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Edulib Vol 4, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/edulib.v4i1.1173


AbstractRural poverty can be understood as a social condition of a person, or a group of people who were associated with aspects of economic and non-economic aspects. Scientific aspects such as social, cultural, health, education, psychology, the environment, law, anthropology, and art, was often associated with poverty. Nevertheless, the notion of poor and rural poverty is, in general, is still viewed by researcher's perspective, rather than emic, ie see something from the perspective of the participant. This study took part of the effort to comprehensively understand the meaning of poor and poverty in the eyes of the poor, especially in rural areas, roomates point is on how to map view of rural poor people in hopes of interpreting experience of livelihood as poor in underlying survival living. By using a qualitative study approach, especially the tradition of phenomenology of Schutz, obtained a description of the results, that the meaning of poor and poverty, in phenomenology, containing context, such as: context ownership; contexts effort and trial and error; contexts powerlessness; contexts outside assistance; independence in the context of compulsion; contexts unattainable expectations; context of the struggle; context of limited access to information; contexts low curiosity; contexts simplicity needs; problems humiliation context; and context sensitivity in social communication.Keywords: Meaning poor, Poverty, Rural AbstrakKemiskinan di pedesaan dapat dipahami sebagai suatu kondisi sosial seseorang, atau sekelompok orang yang terkait dengan aspek-aspek ekonomi dan non-ekonomi. Aspek ilmiah seperti sosial, budaya, kesehatan, pendidikan, psikologi, lingkungan, hukum, antropologi, dan seni, yang sering dikaitkan dengan kemiskinan. Namun demikian, gagasan tentang kemiskinan dan pedesaan, secara umum, masih dilihat dari perspektif peneliti, bukan emik, yaitu melihat sesuatu dari perspektif partisipan. Penelitian ini mengambil bagian dari upaya untuk secara komprehensif memahami makna miskin dan kemiskinan di mata masyarakat miskin, terutama di daerah pedesaan, which titik adalah bagaimana memetakan pandangan masyarakat miskin pedesaan dengan harapan pengalaman yang menafsirkan mata pencaharian sebagai masyarakat miskin untuk bertahan hidup. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi kualitatif, khususnya tradisi fenomenologi Schutz, diperoleh gambaran hasil, bahwa makna miskin dan kemiskinan, dalam fenomenologi, mengandung konteks, seperti: kepemilikan konteks; Upaya konteks dan trial and error; Ketidakberdayaan konteks; konteks di luar bantuan; kemerdekaan dalam konteks paksaan; konteks harapan tercapai; konteks perjuangan; konteks terbatasnya akses terhadap informasi; konteks rasa ingin tahu yang rendah; kesederhanaan konteks kebutuhan; konteks masalah penghinaan; dan sensitivitas konteks komunikasi sosial.Kata Kunci : Makna kemiskinan, Kemiskinan, Desa
Dharmakarya Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (238.648 KB)


ABSTRACT Paledah Village, Padaherang District Pangandaran Regency is one of the villages being developed into an agro tourism village. Therefore, environmental maintenance efforts need to be done by all levels of society, because the natural environment which still original and distinctive is an asset for the tourist village. One effort that can be done is   environmental literacy education that can be given to all levels of society including children. It will make the children   understand the importance of environmental maintenance early on. The target audience of this PKM activities are teachers of PAUD and Posyandu cadres in Padaherang Sub-district. They will become facilitators of environmental literacy education and environmental preservation models for children and communities in their respective areas. This PKM activity aims to provide knowledge insight and create awareness on posyandu cadres and PAUD teachers about the importance of environmental literacy education and become human literate environment. The method used in the form of counseling covering three main topics are   environment and village tourism, environmental literacy education for children, and  environmental health. Based on the post-test and monitoring and evaluation that have been done, it can be seen that the   participants have understood the importance of environmental maintenance. PAUD teachers have conducted environmental literacy education on their students, and posyandu cadres have spread their knowledge in their respective working areas.ABSTRAKDesa Paledah Kecamatan Padaherang Kabupaten Pangandaran merupakan salah satu desa yang sedang dikembangkan menjadi desa wisata agro. Oleh karena itu upaya pemeliharaan lingkungan perlu dilakukan oleh semua lapisan masyarakat, karena lingkungan alam yang masih asli dan khas merupakan asset bagi desa wisata. Salah satu upaya yang bisa dilakukan adalah dengan pendidikan literasi lingkungan yang dapat diberikan kepada seluruh lapisan masyarakat termasuk anak-anak, agar mereka  memahami pentingnya pemeliharaan lingkungan sejak dini. Khalayak sasaran kegiatan PKM ini adalah guru-guru PAUD dan para kader Posyandu di Kecamatan Padaherang, agar mereka menjadi fasilitator pendidikan literasi lingkungan dan model pemelihara lingkungan bagi anak-anak dan komunitas yang ada di wilayahnya masing-masing. Kegiatan PKM ini bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan pengetahuan dan menciptakan kesadaran pada para kader posyandu dan guru-guru PAUD  tentang pentingnya  pendidikan literasi lingkungan dan menjadi manusia yang literat lingkungan.  Metode yang digunakan berupa penyuluhan yang meliputi tiga topik utama, yaitu: tentang lingkungan dan desa wisata,  pendidikan literasi lingkungan untuk anak, dan  tentang kesehatan lingkungan. Berdasarkan post-test serta monitoring dan evaluasi yang telah dilakukan, dapat diketahui bahwa  peserta penyuluhan telah memahami pentingnya pemeliharaan lingkungan. Para guru PAUD telah melakukan pendidikan literasi lingkungan  pada anak didiknya, dan para kader posyandu telah menyebarkan pengetahuannya di wilayah kerjanya masing-masing.     
Edulib Vol 7, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/edulib.v7i2.9383


Communication is an activity that can not be released in everyday human life. So also in the activities of the library, communication activities are suatau activities that are not separated in the activities of everyday librarians. Especially when referring to the core competence of librarians there are at least two communication activities that are often done ielibrary service activities and library promotion. The success of a librarian as a communicator in delivering communication messages on service activities, counseling and technical guidance library, one of which is determined by the aspect of communicator or speaker (resource). One aspect of the communicator in conveying his communication message is the ability of how when delivering messages verbal communication or better known as paralinguistik. Parallelistic ability will be a speaker's attractiveness aspect (source atrrativeness) and this aspect will be the basis for building participants' perceptions of the credibility of a speaker. Therefore, the understanding of the paralinguisitik aspect becomesimportant for a counselor, including in this case the librarian when going to conduct extension activities and tennis guidance about the library.
Edulib Vol 7, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/edulib.v7i2.9194


Abstract. Records the history and culture of a region in the past stored in various forms of printed and recorded, partly managed by the library; some are still stored in various places, including West Java in the form of historical sites and culture. Form of work in question can bebooks, magazines, newspapers, maps, brochures, and the like, both in print and digital format. These works contain a benefit for knowledge and education. Meanwhile, the library as an institution in charge of managing printed and recorded works, including ancient works, continues to contribute in this work with storage for wider dissemination. This study examines the existence of public libraries and village libraries in West Java related to its role as referred to above. The method used is direct observation to the field. The result illustrates that public libraries and village libraries already participate to provide this type of collection for the benefit of the public on the current generation and the future.Keywords: Printed Materials, Paper records, Ancient manuscripts,Cultural Values, Public Library.
Penggunaan layanan open library dalam memenuhi kebutuhan informasi mahasiswa Telkom University Oktaviani, Fikri Dwi; Yusup, Pawit M; Khadijah, Ute Lies Siti
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan Vol 5, No 2 (2017): 2017
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (185.528 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkip.v5i2.12856


This study aimed to find out the use of open library digital library services  in meeting the information needs of Telkom University students. The study used the qualitative method with case study approach. Data collection techniques were conducted through interviews with Telkom University students, observation, and literature study. Study results showed that the initial stage was based on the motivation and goals arising from self-awareness and the need to increase knowledge in completing tasks and scientific works (thesis/TA). Browsing began with authentication using an SSO account (Igracias), and information retrieval began with using a simple search facility. Students also used the internet to access various other sources with the Google search engine to further enrich the required information. Then, At the formulation stage, students conducted brainstorming by learning and understanding the problem-solving process related to the appropriate topic and discussing it with friends, lecturers, or people who were considered understandable and could be invited to discuss related topics that were being deepened. The collection stage was done by downloading the file and storing it in their laptop folder. At the presentation stage, students would feel satisfied after getting the information so it is possible to do monitoring.  The presentation was performed in the form of writing a new document or as a complement in both the completion of lecture assignments (proposal and paper) as well as the writing of scientific papers (thesis/TA).  
MAKNA DAN PENGHAYATAN PROFESI PUSTAKAWAN Heriyanto, Heriyanto; Yusup, Pawit M; Rusmana, Agus
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan Vol 1, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (397.615 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkip.v1i2.11004


This study aims to examine the meaning and appreciation of the librarians in college to his profession as a librarian. This study used a qualitative approach with phenomenological method in the constructivist paradigm-interpretive. The study involved nine librarians from several college libraries as key informants. This study found there were 8 meaning of librarian, which librarians as a helper, a librarian as an educator, a librarian as discussion partners, librarians as consultants, librarians as counselors, librarians as information managers, librarians as facilitators of information, and librarians as a promising profession. While the form of appreciation for the profession of librarians can be expressed in the decision to keep living as a librarian although there are many other offers that offer more in terms of welfare, willingness to give time and attention even if outside of working hours, proud to mention his profession as a librarian, always ready to provide services prime, and always trying to innovate in doing the job.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti makna dan penghayatan dari para pustakawan di perguruan tinggi terhadap profesinya sebagai pustakawan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode fenomenologis dalam paradigma konstruktivis-interpretif. Penelitian ini melibatkan 9 orang pustakawan dari beberapa perpustakaan perguruan tinggi sebagai key informan. Penelitian ini menemukan ada 8 makna dari profesi pustakawan, yaitu pustakawan sebagai penolong, pustakawan sebagai pendidik, pustakawan sebagai teman diskusi, pustakawan sebagai konsultan, pustakawan sebagai pembimbing, pustakawan sebagai manajer informasi, pustakawan sebagai fasilitator informasi, dan pustakawan sebagai profesi yang menjanjikan. Sedangkan bentuk penghayatan terhadap profesi pustakawan dapat terekspresi dalam keputusan untuk tetap berprofesi sebagai pustakawan walaupun ada banyak tawaran lain yang menawarkan lebih banyak dalam hal kesejahteraan, kesediaan untuk memberikan waktu dan perhatian walaupun di luar jam kerja, bangga menyebutkan profesinya sebagai pustakawan, selalu siap memberikan pelayanan prima, dan selalu berusaha untuk melakukan inovasi dalam melakukan pekerjaan.
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan Vol 1, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (513.112 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkip.v1i2.9975


This study aims to determine the pattern of Information Search Alternative Space Arts Artists at s.14 Bandung. The scope of this research is the search for information by alternative art space artist s.14. the method used is a case study. Study of the model used in this research is the search for professional information. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, literature studies and triangulation. The informants are artists who are often involved with alternative space s.14 and managers as key informants. The results showed that the pattern search of alternative art space Informasioleh artists starting with s.14 (1) planning that supported the task and role in the environment as well as the selection of information based on the needs and uses time information, (2) stage of the procedure include ease of getting information, the speed of getting information as well as supporting the work visualization and (3) the source of the literature over the internet, discussions with experts and printed sources. There are efforts being made to obtain the source - the source. If there is a lack of information, then the artist will continue to look to the source - other relevant sources to meet their information needs.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pola Pencarian Informasi Seniman di Ruang Alternatif Seni s.14 Bandung. Ruang lingkup penelitian ini adalah pencarian informasi yang dilakukan oleh seniman ruang alternatif seni s.14. metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Kajian model yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pencarian informasi professional. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara, studi kepustakaan dan triangulasi. Informan penelitian ini yaitu seniman yang sering terlibat dengan ruang alternatif s.14 dan pengelola sebagai key informan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Pola Pencarian Informasioleh seniman ruang alternatif seni s.14 dimulai dengan (1) perencanaan yang didukung tugas serta peran dalam lingkungan serta penyeleksian informasi berdasarkan kebutuhan dan waktu kegunaan informasi, (2) tahap prosedur meliputi kemudahan mendapatkan informasi, kecepatan mendapatkan informasi serta mendukung visualisasi karya lalu (3) sumber literature melalui internet, diskusi dengan ahli serta sumber tercetak. Terdapat upaya yang dilakukan untuk memperoleh sumber – sumber tersebut. Jika terdapat kekurangan informasi, maka seniman akan terus mencari ke sumber – sumber lain yang relevan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan informasinya.
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan Vol 2, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (319.854 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkip.v2i1.11621


This thesis is titled “Tourism Information Searching Behaviours Of Domestic Tourist In The City Of Bandung Rumah Mode”. The method used in this thesis is a qualititative method. Study of theory used in this study is Information Seeking Behavior Theory (Wilson). Data collection techniques used are observation, interview and documentation study. From the observation of researchers by going directly to the Rumah Mode, tourist arrivals generally have an incentive and motivation that is fulfill the shopping needs with a variety of branded clothing and underwear from young to old. Knowledge about the safety of domestic tourist on Rumah Mode actually varied according to what they are looking. So far the treatment of domestic tourist to the information that was obtained was made of feed back to the Rumah Mode. The general interest of domestic tourist to come to Rumah Mode is almost the same, because tourist can see bt itself on the facilities provided for the convenience of Rumah Mode tourist. Satisfaction at Rumah Mode is calssified into three aspects of satisfaction. Namely, satisfaction with the quality of goods, price and service the Rumah Mode. So far, the tourist were satisfied with what already exist in the Rumah Mode, but there are also tourists who are not satisfied because there is little interference due to renovation of the parking lot.Skripsi ini berjudul “Perilaku Pencarian Informasi Pariwisata Para Wisatawan Domestik Kota Bandung di Rumah Mode”. Metode yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah metode kualitatif. Kajian teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Teori Information Seeking Behavior (Wilson). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Dari hasil observasi peneliti dengan terjun langsung ke Rumah Mode ini, umumnya wisatawan yang datang mempunyai tujuan dan motivasi yaitu memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya dengan berbelanja aneka pakaian dan celana yang bermerk dari kalangan muda sampai kalangan tua. Pengetahuan wisatawan domestik tentang keamanan Rumah Modesejauh ini umumnya merasa nyaman. Dilihat dari segi aspek parkir, keamanan dan pelayanannya Rumah Mode sudah memberikan yang terbaik. Pengalaman wisatawan domestik tentang Rumah Mode ini sebenarnya beraneka ragam sesuai dengan kebutuhan yang mereka cari. Sejauh ini perlakuan wisatawan domestik terhadap informasi yang sudah di dapat memang membuat adanya feed back kepada Rumah Mode. Pada umumnya ketertarikan wisatawan domestik untuk datang ke Rumah Mode ini hampir sama, karena wisatawan dapat melihat dengan sendirinya tentang apa saja fasilitas yang disediakan dari Rumah Mode untuk kenyamanan wisatawannya. Kepuasan berada di Rumah Mode ini tergolong terjadi tiga aspek kepuasan. Yaitu, kepuasan terhadap kualitas barang, kepuasan terhadap kualitas harga, dan yang terakhir kualitas terhadap aspek pelayanan Rumah Mode tersebut. Sejauh ini, wisatawan merasa puas dengan apa yang sudah ada di Rumah Mode ini, namun ada juga wisatawan yang merasa tidak puas karena adanya sedikit gangguan akibat renovasi lapangan parkir di dalam Rumah Mode ini.  
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan Vol 3, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (101.004 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkip.v3i2.9998


The  mosque is  a  place  of  worship for Muslims, both in nature mahdoh and ghoerumahdhoh. In the context of worship latter, very broad and diverses, one of which is a mosque used as a place of activities for the benefit of mankind. One of the activities is to build mosque to learn add to the general knowledge and religious through reading. Means and facilities for reading in mosque activities carried out by the Mosque Library. These activities are not directly become binding pilgrims to stay longer while reading in the library of the mosque. One example of such activities include: (1) discussion and shared learning and reading and its implications for the intellectual development   of   Muslims   in   general;   (2)   the provision of facilities books and other media that are   useful;   (3)   The   activities   of   assistance  to pilgrims in learning and reading according to their specialization.Masjid adalah tempat ibadah bagi Muslim, baik di alam mahdoh dan ghoerumahdhoh. Dalam konteks penyembahan kedua, dan diverses sangat luas, salah satu yang adalah sebuah masjid digunakan sebagai tempat kegiatan-kegiatan untuk kepentingan manusia. Salah satu kegiatan adalah untuk membangun masjid untuk mempelajari menambahkan ke pengetahuan umum dan melalui agama membaca. Berarti fasilitas dan untuk membaca masjid di kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh Perpustakaan Masjid. Kegiatan ini tidak langsung menjadi mengikat peziarah untuk tinggal lebih lama di saat membaca di perpustakaan masjid. Salah satu contoh dari kegiatan-kegiatan seperti ini mencakup: (1) diskusi dan belajar bersama dan membaca dan implikasi untuk perkembangan intelektual Muslim secara umum; (2) penyediaan fasilitas buku dan media lain yang berguna; (3) aktiviti-aktiviti bantuan kepada peziarah dalam pembelajaran dan membaca menurut spesialisasi mereka.
PENGEMBANGAN MODUL PUBLIC USERS PADA SISTEM INFORMASI KEARSIPAN AKADEMIK ELEKTRONIK (Studi Action Research Pengembangan Modul Public Users Pada Sistem Informasi Kearsipan Akademik Elektronik (SiAMEL) Di Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Padjadjaran) Kusnandar, Kusnandar; Yusup, Pawit M
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (49.585 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkip.v3i1.9351


This research aims to know the needs of student information which can be met from SiAMEL. This research also aims to develop the database, and display the output from the application of the Public Users on SiAMEL module. The method used in this study is Action Research. Data collection techniques by way of observation, interview, note the field and study the literature. This research has resulted in the development of SiAMEL that can meet the needs of student information as Public Users among others: Data Lecturer, Data institution/ Institutions for MORNING, data proposed problem, as well as data about the schedule. Through this research has been done on the conversion some tables that are adjusted with the needs of the Public Users SiAMEL. In addition, page view early SiAMEL become open to public Users and changes to the navigation buttons (menu) SiAMEL. Some of the output SiAMEL changed some details that adjusted with the status of access authority SiAMEL, whether as administrator or as a Public Users.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan informasi mahasiswa yang dapat dipenuhi dari SiAMEL. Selain itu juga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan database, tampilan serta output dari aplikasi Modul Public Users pada SiAMEL. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Action Research. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu dengan cara observasi, wawancara, catatan lapangan, serta studi literatur. Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan pengembangan SiAMEL yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan informasi mahasiswa sebagai Public Users antara lain: Data Dosen, Data Instansi/ Lembaga untuk PKL,  data Usulan Masalah, serta data tentang Jadwal Sidang. Melalui penelitian ini telah dilakukan pengubahan pada beberapa tabel yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Public Users SiAMEL. Selain itu, tampilan halaman awal SiAMEL menjadi terbuka untuk Public Users serta perubahan pada navigasi (menu) SiAMEL. Beberapa output SiAMEL diubah beberapa detail yang disesuaikan dengan status otoritas akses SiAMEL, apakah sebagai Administrator atau sebagai Public Users.