Abstrak - Pendidikan digunakan sebagai tolok ukur untuk menilai kualitas sumber daya manusia sekaligus penentu kualitas bangsa. Kualitas generasi unggul dan mampu bersaing akan lahir dari proses Pendidikan. Budaya organisasi dan teknologi informasi yang dibarengi dengan komitmen organisasi dosen merupakan model pemetaan perguruan tinggi untuk menghasilkan kinerja optimal. Menyadari akan pentingnya model tersebut, maka permasalahan belum tercapainya kinerja dosen, merupakan permasalahan yang harus diselesaikan melalui model pemetaan peningkatan kinerja. Metode yang digunakan adaIah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. PopuIasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh Dosen International women University, melalui teknik sampIing proporsional random sampling dan rumus slovin, maka diperoleh sampel sebesar 88 dosen. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner dan wawancara, selanjutnya analisis menggunakan structural equation modeling (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kinerja Dosen International Women University dipengaruhi secara simultan maupun parsial oleh Budaya Organisasi, TeknoIogi Informasi, dan Komitmen organisasional. Dari ketiga variable, komitmen organisasional memberikan kontribusi tertinggi, sedangkan kontribusi terendah ditentukan oleh teknologi informasi. Abstract - Education is used as a measurement to assess the quality of human resources as well as a determinant the quality of the nation. The quality of a excellent generation and able to compete will be exist from the education process. Organizational culture and information technology followed by lecturers' organizational commitment is a model for higher education mapping to produce optimal performance. Realizing the importance of this model, the problem of not achieving lecturer performance is a problem that must be solved through a performance improvement mapping model. The method used is a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The population of this research is all Lecturers of International Women's University, using the technique of proportional random sampling and Slovin formula, a sample of 88 lecturers was obtained. Data was collected through questionnaires and interviews, then analysis using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results show that the performance of International Women University Lecturers is influenced simultaneously or partially by Organizational Culture, Information Technology, and Organizational Commitment. From the three variables, organizational commitment shows the highest contribution, while the lowest contribution is determined by information technology.