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Education for Environmental Sustainability: A Green School Development Suryani, Adi; Soedarso, Soedarso; Saifulloh, Mohammad; Muhibbin, Zainul; Wahyuddin, Wahyuddin; Hanoraga, Tony; Nurif, Muhammad; Trisyanti, Umi; Rahadiantino, Lienggar; Rahmawati, Deti
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 6 (2019): The 1st International Conference on Global Development (ICODEV)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (447.799 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j23546026.y2019i6.6347


Natural environment should be cared and sustained. It is a place for human to live and develop their social and economical world. Moreover, it is also a site for many biodiversity to live together in a balanced ecosystem. Recently, global awareness is directed to the alarming destruction of environment and its’ potential threats for human and other living things, as the impacts of human social-economical activities. Many efforts are executed to avoid or minimize future environmental damage. One of those endeavours is environmental education for young generation. Growing children’s environmental knowledge, protection skills and management as well as caring and responsible character can be an endurant solution. This study aims to examine some learning aspects in environmental education through green school development in MI Walisongo, Desa Sawohan, Sidoarjo. The study is based on a qualitative inquiry conducted by using direct participant observation as its’ data collection method. The study finds that environmental education requires a wide range of learning experiences, relating to emotion, direct practice and cognition development. In Green School MI Walisongo Desa Sawohan, those experiences are manifested into several learning processes: participative learning, modeling, character building, green site building, learning through game and peer team working.
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.02 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j24433527.v2i1.666


Some EFL teachers spend a great deal of time searching for textbooks appropriate to their learner’s needs. But these teachers usually discover that the chosen textbook does not contain exactly what their students require. In order to ensure that the language and content covered in the materials are suitable to the learners’ need and that the students are properly prepared for the real life situations of the target language, teachers are often required to write their own instructional materials from authentic sources.This paper presents a course outline to develop a material for ESP class that can be used by TEFL teachers with an ESP audience. The texts used for the materials development are taken from authentic sources. 
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 5 (2018): Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan Perubahan (SEMATEKSOS) 3 2018
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (303.383 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j23546026.y2018i5.4417


Penelitian yang berjudul Revolusi Industri dan Tantangan Perubahan Sosial berisi tentang kajian sosial tentang pengaruh sosial yang terjadi dalam revolusi industri 4.0. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Data yang diperoleh berasal dari kajian studi pustaka yang dianalisis secara hermeneutik filosofis. Hasil yang dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa revolusi industri tidak hanya mendisrupsi bidang teknologi saja, namun juga bidang lainnya, seperti hukum, ekonomi, dan sosial, Untuk mengatasi era disrupsi tersebut maka diperlukan revitalisasi peran ilmu sosial humaniora sebagai dasar acuan pengembangan teknologi agar teknologi tidak tercerabut dari nilai-nilai kemanusiaan.
The Impact of Apartment Development on Community Social Economic Life: Case Study on Strenkali Community-in Asemrowo, Surabaya Sukriyah Kustanti Moerad; Windiani Windiani; Umi Trisyanti; Niken Prasetyawati
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 7 (2020): The 2nd International Conference on Global Development (ICODEV) 2020
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j23546026.y2020i7.9535


The aims of Development for the welfare of the community, but often this development affects changes in environmental arrangements around the area which are outside the development goals. Environmental changes due to unplanned human activities have a negative impact on other social groups. Environmental impacts have the meaning of changes that can be natural or unnatural. This article aims to describe the impact of the construction of the Gunawangsa apartment, which is located around the Asemrowo River, Surabaya. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. The informants in this study are people who live in the Asemrowo strenkali which is directly adjacent to the Gunawangsa Apartment Building, abaout 22 families. The results of the study found that the Gunawangsa apartment building which has been going on for 3 years has not felt the impact of significant changes in improving the family economy. The community still feels that socio-economic life is not much different from before development. The results of the research also found that the very high position of the building had hindered the catch of the television signal so that people had difficulty accessing the signal and could not comfortably enjoy television programs that were previously enjoyed well
Branding dan Promosi Kawasan Wisata Pesisir Pesona Desa Gisik Cemandi Banu Prasetyo; Edy Subali; Enie Hendrajati; Umi Trisyanti; Sukriyah Kustanti Moerad; Wahyuddin
Bakti Budaya: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 5 No 2 (2022): 2022: Edisi 2
Publisher : Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/bakti.3548


Gisik Cemandi is a village that manages with community-based. Therefore, the types of tourism that have the most potential to be developed are religious tourism and marine tourism. Unfortunately, Gisik Cemandi is still constrained in the development of tourism from year to year due to the lack of community expertise in branding, promotion, and mapping of economic potential in the development of marine tourism. Seeing this opportunity, the ITS Development Studies Department has assisted in branding activities and promoting marine tourism in Gisik Cemandi. The community service program includes branding counselling for marine tourism for two months. The purpose of this service is for Gisik Cemandi Village to have its trademark so that tourists easily recognize it. Furthermore, the Team will promote social media to attract tourists to travel to Gisik Cemandi Village. The result of this community service is the video promotion profile of Gisik Cemandi and the logo of Pesona Bahari as a trademark of Gisik Cemandi. ==== Desa Gisik Cemandi merupakan desa dengan kategori desa swasembada. Jenis-jenis wisata yang paling berpotensi untuk dikembangkan di desa ini adalah wisata religi dan wisata bahari. Namun, dari tahun ke tahun, Desa Gisik Cemandi masih terkendala dalam pengembangan wisata tersebut karena kurangnya keahlian masyarakat dalam melakukan branding, promosi, pemetaan potensial ekonomi dalam pengembangan wisata bahari. Melihat peluang tersebut, Tim Pengabdian Departemen Studi Pembangunan ITS telah melakukan pengabdian dalam bentuk pendampingan terhadap kegiatan branding dan promosi wisata bahari di Desa Gisik Cemandi. Kegiatan pengabdian ini meliputi penyuluhan branding Desa Wisata Bahari selama dua bulan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan agar Desa Gisik Cemandi memiliki trademarknya sendiri sehingga mudah dikenal oleh para wisatawan. Selanjutnya, Tim Pengabdian akan melakukan promosi melalui media sosial untuk menarik wisatawan agar berwisata di Desa Gisik Cemandi. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah dihasilkannya video profile dan logo Pesona Bahari Desa Gisik Cemandi sebagai sarana promosi pariwisata.
Home-Based Practical Parents Involvement in Assisting Children Learn English Ratna Rintaningrum; Choirul Mahfud; Umi Trisyanti; Moh. Saifulloh; Banu Prasetyo
Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 6, No 6 (2022)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/obsesi.v6i6.3343


Increasingly, English is becoming a popular language for young learners. In order to support the learning of English at early age, the involvement of parents is highly important. It is because schools are not the only determinant for success, but parents also have a very huge responsibility to their children education. Nowadays, the role of parents in education in general, and in the learning of English in particular is being questioned. The aim of the study is to analyse home-based parental involvement in assisting their children learn English. A face to face interview was conducted to parents with different gender, level of education, and professions. There are about 6 participants involved in the study. The study shows that parents with different professions provide a variety of ways on how they help their children learn English at home. Educational background and professions of the parents play an important role on how parents provide assistances to their children. Parents with higher level of education are more likely to provide more systematically and more various assistance to their children. The study is expected to encourage schools and parents to work more collaboratively in improving their children with better performance.
The Multi-dimensions of Teachers’ ICT learning Adi Suryani; Soedarso Soedarso; Niken Prasetyowati; Umi Trisyanti
Research and Development Journal of Education Vol 7, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/rdje.v7i1.7642


Todays’ teachers should respond to their students’ learning need in this digital era, but frequently they do not know how to operate technology. This situation imposes teachers  to survive and grow through self-learning and learning method discovery instead of relying on formal training. This study aims to explore how teachers survive and perform their self-learning. The data are collected from an interview with a senior teacher from higher education institution and twenty-six senior high school teachers’ written responses. The data show that ICT learning requires the integration of affective, social and cognitive functioning through the process of adaptive learning from authentic environment, individual continuous and group learning. The study shows that teachers are potential adaptive learners, who learn from diverse everyday situations. They are engaging in situated learning process. ICT learning workshops are not the only platforms where they can learn ICT. On daily basis, the teachers learn from other more competent teachers, teachers learning communities and their own students
Pengembangan Karakter Cinta Lingkungan Sekolah Melalui Eco-School Branding dan Peer Teamworking Mohammad Saifulloh; Wahyuddin; Soedarso; Adi Suryani; Zainul Muhibbin; Tony Hanoraga; Muhammad Nurif; Umi Trisyanti; Deti Rahmawati; Liengar Rahadiantino
Sewagati Vol 4 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Pusat Publikasi ITS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (375.233 KB)


Pengabdian cinta lingkungan lingkungan sekolah ini merupakan pengabdian kedua kali di sekolah MI Walisongo. MI Walisongo adalah sebuah sekolah yang sangat sederhana yang terletak di Desa Sawohan, Buduran, Sidoarjo. Dibalik kesederhaan sekolah tersebut, para guru sangat bersemangat untuk menanamkan nilai nilai islami kepada para siswanya dalam rangka menumbuhkan akhlak yang mulia kepada siswa-siswanya. Pengabdian kami ini bertujuan untuk berpartisipasi dalam pendidikan tersebut melalui penumbuhan karakter cinta lingkungan sekolah. Adapun tujuan pengabdian kami ini adalah agar siswa-siswa MI Walisongo semakin cinta kepada Allah perduli dan sayang terhadap lingkungan mereka, baik itu lingkungan fisik maupun lingkungan sosial mereka. Untuk mewujudkan tujuan tersebut, program pengabdian ini difokuskan pada pengembangan atau pembuatan eco-school branding sekolah dan taman sekolah yang dikerjakan secara bersama-sama melibatkan semua peserta, baik tim, guru maupun siswa MI Walisongo. Pendidikan cinta lingkungan sekolah ini diharapkan dapat memberi manfaat baik manfaat secara kognisi, afeksi ataupun motorik. Kegiatan pengabdian berjalan lancar dan diikuti dengan penuh semangat oleh semua peserta. Kegiatan ini berlangsung dengan agenda kegiatan yang meliputi: penyambutan, ceramah interaktif, game/permainan, penanaman dan acara santai bersama. Melalui ceramah interaktif, para siswa diberi wawasan tentang pentingnya cinta kepada Allah dan kecintaan tersebut diwujudkan salah satunya dengan menyayangi lingkungan sekolah. Memalui ceramah interaktif, para siswa diajak untuk meneladani karakter mulia Sunan Kalijaga dan Sunan Bonang melalui story telling yang diselingi dengan humor sehari-hari dan yel yel. Memalui acara permainan bersama dengan teman sekolah, para siswa diajak untuk saling kompak dan bekerjasama dengan teman-temannya menghadapi tantangan demi tantangan yang diberikan. Melalui penanaman dan pembuatan taman bersama, para siswa diajak untuk secara langsung menciptakan lingkungan yang asri dan indah, sehingga diharapkan mereka mempunyai rasa memiliki apa yang telah mereka bangun bersama.
Students’ Experience in Using Natural Reader Application to Ensure the Accuracy of Their English Pronunciation Yulian Purnama; Ratna Rintaningrum; Kartika Nuswantara; Umi Trisyanti; Elladdadi Mark
Journal International of Lingua and Technology Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Pariangan Batusangkar, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/jiltech.v3i1.496


Since 1960, speech synthesis technology has existed and its applications are now widely available, one of which is the Natural Reader application. Natural Reader is an application that can be used in knowing how to pronounce words in English. This study aims to describe students' experiences with using the Natural Reader application and examine the effect of utilizing the use of the Natural Reader application as a tool to test the accuracy of pronunciation of Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar State Islamic University students, by using the Natural Reader application students can more easily test their English accuracy. The method used by researchers is quantitative method, quantitative research can show data containing numbers that can be obtained by utilizing google form as a means of making a questionnaire. This research shows that the Natural Reader application has the potential to ensure the accuracy of pronunciation in English. So it can be concluded that the Natural Reader device can ensure the accuracy of student pronunciation in English.
Strengthening English Language Learning Through an Independent Curriculum Approach Ratna Rintaningrum; Arfan Fahmi; Kartika Nuswantara; Umi Trisyanti; Khanan Yusuf; Siti Zahrok
International Journal of Science and Society Vol 5 No 5 (2023): International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
Publisher : GoAcademica Research & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/ijsoc.v5i5.875


This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of the "Independent Curriculum" approach in strengthening English language learning. The Merdeka Curriculum, which emphasizes student autonomy and an interest-based learning approach, is applied to a number of high school students in Indonesia. The research method used is a qualitative method with observation, in-depth interviews, and document analysis as data collection instruments. The research results show that the Merdeka Curriculum approach is able to increase learning motivation, active involvement of students in the learning process, as well as students' English language skills, especially in the aspects of speaking and writing skills. In addition, students also show an increase in creativity and critical thinking skills. In conclusion, the Merdeka Curriculum approach offers an innovative and effective alternative in learning English, while supporting the formation of independent, creative and critical student character.