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Link Slab Capacity In Bridges Supported By Lead Rubber Bearing And Elastomer Novikasari, Inas; Rosyidah, Anis
Wahana Teknik Sipil: Jurnal Pengembangan Teknik Sipil Vol 24, No 2 (2019): Wahana Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32497/wahanats.v24i2.1725


Debris accumulation in bridge slab gaps which use expansion joints can restrain deck expansion, causing undesirable forces on floor deck and damage to the structure. In order to avoid the worst possibility that can occur, an alternative using link slab is utilized. The use of link slab at high level seismic force location, requires the Seismic Isolation System on bridge to reduce the seismic force. The application of Seismic Isolation System can be conducted by Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB) type of seismic isolator. This study compares the use of Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB) and elastomer on bridge link slabs against the dimension of the link slab. In this study structural modeling used 2 models: bridges supported by elastomer and bridges supported by LRB with software-made. The link slab analysis approach used were analytical methods or classical methods. Based on results of the analysis, the width of the crack that occured on bridge supported by LRB is 0.218 mm while on the bridge supported by elastomer is 0.269 mm. The use of Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB) type of support will give more advantages to the design of the link slab since it results in smaller crack design criteria.
BOND STRENGTH OF BAR USING GROUTING FOR PRECAST CONCRETE CONNECTION Rosyidah, Anis; Sucita, I Ketut; Sukarno, Praganif; Sari, S. R. Permita; Sari, Chintya
Applied Research on Civil Engineering and Environment (ARCEE) Vol 1, No 01 (2019): Civil and Environment Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32722/arcee.v1i01.2311


In precast concrete, a connection is needed to unite the components so that they become a whole unified structure. This study aims to determine the reinforcement strength and length of reinforcement in precast concrete connections. To paste reinforcement into precast concrete, giving additional material in the form of grouting which is called sika grout 215 and functions as an adhesive is necessary. Pullout testing is carried out in the laboratory, and its simulation by modeling uses the finite element method based software. This research is divided into 2 phases. The first phase is making specimen to examine the bond strength between the concrete and reinforcement that has been given sika grout 215. So monolithic specimen is made as a comparison. The result of the bond strength of the monolithic test specimen is 6.24 MPa, and the sika grout 215 category is 6.52 MPa. From the experimental results in the laboratory with modeling, it is obtained the bond strength ratio of 0.94. The length of development (ld) based on the results of the testing phase I of 200 mm. The second phase is examining the damage pattern due to the stress that occurred. Specimens are made into 4 categories, namely modeling developments with the length of 120 mm (<40% ld), with the length of 160 mm (<20% ld), with length of 200 mm (= ld), and with the length of 260 mm(> 30% ld) both for monoliths and sika grout 215. The damage pattern, which is in the form of yielding and breaking reinforcement as the result of the pullout experiment in the laboratory shows not much different from the result of simulation using the software.
Pengaruh Pengaku Konsentris (Concentric Bracing) dan Eksentris (Eccentric Bracing) pada Struktur Baja dengan Daktilitas PenuhTerhadap Gempa Sumargo; Basri, Syamsul; Rosyidah, Anis
Jurnal Teknik: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Aplikasi Teknik Vol 2 No 2 (2003): Jurnal Teknik - Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Aplikasi Teknik
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26874/jt.vol2no2.229


Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan perilaku struktur baja berpengaku konsentris dan eksentris apabila diberi percepatan gempa El Centro dan Pasadena. Perilaku yang ditinjau meliputi periode getar, simpangan, histeresis loop, daktilitas struktur dan elemen. Model struktur adalah portal baja 12 lantai menggunakan pengaku konsentris tipe diagonal (Al) dan inverted V (A2), untuk pengaku eksentris tipe diagonal (B1) serta inverted V (B2). Alat bantu untuk analisis menggunakan software SAP 2000 dan excel. Adapun metode penyelesaiannya meliputi perencanaan struktur dan analisis perilaku struktur. Dari perencanaan didapat ukuran profil sama pada ke-empat struktur. Pada hasil analisis diperoleh periode getar alami terbesar pada struktur B1- 0,423 detik dan terkecil adalah struktur A2 — 0,362 detik. Hasil simpangan terbesar akibat percepatan gempa El Centro maupun Pasadena terjadi pada struktur B2. Akibat gempa El Centro dan Pasadena pada ke- empat struktur masih bersifat elastis sehingga nilai daktilitas struktur () — 1, begitu pula dengan daktilitas elemen, belum terjadi sendi plastis.
Pembandingan Perancangan Bangunan Tahan Gempa Menggunakan SNI 1726:2012 Dan SNI 1726:2019 Azis Wicaksana; Anis Rosyidah
Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Sipil Vol 18 No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Masyarakat (P3M), Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/jirs.v18i1.416


Indonesia has a code for designing a seismic-resistant building, which has always improved year after year. Start from Peraturan Perencanaan Tahan Gempa Indonesia Untuk Gedung (PPTI-UG) 1983, SNI 1726:2002, SNI 1726:2012, and the latest one is SNI 1726:2019. SNI 1726:2019 experienced some renewal on designing a seismic-resistant building. This research aims to compare spectrum response design and the structural behavior between seismic-resistant building design using SNI 1726:2012 and SNI 1726:2019. The reviewed structure behaviors are base shear force (V), drift (δmax), and story drift (Δ). The study compares the detail of the structural components as well as using SNI 2847:2013 and SNI 2847:2019. The research uses a 10-story building modeling that serves as an apartment building and located in the city of Banda Aceh. Seismic analysis using a spectrum response analysis with Special Moment Resisting Frame (SMRF) structure. The result showed that the peak acceleration (Sa) for the class sites of Medium Land (SD) and Hard Land (SC) were 11% and 26%, respectively, while for Soft Land (SE), there was no increase. The shear force in SNI 1726: 2019 has increased by 19.75% for the X direction and 19.97% for the Y direction. The increase in the shear force is directly proportional to the increase in drift and story drift. In the beam detailing and beam-column connection, there were no significant changes. While in the column detailing, there are additional provisions that cause the transverse reinforcement to be tighter.
PENGUATAN STRUKTUR PADA BANGUNAN DENGAN MUTU BETON RENDAH Anis Rosyidah; Dody Farouq Alfariez; Muhammad Ariq Wicaksono
Portal: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 11, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/portal.v11i1.1499


Abstrak — Kategori bangunan kokoh apabila struktur pada bangunan tersebut kuat dan stabil, sehingga dapat menerima beban-beban yang bekerja pada bangunan tersebut tanpa terjadinya keruntuhan. Jika keruntuhan terjadi secara tiba-tiba tanpa ada gejala sebelumnya dapat mengakibatkan munculnya korban jiwa. Dengan ini diperlukan penguatan sebagai solusi mengatasi kerusakan struktur. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan komponen struktur mana yang tidak mampu menahan beban dan penguatan seperti apa yang perlu dilakukan terhadap struktur bangunan. Gaya-gaya dalam didapatkan dari analisis struktur eksisting dan asumsi beban-beban yang bekerja pada struktur dengan pemodelan struktur 3D (space frame). Hasil analisis pemodelan struktur berupa gaya-gaya dalam digunakan untuk mendapatkan momen ultimit (Mu) dan dibandingkan dengan momen eksisting (Mn) yang dihitung dengan data eksisting. Setelah diketahui komponen-komponen struktur yang tidak mampu menahan beban, maka metode penguatan yang sangat mungkin untuk dilaksanakan pada komponen struktur tersebut adalah Concrete Jacketing. Penambahan dimensi penguatan pada balok dan kolom sebesar 50 mm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan lentur naik rata-rata sebesar 149.493% dan kekuatan geser naik rata-rata sebesar 496.814% setelah struktur balok diberi penguatan. Hasil analisis kekuatan kolom setelah diberikan penguatan, diperoleh hasil diagram P-M yang menunjukan bahwa pada kolom K1, K2 dan KP kekuatannya meningkat dan setelah diberi penguatan Concrete Jacketing aman.Kata kunci : Penguatan Struktur, Bangunan Eksisting, Concrete Jacketing.Abstract —The perfect building category is the structures on the structure are strong and stable, can receive the burdens working on the structure without any collapse. If the collapse occurs suddenly without prior symptoms can result in a loss of life. It requires reinforcement as a solution to structural damage. The research is done to determine which components of the structure are unable to bear weight and which reinforcement such as what needs to be done to the structure of the building. Internal forces are derived from spaceframe structural analysis and assumptions that burden work on structure with 3d modeling. The structure of modeling analysis is used to obtain the ultimit moments and compared to the moment of existence which is calculated with the existing data. Since the components of the structure are known for weight loss, the likely method of reinforcement to be performed in those components is the jacketing concrete. Adding the dimension of strengthening to the beam and column by 50 mm. Research shows that the bending power rose an average of 149,493% and the shifting power rose an average of 496,814% after the beam structure was reinforced. Analysis of the strength of the columns after strengthening, obtained from p-m diagrams showing that in the K1, K2, and KP column their strength increased and reinforced the safety of the jacketing concrete.Keywords: Strengthening Structure, Existing Building, Concrete Jacketing
Peningkatan Kekuatan Struktur Eksisting dengan Penguatan Struktur Menggunakan CFRP & Concrete Jacketing Anis Rosyidah; Finantika Sekar Asmara; Muhamad Ziddan
TEKNIKA Vol. 13 No. 2 (2019): Teknika Juli - Desember 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (958.921 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3837859


Some building is not designed with structural design rules. Contractors often use their experience to determine the dimensions of building structures. Buildings that are designed not by the rules of structural design will have a fatal impact. This study aims to calculate the capacity of the existing structural components of the building capacity after addition of earthquake loads and determine the correct method of strengthening the structure. The study was conducted by analyzing existing buildings with the addition of earthquake loads. Strengthening the structure is needed by comparing the existing strength with the strength of the plan, the structural reinforcement method used is carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) and concrete jacketing because those methods have merit to the effectiveness and conditions of the existing building. The results showed that the column structure was strong in accepting workloads. The beam structure requires strengthening the structure because the nominal strength of the existing beam is less than the strength of the plan. Existing beams require additional shear and flexural strength, averaging 76,90% and 90,92%. The results also showed the beam moment strength after being given an increase of 202,82% and 265,65% for each method. The beam shear strength after being given an increase in strength of 352,78% and 411,66% for each method.
Structural performance of 1 way and 2 way setback with the soft first story using ddbd Anis Rosyidah; Indriyana Luthfiyanti
Jurnal Teknosains Vol 11, No 2 (2022): June
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/teknosains.61136


Irregular building structures increasingly varied, such as setback buildings and buildings with soft level stiffness irregularity on the first floor of the building (soft first story). High-rise buildings are at risk of collapse due to earthquakes. Designing efficiency requires a Direct Displacement Based Design (DDBD) method. In this study, the DDBD method uses pushover analysis on soft first-story buildings without a setback,1-way setback, and 2-way setback. This study aims to obtain the value software's value of displacement, story drift, ductility, plastic hinge response, and performance levels study indicates that the displacement value of the soft first-story building without setback is smaller than the setback building. In addition, the value of displacement and story drift in the setback building with a soft first story is influenced by the small setback area ratio. The highest displacement and story drift values in the X direction are 1-way setback buildings, which are 0.422 m and 0.0147 m, while in the Y-direction, the 2-way setback buildings are 0.44 m and 0.0167 m. The most significant value of actual ductility is a building without setbacks with a soft first-story. The plastic hinge response in all three buildings shows a strong column weak beam. The level of structural performance in all three buildings is at the level of Immediate Occupancy, where the value of the performance level of the FEMA 356 method is greater than the ATC 40 method.
Efek Torsi Bangunan Terhadap Respon Struktur Pada Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus dan Sistem Ganda Suci Fadhilah Ramadhani; Jonathan Saputra; Anis Rosyidah
Dinamika Rekayasa Vol 18, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Dinamika Rekayasa - Februari 2022
Publisher : Jenderal Soedirman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.dr.2022.18.1.392


Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisis pengaruh ketidakberaturan torsi terhadap struktur dengan menggunakan metode Force Based Design sebagai perencanaan gaya gempa. Penelitian dilakukan pada bangunan tidak beraturan tipe diskontinuitas diafragma pada lantai 3. Pemodelan pertama menggunakan struktur sistem rangka pemikul momen khusus (SRPMK) kemudian pemodelan kedua menggunakan struktur sistem ganda (dinding geser dan SRPMK). Hasil penelitian diperoleh gaya geser dasar gempa pada bangunan dengan struktur sistem ganda lebih besar 47% dibandingkan dengan struktur SRPMK. Pada kedua model bangunan, adanya opening plat lantai yang lebih dari 50% di lantai 3 mempengaruhi kekakuan kolom di lantai 4, sehingga simpangan di lantai 4 lebih besar daripada lantai lainnya. Adanya ketidakberaturan torsi mempengaruhi gaya dalam yang terjadi. Dari hasil uji independent T dan Mann Whitney U yang dilakukan pada gaya dalam balok dan kolom didapat bahwa tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan setelah penggunaan struktur sistem ganda.
The effect of variation of shear walls placement on the response of building structure using the Direct Displacement-Based Design method Hanif Satria Aji; Anis Rosyidah; Jonathan Saputra
SINERGI Vol 26, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/sinergi.2022.2.009


Shear walls' placement in specific positions could develop different structural responses to the building and affect the structure's strength to the received lateral loads. This research aims to find the variations in the shear walls' placement on the structure's response under the Direct Displacement Based Design (DDBD) method. The object of this research is the model of a 10-story reinforced concrete building located in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Modelling of building structures is carried out in this study with four variations of shear wall placement. First, the walls are located at every building's corner. The shear wall is then positioned in the core of the building, where the apertures have shrunk. Then, the shear wall is located on the edge of the building. Last, the shear wall is located on the edge of the building. ANOVA method is used to analyze the significant difference, i.e., variations in the walls' placement. This research indicates the significant differences in the x-direction shear force and the y-direction moment The shear walls are suggested to be placed according to the building's condition and the earthquake ground site's class to produce an optimal structure to resist earthquake loads.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 5, No 6 (2021): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (419.921 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v5i6.5440


Abstrak: Musholla Al-Amin merupakan fasilitas warga yang difungsikan sebagai sarana beribadah serta sarana berkumpulnya warga untuk mengadakan kegiatan. Namun saat ini kondisi musholla Al-Amin mengalami kerusakan atap, toilet, dan tempat wudhu. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memperbaiki sarana prasarana Musholla Al-Amin Kampung Sugutamu, Depok. Metode yang dilakukan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah pendampingan dalam melaksanakan perbaikan musholla. Peserta kegiatan meliputi 4 dosen, 2 mahasiswa dan 10 masyarakat sekitar. Hasil yang telah dicapai yaitu kondisi musholla dalam keadaan yang lebih baik dan nyaman untuk digunakan beribadah. Adapun berdasarkan hasil evaluasi tingkat kepuasan mitra pengabdian, sebanyak 78,52% responden memberikan jawaban sangat setuju dan 21.48% responden memberikan jawaban setuju. Selain itu kegiatan ini membantu pengelola menghemat pengeluaran kurang lebih sebesar 17 juta untuk pembelian material dan proses perbaikan. Berdasarkan tingkat kepuasan masyarakat kegiatan serupa dapat dilakukan untuk memperbaiki sarana prasarana pada fasilitas umum yang lain.Abstract: Al-Amin Mosque is a community facility that functions as a means of worship and a means of gathering residents to hold activities. However, at this time the condition of the Al-Amin Mosque is experiencing damage to the roof, toilets, and ablution area. The purpose of this activity is to improve the infrastructure of the Al-Amin Mosque in Sugutamu village, Depok. The method used in the implementation of this activity is assistance in repairing the mosque. The participants of the activity include 4 lecturers, 2 students and 10 local people. The result that has been achieved is that the mosque is in better condition and is comfortable to use for worship. The results of the evaluation of the satisfaction level of service partners, as many as 78.52% of respondents gave answers strongly agree and 21.48% respondents gave answers agree. In addition, this activity helps managers save approximately 17 million in expenses for purchasing materials and repair processes. Based on the level of community satisfaction, similar activities can be carried out to repair infrastructure in other public facilities.