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Journal : Public Service And Governance Journal

Analisis Pendidikan dan Moral terhadap Siswa Kurikulum Merdeka dengan Menciptakan Suasana yang Menyenangkan Sri Yunita; Santiana Siboro
Public Service and Governance Journal Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Juli: Public Service and Governance Journal
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56444/psgj.v5i2.1475


Currently, education is facing various challenges due to significant changes in times. The extensive use of technology has influenced education to a large extent. Where education has an important role in answering and preparing the current and future generations. The Independent Curriculum is present as a solution to this problem, namely as a solution to give the right to learn independently. Through the impartial implementation of the P5 Curriculum, it is hoped that students will develop their talents more freely and creatively, even as people who are more objective and able to make brilliant contributions to society. This research method uses descriptive methods. This research aims to describe and analyze the educational management of the P5 program in the independent learning curriculum which will provide enjoyable learning. Efforts to strengthen the Pancasila student profile still need to be evaluated through teachers according to the needs and characteristics of each scholar. Therefore, teachers want to increase the potential for organizing and managing special memories so that they can be understood according to the wishes and interests of each student. Teachers need to have very good information about Pancasila values ​​and be able to integrate them into daily coaching. The conclusion of this article is that the independent learning program has brought many positive changes to the world of education in Indonesia. This article invites readers to understand more about the independent curriculum as a new curriculum and its advantages and benefits for educational units as well as for students.
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Sebagai Sarana Pembentukan Identitas Nasional Rima Volyna Munthe; Ruth Hanna Apriani Sihombing; Tebi Tafianta Banjarnahor; Yulia Fanissah Sihotang; Sri Yunita
Public Service and Governance Journal Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Juli: Public Service and Governance Journal
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56444/psgj.v5i2.1481


Citizenship education is education that reminds us of the importance of the values ​​of the rights and obligations of citizens. Everything that is done must be in accordance with the goals and ideals of the nation and not deviate from what is expected. Citizenship education is an educational program that has political democracy at its core which is expanded with other sources of knowledge, positive influences from school education, society and parents. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a literature study approach. The data collection technique in this research is analysis of literature, books, scientific articles, and various other scientific reading sources related to the material discussed in this research, namely citizenship education as a means of forming national identity. Citizenship Education has a strategic role in preparing intelligent citizens. Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System has regulated Citizenship Education for formal education starting from primary, secondary and higher education, and also for non-formal education. The upbringing of Citizenship Education in formal education institutions is aimed at students, designed curricularly and processed through learning activities. Citizenship education is expected to be a guide in instilling character and a sense of love for the country for the formation of Indonesian national identity. However, the presence of globalization in people's lives certainly has both positive and negative impacts. One of the positive impacts of globalization is that it is easier for people to find information or phenomena that occur throughout the world easily and quickly.
Rekonstruksi Identitas Gender dalam Masyarakat Multikultural Anastasya Sembiring; Sri Yunita; Debora Matanari; Putriani Sinaga; Yakinda Munthe
Public Service and Governance Journal Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Juli: Public Service and Governance Journal
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56444/psgj.v5i2.1495


Multicultural is often used to describe the unity of various ethnic groups in a country. This journal explains what gender equality looks like from a multicultural perspective. This research is a literature review. When discussing equality, the focus is on the fair treatment of all people. Differences are part of true equality, and groups must have special rights to compensate for existing differences. When analyzing the basic assumptions of the principle of equality and recognition of differences, several problems were discovered. First, there is tension between one group and another, where multiculturalism ironically emphasizes differences between cultural groups and ignores similarities. Second, conflicts may arise between minority groups who demand equal rights. If we want to further advance our multicultural agenda, we need to address these issues.
Membangun Kesadaran Siswa tentang Pentingnya Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di Era Digital Saqinah Aifi Kirmala; Angela Eva Nia; Arini Rehulina Surbakti; Solavide Ginting; Sri Yunita
Public Service and Governance Journal Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Juli: Public Service and Governance Journal
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56444/psgj.v5i2.1508


Citizenship education is important to teach students and young people the values ​​and skills of being active citizens. The aim of this research is to build student character who is developing in the current digital era. This research uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach. The data collection technique used is through literature analysis, such as books, scientific articles, and various sources relevant to this research, namely building student awareness about the importance of citizenship education in the digital era. In the current digital era, citizenship education is very important as a control tool in accepting change so that students do not lose their identity in realizing the golden generation of the Indonesian nation. The role of technology as a means to make it easier to teach civics education to students. With the help of various supports such as parents, teachers, government and society. Apart from being students, students must also become citizens who have a sense of nationalism and defend the country, by applying Pancasila values, be active in the democratic political process, and be able to encourage the surrounding community as agents of change. The challenge of using technology as an educational tool is that students are easily influenced by fake news, not all students have devices and internet connections, students and teaching staff still lack skills in implementing IT (Information Technology). By linking citizenship education to digitalization, it will be easier to provide teaching because students can explore diversity which is quite minimal if we get information directly, then students can find out about the diversity that exists in Indonesia and the world.
Peran Penting Pendidikan Kewarganegraan dalam Membangun Karakter Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Silvia Mahrani; Chiara Fidela Andriani; Mikha Valdo Tonggo Tambunan; Sri Yunita; Dian Kartika Tanjung
Public Service and Governance Journal Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Juli: Public Service and Governance Journal
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56444/psgj.v5i2.1514


Civic education is an important element in the character development of high school students. This research investigates the important role of civic education in the character development of high school students. This research uses a literature review method to examine students' character development, particularly civic values, active participation in democratic life, understanding of rights and responsibilities as citizens, and the ability to think and act critically and make responsible decisions. Given global challenges such as extremism, intolerance and social polarization, civic education is becoming increasingly important to develop future generations of leaders committed to tolerance, cooperation and social justice. The purpose of this study is to refine the civic education curriculum and provide appropriate teacher training to ensure that civic education effectively shapes the character of secondary school students and transforms them into active and responsible citizens who care for the community and nation.
Co-Authors Adelia Endarwati Adellina Ahmad Zain Nainggolan Aelfi Elisabet Afni Nur Fadilah Agatha Sofia Margareta Agnes Chintya Siringoringo Agnes Elizabeth Manalu Agryani Rosmaida Agung Pratama Agung Pratama Ramadhani Al Firman Mangunsong Alya Fadhillah Amelia Situmorang Amenobelia Sitepu Anastasya Sembiring Angela Eva Nia Anjeli Harpina Purba Anjelina Pasaribu Ardawani Hutasoit Arinda Risna Cherylia Siregar Arini Rehulina Surbakti Armi Sari Pratiwi Batubara Aulia Azzahra Ayu Simanjuntak Ayu Tri Chahyani Azivah Zahrianis Bartolomeus Marulitua Simanjorang Bryan Yamolala Ndruru Cahaya Marsinta Sri Rezeki Chairun Nisa Chiara Fidela Andriani Cindy Nababan Cindy Nadya Cintami Ananta Ginting Dahlianatalia Lumban Gaol Debora Matanari Deka Agustini Laia Delli Suci Ananda Delva Fitria Denada Septiani Yesa Deviona Pelawi Dewi Hartika Dewi Romantika Tinambunan Dian Kartika Tanjung Dipo Piswatama Doni Joremenda Dules Ery Pratama Eko Pranata Sinaga Emitiur Malau Enda Rejekinta Karina br PA Endhita Putri Purba Eni Safitri Enjelina Flora Enjelina Vincere Sihombing Erinna Naibaho Ester Sarina Purba Eunike Br Simanjuntak Fatiya Nur Rahma Fatma Angraini Lubis Fazli Rachman Feby Oktavia Br. Tarigan Feriyansyah Feriyansyah Fitri Ananda Rambe Gadis Prasiska Grace Sihombing Hanaya Manuela Ambarita Hera Septiana Siahaan Hodriani Hodriani Icha Amelia Ines Manalu Irawati Sihite Ivana Theo Iwidya Risti Sinaga Jahya Adiputra Jamaludin Jamaludin Jamaludin Jamaludin Jamaludin Rami Jesika Ritonga Johan Simanjuntak Jojor Mindo Manullang Josua Jonatan Juliandi Juliandi Junaidi Junaidi Kania Nova Ramadhani Kapita Sitorus Kisah Lumban Toruan Kristiana Kristiana Laras Sati Sintania Lennai Situmorang Lestania Simatupang Limra Nababan Maniar Nainggolan Manotar Leryaldo Sinaga Maria Margaretha Manik Marisa Nabila Marly Meani Silalahi Meilafayza Nasha Mella Amilasti Naila Mikha Valdo Tonggo Tambunan Mima Defliyanti Saragih Murniwati Lase Muthi’ah Lathifah Mutiara Ardi Nabila Devia Hummaira Nabila Fri Cahyani Nabila Riyani Amanda Saragih Naulita Panggabean Nazlah Aulia Ni Nyoman Salwa Khairunnisa Nisa Andriani Regar Novita Ramdaini Nur Halizah Nurainun Nurainun Nurhasania Siagian Nurul Febriyani Harahap Okbertus Bilanta Girsang Oriza Salsabila Pingky Monica Hasugian Putra Pratama Harahap Putri Jesika Yolanda Putri Widia Ningsih Putri Yasmin Putriani Sinaga Relly Tamba Reny Furnawati Sitanggang Reylan Silverius Sinaga Richa Yohana Rima Volyna Munthe Rista Triwani Romi Anggun Zefanya Simanullang Ronaldo Supratman Silaban Rose Venerius Sirait Ruth Hanna Apriani Sihombing Ruth Siahaan Salsabila Balqis Siregar Salve Teresia Salwa Andini San Mikael Sinambela Sansugiri Ginting Santiana Siboro Saqinah Aifi Kirmala Silvia Mahrani Solavide Ginting Sondang Dioranta Sri Hadiningrum Stevan Oktureja Pasaribu Stevanie Febiola Tampubolon Suci Nurul Akhwatni Saragi Sugiharto Sugiharto Syafiqah Annisa Talita Sembiring Taufiq Wijaya Giri Tebi Tafianta Banjarnahor Tengku Muhammad Sabri Tengku Salsabila Tessa Lonika Simanullang Thomas Ridoansih Tiominar Sianipar Tri Santa Lasmarito Ture Ayu Situmeang Ulan Ulan Wildah Veizy Jasmin Winda Arisandi Winda Tarihoran Yakinda Munthe Yemima Putri Bona Simarmata Yolanda Pricilia Siregar Yulia Fanissah Sihotang