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Public Service Transformation (A Case Study of Online Single Submission at The Office of Investment and Integrated Services Magelang Municipality) Saputra, Angga Dwi; Pratama, Arif Budy; Orbawati, Eny Boedi
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Administrasi Publik Vol 9, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (278.437 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/jiap.v9i1.9320


This study aims to analyse public service transformation from One Stop Integrated Service (PTSP) to Online Single Submission (OSS) model. The study was conducted at The Office of Investment and Integrated Services (DPMPTSP) Magelang Municipality. Using case study as a research strategy, the data was collected from in-depth interviews and documentation. The data were analysed using taxonomic analysis techniques. The results show some changes in several dimensions of services such as data input, service focus, issuing business licenses process, service systems and the time needed in the licensing service process. From the functional-structural theory perspective, service transformation from PTSP to Online Single Submission at The Office of Investment and Integrated Services Magelang Municipality underwent due to regulations from the central government with the aim of accelerating and facilitating business services. However, the licensing application system integration has not been running well due to application system transition. Thus, the service transformation process from manual to online should pay attention to the integration of the old system into the new one.
STRATEGI PEMBERDAYAAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT MENGHADAPI PEMBANGUNAN INFRASTRUKTUR JALAN TOL BAWEN-YOGYAKARTA DAN BANDARA YOGYAKARTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (YIA) Eny Boedi Orbawati; Retno Rusdjijati; Yun Arifatul Fatimah; Oesman Raliby; Didin Saepudin; Awaluddin Setya Aji; Doddy Ardjono; Andreas Pandiangan; Arizal Arizal; Agus Setyowidodo
Jendela Inovasi Daerah Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kota Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56354/jendelainovasi.v4i2.106


The development of toll road and airport transportation infrastructure is considered to have a strategic role in efforts to improve the local economy. The Magelang Municipality area is a strategic place in the construction of the Bawen-Yogyakarta toll road infrastructure and the construction of the Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA). The construction of a toll road with a toll exit located in the city of Magelang and the presence of an airport whose area is adjacent to Magelang Municipality opens up opportunities for the people of Magelang Municipality to get direct and indirect impacts that can improve welfare. This study aims to analyze the strategy of the Magelang Municipality government in dealing with the infrastructure development of the Bawen-Yogyakarta toll road and Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) so that it can have an impact on improving the welfare of the people of Magelang Municipality. This study resulted in recommendations, namely: the need for a grand design of exit toll development that accommodates the interests of the community, initiation of the Community-Based Economic Development (CBED) program to empower the community by forming several cluster centers or MSME villages, as well as increasing the role of ABGC (Academic, Business-Governmental). – community).
PENINGKATAN KESADARAN MASYARAKAT UNTUK PENGELOLA SAMPAH MANDIRI MELALUI IMPLEMENTASI TEKNOLOGI TEPAT GUNA Eny Boedi Orbawati; Retno Rusdjijati; Yun Arifatul Fatimah; Oesman Raliby; Didin Saepudin; Awaluddin Setya Aji; Doddy Ardjono; Andreas Pandiangan; Arizal Arizal; Agus Setyowidodo
Jendela Inovasi Daerah Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kota Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56354/jendelainovasi.v4i2.107


Currently the condition of Magelang Muncipality is said to be a "waste emergency" considering the rate of waste production (waste volume) which continues to increase every year is inversely proportional to the rate of waste reduction programs and the decreasing capacity of TPSA. At the upstream level, various waste reduction program efforts have been carried out by the Magelang Municipality Government, including the Waste Bank program, Organic Village, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Waste Disposal Sites (TPS3R), and Integrated Waste Processing Sites (TPST) which have been carried out since 2012 was only able to reduce waste generation by 9.3% of the total waste generated. The main problem of waste management in Magelang Municipality lies in limited land. Therefore, it is necessary to study the efforts that will be developed as far as possible that do not require a large area of ​​land but can produce optimal waste management. In addition, these efforts involve various parties, especially those that focus on community empowerment. This research uses desk research method. The results of the study explain that waste management is not only the duty and responsibility of the Regional Government but also the duty and responsibility of the community. The role of various parties, including local governments, stakeholders, and most importantly the community, is the largest producer of waste. Hereinafter known as community-based waste management or Community Based Solid Waste Management (CBSMW). CBSMW is a waste management system that is planned, compiled, operated, managed, and owned by the community. The goal is to create community independence in maintaining environmental cleanliness through environmentally friendly waste management. The principles of CBSMW are community participation, independence, efficiency, environmental protection, and integration.
OPTIMALISASI PARTISIPASI MASYARAKAT DALAM MENCAPAI KEUNGGULAN PROGRAM MKSB (Magelang Kota Sejuta Bunga) Eny Boedi Orbawati; Retno Rusdjijati; Yun Arifatul Fatimah; Oesman Raliby; Didin Saepudin; Awaluddin Setya Aji; Doddy Ardjono; Andreas Pandiangan; Arizal Arizal; Agus Setyowidodo
Jendela Inovasi Daerah Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kota Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56354/jendelainovasi.v4i2.108


The purpose of the preparation of this policy text is to identify the factors that cause the 2015-2018 period of 2015-2018 less than optimal performance of the Magelang City of a Million Flowers (MKSB) program. MKSB is a slogan that supports the branding of Magelang City. This program has been implemented for two periods, namely the period 2012-2015 and the period 2015-2018. Evaluation results from various sources indicate that the quality of human resources for implementing the MKSB program and community participation in supporting the program is still low. After conducting a study, it was shown that the 2 obstacles were caused, among others, by the low participation of the community to support the program, so that the community might not feel they belonged to this program which had an effect on low awareness. Therefore, solutions are offered through more targeted community empowerment, the formation of industrial clusters, and the formation of flower clusters.
Mengukur Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat (Studi Kasus Pelayanan SKCK dan SIM Pada Polres Kota Magelang) Eny Boedi Orbawati; Joko Tri Nugraha; Fadlurrahman Fadlurrahman
Jurnal Pemerintahan dan Politik Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Indo Global Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36982/jpg.v8i1.2882


Salah satu unsur untuk menilai penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik yakni kepuasan masyarakat. Organisasi apapun bentuknya wajib memberikan pelayanan yang berkualitas, prima, dan sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku. Terutama organisasi yang secara langsung bersentuhan atau memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Salah satu organisasi publik pemerintah Indonesia yakni Polres Kota Magelang. Polres Kota Magelang memberikan erbagai macam pelayanan, diantaranya pelayanan pembuatan SKCK dan SIM. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan masyarakat, mengidentifikasi kelemahan dan kekurangan, dan sebagai bahan masukan kepada Polres Kota Magelang dalam menyelenggarakan pelayanan public. Metode yang digunakan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Jumlah responden sebanyak 45 responden yang terbagi menjadi 100 responden pada unit layanan SIM, dan 45 responden pada unit layanan SKCK. Pengolahan data menggunakan nilai rata-rata tertimbang dari masing-masing unit pelayanan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwa nilai indeks kepuasan masyarakat pada unit layanan SIM berada pada kategori sangat baik (A) dengan nilai IKM sebesar 90,27, sedangkan pada unit layanan SKCK berada pada kategori baik (B) dengan nilai IKM sebesar 86,21. Rekomendasi yang dapat diberikan yaitu perlu adanya peningkatan sosialisasi biaya pelayanan pada kedua unit layanan SIM dan SKCK, perlu ditingkatkan kualitas sarana dan prasarana, dan perlu adanya standar kepastian kecepatan waktu dalam memberikan pelayanan. Kata Kunci : Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat; Polres Kota Magelang; Survei Kepuasan Masyarakat.
JURNAL KASTARA Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian_Universitas Tidar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Low optimization of fishery product diversification development becomes the fish farmer problem in Magelang District, although capable of increasing the selling value and creating the business opportunities for fishery products. In addition to product diversification, a marketing strategy needs to be performed, so the product absorption and demand are easier in the market. Based on this condition, community service actions were carried out to train and assist the process of fishery product diversification production and marketing strategies to increase the community income. This activity was held in Wonosari Hamlet, Gunungpring Village, Muntilan District, Magelang Regency, from September - October 2022. The service participants were residents of Wonosari Hamlet, especially housewives. This activity was implemented through field observations, socialization, counseling, training, mentoring, monitoring, and evaluation. The diversified products that were used as objects in this activity contained fish samosas, kaki naga, high pressure smoked milkfish, and otak-otak bandeng. During the service implementation, participants were asked to produce fishery products, after being explained by the lecture team, before finally describing the marketing strategies to increase the community income, especially the Wonosari hamlet community. Based on the evaluation results, this service program has increased the understanding, skills, quality, and quantity of fishery products, which can have an impact on the regional food security through training and community assistance.