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Journal : Jurnal Manajemen Informatika dan Bisnis Digital

Purwarupa Web Dolan Muria Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Daya Tarik Wisata Muria Rifqi Dwiyana Firmandito; Tri Listyorini; Endang Supriyati
JUMINTAL: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika dan Bisnis Digital Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Mei 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (811.788 KB) | DOI: 10.55123/jumintal.v1i1.271


Information and promotions are very important to introduce an area. The tourism potential for the Muria Mountains is an indication of natural wealth and products that deserve to be proud of. Village products found in Muria must be spread throughout the community and known by the wider community. However, due to the lack of information media dedicated to the Muria Mountains in Kudus Regency. Literature study, interviews, and observations were used to obtain data for this research. Waterfall approach is used in the system development process, codeigniter framework, and MySQL database are used. The black box testing approach is used in the system testing process. The purpose of this research is create a Dolan Muria web to introduce the tourist attraction of Muria and attract tourists to visit Muria. In this Dolan Muria application there is information about tourist destinations, typical Muria souvenirs, typical Muria cuisine, lodging, and transportation
Pemantauan Tumbuh Kembang Balita di Posyandu Berbasis Web dengan WhatsApp Api Andrian Rizka Ramadhan Andrian Rizka Ramadhan; Tri Listyorini Tri Listyorini; Endang Supriyati Endang Supriyati
JUMINTAL: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika dan Bisnis Digital Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Mei 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (959.396 KB) | DOI: 10.55123/jumintal.v1i1.320


The implementation of the Integrated Service Post or better known as Posyandu uses a manual method by collecting data using books. This manual data collection can result in invalid data, delays in making reports on the results of Posyandu activities both by Posyandu itself and related agencies such as Puskesmas and Kelurahan. Due to the lack of information provided, there is also a lack of community participation. To overcome the problems that arise, the Posyandu Information System Web is made to connect with the WhatsApp API. The WhatsApp API is expected to help convey information to the public through broadcast messages sent by the local Posyandu. System development follows the waterfall method and system design uses UML (Unified Modeling Language). The results of this study resulted in the design and creation of a website that can manage Posyandu data, convey Posyandu information messages and to make it easier for parents to monitor their baby's growth and development
Purwarupa Sistem Pemesanan Menu Makanan Dan Minuman Menggunakan Qr-Code Berbasis Web Muhammad Dany Noor Hisyam; Tri Listyorini; Endang Supriyati
JUMINTAL: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika dan Bisnis Digital Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Mei 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (915.999 KB) | DOI: 10.55123/jumintal.v1i1.321


The combination of the web and QR-Code technology can create a food and beverage menu ordering system that can help the waiter's duties so that services can be carried out evenly by utilizing Qr-Code technology for ordering menus with the scanner device being an android smartphone. Payments can also be made using your name or table number and can be made at the cashier or customers simply request a bill at the table. That way the waiter doesn't need to take orders one by one and it's easier for customers to make payments
Penerapan E-Commerce Pada Penjualan Gula Tumbu Berbasis Web Moh Faqih Amirudin Amirudin; Tri Listyorini Listyorini; Endang Supriyati
JUMINTAL: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika dan Bisnis Digital Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (779.888 KB) | DOI: 10.55123/jumintal.v1i2.604


Tumbu sugar is brown sugar made from sugar cane in a very traditional processing method. From the process from pressing to boiling in a cauldron, deposition and molding in a container called a tumbu, everything is done traditionally. The maker is located in the district of Dawe, Kudus Regency, in the modern era, marketing of products is still on a local and conventional scale. With the development of the era, the conventional buying and selling system is rarely less attractive to today's society, more towards online purchases, making transactions easy and practical. Because of that, an e-commerce system was made into an online media. Information and purchasing of goods can be faster & marketing reach is wider, consumers don't have to come to the store to make purchases. The data collection methods used in the study were interviews and direct observation. This system was created using the codeign-niter framework and the waterfall research method
Digitalisasi Penjualan Cacing Tanah Puri Kabupaten Pati Berbasis Web Aviv Huda Nurhayat; Tri Listyorini; Endang Supriyati
JUMINTAL: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika dan Bisnis Digital Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (559.268 KB) | DOI: 10.55123/jumintal.v1i2.771


UMKM is are one of the efforts to improve people's living standards. Earthworm cultivation is very suitable to be developed because more and more people need it, whether it is used for fishing, animal feed, etc. However, for now the cultivation of puri earthworms still has drawbacks, namely the market that is reached is still in the Pati Regency area. To develop this business, efforts will be made to build a system that can be reached by many people outside Pati Regency. In supporting the formation of the application, data collection was carried out using the waterfall method. The creation of an e-commerce web for selling puri earthworms is the result of the existing problems. On this website there is information about earthworms and can also be purchased through this website directly. It is hoped that with this application transactions can be carried out easily and reach many areas.
Implementasi Augmented Reality Pada Pengenalan Tanaman Herbal Berbasis Android Muhammad Hasyim Muladi; Tri Listyorini; Endang Supriyati
JUMINTAL: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika dan Bisnis Digital Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (708.46 KB) | DOI: 10.55123/jumintal.v1i2.782


Technological developments produce a variety of new products, such as augmented reality, which can combine the real world with virtual images. One of them is that it can be used as an educational medium. An example is introducing types of herbal plants by displaying 3D images. This is done to help people recognize the types of herbal plants and their benefits. This application was created with the aim of educating the public about the types of herbal plants. The application is made based on Android which was developed using the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method.
Pemanfaatan Augmented Reality Sebagai Media Pengenalan Buah-buahan Berbasis Android Kevin Azrial Akbar; Tri Listyorini; Endang Supriyati
JUMINTAL: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika dan Bisnis Digital Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (989.94 KB) | DOI: 10.55123/jumintal.v1i2.832


Technological developments have increased very rapidly in various aspects, one of which is Augmented Reality (AR) technology in the field of education. By introducing the types of fruits that display 3D images and also the benefits of fruits, it can provide education to the public. This application was made using the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method.. The results of testing this android-based application are expected to facilitate the provision of information on the benefits of fruits using Augmented Reality (AR) technology
Implementasi Augmented Reality pada Latihan Progressive Muscle Relaxation Fauzi Naufal Afifullah; Tri Listyorini; Endang Supriyati
JUMINTAL: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika dan Bisnis Digital Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (819.079 KB) | DOI: 10.55123/jumintal.v1i2.1196


Progressive muscle relaxation therapy is the process of focusing muscle activity to look for tension that occurs in the muscles, this affects the health of our bodies. One possible treatment for high blood pressure is complementary therapy, namely progressive muscle relaxation therapy. Progressive muscle relaxation techniques are deep muscle relaxation techniques that do not require imagination, force or suggestion. However, many people do not know about this. With a technological approach, progressive muscle relaxation therapy is built in an interesting way with augmented reality. The application of augmented reality to progressive muscle therapy is beneficial for the general public, especially those experiencing problems with muscle tension. So that they can do their own therapy according to the directions from the animation
E-Marketplace Penjualan Ikan Cupang Untuk Meningkatkan Potensi Daerah Berbasis Web Candra Firstiyan Wijaya; Endang Supriyati; Tri Listyorini
JUMINTAL: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika dan Bisnis Digital Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Mei 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55123/jumintal.v2i1.431


This E-Marketplace emerged from observing the problems that exist in the Betta Kudus community, namely the expansion of the sales sector and also the ease of making purchases. Betta fish sales that are currently being carried out are still using conventional systems and also through Facebook groups which are very ineffective because of the strict provisions on Facebook that prohibit the sale of live animals, so that many sellers who have uploaded their sales have been deleted by Facebook. This makes sales made by traders less than optimal. To solve the existing problems, a website-based application for selling betta fish was made. It is hoped that this application can be developed and useful for sellers and buyers of holy betta fish.
Implementasi E-Commerce Penjualan Batik Tulis Khas Pati Berbasis Website (Studi Kasus Batik Tulis Jengdur) Lisa Monicasari; Tri Listyorini; Endang Supriyati
JUMINTAL: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika dan Bisnis Digital Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Mei 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55123/jumintal.v2i1.2348


Website design from the implementation of E-Commerce implementation of the sale of typical pati hand-written batik which is expected to promote the sharing of information regarding product prices and product details of this typical pati hand-written batik quickly and is also the most popular choice. Currently, sales of typical Pati hand-drawn batik still use conventional methods, namely selling in shops and participating in exhibitions held in the city of Pati. This research was conducted using the waterfall method approach. Data collection was carried out using interviews and surveys at the Pati batik location. The use of this website is intended to increase the reach of product advertising without being limited by the availability of systems to increase sales. This online transaction system was created using Visual Studio Code as the material for creating an E-Commerce application for the sale of typical Pati batik, using the PHP programming language and MySQL as the database. This system is equipped with a payment feature using the Midtrans payment gateway, which still uses the sandbox version. This sales system is also equipped with a postage king API, which can provide information regarding shipping expeditions and shipping costs that must be paid by the buyer. The result of this research is a website-based online sales system and aims to develop the Pati hand-written batik business.   
Co-Authors A, Ifta Abdul A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abdul Khafid Abdul Khafid, Abdul Ade Eka Pratama Ade Eka Pratama, Ade Eka Aditya Akbar Riadi Aditya Akbar Riadi, Aditya Akbar Aditya, Dio Rizki Afif Nor Yusuf Agnes Pramitha Agung Rifqi Hidayat, Agung Rifqi Agung Subagyo Agung Subagyo, Agung Agus Susilo Ahmad Jazuli Ahmad Jazuli Ahmad Suroso Aldo Bastian Ardiansyah Anastasya Latubessy Anastasya Latubessy Anastasya Latubessy Andi Santoso Andi Santoso, Andi Andrian Rizka Ramadhan Andrian Rizka Ramadhan Andy Prasetyo Utomo Anggoro, Yogi Anteng Widodo Anteng Widodo Aprilia Shanti Setyorini Arief Susanto Arief Susanto Arief Susanto Arif Susanto Asep Ferdinan Aviv Huda Nurhayat Budi Cahyo Wibowo Bustomi Arisandi Candra Firstiyan Wijaya Christian Sutanto Christian Sutanto, Christian David Raynaldy Devva Ricovani Susanto Diana Laily Fithri Diana Dwi Fidiyanto, Dwi Ekha Surya Saputra Eko Budi Susilo Eko Budi Susilo, Eko Budi Ella Mutiara Leavy Endang Supriyati Endang Supriyati Endang Supriyati Endang Supriyati Endang Supriyati Endang Supriyati Endang Supriyati Endang Supriyati Endang Supriyati Etika Kartikadarma Evanita Evanita Evanita Evanita, Evanita Evi Khaulida Faiz Al Zukhruf Fajar Nugraha Farid Eka Dharma Farid Eka Dharma, Farid Eka Faris Sifauttijani Fauzi Naufal Afifullah Fibriyanti, Rizki Fibriyanti, Rizki Ifta Abdul A Ilham Dika Permana Ivannovic Bachtiar Alif Kevin Azrial Akbar Khilyatus Sufriyah Khoirul Anwar, Rully Khoirul Lubis Pamungkas Lisa Monicasari Mathoril Hudha Moh Faqih Amirudin Amirudin Mohammad Iqbal Mohammad Iqbal Muhammad Abdul Mukhlis Muhammad Afid Ilmawan Ilhamsyah Muhammad Dany Noor Hisyam Muhammad Hadi Noor Seto, Muhammad Hadi Muhammad Hasyim Muladi Muhammad Khozainul Asror Muhammad Noor Fais Muhammad Noor Fais Muhammad Rifa'i Muhammad Zainal Abidin Mukhamad Nurkamid Mukhamad Nurkamid Mukhamad Nurkamid Mukhamad Nurkhamid Mukhammad Nurkamid Nabilia Nurusyifa Nofiadi, Selamet Noor Aidha Amilia Nurmawati, Puji Nurul Mustofa Okie Setiawan Pramitha, Agnes Puji Hartono Puji Hartono Puji Nurmawati R. Rhoedy Setiawan R. Rhoedy Setiawan Remo Prabowo Remo Prabowo, Remo Rhoedy Setiawan Rifqi Dwiyana Firmandito Rina Fiati Rizki Akbar Rizki Sari Mei Maharani Rizki Sari Mei Maharani, Rizki Sari Mei Rizkysari Mei Maharani Rizkysari Mei Maharani, Rizkysari Mei Rizkysari Meimaharani Rizkysari Meimaharani Rizkysari Meimaharani Rizkysari Meimaharani Rizkysari Meimaharani Robet Wahono Rochmad Winarso Rully Khoirul Anwar Segita Armeilia Safrilla Selamet Nofiadi Selvi Marcellia Sifauttijani, Faris Sirojul Ulum Supriyono Supriyono Suroso, Ahmad Syafiul Muzid Syaiful - Syaiful - Syaifur Rochman Syarif Abdullah Thariq Muhammad Shaleh Tutik Khotimah UMAM, MUHAMAD KHOTIBUL Veren Afsha Restanardi Wahda, Muhammad Jumal Wahda, Muhammad Jumal Wahono, Robet Wahyu Noor Alamsyah Yogi Anggoro Yusuf, Afif Nor Zaenal Arifin Zaenal Arifin