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Literacy: Its Importance and Changes in the Concept and Definition Ratna Rintaningrum
TEFLIN Journal: A publication on the teaching and learning of English Vol 20, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : TEFLIN

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Literacy has come to be seen as important aspect in nation development since being functionally literate is fundamental to all forms of both successes in school and in life. In global market, being literate is highly demanded in order that people are able to participate actively in larger society and in International activities such as international conference, research exchange, join research, and business and commerce. Being literate does not only contribute to personal development or personal learning, but being literate also leads to success in school and in life.
Pelatihan Social Entrepreneurship Bagi Masyarakat Pinggiran di Kota Surabaya Barat Choirul Mahfud; Arman Hakim Nasution; Dyah Satya Yoga Agustin; Ratna Rintaningrum; Niken Prasetyawati
Dedication : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Maret 2020
Publisher : LPPM IKIP Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (32.692 KB) | DOI: 10.31537/dedication.v4i1.292


Pelatihan social entrepeneurship merupakan salah satu cara untuk menjawab masalah social ekonomi masyarakat pinggiran di kota. Sasaran utama dari kegiatan ini adalah para pemuda dari karangtaruna di daerah Tandes, Surabaya Barat. Strategi dan metode yang dipraktikkan dalam pelatihan ini adalah pemberian materi dengan ceramah, diskusi dan melihat video inspirasi dari Youtube. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan wawasan dan ketrampilan berpikir para pemuda agar lebih berdaya secara sosial. Lebih dari itu, harapannya dengan memberikan wawasan mengenai social entrepeneurship dapat menjadi modal awal untuk menjadi mewujudkan kemandirian dari masyarakat khususnya di daerah pinggiran kota melalui usaha melakukan perubahan berbasis social ekonomi.
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (356.865 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j24433527.v1i1.682


Today the philosophy of constructivism has been spread through the world; and it seems that this philosophy has become the most popular in education. This might be because the concepts of this philosophy have been supported by the advance of digital technology which offers large variety of activities, in which the activities involve those required by constructivism.
Do Absence and Mobility (Transience) Affect Reading Literacy Achievement? Ratna Rintaningrum
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (226.474 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j24433527.v8i1.1248


Reading literacy has been regarded as an important subject taught at the primary school level as it is the foundation for learning across all subject. Australia, as a developed country, has placed great emphasis on the importance of reading literacy in primary schools by establishing various educational policies and undertaking various programs, both for teachers and students, to improve the teaching of reading literacy in school. However, different students have different levels of skill in acquiring reading comprehension. The findings of some studies suggest that there are a number of reasons why some children perform better in reading literacy than others do. Absence and mobility are two factors that are considered to have effect on reading achievement. Both Australia, America and International studies have shown that there is negative relationship between absence, mobility and school achievement.
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (887.249 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j24433527.v10i2.3068


In order to explain differences in English proficiency level, one needs to consider a number of factors frequently considered important at a variety of level of education systems. Among the factors that operate to influence English Foreign Language Proficiency are those associated with the student background variables. This study identifies the student level factors that influence English Foreign Language Proficiency. It is expected that this study can contribute to the development of a theory of foreign language learning that applies to students studying the English language at other universities in Indonesia and South-East Asia. This study involves the employment of an exploratory approach for the examination of the relationships between variables operating at the student level. Data are analyzed using Partial Least Squares Path Analysis (PLSPATH) to identify in an exploratory way the variables that have significant direct and indirect effects on English Foreign Language Proficiency. The study shows that a number of student background characteristics such as sex of student (GENDER), socio-economic of student (SES), Faculty of Instruction (FACULTY), score of English 1 (ENGLISH_1) and semester in which students enrol in English 2 (SEMESTER) have only direct effects on English Language Proficiency, while student prior achievement (PRIOR) has both direct and indirect effects on English Foreign Language Proficiency
Produk Sabun Transparan Berbahan Herbal di Desa Oro-Oro Ombo, Tlekung, Junrejo, Batu Malang, Provinsi Jawa Timur Awik Puji Dyah Nurhayati; Elshinta Riantica; Noor Nailis Saa’dah; Edwin Setiawan; Nova Maulidina Ashari; Adik Mayang Indiani; Agus Wahyudi; Ratna Rintaningrum; Ni Wayan
JURPIKAT (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) Vol 1 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Dharma Patria

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37339/jurpikat.v1i2.317


Pengolahan empon empon di Desa Oro-oro Ombo-Tlekung-Junrejo-Batu Malang, Provinsi Jawa Timur masih sederhana, yaitu hanya dijual dalam kondisi segar atau produk jamu tradisional, belum dilakukan pengembangan teknologi menjadi produk herbal yang bernilai ekonomi tinggi. Solusi yang diajukan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah inovasi teknologi pembuatan sabun herbal transparan dari jahe merah, lidah buaya dan bunga melati. Metode pembuatan dilakukan dengan teknik saponifikasi. Hasil uji organoleptik dan efektivitas menunjukkan bahwa formulasi sabun yang paling baik adalah total bahan herbal sebanyak 1,5 g yang tersusun oleh 0,5 g ekstrak cair bunga melati; 0,4 g bubuk jahe merah; 0,6 g gel lidah buaya. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini bahwa formula sabun transparan yang paling baik adalah formula A yaitu formula ekstrak herbal 1,5 g. Selain itu kegiatan ini mendapat dukungan dari pemerintah Kota Batu, apparat desa dan warga di Desa Oro Oro Ombo
STRATEGI PERENCANAAN PENGEMBANGAN DESA WISATA PESISIR “PESONA BAHARI” GISIK CEMANDI Eka Dian Savitri; Hermanto Hermanto; Ratna Rintaningrum; Saifulloh Saifulloh; Dyah Satya Yoga

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To ensure that the concept of service is in accordance with the community's needs, community service activities should begin with a needs assessment and a well-thought-out strategy. The goal of this research is to present an analysis and strategy for the development of the "Pesona Bahari" tourism hamlet in Gisik Cemandi. Data is gathered through observation and discussed. The data will also be submitted to a SWOT analysis. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis and observations of several available tourism objects, the initial mentoring strategy is carried out in three stages (period 2021-2022), namely (1) developing tourism concepts and guiding practices based on tourism, (2) promoting the branding of processed fish products as tourist village souvenirs, and (3) developing social media content and websites as a form of tourist village promotion. Meanwhile, because they must negotiate with the triple helix (government, private sector, and educational institutions), the creation of tourist village facilities will not be completed until the next year. Mentoring activities are carried out using andragogy principles, such as utilising participants' experiences to solve problems and forming working groups to ensure that tourism village development activities are self-sufficient and long-term.
Analisa Pengaruh Faktor Sosio-Demografi terhadap Penggunaan Media Sosial Sebagai Sarana Berbisnis Aurelius Ratu; Edy Subali; Marsudi Marsudi; Banu Prasetyo; Arfan Fahmi; Siti Zahrok; Enie Hendrajati; Niken Prasetyawati; Dyah Satya; Ratna Rintaningrum
Journal of Economics Development Issues Vol 2 No 02 (2019): Journal of Economics Development Issues
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (346.758 KB) | DOI: 10.33005/jedi.v2i02.29


Dewasa ini, penggunaan teknologi dalam dunia usaha telah berkembang dan menjadi salah satu indikator dalam perkembangan ekonomi masyarakat. Bertujuan meningkatkan potensi ekonomi masyarakat melalui penggunaan media sosial, penelitian diadakan di salah satu RW Kelurahan Gebang Putih. Dengan metode analisa regresi dengan tingkat keberartian (p-value) antara 0.05-0.1 dan deskriptif-kualitatif dalam bentuk pemaparan strategi pemasaran, kecenderungan masyarakat dipengaruhi oleh faktor durabilitas usaha yang dijalani berdasar pada semangat dan kegemaran (passion) serta tingkat Pendidikan. Hasil ini memperlihatkan bahwa penggunaan teknologi belum sepenunya diyakini dapat membantu perekonomian mengingat dampak dari manfaat yang diberikan oleh teknologi media sosial itu sendiri maupun karena kemudahan dalam penggunaannya sehari-hari. Kata Kunci: teknologi, media sosial, durabilitas usaha, Pendidikan.
Digital Trends of Social Religious Humanities: Understanding Discourse on Religious Moderation, Pancasila and Citizenship Education in Indonesia Choirul Mahfud; Muyasaroh Muyasaroh; Ratna Rintaningrum; Niken Prasetyawati; Dyah S.Y Agustin; Ni Wayan Suarmini; Moh. Saifulloh; Syahraini Tambak; Ika Yunia Fauzia; Ahmad Munjin Nasih
MODELING: Jurnal Program Studi PGMI Vol 9 No 2 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Program Studi PGMI Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Nahdlatul Ulama Al Hikmah Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36835/modeling.v9i2.1289


Indonesia is facing the digitalization era. It is making it possible to see opportunities for digitalization trends in the social, religious, and humanities. Not many are aware of this aspect which also influences the development and changes that occur in social, religious, and national life. From year to year, aspects of technology and humanities social interactions have increasingly important influences. This research is based on data, qualitative research approaches, and methods supported by digital or internet documentation sources. The essence of this research discussion is about how the social digitization trend of religion and humanities, especially in the discourse of religious moderation, Pancasila, and civic education. What is the impact of digitalization on the behavior of the community (netizens) in supporting the creation of good life order? Found several facts that cannot underestimate digital trends in the social humanities field. His contribution is extraordinary in influencing the behavior and knowledge of the people in Indonesia. Its impact is also felt in social innovation, humanities, and civic education today and in the future.
Home-Based Practical Parents Involvement in Assisting Children Learn English Ratna Rintaningrum; Choirul Mahfud; Umi Trisyanti; Moh. Saifulloh; Banu Prasetyo
Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Vol 6, No 6 (2022)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/obsesi.v6i6.3343


Increasingly, English is becoming a popular language for young learners. In order to support the learning of English at early age, the involvement of parents is highly important. It is because schools are not the only determinant for success, but parents also have a very huge responsibility to their children education. Nowadays, the role of parents in education in general, and in the learning of English in particular is being questioned. The aim of the study is to analyse home-based parental involvement in assisting their children learn English. A face to face interview was conducted to parents with different gender, level of education, and professions. There are about 6 participants involved in the study. The study shows that parents with different professions provide a variety of ways on how they help their children learn English at home. Educational background and professions of the parents play an important role on how parents provide assistances to their children. Parents with higher level of education are more likely to provide more systematically and more various assistance to their children. The study is expected to encourage schools and parents to work more collaboratively in improving their children with better performance.