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Isolasi, Karakterisasi, dan Uji Bioaktivitas Metabolit Sekunder dari Hydroid Aglaophenia cupressina Lamoureoux Sebagai Bahan Dasar Antimikroba Johannes, Eva; Usman, Hanapi; Ahmad, Ahyar
Indonesia Chimica Acta Volume 2 No 1 - June 2009
Publisher : Indonesia Chimica Acta

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Isolation, structure elucidation, activity test against Salmonella thypi, Staphylococcus aureus of secondary metabolite from hydroid Aglaophenia cupressina Lamoureoux, were conducted. This study was aimed to identify and isolate the compound with antibacterial properties of hydroid Aglaophenia crupessina Lamoureoux. This study used stepwise method with the following sequences: extraction, isolation, purification, structure elucidation, and bioactivity test. Study results indicated three compounds found: (1)carboxylate acid compound: hexadecanoic acid and has antibacterial properties; (2) alkaloidcompound which was considered as a new compound: aglaounhas and has antimicrobialproperties; (3) steroid compound: β-sitosterol with no antimicrobial properties.Keywords: Isolation, characterization, secondary metabolite, Aglaophenia cupressina, Antibacterial.
Natural Science: Journal of Science and Technology Vol 5, No 3 (2016): Volume 5 Number 3 (December 2016)
Publisher : Univ. Tadulako

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Agarosa telah diisolasi dari makroalga merah Euchema Cottoni yang terdapat di perairan Takalar. Agarosa ini dikarakterisasi berdasarkan persen rendamen, sifat-sifat fisiknya dan dianalisa dengan spektrofotometer IR. Sifat-sifat ini dibandingkan dengan produk agarosa komersial Takara, Japan dan ditemukan bahwa agarosa yang diisolasi dari E. Cottoni menunjukkan hasil yang relatif sama dengan agarosa komersial. Berdasarkan hasil isolasi agarosa dari makroalga, kandungan sulfatnya sebesar 0,26%, titik leleh sebesar 96 0C, dan viskositas sebesar 14 cps. Agarosa ini kemudian diaplikasikan untuk pemisahan fragmen DNA dengan hasil menunjukkan kualitas pemisahan dan ketajaman pita yang kurang baik jika dibandingkan dengan agarosa komersil.
Pengaruh Variasi Media terhadap Aktivitas Fitase Burkholderia Sp. Strain HF. 7 Hafsan, Hafsan; Maslan, Muhammad; Masri, Mashuri; Agustina, Laily; Natsir, Asmuddin; Ahmad, Ahyar
bionature Vol 20, No 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA UNM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (385.309 KB) | DOI: 10.35580/bionature.v20i1.9759


Abstract.  Cereals and legumes used as animal feed containing phytic acid which cannot be absorbed by the digestive tract of monogastric animals because phytic acid (C6H18O24P6) is an antinutrient that binds approximately 80% P in feed, also binds to proteins, vitamins and minerals (Mg++, Fe++, Zn++, Mn++, Ca++). Then, one option to overcome this problem is the application of phytase enzymes from various sources, including those produced by bacteria. Phytase enzymes can hydrolyse phytic acid in the feed. This study was aimed to determine the growth phase of Burkholderia sp. HF.7 and optimisation of production of phytase activity from variations of Phytate Production Media (PPM) media. This research used as a descriptive approach. The study design used a completely randomised design (CRD) with a factorial pattern consisting of 2 factors, each variation in phytate sources: calcium (Ca) phytate, rice bran, corn bran, and soybeans. Nitrogen source: (NH4) 2SO4, yeast extract, and peptone. Burkholderia sp. HF.7 Growth phase as a standard for phytase production is the 62-hour stationary phase with an OD value of 2.060 log/cell. The optimum phytase production in the variation of PPM media is soybean-peptone with a protein content value of 46.5 mg/mL and an activity value of 8.20 U/mL under conditions of pH 7 with incubation of 37oC for 62 hours. So, phytase activity produced by PPM of cereal crops has a higher current value compared to PPM Ca-phytate media with low activity value.Keywords: Burkholderia, Phytate, Phytase, enzymes.
Potensi Bakteri Endofit Dari Zea mays L. Sebagai Penghasil Fitase Hafsan Hafsan; Nurhikmah Nurhikmah; Yuniar Harviyanti; Eka Sukmawaty; Isna Rasdianah Aziz; Cut Muthiadin; Laily Agustina; Asmuddin Natsir; Ahyar Ahmad
Prosiding Seminar Biologi Vol 3 No 1 (2017): Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biology for Life
Publisher : Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/psb.v3i1.4676


Asam fitat (C6H18O24P6) merupakan senyawa kimia yang terdiri atas inositol dan asam fosfat, asam fitat merupakan senyawa yang selalu terdapat pada bahan pakan yang berasal dari tanaman serealia dan merupakan senyawa yang tidak dapat didigesti oleh ternak monogastrik, sehingga dibutuhkannya enzim fitase yang dapat menghidrolisis asam fitat. Fitase (myo-inositol heksakisfosfat fosfohidrolase) adalah enzim yang dapat menghidrolisis ikatan fosfoester pada asam fitat, menghasilkan fosfat anorganik dan ester fosfat. Enzim fitase dapat dihasilkan oleh mikroorganisme, salah satunya adalah bakteri endofit. Bakteri endofit adalah mikroorganisme yang menguntungkan yang berinteraksi dengan tanaman inang tanpa menyebabkan gangguan atau kerusakan pada tanaman tersebut, pada penelitian ini bakteri endofit telah diisolasi dari tanaman jagung (Zea mays) yang digunakan sebagai sampel penelitian. Isolasi dilakukan dari masing-masing organ tanaman jagung (Zea mays) dan diseleksi menggunakan media selektif PSM (Phytase Screening Media). Empat isolat yang terpilih dari masing-masing organ berdasarkan IF (Indeks Fitatik) tertinggi kemudian diidentifikasi molekuler dan memperoleh hasilisolat akar 10-7 HF.7 (IF=1,365 cm) merupakan bakteri Burkholderia lata, batang 10-7 HF.2 (IF=1,095 cm) merupakan bakteri Pantoea stewarti subsp. indologens, daun 10-6 HF.3 (IF=1,36 cm) merupakan bakteri Enterobacter ludwigi dan biji 10-8 HF.1 (IF=0,98 cm) merupakan bakteri Enterobacter cloaceae.
Stabilitas Aktivitas Fitase Dari Bukholderia lata Strain HF.7 Hafsan Hafsan; Laily Agustina; Asmuddin Natsir; Ahyar Ahmad
Prosiding Seminar Biologi Vol 3 No 1 (2017): Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biology for Life
Publisher : Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/psb.v3i1.4678


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui stabilitas fitase ekstraseluler Bukholderia lata strain HF.7 terhadap suhu, pH, dan aktivitas protease sebagaimana kondisi saluran pencernaan unggas pada umumnya. Uji stabilitas suhu dilakukan dengan memaparkan pada suhu yang bervariasi (20, 30, 37, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, dan 65oC), sedangkan uji stabilitas pH dilakukan dengan cara menginkubasi fitase pada buffer Na-asetat dengan pH bervariasi (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). Uji stabilitas fitase terhadap protease dilakukan dengan penambahan protease dengan level perlakuan P0: tanpa protease, P1: penambahan pepsin (5000 unit/ mL), P2: penambahan pepsin (5000 unit/ mL) dan P3: penambahan pepsin + tripsin (@2500 unit/ mL) dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap. Nilai aktivitas fitase pada suhu dan pH dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan mengamati nilai rata-rata dari aktivitas fitase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fitase ekstraseluler Bukholderia lata strain HF.7 memiliki aktivitas yang lebih baik pada kemurnian yang lebih tinggi serta optimum pada pH 4 dan suhu 37oC. Fitase yang dihasilkan juga aktivitas yang stabil pada pH maupun suhu serta protease (pepsin dan tripsin) sebagaimana kondisi saluran pencernaan unggas pada umumnya. Temuan ini menunjukkan prospek potensial fitase ekstraseluler Bukholderia lata strain HF.7 yang dapat diaplikasikan pada pakan unggas untuk meningkatkan produktivitas.
SENYAWA TURUNAN OLEANAN DARI KULIT BATANG Melochia umbellata (Houtt) Stapf var. Degrabrata K DAN BIOAKTIVITASNYA Usman -; Nunuk Hariani Soekamto; Ahyar Ahmad

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Senyawa turunan oleanan 3-asetil-12-oleanen-28-oat diisolasi dari fraksi n-heksan kulit batang M.umbellata (Houtt) Stapf var. degrabrata K. Struktur molekul ditentukan melalui analisis data spektroskopi IR, NMR 1D dan NM R 2D ( 1 H, 13 C, DEPT, COSY, HMQC dan HMBC). Hasil uji bioakt ivitas menunjukkan bahwa senyawa tersebut bersifat toksik terhadap A. salina dengan nilai LC 50 361,93 μg/mL. Pada konsentrasi 1000 μg/ mL senyawa oleanan 3-asetil-12-o leanen-28-oat memberikan hambatan tertinggi terhadap bakteri B. subtilis dan jamu r C. albicans, dengan diameter zona hambat 15,8 mm dan 15,2 mm.
Studi Bioaktivitas Antibakteri Fraksi Protein Hidroid Aglaophenia cupressina Dari Pulau Lae-Lae Sulawesi Selatan Nur Umriani; Abdul Rauf Patong; Ahyar Ahmad
Jurnal Akta Kimia Indonesia (Indonesia Chimica Acta) Volume 1 No 1 - December 2008
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/ica.v1i1.2447


This research aimed to know the activity of bioactive protein, extracted from Hydroid (Aglaophenia cuppressina), in inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Samples were taken from Lae-lae Island in South Sulawesi. Methods used were the Lowry method for determining the protein concentration and the agar diffusion method  for testing the antibacterial activity. Extraction of Hydroid was conducted by making use of buffer solution, (0,1 M Tris-HCl of pH 8.3, 2 M NaCl, 0.01 M CaCl, 1% β-mercaptoethanol, and 0.5% Triton X-100). Protein was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation at 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% saturation followed by dialysis. Results showed that the protein fraction of Aglaophenia cuppressina before dialysis with 40 % ammonium sulfate saturation had the highest antibacterial activity to Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli with inhibition zones of  14.58 and 18.05 mm, respectively. In addition, the protein fraction of Aglaophenia cuppressina after dialysis with 40 % saturation also had the highest antibacterial activity to the tested bacteria with inhibition zones of  13.95 and 11.78 mm, respectively. The minimum inhibition concentration to the tested bacteria and Escherichia coli at 40% ammonium sulfate (0,1 M Tris-HCl of pH 8.3, 2 M NaCl, 0.01 M CaCl 2 saturation was 6000 µg/mL with inhibition zones of 9.78 and 8.73 mm, respectively. Based on the bioactivity test of the Hydroid protein fraction using the agar diffusion method, it can be concluded that the activity characteristic of the fraction is bacteriostatic.Key words: Bioactivity, hydroid, bioactive protein, antibacterial, inhibition zone.
PHYTATE ACTIVITY OF THERMOPHILIC BACTERIA FROM SULILI HOT SPRINGS IN PINRANG DISTRICT SOUTH SULAWESI Hafsan Hafsan; Nurjannah Nurjannah; Cut Muthiadin; Isna Rasdianah Aziz; Ahyar Ahmad; Laily Agustina; Asmuddin Nasir
Scripta Biologica Vol 5, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Biologi | Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/


This study aimed to determine the optimum temperature and pH of the phytase activity produced by isolate of thermophilic bacteria from Sulili hot springs in the district Pinrang south sulawesi. This is a descriptive research, that measure of phytase activity by treated the variation of temperature and pH. The various of temperature has eight levels ie 20; 30; 40; 50; 60; 70; 80; and 90oC, the pH treatments consists of eight levels ie 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8 and 9. Phytase activity was determined by converting the Na-phytate absorbance values produced by phytase enzyme against Na-phytate standard curve. One unit of phytate enzyme activity is defined as the amount of enzyme capable of hydrolysed Na-phytate and produce a peptide which is equivalent to one mole of tyrosine per minute under the conditions of analysis. The results of studies have shown that there is a significant effect of temperature on the phytase activity of Bacillus coagulans, thermophilic bacteria from Sulili hot springs, whereas no significant effect of pH treatment. Optimum phytase activity of B. coagulans are at 60°C and pH 7 ie 6.11 units/ mL.
Indonesian Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Vol 3, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Tanjungpura University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (611.016 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/indonesian.v3i2.46517


Preliminary research including toxicity testing, phytochemical test, and FTIR analysis of methanol extracts from sponge species Niphates olemda has been carried out. Small scale extraction was carried out on 23 g of the wet sponge sample using methanol and obtained as much as 40.3 mg of methanol extract. The results of the toxicity test using the BSLT method using Artemia salina showed that the Niphates olemda extract was toxic with LC50 value of 87.5 ppm.The phytochemical test results show that the methanol extract contains steroids and terpenoids. FTIR profile of methanol extract Niphates olemda indicated the presence of the main functional groups, namely C=O, OH, C=C, =CH, CH2, CH3, and C-O
Analisis Resiko Kejadian Akut Rekuren Demam Tifoid dan Hubungannya dengan Kadar Protein Nucleotide Binding Oligomerization Domain 2 (NOD2) Sri Wahyuni; Mochammad Hatta; Firdaus Hamid; Rosdiana Natzir; Ahyar Ahmad; Burhanuddin Bahar; Ade Rifka Junita; Ressy Dwiyanti; Nur Indah Purnamasari; Muhammad Reza Primaguna; Muhammad Sabir
Jurnal Ilmu Alam dan Lingkungan Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmu Alam dan Lingkungan
Publisher : Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/jal.v12i2.17585


Typhoid fever is an infectious disease caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria and is endemic. The NOD2 gene is one of the host susceptibility genes in people with typhoid fever. NOD2 acts as an intracellular receptor that binds to the muramyl dipeptide ligand derived from bacterial peptidoglycan. The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of NOD2 protein in Acute Recurrent of Typhoid Fever (ARTF), typhoid fever (TF) patients, and healthy people (HP). Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) was used to analyze NOD2 levels. The data analysis used was the student t-test. A significant difference of NOD2 level was found between the ARTF and TF group compared HP group (p