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Edulib Vol 7, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/edulib.v7i2.9488


The research was conducted to the students of Al-Kausar Internat Junior high school as an example of school which has applied the concept of information literacy in one subject and Arrahman Junior high school as an example of school which has not applied the concept of information literacy yet. The aim of this research was to find out whether there is a significant differences between students' literacy ability in finishing task exercises from those school. The method used in this research was a descriptive comparative method to find out the differences between both of objects in this research. The data were collected through questionnaire, interviews, and library study. The respondents are 53 students selected through Proportionate stratified random sampling techniques. The findings show there is no significant differences between students of Alkautsar junior high school and Ar Rahman junior high school on their students' information literacy ability. However, from the output scores of mean view, Al Kautsar Junior high school has a larger score than Ar Rahman junior high school. Therefore, Alkautsar Junior high school students have a better information literacy ability compared to Ar Rahman Junior high school students.
Edulib Vol 7, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/edulib.v7i1.7545


Abstract. The purpose of study was to determine user satisfaction toward credibility of staff library service at Library and Scientific Information Center at Economics and Business Faculty, University of Padjadjaran (FEB UNPAD). The research of library staff's credibility based on perceptions and expectations (minimum and maximum expectations). There are three components to measure in this study:(1)Trustworthiness, (2) Expertise, and (3) Fascination. The population in this study is determined based on the number of users who come to the P2I2 of FEB UNPAD. Sampling technique that used in this study is Purposive Sampling with 99 people as sample. Data was collected by questionnaire, conduct observation, and literature study. The results showed that overall users are coming to the P2I2 of FEB UNPAD were satisfied with the services. This user satisfaction based on the gap (gap) between the perceptions and expectations of service users indicates that the P2I2 of FEB UNPAD has good credibility and is in " zone of tolerance ", in other words the services provided by library's staff at Faculty of Economics and Business, Padjadjaran University, has meet the user's expectations.
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (265.619 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkip.v1i1.9607


This study aims to map out the scope of information the livelihoods of the rural poor, which include: the type of major need, the search pattern related information specific type of job, the variety of information livelihoods are looking for, the relationship between the rural poor, sources of information, channel information, and the nature of sources and channels of information in question. By using qualitative methods, especially the tradition of phenomenology of Schutz, the result that: (1) the type of the primary needs of the rural poor consist of food, clothing, shelter, health, and education are very simple; (2) a variety of livelihood information sought by the rural poor who work odd nature, derived from the interpersonal sources that are informal, with a limited scope, ie, neighbors, relatives, customers, and the kind of fellow workers; (3) the source and drain are derived from official media and technology based, hardly ever used; and (4) The formal elements that come from the government side, barely touched the interests of the rural poor.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan lingkup informasi penghidupan orang miskin pedesaan, yang meliputi: jenis kebutuhan utama, pola pencarian informasi terkait jenis pekerjaan spesifik, ragam informasi penghidupan yang dicari, hubungan antar orang miskin pedesaan, sumber-sumber informasi, saluran informasi, dan sifat dari sumber dan saluran informasi dimaksud. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif khususnya tradisi fenomenologi dari Schutz, diperoleh hasil bahwa: (1) jenis kebutuhan utama orang miskin pedesaan terdiri atas kebutuhan pangan, sandang, papan, kesehatan, dan pendidikan yang sangat sederhana; (2) beragam informasi penghidupan yang dicari oleh orang miskin pedesaan yang sifat pekerjaannya serabutan, berasal dari sumber orang secara interpersonal yang bersifat informal, dengan lingkup yang terbatas, yakni tetangga, kerabat, pelanggan, dan sesama pekerja sejenis; (3) sumber dan saluran yang berasal dari media resmi dan yang berbasis teknologi, hampir tidak pernah digunakan; dan (4) unsur-unsur formal yang datangnya dari sisi pemerintah, hampir tidak menyentuh kepentingan orang-orang miskin pedesaan.
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan Vol 1, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (147.429 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkip.v1i2.11006


The research objective to: 1) determine the openness of communication in creating a climate conducive communication in Kapusipda Buleleng of aspects of communication supervisor; 2) know the openness of communication in creating a climate conducive communication in Kapusipda Buleleng of the communication aspect of subordinates; 3) the implications openness of communication in creating a climate conducive communication in Kapusipda Buleleng. Qualitative research methods using a case study approach. The key informant was manager Kapusipda Buleleng, ten speakers. The results showed as follows: 1) based on the communication aspect boss has not been fully implemented because there are some bosses who never communicate to subordinates, such as the results of the meeting. Ie, the section chief supervisor should have to provide information or to bridge between subordinate to a higher leadership position in the organization; 2) based on the communication aspect subordinate seen already run effectively, which means their communication relationships between subordinates and superiors are effective according to environmental conditions and balanced. The willingness of employers to listen to complaints or difficulty of the work and receive suggestions or ideas presented subordinates by opening the door wide for subordinates; 3) the implications of open communication in creating a climate conducive communication in Kapusipda Buleleng seen their trust, closeness, support, and are willing to listen to the problem, and be willing to accept advantages and disadvantages. Conclusions of research as follows: 1) based on the communication aspect boss has not been fully implemented because there are still some employers at the level of section chief who has not communicating information to a subordinate, for example, the results of the meeting; 2) based on the communication aspect of subordinates seen their communication relationships between subordinates and superiors are effective according to environmental conditions and balanced. The willingness of employers to listen to complaints or difficulty of the work and receive suggestions or ideas presented subordinates by opening the door wide for subordinates; 3) the implications of open communication in creating a climate conducive communication in Kapusipda Buleleng seen their trust, closeness, support, and are willing to listen to the problem, and be willing to accept advantages and disadvantages. Tujuan penelitian untuk : 1) mengetahui keterbukaan komunikasi dalam menciptakan iklim komunikasi yang kondusif di Kapusipda Kabupaten Buleleng dari aspek komunikasi atasan; 2) mengetahui keterbukaan komunikasi dalam menciptakan iklim komunikasi yang kondusif di Kapusipda Kabupaten Buleleng dari aspek komunikasi bawahan ; 3) mengetahui implikasi keterbukaan komunikasi dalam menciptakan iklim komunikasi yang kondusif di Kapusipda Kabupaten Buleleng. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif pendekatan studi kasus. Informan kunci adalah pengelola Kapusipda Kabupaten Buleleng, sebanyak sepuluh narasumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagai berikut: 1) berdasarkan aspek komunikasi atasan belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan karena masih terdapat beberapa atasan yang tidak pernah mengkomunikasikan pada bawahan, misalnya hasil rapat. Seyogyanya atasan yakni kepala seksi harus menyediakan informasi atau dapat menjembatani antara bawahan dengan pimpinan yang lebih tinggi lagi kedudukannya dalam organisasi tersebut; 2) berdasarkan aspek komunikasi bawahan terlihat sudah berjalan efektif yang berarti adanya hubungan komunikasi antara bawahan dan atasan yang efektif sesuai kondisi lingkungan dan seimbang. Adanya kesediaan atasan mendengarkan keluhan atau kesulitan pekerjaan dan menerima saran atau gagasan yang disampaikan bawahannya dengan cara membuka pintu lebar-lebar bagi bawahan; 3) implikasi keterbukaan komunikasi dalam menciptakan iklim komunikasi yang kondusif di Kapusipda Kabupaten Buleleng terlihat adanya kepercayaan, kedekatan, dukungan, dan bersedia mendengarkan masalah, serta bersedia menerima kelebihan dan kekurangan. Simpulan penelitian sebagai berikut: 1) berdasarkan aspek komunikasi atasan belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan karena masih terdapat beberapa atasan pada tingkatan kepala seksi yang belum mengkomunikasi kan informasi ke bawahan, misalnya hasil rapat; 2) berdasarkan aspek komunikasi bawahan terlihat adanya hubungan komunikasi antara bawahan dan atasan yang efektif sesuai kondisi lingkungan dan seimbang. Adanya kesediaan atasan mendengarkan keluhan atau kesulitan pekerjaan dan menerima saran atau gagasan yang disampaikan bawahannya dengan cara membuka pintu lebar-lebar bagi bawahan; 3) implikasi keterbukaan komunikasi dalam menciptakan iklim komunikasi yang kondusif di Kapusipda Kabupaten Buleleng terlihat adanya kepercayaan, kedekatan, dukungan, dan bersedia mendengarkan masalah, serta bersedia menerima kelebihan dan kekurangan.
Ketersediaan koleksi Perpustakaan SMA 3 Depok dalam menumbuhkan minat baca Talita, Talita; Rachmawati, Tine Silvana; Rizal, Edwin
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan Vol 5, No 2 (2017): 2017
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (262.869 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkip.v5i2.12721


The existence of school libraries can provide benefits for students to search for the information needed, as a place to work on their tasks, looking for entertaining reading materials or just to fill their spare time while on a break. The school library becomes to foster students reading interest if the collection is adapted to the students needs. The SMA 3 Depok Library is a school library that has a library collection from fiction and non-fiction. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the availability of library collections which included the relevance and completeness of collections, and the collection updates in order to foster students’ interest in reading. The research method used the quantitative method through descriptive survey conducted on students of class XI SMA 3 Depok, with a population of 408 students. The sampling technique used in this study was simple random sampling with a total sample of 81 students. Data were obtained through a questionnaire, observation, interview, and literature study. The result of this research indicated, the library collection was quite relevant, the collection of books fulfilled the completeness of the collection, however the non-book collection did not exist yet; moreover, the library collection was in accordance with the latest development of knowledge. So, based on the three indicators previously mentioned, SMA 3 Depok students’ reading interest has developed which is shown by the high frequency of reading interest. The library in 3 SMA in Depok should be provided with adequate facilities to support the use of library collections.
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan Vol 2, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (195.156 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkip.v2i2.11642


The purpose of doing this research is to know the information necessity of teenager’s lifestyle about fashion in 21 state junior high school of Bekasi. This research was doing on December 2013 until March 2014. This research using qualitative method to explore and understand the sense of information necessity of teenager’s lifestyle about fashion. This research process was doing from the process of information necessity  of  teenager’s  observe from an individual internal factor until the fulfillment necessity efforts about to information teenager’s lifestyle observation from individual external factor aggregation technique of data is using observation interview, and research study. The result from the research know about the student has followed the information about fashion development   by   internet,   they   can fulfill necessity them information. The conclusion from this research there are: 1. generally the student automatically looked for information whatever their necessity to support in lifestyle; 2. generally they filtered the appropriate information with culture where they are from; 3. Motive the student in fulfill information necessity usually   they   want   to   know from internet or other media; 4. Connection of teenager’s and other people around them also influence the teenager’s and other people around them also influence the teenager’s in fulfill the  necessity  of  their information.Tujuan melakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kebutuhan informasi gaya hidup remaja tentang fashion di SMP Negeri 21 Bekasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Desember 2013 sampai Maret 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk menggali dan memahami arti kebutuhan informasi gaya hidup remaja tentang fashion. Proses penelitian ini dilakukan melalui proses kebutuhan informasi dari mengamati remaja berdasarkan faktor internal individu sampai upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan akan observasi gaya hidup informasi remaja dari teknik agregasi faktor eksternal individu menggunakan wawancara observasi, dan studi penelitian. Hasil dari penelitian mengetahui siswa telah mengikuti informasi tentang perkembangan fashion dari internet, itu dapat memenuhi kebutuhan informasi mereka. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu: 1. umumnya siswa secara otomatis mencari informasi apapun kebutuhan mereka untuk mendukung gaya hidup; 2. umumnya mereka menyaring informasi yang sesuai dengan budaya darimana mereka berasal; 3. biasanya motif siswa memenuhi kebutuhan informasi mereka ingin tahu dari internet atau media lainnya; 4. Keterkaitan remaja dan orang-orang lain di sekitar mereka juga mempengaruhi memenuhi kebutuhan informasi mereka.
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan Vol 3, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (139.456 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkip.v3i2.9999


This research was aimed to investigate the information literacy of rural communities on society empowerment at Cikancung Sub-District, Bandung Regency. Particularly the research was aimed to find out the information literacy level of the rural communities on planning, implementing, utilization and evaluating program. Mixed methods was used in the research, while data was gained from questioner, focus group discussion, interview, observation and literature studies. First benefit of the research was an evaluation form of implementation goverment policy. Second benefit was that the form could be useful input for the government of Bandung Regency, especially for BKPPP in implementing food self-sufficient village program. The result of the research indicated that the information literacy level of the rural communities on planning, implementing, utilization, and evaluating program was positive. It meant that the rural communities were already literate. The result was based on statistical calculation, which showed that median value less than score value, and the score value less than quartil value III. So that it could be concluded that the rural communities were already literate towards the government program of society empowerment.Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang Literasi Informasi Masyarakat Pedesaan  dalam Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat  Di Kecamatan Cikancung  Kabupaten Bandung. Dengan menggunakan metode  gabungan mixed methods dan teknik pengumpulan data melalui penyebaran angket, wawancara, FGD, observasi, dan studi pustaka, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui  tingkat Literasi  masyarakat  pedesaan pada tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengambilan manfaat, dan evaluasi program pemberdayaan masyarakat. Manfaat penelitian ini yakni sebagai bentuk evaluasi program terutama terhadap implementasi kebijakan pemerintah. Selain itu, Sebagai masukan bagi pemerintah Kabupaten Bandung terutama Badan Ketahanan Pangan dan Pelaksana Penyuluhan (BKPPP) Kabupaten Bandung dalam mengiplementasikan program desa mandiri pangan.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat  literasi masyarakat pedesaan baik pada tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengambilan manfaat, dan  evaluasi  program pemberdayaan dapat dikategorikan positif artinya masyarakat sudah literat. Hal ini didasarkan pada hasil perhitungan statistik  yang menggambarkan  bahwa nilai median lebih kecil dari nilai skor dan nilai skor lebih kecil dari nilai kuartil III. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data, penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Masyarakat Di Kecamatan Cikancung  Kabupaten Bandung sudah literat terhadap program pemberdayaan masyarakat.
Study on Mapping of Information Literature Culture in South Coastal Communities West Java Province Rachmawati, Tine Silvana; Winoto, Yunus; Rohman, Asep Saeful
Record and Library Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : D3 Teknisi Perpustakaan Fakultas Vokasi Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (532.504 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/rlj.V4-I1.2018.1-7


This study aims to mapping the culture of information literacy on coastal communities in West Java region. While the urgency of this research is an effort to foster interest in reading the community, including in this case the people in the coastal areas should be the attention of all parties. The research method used in this study is the mix method (mix method) as a combination approach as an alternative to the use of a single method in a study. The mixed method will give better results because it has a wealth of data, because it can combine or combine. Based on the results of research conducted in the first stage it is known that the culture literasi community in the coastal area in general is still low. In addition, also support the regulation and legislation of local government or district government in the south coast of West Java, namely Sukabumi, Cianjur, Garut, Tasik and Pangandaran) in the effort to develop the culture of literasi in general is still low.
Hubungan Kredibilitas Pustakawan Dengan Loyalitas Pemustaka Pada Perpustakaan UNISBA Kusumawardhani, Dwininda; Rachmawati, Tine Silvana; Prijana, Prijana
LIBRARIA Vol 6, No 1 (2018): LIBRARIA
Publisher : UPT. Perpustakaan Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/libraria.v6i1.2867


Penelitian ini mendiskusikan tentang hubungan kredibilitas pustakawan dengan loyalitas pemustaka pada perpustakaan UNISBA. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori kredibilitas sumber dari Hovland, Janis, dan Kelly (1993). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui bagaimana hubungan yang terjadi antara aspek kredibilitas pustakawan yaitu keahlian, keterpercayaan, dan daya tarik dengan loyalitas pemustaka. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah anggota perpustakan dengan pengambilan sampling menggunakan teknik sampling kuota. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode korelasional dengan teknik analasis statistik deskriptif dan inferensial menggunakan uji pearson product moment. Teknik pengumpulan datanya berupa kuesioner, observasi, wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Kesimpulannya adalah terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kredibilitas pustakawan dengan loyalitas pemustaka. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa dengan kredibilitas yang dimiliki oleh pustakawan akan mendorong loyalitas pemustaka untuk datang kembali ke perpustakaan karena merasa dilayani dengan baik oleh pustakawan. Untuk meningkatkan pelayanan prima yang akan mendorong loyalitas pemustaka lebih tinggi lagi disarankan menambah keahlian pustakawan dengan cara mengikuti pelatihan pada bidang perpustakaan, bahasa maupun teknologi.
Koleksi buku cerita bergambar (picture storybooks) di Perpustakaan Desa Sukamukti Yusup, Pawit M.; Rachmawati, Tine Silvana; Damayani, Ninis Agustini; Rukmana, Evi Nursanti
Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi Vol 16 No 1 (2020): Juni
Publisher : Perpustakaan Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/bip.v16i1.151


Introduction. The teachers at Kelompok Belajar Islam Terpadu (KBIT) Sukamukti village have used picture storybooks from the Library of Sukamukti village and reading them in a story telling session to their students. Two of this activities as a basic in the pre-reading activity to early childhood, so that the purpose this reaserch is to understand how the teachers use the picture storybooks, reading technique, and storytelling. Data Collection Method. This paper used a qualitative perspective with phenomenology by using observations, interviews, focus group discussions, and literature study. Analysis Data. Data from interviews were transcribed for further analysis Results and Discussion. The teachers at KBIT Sukamukti village used the picture of storybooks with fables. The teachers also discussed plot, animal activities, themes and morality based on the story. The language in the story is easy to understand by the children, book illustrations explain the reality of the character in the forest. Activities read aloud by introducing the identity of the book used, and storytelling activities through self-assement, stories, sounds, expressions, gestures, and other abilities. Conclusion. The teachers read and tell stories to educate young children in alphabet, vocabularies, and creativity. This helps early children in the process of learning pre-reading.