan Sulistiawati Sulistiawati; Lukman Hakim; Patricia Hotma Minar Lubis; Rita Sulistyowati; Sugiarti Sugiarti; Lefudin Lefudin
Wahana Dedikasi : Jurnal PkM Ilmu Kependidikan Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Wahana Dedikasi : Jurnal PkM Ilmu Kependidikan
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31851/dedikasi.v4i1.5274


The conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic created conditions that seemed to be "forced" to transform and adapt drastically in learning from home through online media (on line). Various learning media applications are already available, both government and private. The government issued a Circular of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 9/2018 concerning the Utilization of Learning Houses. The private sector also provides online tutoring such as the teacher room, Zenius, Klassku, Kahoot, and others. Teachers are required to be more creative and innovative in implementing learning in schools. Therefore, it is necessary to hold a learning training for teachers to motivate them to carry out their obligations as educators. The counseling had the theme "Innovation of e-learning in Facing the New Normal at SMK Negeri 1 Lawang Wetan Musi Banyuasin". Participants were 36 teachers of SMK 1 Lawang Kidul Musi Banyuasin. The material presented was responded enthusiastically by the training participants. This can be seen from the questions asked by the participants and the results of the questionnaires given. The questionnaire used a Likert scale with an overall average of 4.47. This means that most participants strongly agree with the education and training provided. The messages and impressions presented by the participants were also very positive
Penyusunan Proposal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) Dalam Pembelajaran E-Learning Bagi Guru SMK Pembangunan YPT Palembang Sulistiawati Sulistiawati; Patricia H.M. Lubis; Lukman Hakim; Rita Sulistyowati; Sugiarti Sugiarti; Linda Lia; Lefudin Lefudin
Wahana Dedikasi : Jurnal PkM Ilmu Kependidikan Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Wahana Dedikasi : Jurnal PkM Ilmu Kependidikan
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31851/dedikasi.v5i1.7026


Untuk menjadi guru yang profesional, pemerintah mencanangkan Program Profesi Berkelanjutan (PKB). Salah satu komponen PKB adalah publikasi ilmiah. Seorang guru yang akan melakukan publikasi ilmiah harus mengawali kegiatannya dengan membuat proposal penelitian. Pembuatan proposal penelitian diawali dengan mencari masalah pendidikan yang dapat diangkat sebagai masalah penelitian. Masalah yang paling dekat dengan guru adalah proses pembelajaran di sekolah yang saat ini menggunakan e-learning akibat kondisi COVID-19. Masalah ini dapat diselesaikan melalui penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan pelatihan ini adalah metode ceramah, tanya jawab, diskusi dengan target audiens adalah guru-guru di SMK Pembangunan YPT Palembang. Hal ini terlihat dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh peserta dan hasil dari kuisioner yang diberikan. Kesimpulan dari hasil kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah kegiatan telah dilaksanakan dengan lancar dan mendapat respon yang positif dari para peserta. Pelatihan ini telah memberikan informasi bagi guru dalam penyusunan proposal PTK. Harapannya, guru dapat memahami dan selanjutnya mampu mengembangkan proposal penelitian tindakan kelas untuk mengatasi berbagai permasalahan yang ada di kelas.
Hubungan Gaya Belajar dengan Penguasaan Konsep dan Keterampilan Pemecahan Masalah Pendahuluan Fisika Inti Mahasiswa Calon Guru Lukman Hakim; Patricia Hotma Minar Lubis; Lefudin Lefudin; Rita Sulistyowati
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): April
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v8i2.1176


Many factors that influence the students’ learning achievement include the learning styles. If the teacher presents learning according to the student's learning style, it will have an impact on maximum student learning outcomes. Student learning outcomes could be in the form of problem solving skills and mastery of students' preliminary concepts of nuclear physics. Problem solving ability is an important ability that must be possessed by students in facing the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of learning styles, problem solving abilities and mastery of student teacher concepts for this physics introduction. The method used in this research was a case study with a sample of 35 physics teacher candidates at a private university in the city of Palembang. The learning applied is traditional learning with interactive multimedia-assisted presentation method. The results showed that the predominant primary learning style of nuclear physics students was auditory, while the average problem-solving ability and mastery of preliminary nuclear physics concepts were 89 and 93, respectively, with very high categories. The results of this study become input in the development of the nuclear physics preliminary lecture.
Jurnal Luminous: Riset Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): JANUARI 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika FKIP Universitas PGRI Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31851/luminous.v3i1.7079


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peningkatan pemahaman konsep peserta didik melalui penerapan model pembelajaran discovery learning berbantuan software tracker.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Pre-Eksperimen dengan desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pretest –posttest one group design. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik Purposive Sampling. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 26 peserta didik yang terdiri dari satu kelompok yaitu kelas eksperimen. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes pemahaman konsep berupa esai 5 soal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbandingan rata-rata nilai pretest 54,3 dan posttest 85. Kemudian berdasarkan hasil uji t thitung ≥ ttabel 14.924 ≥ 2.0595. maka 𝐻0 ditolak dan 𝐻𝑎 diterima.sehingga dapat dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model discovery learning  berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan pemahaman konsep peserta didik.
Development of Problem Solving-Based Modules Assisted by Tracker Software to Improve Students' Problem-Solving Skills in High School Santi Istiqomah; Patricia H. M Lubis; Lefudin Lefudin
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Vol 11, No 1 (2023): PENDIDIKAN FISIKA
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26618/jpf.v11i1.9592


This study aims to 1) produce problem solving-based modules assisted by software tracker to improve valid problem-solving abilities; 2) produce problem solving based modules assisted by tracking software to improve practical problem solving skills; 3) find out the potential effects of problem solving-based modules assisted by tracker software to improve students’ problem solving skills. This study used research and development (RD) methods which refer to the ADDIE development procedure. includes Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation. One of the ADDIE's stages is modifying the development stage using Tessmer's evaluation. If it consists of self-evaluation, expert review, one to one, and small group. Data collection was carried out by observation, interviews, questionnaires/questions. The research subjects were class X IPA students at SMA Negeri 3 Sungai Lilin. Based on the analysis, the data is stated to be valid, practical and has the potential to influence students. The results obtained 1) The expert review stage showed the average value from the three experts, namely 91.11% for material aspects, 93.33% for media aspects, and 81.11% for language aspects. 2) The one-to-one stage has a percentage value of 84.44 % which is categorized as practical. 3) The small group students’ response questionnaire has a score percentage of 87.778% which is categorized as practical. and 4) the field test stage shows an average value of 44 .2563 in the pretest and 83.9063 in the post-test. Therefore, it can be concluded that the problem solving-based module assisted by tracker software can be stated as valid, practical, and effective to improve students’ problem-solving skills.
Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran Berbantuan Sparkol Videoscribe untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Sains Siswa di SMA Fitri Yuliana Dewi; Sugiarti Sugiarti; Lefudin Lefudin
Justek : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 6, No 1 (2023): Maret
Publisher : Unversitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/justek.v6i1.13076


Abstract: This study aims to develop sparkol videoscribe-assisted learning videos that can improve students' science process skills in high school, as well as to determine the level of validity, practicality and potential effects of the developed learning videos. The method used is research and development (R&D) with the rowntree research model (planning, developing and evaluating). The research subjects for class X8 SMA Negeri 12 Palembang totaled 32 students. The object of research is Sparkol videoscribe-assisted learning videos. The research instruments used were validation sheets, practice response questionnaires, pretest and posttest questions. The results of the study show 1) The learning videos developed are very valid 92%. 2) Instructional videos develop practically 78.5% at the one to one stage, and 78.6% at the Small Group stage. 3) The developed learning videos have the potential to influence science process skills with an N-gain of 0.58 in the medium category. It can be concluded that the sparkol videoscribe assisted learning videos are declared valid, practical and have potential effects so that the products developed by researchers are suitable for use in further learning activities.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan video pembelajaran berbantuan sparkol videoscrobe yang dapat meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains siswa, serta untuk mengetahui tingkat kevalidan, kepraktisan dan efek potensial dari video pembelajaran yang dikembangkan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) dengan model penelitian rowntree (perencanaan, pengembangan dan evaluasi). Subjek penelitian kelas X8 di SMA Negeri 12 Palembang sebanyak 32 peserta didik. Objek penelitian video pembelajaran berbantuan sparkol videoscribe. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu lembar validasi, angket respon kepraktisan, serta soal Pretest dan Posttest. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) Video pembelajaran yang dikembangkan sangat valid dengan persentase 92%. 2) Video pembelajaran yang dikembangkan praktis dengan persentase 78,5% pada tahap one to one, dan 78,6% pada tahap Small Group. 3) Video pembelajaran yang dikembangkan memiliki efek potensial terhadap keterampilan proses sains dengan N-gain 0,58 dikategorikan sedang. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa video pembelajaran berbantuan sparkol videoscribe dinyatakan valid, praktis dan memiliki efek potensial sehingga produk yang dikembangkan oleh peneliti layak digunakan pada kegiatan pembelajaran kedepannya.