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Perbedaan Asupan Nutrisi Makanan dan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) antara Perokok Aktif dan Non-perokok pada Usia Dewasa Suryadinata, Rivan V.; Lorensia, Amelia; Sari, Rika K.
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 6, No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (565.981 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/ijcp.2017.6.3.171


Rokok merupakan salah satu ancaman terbesar bagi kesehatan masyarakat di dunia, dan perokok cenderung memiliki indeks massa tubuh (IMT) lebih rendah dan penurunan status gizi yang dapat meningkatkan risiko malnutrisi yang makin memperburuk kondisi kesehatan perokok dibandingkan dengan non-perokok. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui perbedaan asupan nutrisi makanan terkait kalori perhari dan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) antara perokok aktif dan non-perokok. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross-sectional dengan pengumpulan responden menggunakan purposive sampling. Variabel-variabel yang akan diukur dalam penelitian ini meliputi: asupan nutrisi makanan dengan metode recall 24 jam dan IMT. Sampel penelitian ini adalah perokok aktif dan non-perokok usia dewasa di Surabaya pada bulan November 2015 hingga Januari 2016. Penelitian ini melibatkan 110 responden yang terdiri dari 55 perokok aktif dan 55 non-perokok, dengan sebaran data usia dan jenis kelamin yang homogen di antara kedua kelompok. Hasil uji perbedaan menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan antara asupan nutrisi perokok aktif dengan non-perokok dengan Sig. 0,972 (p>0,05), dan tidak terdapat perbedaan antara IMT perokok aktif dengan non-perokok asupan nutrisi dengan nilai Sig. 0,745 (p>0,05). Oleh karena itu, disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan asupan nutrisi dan IMT antara perokok aktif dan non-perokok.Kata kunci: Asupan nutrisi, indeks massa tubuh (IMT), perokok Differences in Nutrition Food Intake and Body Mass Index between Smoker and Non-smoker in AdultSmoking is one of the greatest threats to public health in the world, and smokers tend to have a lower body mass index (BMI) and the decline in nutritional status that can increase the risk of malnutrition which worsen the health condition of smokers compared to non-smokers. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in nutrition-related food calories per day and body mass index (BMI) between active smokers and non-smokers. This study used cross-sectional with a collection of respondents using purposive sampling. The variables measured in this study includes nutritional intake of food with a 24-hour recall method and IMT. Samples were active smokers and non-smokers adulthood in Surabaya from November 2015 until January 2016. Results of research on the use of 110 respondents consisting of 55 active smokers and 55 non-smokers, with a distribution of data for age and sex homogeneous between the two groups. The test results show that the difference there were no differences between the nutritional intake of active smokers and non‑smokers with Sig. 0.972 (p>0.05), and there is no difference between BMI active smokers and non‑smokers for nutrients intake by the Sig. 0.745 (p>0.05). It was therefore concluded that there is no nutritional intake and BMI between active smokers and non-smokers.Keywords: Body mass index (BMI), nutrition, smoker
Keamanan Penggunaan Aminofilin pada Pengobatan Asma di Rumah Sakit Delta Surya Sidoarjo Lorensia, Amelia; Wahjuningsih, Endang; Supriadi, Supriadi
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 1, No 4 (2012)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

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Aminofilin adalah obat yang umum digunakan untuk mengobati asma di Indonesia dan merupakan obat dengan rentang terapi sempit. Meskipun harganya terjangkau, data tentang keamanan penggunaan aminofilin masih kurang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keamanan aminofilin berdasarkan terjadinya Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) pada pasien rawat inap di rumah sakit. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain retrospektif untuk data pasien di rumah sakit selama 2 tahun. Sampel dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling yang menggunakan aminofilin dalam terapi asma. ADR yang terjadi dicatat dan dianalisis berdasarkan literatur, kemudian dievaluasi dengan Naranjo Scale yang merupakan alat untuk mengidentifikasi kemungkinan ADR terkait obat. Pasien yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini adalah 41 orang yang menggunakan aminofilin untuk pengobatan eksaserbasi asma. Ditemukan satu kasus yang diduga kemungkinan ADR obat yang terjadi dalam penelitian ini, yaitu hipertensi dengan takikardi. Secara umum semua gejala asma pada pasien rawat inap membaik. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa aminofilin aman digunakan untuk pengobatan asma meskipun hanya terdapat satu insiden diduga ADR yang direkam selama pengamatan. Hal tersebut masih perlu diamati untuk melihat kemungkinan terjadinya ADR. Observasi dari hasil laboratorium, wawancara dengan pasien dan tenaga kesehatan lain dibutuhkan untuk penelitian lebih lanjut.Kata kunci: Keamanan, asma, pasien rawat inap Safety of Aminophylline for Asthma Therapy in Delta Surya Hospital at SidoarjoAbstractAminophylline is common used for treating asthma in Indonesia and has narrow therapeutic index. Despite of its affordable price, data on the safety of using aminophylline is still poorly documented. The aims of this study is to analyze the safety of using aminophylline based on Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) in hospitalized patients. This study used retrospective design by collecting 2-years-data of hospitalized patients. Using purposive sampling methods, samples were collected from patients who received aminophylline for asthma therapy. ADR event were recorded and evaluated based on some literatures. It was evaluated by Naranjo Scale, a common tool to identify the probability of ADR related drug. From 41 patients who used aminophylline for their exacerbation in asthma treatment, there was one suspected incident of ADR events related to hypertension with tachycardia. In general, aminophyllinewould improve symptoms in hospitalized patients with asthma. This study demonstrates that aminophyllineis safe although there was only one suspected incident of ADR which could be recorded during these observations. However, for further research it still requires observation from laboratory tests and communication with patients and other healthcare workers.Key words: Safety, asthma, hospitalized patients
Analisis Kejadian Leukositosis Pasca Terapi Aminofilin Intravena Dibandingkan dengan Salbutamol Nebulasi pada Pasien Eksaserbasi Asma Lorensia, Amelia; Ikawati, Zullies; Andayani, Tri M.; Maranatha, Daniel; Wahjudi, Mariana
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 5, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (320.986 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/ijcp.2016.5.3.149


Salbutamol adalah terapi lini pertama untuk mengatasi gejala eksaserbasi asma. Aminofilin sudah tidak digunakan karena merupakan obat rentang terapi sempit yang sering menimbulkan adverse drug reaction (ADR). Kedua terapi tersebut dapat menimbulkan peningkatan kadar leukosit terkait ADR yang dapat memengaruhi terapi lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan kejadian leukositosis antara terapi salbutamol nebulasi yang merupakan terapi lini pertama dengan aminofilin intravena yang sering digunakan di beberapa tempat untuk terapi eksaserbasi asma. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuasi eksperimental dengan pengukuran profil leukosit darah sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari 2014–Juni 2015 di beberapa rumah sakit di Surabaya, Indonesia. Kejadian leukositosis terkait ADR pada kelompok aminofilin (n=2) dengan nilai skala naranjo sebesar 6 poin yang kemungkinan besar merupakan ADR. Perubahan profil darah yang terjadi pada kedua pasien hanya pada kadar leukosit saja sedangkan data darah lainnya normal. Oleh karena itu, profil darah pada penggunaan kedua terapi dalam eksaserbasi asma perlu dipantau secara berkesinambungan agar tidak memengaruhi rekomendasi penambahan terapi lainnya.Kata kunci: Aminofilin, eksaserbasi asma, leukositosis, salbutamolPost-Therapy Leukocytosis Events After Intravenous Aminophylline Compared to the Nebulized Salbutamol in Asthma Exacerbations Patients Salbutamol known as the first-line therapy for asthma exacerbations symptoms relieving. Aminophylline are now no longer used because of its narrow therapeutic range of drugs and frequently provoking adverse drug reaction (ADR). Both of these therapies can lead to ADR-related leukocytes level increasing that interfere the concurrent therapies. This study was aimed to compare the state of leukocytosis after therapy with salbutamol nebulizer therapy as the first-line therapy with intravenous aminophylline for the treatment of asthma exacerbations. Quasi experimental method was used in this study, with blood leukocytes profile measure before and after the intervention body temperature measurement as data supplement. This research was conducted in January 2014–June 2015 at several hospitals in Surabaya, Indonesia. The incidence of ADRs associated leukocytes in aminophylline group (n=2) with a value scale naranjo by 6 points, most likely ADR. Significant difference found only in leukocyte level in two patient. More biomarkers profiles should be monitored assording to concurrent therapies for asthma exacerbation.Keywords: Aminophyiline, asthma exacerbation, leukocytosis, salbutamol
Studi Pendahuluan Polimorfisme Genetik Gen CYP1A2*1F pada Pasien Asma dan Nonasma di Indonesia Queljoe, Doddy de; Wahjudi, Mariana; Erdiansyah, Muhammad; Suryadinata, Rivan V.; Lorensia, Amelia
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 4, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (322.933 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/ijcp.2015.4.1.8


Polimorfisme genetik CYP1A2 berkaitan dengan metabolisme teofilin sehingga dapat memengaruhi kadar obat dalam darah serta berpengaruh terhadap kejadian adverse drug reaction (ADR) dan outcome klinis terapi asma. Frekuensi polimorfisme CYP1A2 diketahui bervariasi antar etnis. Diduga populasi Indonesia memiliki frekuensi varian gen CYP1A2*1F yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil polimorfisme gen CYP1A2*1F pada sampel nonasma dan asma di Indonesia dengan populasi lain berdasarkan literatur. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada Januari–Juni 2014. Sampel darah diperoleh dari 29 orang nonasma dan 16 pasien asma. Setelah dilakukan ekstraksi DNA genomik kemudian ditentukan polimorfisme gen CYP1A2*1F dengan metode PCR-RFLP. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa polimorfisme gen CYP1A2*1F pada sampel nonasma adalah 10,35% (3/29) untuk C/C, 37,93% (11/29) untuk C/A dan 51,72% (15/29) untuk A/A. Pada penderita asma frekuensi distribusi genotip C/A sebesar 81,25% (13/16) dan A/A sebesar 18,75% (3/16). Tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan (p=0,276) frekuensi alel antara sampel nonasma dan pasien asma. Frekuensi gen CYP1A2*1F pada populasi  Indonesia lebih besar dibandingkan dengan populasi Mesir, Jepang, dan Inggris akan tetapi lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan Malaysia. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan tidak terdapat perbedaan frekuensi.Kata kunci: Asma, CYP1A2*1F, polimorfisme genetikPilot Study on Genetic Polymorphisms CYP1A2*1F on Asthma Patients and Nonasthma in IndonesiaGenetic polymorphisms of CYP1A2 is related to the theophylline metabolism that may affect drug levels in the blood, which can also affect incidence of adverse drug reaction (ADR) and clinical outcomes of asthma therapy. The frequency of CYP1A2 polymorphism is known to vary among ethnic. Allegedly the Indonesian population has high frequency of gene variants of CYP1A2*1F. This study aims to determine the profile of CYP1A2*1F gene polymorphism in a sample of nonasthma and asthma in Indonesia with other populations based on the literature. Data were taken on January–June 2014. Blood samples were obtained from 29 nonasthma samples and 16 patients with asthma. After extraction of genomic DNA, CYP1A2*1F gene polymorphisms determined by PCR-RFLP. The results of this study indicate that the CYP1A2*1F gene polymorphism in nonasthma samples was 10.35% (3/29) for C/C, 37.93% (11/29) for the C/A, and 51.72% (15/29) for A/A. The asthmatics genotype have a frequency distribution of C/A genotype of 81.25% (13/16) and A/A of 18.75% (3/16). There was no significant difference (p=0.276) allele frequencies between samples of nonasthma and asthma patients. The frequency of CYP1A2*1F gene in Indonesian population is higher than the population of Egypt, Japan, and UK, but lower compared to Malaysia. It can be concluded that there is no difference in frequency.Keywords: Asthma, CYP1A2*1F, genetic polymorphisms
Efektivitas dan Risiko Toksisitas Aminofilin Intravena pada Pengobatan Awal Serangan Asma Lorensia, Amelia; Ikawati, Zullies; Andayani, Tri M.; Suryadinata, Rivan V.; Hantoro, Khaula A. A.; Firanita, Lisma D.
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy Vol 7, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (455.651 KB) | DOI: 10.15416/ijcp.2018.7.2.78


Asma merupakan penyakit inflamasi kronis pada saluran pernafasan yang mempunyai prevalensi global yang cukup besar. Perburukan penyakit asma berupa serangan asma yang menyebabkan peningkatan gejala asma dan penurunan fungsi paru secara progresif. Salah satu obat asma yang masih sering digunakan di Indonesia adalah aminofilin intravena. Aminofilin merupakan obat dengan rentang terapi sempit yang berisiko menyebabkan toksisitas obat, namun data perbandingan keuntungan efektivitas dan keamanan obat tersebut belum memadai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas aminofilin intravena pada pengobatan awal serangan asma berupa perbaikan gejala asma dan kejadian toksisitas terkait gejala yang muncul dan kadar teofilin dalam darah di suatu rumah sakit di Surabaya, Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pra-eksperimental yang dilaksanakan sejak 2014 hingga 2016. Sebanyak 27 pasien terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Terapi yang diberikan adalah aminofilin intravena selama satu jam. Metode sampling yang digunakan adalah consecutive sampling dengan teknik analisis deskriptif dan jum. Semua subjek penelitian menunjukkan perbaikan gejala serangan asma dengan terapi aminofilin intravena selama satu jam, dan tidak ada yang mengalami toksisitas karena kadar teofilin dalam darah di bawah rentang terapi. Aminofilin masih efektif dalam mengurangi gejala pada serangan asma dan tidak menunjukkan risiko toksisitas.Kata kunci: Aminofilin, efektivitas, serangan asma, toksisitas Effectiveness and Toxicity Risk of Intravenous Aminophylline in Exacerbation Asthma TreatmentAbstractAsthma is a chronic inflammatory disease in the respiratory tract that has a considerable global prevalence. The worsening of asthma is an asthma attack that causes asthma symptoms to increase and decreased lung function progressively. One of the most commonly used asthma medications in Indonesia is intravenous aminophylline. Aminophylline is a drug with a narrow range of therapies that is at risk of causing drug toxicity, but the comparative data on the efficacy and safety benefits of the drug are inadequate. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of aminophylline intravenously in the early treatment of asthma attacks in the form of improvements in asthma symptoms and toxicity events related to the symptoms that appear and blood theophylline levels in a hospital in Surabaya, Indonesia. This study used a pre-experimental method which was carried out from 2014 to 2016. A total of twenty seven patients were involved in the study. The therapy given was aminophylline intravenously for one hour. The sampling method used was consecutive sampling with descriptive analysis technique. All subjects showed improved symptoms of asthma attacks with intravenous aminophylline therapy for one hour, and none had toxicity due to theophylline levels in the blood below the therapeutic range. Aminophylline is still effective in reducing symptoms in asthma attacks and does not indicate the risk of toxicity.Keywords: Aminophylline, asthma attack, effectiveness, toxicity
Analysis Effect of Nutrition Intake on Lung Function of Active Smoker and Non Smoker Indraswari, Putu Ika Indah; Lorensia, Amelia; Suryadinata, Rivan Virlando
KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 14, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v14i2.14947


Smoking is major cause of respiratory disorders and the data report in 2012 shows in Indonesia there are 384.058 cases of disesase caused by cigarettes. Nicotine and other substance in cigarette smokes are known that will affect nutritional intake and lung function of active smokers. This study observed healthy adult males aged 18-40 who were divided into two groups of active smokers with minimal 2 years exposure to filter type cigarettes and nonsmoker in 2018. Purpose of this study are to analyze the influence of smoking on nutrition intake and lung function and compared the results with nonsmoker groups. Data from 63 respondents in each group showed significant differences in nutrition intake and lung function (%FVC dan %FEV1) (p=0,001) in both groups. Results of this study showed an average caloric intake of 1787,37 calories and decreased the value of %FVC and %FEV1 respectively 90,48% and 96,83% of respondents in the active smokers group. Results of correlation test showed there is a significant relationship between nutritional intake on lung function.
Analisis Adverse Drug Reactions pada Pasien Asma di suatu Rumah Sakit, Surabaya Lorensia, Amelia; Canggih, Beny; Wijaya, Rizka Indra
JFIOnline | Print ISSN 1412-1107 | e-ISSN 2355-696X Vol 6, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Indonesian Research Gateway

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Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract. Treatment of asthma can lead to ADRs (adverse drug reactions), which can aggravate asthma symptoms. The purpose of this study was to analyze the incidence of ADRs in patients with asthma. The study design is divided into retrospective studies, for hospitalized patients and cross-sectional with purposive sampling to outpatient. Any actual ADRs that ocured was calculated using the Naranjo probability scale. The number of hospitalized patients were 60 people and outpatients were 22 people. The number of ADRs that occur were 39 cases, consisted of 36 cases of ADRs in  hospitalized patients with asthma and 3 cases of ADRs in outpatient asthma patients. Drug groups most involved in ADRs was B2-agonist group. Naranjo scale calculations on ADRs that occured that the possibility of ADRs. The most common ADRs are in asthma therapy, so it takes the role of pharmacists in monitoring ADRs in asthma treatment to prevent and minimize the occurrence of ADRs.Keywords : asthma, naranjo scale, hospitalized patient, outpatient.
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 11, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Indonesian Research Gateway

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35617/jfi.v11i1.591


Worsen asthma symptoms is associated with low vitamin D levels that increases asthma attacks risk. Physical activity is one factor that affects vitamin D levels in the blood. This study aimed to identify relationship physical activities effects with vitamin d levels on asthma and non-asthma patients. The study was conducted in March-June 2018. The subjects were asthma patients and non-asthma adults and didn’t have other comorbidities. Data analysis used pearson test to determine physical activity effect with vitamin D levels. There were significant differences in vitamin D levels (P <0.000) and physical activity (P <0.000) in asthma and non asthma respondents. The results of the correlation test between vitamin D levels and physical activity in Approximate Significance value was 0.965, which means there were very strong relationships between vitamin levels and physical activity on the respondents of asthma and non asthma. So, the asthma patients with sufficient physical activity will have normal vitamin D levels to improve control of asthma symptoms. Worsen asthma symptoms is associated with low vitamin D levels that increases asthma attacks risk. Physical activity is one factor that affects vitamin D levels in the blood. This study aimed to identify relationship physical activities effects with vitamin d levels on asthma and non-asthma patients. The study was conducted in March-June 2018. The subjects were asthma patients and non-asthma adults and didn’t have other comorbidities. Data analysis used pearson test to determine physical activity effect with vitamin D levels. There were significant differences in vitamin D levels (P <0.000) and physical activity (P <0.000) in asthma and non asthma respondents. The results of the correlation test between vitamin D levels and physical activity in Approximate Significance value was 0.965, which means there were very strong relationships between vitamin levels and physical activity on the respondents of asthma and non asthma. So, the asthma patients with sufficient physical activity will have normal vitamin D levels to improve control of asthma symptoms.
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 11, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2158.48 KB) | DOI: 10.35617/jfi.v11i1.591


Worsen asthma symptoms is associated with low vitamin D levels that increases asthma attacks risk. Physical activity is one factor that affects vitamin D levels in the blood. This study aimed to identify relationship physical activities effects with vitamin d levels on asthma and non-asthma patients. The study was conducted in March-June 2018. The subjects were asthma patients and non-asthma adults and didn’t have other comorbidities. Data analysis used pearson test to determine physical activity effect with vitamin D levels. There were significant differences in vitamin D levels (P <0.000) and physical activity (P <0.000) in asthma and non asthma respondents. The results of the correlation test between vitamin D levels and physical activity in Approximate Significance value was 0.965, which means there were very strong relationships between vitamin levels and physical activity on the respondents of asthma and non asthma. So, the asthma patients with sufficient physical activity will have normal vitamin D levels to improve control of asthma symptoms. Worsen asthma symptoms is associated with low vitamin D levels that increases asthma attacks risk. Physical activity is one factor that affects vitamin D levels in the blood. This study aimed to identify relationship physical activities effects with vitamin d levels on asthma and non-asthma patients. The study was conducted in March-June 2018. The subjects were asthma patients and non-asthma adults and didn’t have other comorbidities. Data analysis used pearson test to determine physical activity effect with vitamin D levels. There were significant differences in vitamin D levels (P <0.000) and physical activity (P <0.000) in asthma and non asthma respondents. The results of the correlation test between vitamin D levels and physical activity in Approximate Significance value was 0.965, which means there were very strong relationships between vitamin levels and physical activity on the respondents of asthma and non asthma. So, the asthma patients with sufficient physical activity will have normal vitamin D levels to improve control of asthma symptoms.
Analisis Adverse Drug Reactions pada Pasien Asma di suatu Rumah Sakit, Surabaya Lorensia, Amelia; Canggih, Beny; Wijaya, Rizka Indra
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 6, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (312.783 KB) | DOI: 10.35617/jfi.v6i3.135


Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract. Treatment of asthma can lead to ADRs (adverse drug reactions), which can aggravate asthma symptoms. The purpose of this study was to analyze the incidence of ADRs in patients with asthma. The study design is divided into retrospective studies, for hospitalized patients and cross-sectional with purposive sampling to outpatient. Any actual ADRs that ocured was calculated using the Naranjo probability scale. The number of hospitalized patients were 60 people and outpatients were 22 people. The number of ADRs that occur were 39 cases, consisted of 36 cases of ADRs in  hospitalized patients with asthma and 3 cases of ADRs in outpatient asthma patients. Drug groups most involved in ADRs was B2-agonist group. Naranjo scale calculations on ADRs that occured that the possibility of ADRs. The most common ADRs are in asthma therapy, so it takes the role of pharmacists in monitoring ADRs in asthma treatment to prevent and minimize the occurrence of ADRs.Keywords : asthma, naranjo scale, hospitalized patient, outpatient.
Co-Authors Abdul Rahem Abdul Rahem Adi Suroso Agus Aan Adriansyah Aguslina Kirtishanti Amalia, Ratna Ayu Ananda Yudiarso Ananta Yudiarso Ananta Yudiarso Andayani, Tri M. Anggara Martha Pratama Anggara Martha Pratama Anggara Martha Pratama Anindita Dyah Pratiwi Anugrah Putri Aprilia asri dewayani Asti Indah Purwati Ayu Lestari Aziz Hubeis Budhi Setianto Canggih, Beny Canggih, Beny Damayanti, Melly Devitya A. Sukarno Dian Natasya Raharjo Dian Natasya Raharjo Dian Natasya Raharjo Diana Syarifah Diputra, I Nyoman Yoga Doddy de Queljoe Doddy de Queljoe Doddy de Queljoe Doddy de Queljoe, Doddy de Dwi Octamy Sari Dwi Wahyuningtyas Elisabeth Carolina Tangkilisan Emiliana Lamur Endang Wahjuningsih Erdiansyah, Muhammad Erlin Oktavia Ferdias Kurnia Bahari Firanita, Lisma D. Firdayatul Juwariya Fitrianingsih, Nurul Gebriella Ayuni Amir Gora Dirga Kusuma Hantoro, Khaula A. A. Hary Bagijo Heru, Astri I Nyoman Yoga Diputra Ika Sari Wahyuningtyas Indraswari, Putu Ika Indah Kadek Yeni Dian Rismawati Karina, Bella Lony Kezia Sefania Khaula A. A. Hantoro Lalita Tirsa Leonardo Immanuel Lestiono Lestiono Liana Widharta Lidia Junita Linggani Linggani Lisa Aditama, Lisa Lisma D. Firanita M Budi Indra Sudaryatmono Made Dwike Swari Santi Mahfidz, Ikhwan Khairul Mahmudah, Rifaatul Laila Maranatha, Daniel Mariana Wahjudi Mariana Wahjudi Mariana Wahjudi, Mariana Mariana Wahyudi Marthy Meliana Ariyanti Jalmav Marthy Meliana Ariyanti Jalmav Masruroh, Ema Arifatul Muhammad Erdiansyah Nathania, Jessica Nathania, Jessica Nevyta Fitriandasari Ni Luh Mitha Rini Chandra Ni Wayan Deviani Susanti Ningrum, Navaul Setiya Noer Lailatul Istiqomah Novelia Gandawari Nuning Farida Nur Annisa Yuliana NURUL FITRIANINGSIH Nurul Safina Nyoman Yoga Diputra Pandu Laksono Putu Melista Putri Richa Ratnasari Richa Ratnasari Rifaatul L. Mahmudah Rifaatul laila Mahmudah Rifaatul Laila Mahmudah Rifaldi Saputra Rika K. Sari Rika Yulia Rivan V. Suryadinata Rivan V. Suryadinata Rivan V. Suryadinata Rivan Virlando Suryadinata Rivan Virlando Suryadinata Rivan Virlando Suryadinata Rivan Virlando Suryadinata Rivan Virlando Suryadinata Rivan Virlando Suryadinata Rivan Virlando Suryadinata Rivan Virlando Suryadinata Rivan Virlando Suryadinata Rivan Virlando Suryadinata Rivan Virlando Suryadinata Rizki Amalia Rizkia Arrahmah Santosa, Kristian Abram Saputra, Rifaldi Sari, Nina Purnama Sari, Nina Purnama Sari, Rika K. Savitri, Kadek Yuli Dwi Selvia Agustina Siska Fatkhul Hidayati Siska Rian Pratiwi Siti Saharah Abdullah Sri Rahayu Sugiarto Widjaja Supriadi Supriadi Supriadi Supriadi Suryadinata, Rivan V. Suryadinata, Rivan Virlando Suyanto Suyanto Suyanto Syahrani, Achmad Tiara Regina Beatriks Sigar Tri M. Andayani Tri Murti Andayani Tri Murti Andayani Try Suryandi Vanny Sutjipto Wahjuningsih, Endang Widyati . Wijaya, Rizka Indra Wijaya, Rizka Indra Yessica Christina Wijaya Tandjung Zullies Ikawati Zullies Ikawati Zullies Ikawati Zullies Ikawati