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STILISTIKA DALAM NOVEL AYAH KARYA ANDREA HIRATA Laili Fatmalinda; Wahyudi Siswanto; Endah Tri Priyatni
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan Vol.1, No.6, Juni 2016
Publisher : Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (308.103 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/jp.v1i6.6352


This research aims to to describe the peculiarities stilistika form of diction , sentence structure, and the father figure of speech in the novel by Andrea Hirata . This study used a qualitative approach to the type of content analysis study (Content Analysis). Based on the analysis, it was found the uniqueness of diction, sentence structure, figure of speech in the novel by Andrea Hirata 's father. The data found in this study as many as 59 data.Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan stilistika berupa kekhasan diksi, struktur kalimat, dan majas dalam novel ayah karya Andrea Hirata. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian analisis isi (Content Analysis). Berdasarkan hasil analisis, ditemukan adanya kekhasan diksi, struktur kalimat, majas dalam novel ayah karya Andrea Hirata. Data yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 59 data.
Development of Interactive Multimedia for Early Readers with Dyslexia at an Inclusive Elementary School in Malang City Eka Mariana Sari; Wahyudi Siswanto; Mohammad Efendi
Journal of ICSAR Vol 5, No 1 (2021): January
Publisher : Department of Special Education

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Interactive multimedia is an electronic system containing images, animation, and an interaction between the media and students. It considered that dyslexic student needs multisensory methods and media in the learning process as well. This study aims designing interactive multimedia development for early reading of dyslexic student and  finding out its effectiveness. The method used  is William W. Lee and Diana L. Owens’ (2004) development model. The procedures are: (1) Assessment / Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation and (5) Evaluation.  The results of feasibility and effectiveness trials conducted by media experts  scored  96% means "very feasible". In addition, the assessment of the material experts also obtained 91.3% and the practitioner gave 87%, both of them were in the “very decent” category. The results of the assessment on subject’s early reading ability at baseline conditions (A1) ranging from 45% to 50%. Meanwhile, a significant increase was shown during the intervention condition (B), namely the subject’s ability of early reading increased from 65% to 75%. In addition, to determine the effectiveness of the interactive multimedia (intervention) in subject’s reading ability, it was  added the baseline conditions (A2) ranged from 80% to 90%. Based on the analysis, it showed that interactive multimedia of early reading for dyslexic is feasible and effective to be used in the learning process of early reading for dyslexic students.
Responsibility of the Board of Directors for Tax Billings of the Bankrupt Company (A Case Study of PT United Coal Indonesia's Tax Debt Claims Which Have Been Declared Bankrupt by the Commercial Court) Fadjrin Wira Perdana; Joko Setiyono; Wahyudi Siswanto; Sri Kartini; Irwan Irwan
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 4, No 4 (2021): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute November
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v4i4.3329


Based on the KUP Law, companies that have been declared bankrupt by the Commercial Court are still burdened with tax debt because the Commercial Court's Bankruptcy Decision only stops the company's wheels but does not stop the tax debt. On the other hand, related to tax debt, based on the Limited Liability Company Law, it is the responsibility of the company's Board of Directors, so that companies that have been declared bankrupt still have to pay tax bills as happened to PT. United Coal Indonesia (PT. UCI).
LINGUA : Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya Vol. 11 No. 1 (2014): Maret 2014
Publisher : Center of Language and Cultural Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30957/lingua.v11i1.24


How art views to the existence of housewife? This matter draws the views of belles-lettres in their personal mirror. This qualitative study is focused to see (1) profile activity of housewife, (2) profile access and access housewife control, and (3) factor analysis causing differences of woman and men at profile and access. Data of this study is art view of housewife in its belles-lettres. Source of the data is year art short story 1990-2005, including “Perempuan”, “Hati”, dan “Cincin Kawin”. The study revealed that there are two profile activities of housewife: labouring in domestic and public sectors. In the  access aspect, the activity is limited and in the control aspect, women are not free of control. Factor analysis indicating role, access, and housewife control according to art in its belles-lettres consists of traditional woman and hateful woman of man as a result of much inequitable treatment since childhood to adult
Pengembangan Media Finger Coloring untuk Anak Down Syndrome dalam Melatih Keterampilan Mewarnai Reza Sutarna Putri; Wahyudi Siswanto; Asep Sunandar; Raden Bambang Sumarsono; Ahsan Romadlon Junaidi; Ediyanto Ediyanto
Jurnal ORTOPEDAGOGIA Vol 8, No 1 (2022): July
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um031v8i12022p6-11


Media finger coloring adalah media untuk mewarnai yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan jari. Pada penelitian ini media hanya digunakan untuk anak down syndrome usia 5 – 10 tahun. Penelitian dan pengembangan ini menggunakan metode need to do. Model penelitian dan pengembangan pada penelitian ini menggunakan model Hasil dari penelitian dan pengembangan media finger coloring yang telah dilakukan mendapatkan hasil kevalidan 97,50% dari Ahli Media dan 68% dari Ahli Pendidikan Seni dengan rata-rata kevalidan 82%. Pada kepraktisan dan kefektifan uji coba siswa kelas 1 mendapatkan hasil 82% dan kelas 3 mendapatkan 90% dengan rata-rata 86%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data tersebut diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa media finger coloring valid dan boleh digunakan untuk melatih kemampuan mewarnai anak down. Saran yang diberikan untuk penelitian ini adalah penambahan gambar pada buku mewarnai, mengembangkan media untuk usia 11 – 17 tahun, mengalokasikan waktu agar kualitas, kuantitas, dan waktu belajar dapat seimbang dan selaras, serta perbaikan luas dan ketebalan kertas.
Persuasi dalam Judul Berita Daring IDN Times Edisi Januari-Maret 2021 St. Anisah; Wahyudi Siswanto; Dewi Ariani
JoLLA: Journal of Language, Literature, and Arts Vol. 1 No. 5 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (381.298 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um064v1i52021p616-629


Abstract: Persuasion is a communicative process to change the beliefs, attitudes, goals or behavior of others by using words or words that the author wants. Persuasion in online news titles is used to attract the attention of readers to read the entire content of the news. The choice of online media in fulfilling information in the digital era has made it easier for many people because it is more practical, fast, effective, and efficient. The purpose of this study was to describe the delivery technique, style of language, and the meaning of persuasion in the January-March 2021 edition of the IDN Times news title. This study used a qualitative approach. This type of research was conducted using descriptive research. Data analysis in this study consisted of (1) data collection, (2) data reduction, (3) data presentation, and (4) drawing conclusions. The results of this study are presented in three important focuses, namely persuasion delivery techniques, persuasion language styles, and the dominant meaning of persuasion used in online news titles. First, the persuasion delivery technique found in the January-March 2021 edition of IDN Times as many as 311 news titles. Second, the persuasive language style found in the January-March 2021 edition of IDN Times was 148 news titles. Third, the meaning of persuasion found in the January-March 2021 edition of IDN Times was 135 news titles. Keywords: persuasion, news headlines, online media Abstrak: Persuasi adalah proses yang memudahkan terhubung dengan orang orang lain untuk mengubah kepercayaan, sikap, tujuan atau tingkah laku dengan menggunakan ucapan atau kata-kata yang diinginkan penulis. Persuasi dalam judul-judul berita daring digunakan untuk menarik perhatian pembaca agar membaca keseluruhan isi berita. Pemilihan media daring dalam pemenuhan informasi di era digital semakin mempermudah banyak orang karena lebih praktis, cepat, efektif, dan efisien. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memaparkan secara jelas dan terperinci teknik penyampaian, gaya bahasa, dan makna persuasi dalam judul berita daring IDN Times edisi Januari-Maret 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Jenis penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan penelitian deskriptif. Analisis data pada penelitian ini terdiri dari (1) pengumpulan data, (2) reduksi data, (3) penyajian data, dan (4) penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini dipaparkan dalam tiga fokus penting, yakni teknik penyampaian persuasi, gaya bahasa persuasi, dan makna persuasi yang dominan digunakan dalam judul berita daring. Pertama, teknik penyampaian persuasi yang ditemukan pada media daring IDN Times edisi Januari-Maret 2021 sebanyak 311 judul berita. Kedua, gaya bahasa persuasi yang ditemukan pada media daring IDN Times edisi Januari-Maret 2021 sebanyak 148 judul berita. Ketiga, makna persuasi yang ditemukan pada media daring IDN Times edisi Januari-Maret 2021 sebanyak 135 judul berita. Kata kunci: persuasi, judul berita, media daring
Gaya Bahasa dalam Karangan Teks Pidato Persuasif Siswa Generasi Z Risma Septyana Sari; Wahyudi Siswanto; Dewi Ariani
JoLLA: Journal of Language, Literature, and Arts Vol. 1 No. 7 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (401.427 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um064v1i72021p978-994


Abstract: Language style is a characteristic used by writers to convey meaning, thoughts, and feelings in written form so that it can be accepted by the readers. The purpose of this study is to describe the style of language in the persuasive speech text of generation Z students which includes a variety of affirmative language styles, language styles based on direct or indirect meaning, and language styles based on word choice. This study uses a qualitative approach with the type of research using text analysis research. The data analysis was carried out in 3 stages, there are data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. Based on the results of the research, 10 styles of affirmative language found described are repetition, pararima, alliteration, tautology, climax, anticlimax, rhetorical, polysyndeton, asindeton, and exclamation. The style of language based on whether or not the meaning is directly found is 6 rhetorical language styles are alliteration, assonance, asindeton, polysyndeton, pleonasm and tautology, and erothesis, and 2 figurative language styles are metonymy and paronomasia. The style of language based on the choice of words found are formal, informal, and conversation styles. Keywords: language style, persuasive speech, generation Z students Abstrak: Gaya bahasa merupakan ciri khas yang digunakan penulis untuk menyampaikan makna, pikiran dan perasaan dalam bentuk tulisan sehingga dapat diterima oleh pembaca. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan gaya bahasa dalam karangan teks pidato persuasif siswa generasi Z yang mencakup ragam gaya bahasa penegasan, gaya bahasa berdasarkan langsung tidaknya makna, dan gaya bahasa berdasarkan pilihan kata. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian analisis teks. Analisis data dilakukan dengan melalui 3 tahap yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan simpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dipaparkan ragam gaya bahasa penegasan yang ditemukan sebanyak 10 gaya bahasa yaitu repetisi, pararima, aliterasi, tautologi, klimaks, antiklimaks, retoris, polisindenton, asindenton, dan ekslamasio. Gaya bahasa berdasarkan langsung tidaknya makna yang ditemukan sebanyak 6 gaya bahasa retoris yaitu aliterasi, asonansi, asindenton, polisindenton, pleonasme dan tautologi, dan erotesis, dan 2 gaya bahasa kiasan yaitu metonimia dan paronomasia. Gaya bahasa berdasarkan pilihan kata yang ditemukan yaitu gaya bahasa resmi, tak resmi, dan percakapan. Kata kunci: gaya bahasa, pidato persuasif, siswa generasi Z
Manifestasi Ideologi Sosial dalam Cerita Pendek Majalah Horison Tahun 1988─1998 Nur Hasbi; Wahyudi Siswanto; Dwi Sulistyorini
Jurnal Onoma: Pendidikan, Bahasa, dan Sastra Vol. 10 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30605/onoma.v10i1.2398


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manifestasi ideologi sosial dalam cerita pendek majalah Horison tahun 1998─1988 melalui tindakan rasional instrumental, tindakan rasionalitas nilai, tindakan afektif, dan tindakan tradisional. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian ini berupa unit teks yang berwujud kalimat dan paragraf cerita dalam cerita pendek. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah cerita pendek majalah Horison tahun 1988─1998. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menyusun panduan dokumentasi studi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah reduksi data, penyajian data, serta menarik kesimpulan. Manifestasi ideologi sosial yang ditemukan dalam cerita pendek majalah Horison tahun 1988-1998 terbagi menjadi empat, meliputi perwujudan ideologi sosial melalui (1) tindakan rasional instrumental dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, kehidupan keluarga, dan kehidupan beragama. (2) tindakan rasional nilai yang ditunjukkan dalam bekerja, mengambil keputusan, dan pendidikan. (3) tindakan afektif yang ditunjukkan melalui hubungan seksual, rumah tangga, dan lingkungan masyarakat. (4) tindakan tradisional yang ditunjukkan terhadap anak, orang tua, dan masyarakat.
The Creative Process Of Finding Ideas Of Undergraduate Students Of Malang State University In Writing Poetry Muhammad Irfan; Wahyudi Siswanto; Nita Widiati
Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies Vol. 4 No. 4 (2024): Journal Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies
Publisher : Green Publisher Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59188/eduvest.v4i4.1185


When literary works are important to study, the creative process of creating works also deserves to be studied in more depth. This study discusses the creative process of undergraduate students from the Department of Indonesian Language, Literature and Regional Education in writing poetry. The purpose of the study is to find out how the creative process is in writing poetry. This study produced findings in the form of a creative process in searching for ideas in the form of activities. It is hoped that the benefits of this study can contribute to how students look for ideas for poetry essays.
Publisher : Himpunan Sarjana-Kesusastraan Indonesia (HISKI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/psni.v0i0.19


The rising income of tourism sector in Belitung since the succeeded Laskar Pelangi novel and film, encourages the researcher to investigate the tourism potential in a literary works that is similar with the novel. A novel entitled Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk was chosen because the novel sets out the unique nature and culture in Banyumas, therefore it has succeeded in attempting Indonesian literary observers, both domestic and foreigners.  The research aimed to explore the potential of natural and craft tourism in Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk. The research used a mimetic approach supported by the theories and concepts of tourism literature.  The data was collected through documentation and textual analysis guided by instruments and data tables according to the research focus, which are (1) nature tourism and (2) craft tourism.