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Pelatihan Strategi Pemasaran dan Pengelolaan Keuangan Pemilik UMKM Rotan Desa Trangsan Kabupaten Sukoharjo Elia Ardyan; Ari Susanti
Jurnal Abdidas Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): April, Pages 161-458
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/abdidas.v2i2.290


Masyarakat Desa Trangsan Kecamatan Gatak Kabupaten Sukoharjo menjadi pusat untuk industri rotan di Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Produk yang dihasilkan menggunakan bahan utama rotan dan telah lama menjadi sumber pendapatan dan peningkatan kesejahteraan bagi masyarakat. Sejalan waktu banyak persaingan yang terjadi terutama adanya produk-produk yang berasal dari bahan selain rotan, sehingga diperlukannya peningkatan pemasaran yang mampu bersaing dengan produk lainnya. Selain itu diperlukan juga pengelolaan keuangan yang mampu dimiliki oleh pemilik UMKM Rotan. Pengelolaan keuangan yang masih menjadi satu antara keuangan UKM dan pribadi membuat para pelaku masih menjalankan usaha tanpa membedakan sistem keuangannya. Metode pelaksanaannya adalah awalnya dilakukan komunikasi dengan pihak Forum Kluster Rotan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan yang diinginkan dalam pelaksanaan pelatihan adalah dilakukan presentasi materi oleh tim pengabdian diikuti peserta pelatihan terdapat 22 peserta yang terdiri dari UMKM Rotan Desa Trangsan Kecamatan Gatak Kabupaten Sukoharjo (baik dari anggota kluster maupun dari anggota Koperasi). Hasil dari pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah pemahaman tentang strategi pemasaran produk dan akan melakukan pemisahan keuangan antara UMKM dan pribadi. Serta harapan pelaku UKM adanya pendampingan dan pelatihan selanjutnya tentang pemasaran secara online.
“I Want to be an Entrepreneur”: The Important Role of Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Education and Internal Locus of Control Elia Ardyan; Johanes Ivan; Erwin Parega; Yuyun K. M. Suade; Dina Martha Hutapea; Ari Susanti
Jurnal Entrepreneur dan Entrepreneurship Vol. 10 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal JEE
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/jee.v10i1.1867


This study examines the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial social support, and internal locus of control in increasing entrepreneurial intention. This research was conducted at S1 Management students at Ciputra University Surabaya (class of 2016). The total number of respondents in this study was 92 students. The analysis used is partial least square structural equation modeling (SEM-PLS). Data were processed using WarlPls version 7. The results of this study indicate that entrepreneurial social support and the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education can improve internal locus of control. High internal locus of control will have an impact on student's intention to become entrepreneurs as their career choices. Other results also show that the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education is an important part of increasing entrepreneurial intention compared to entrepreneurial social support factors.
Journal of Management and Business Vol 13, No 1 (2014): MARCH 2014
Publisher : Department of Management - Faculty of Business and Economics. Universitas Surabaya.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (348.492 KB) | DOI: 10.24123/jmb.v13i1.233


The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of customer experience design, emotion connection and relationship quality on customer loyalty. Hotel must manage the consumer experience well. When the consumer experience increase, it will give effect to increasing relationships quality and emotional connection. Increasing the quality of the relationship and emotional connection between the consumer and hotel is expected to increase customer loyalty. The sample in this study is 142 respondents. The analysis in this study uses a structural equation model, in which we use Amos version 20 to help data analysis. The result of this study : (1) there are positive and significant effects between customer experience design on relationship quality and between customer experience on emotional connection; (2) there are not any positive and significant effects between customer experience design, emotional connection, and relationship quality on custimer loyalty.
The Effect of Electronic Word of Mouth, Trust, Perceived Risk, and Site Quality on Transactions using E-Commerce Tunjung Candra Ervia Danis; Budi Istiyanto; Elia Ardyana
International Conferences SDGs 2030 Challenges and Solutions Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : International Conferences SDGs 2030 Challenges and Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (840.108 KB)


This study examines the effect of electronic word of mouth, trust, risk perception, and site quality on transactions using e-commerce. The sampling technique using proportional random sampling method with the sample amount of 100 people. Data analysis techniques used to answer the hypothesis is multiple regression using SPSS 16.00 for Windows. The result of research shows that there is a significant positive effect of electronic word of mouth on the interest of transactions using e-commerce, there is a significant positive effect of trust on the interest of transact using e-commerce, there is a significant negative effect of risk perception on the interest of transact using e-commerce, Positively significant site quality to transact interest using e-commerce.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pulau Lae-Lae Makassar Sejak Dini: Memotivasi Anak-anak untuk Meraih Mimpi Sukses melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Permainan Elia Ardyan; Carolina Novi Mustikarini; Justin Wijaya; Sinar Dharmayana Putra; Cipta Canggih Perdana
Jurnal Abdidas Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): June, Pages 355-611
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/abdidas.v3i3.606


Pendidikan menjadi bagian penting untuk mempersiapkan masa depan generasi muda. Pendidikan menjadi efektif apabila memiliki kegiatan pembelajaan yang menyenangkan. Salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk murid tingkat sekolah dasar dan sekolah menengah pertama adalah pembelajaran berbasis permainan. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah memberikan motivasi kepada murid tingkat sekolah dasar dan sekolah menengah pertama untuk tetap semangat belajar agar mampu menggapai cita-cita masa depan mereka. Salah satu strategi pembelajaran yang diterapkan adalah memberikan motivasi dengan melakukan pembelajaran berbasis permainan yang fokus pada pencapaian cita-cita dan mimpi mereka. Metode pelaksananaan pengabdian ini adalah dengan tahapan yang meliputi melakukan survei dan pengajuan izin, persiapan pengabdian masyarakat, pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat dan melakukan evaluasi kegiatan. Lokasi kegiatan berada di SD Impres Lae-Lae 1 dan SMPN Negeri 41 SATAP Lae-Lae, Makassar (Kelas 1 sampai dengan kelas VIII).  Fokus pembahasan studi ini adalah kegiatan di kelas I, III, dan IV. Hasil evaluasi berdasarkan dinamika proses pembelajaran melalui pendekatan berbasis permainan menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar murid dapat aktif berkontribusi dalam setiap permainan, yang pada awalnya masih belum berani namun situasi yang menyenangkan membuat para murid termotivasi untuk berani terlibat. Melihat dinamika yang berjalan, kegiatan pembelajaran dapat dikatakan berhasil dan sukses dilaksanakan sesuai tujuan kegiatan.
Tingkat Pendidikan, Literasi Keuangan, dan Perencanaan Keuangan terhadap Perilaku Keuangan UMKM di Surakarta Ari Susanti; . Ismunawan; . Pardi; Elia Ardyan
Telaah Bisnis Vol 18, No 1 (2017): Juli 2017
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen YKPN Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (375.466 KB) | DOI: 10.35917/tb.v18i1.93


Abstract This study aims to determine the level of education, financial literacy, and financial planning in Small and Medium Enterprises in Surakarta and its influence on financial behavior. The sample of research is 115 MSMEs residing in Surakarta. Data analysis using multiple linear analysis. The results showed that the level of education, financial literacy, and financial planning have a positive and significant impact on the financial behavior of MSMEs. Its managerial implica­tions are needed to foster a healthy understanding of financial behavior in MSMEs by attending various training on finance and management of small and medium enterprises.
BBM (Buletin Bisnis & Manajemen) Vol 5, No 2 (2019): Vol. 5 No. 2 Agustus 2019
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi YPPI Rembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (523 KB) | DOI: 10.47686/bbm.v5i2.265


This study aims to analyze the factors that influence Financial Literacy of Business Owners, namelyfinancial literacy, financial planning, Level of Education Against Business Sustainability at RattanUMKM Trangsan Village, Gatak District, Central Java. Data collection techniques researchers doby observing and distributing questionnaires directly by visiting the object of research that is RattanUMKM Owner. Samples in this study amounted to 100 Rattan UMKM Business Actors. Dataprocessing uses SPSS 21. The results of this study indicate that the level of education has nosignificant effect on business continuity while financial literacy variables, financial planning havesignificant influence on business continuity.
MEMAHAMI EKUITAS MEREK PERGURUAN TINGGI: PENELITIAN EMPIRIS PADA STIE SURAKARTA, JAWA TENGAH, INDONESIA Elia Ardyan; Wisnu Sancoyo; Oky Tira Ayuda; Deni Setiadi; Fenti Winda Sari; Atika Ayu Ismawati; Novita Yuniarti; Hafiz Kurniawan; Winata .
Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan Vol. 17 No. 2 (2015): SEPTEMBER 2015
Publisher : Management Study Program, Faculty of Business and Economics, Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (636.658 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jmk.17.2.155-164


Measuring brand equity becomes an important part in the organization, espe­ci­al­ly college. By mea­suring the brand equity, the college would be more understanding about its brand awareness, brand asso­ciation, perceived quality, and brand loyalty. The Research problems were: (1) How were the students’ per­ception about STIE Surakarta brand awareness?(2) How were the effects of brand association and perceived quality on brand loyalty. The samples of this research were 120 students of STIE Surakarta. The analysis used description and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed that (1) the brand of STIE Surakarta occupied 3rd position in the minds of consumers; (2) Brand association had positive but in­sig­ni­ficant effect on loyalty and perceived quality had positive and significant effect on brand loyalty.
Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan Vol. 18 No. 1 (2016): MARCH 2016
Publisher : Management Study Program, Faculty of Business and Economics, Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (522.385 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jmk.18.1.33-44


Research on Samsung’s smartphone consumers in Surakarta, have aimed to (1) Test the influence of brand experience on brand trust; (2) Test brand beliefs on brand loyalty; (3) Test on emotional attachment brand experience; (4) Test emotional attachment on brand trust; (5) Test brand experience on brand loyalty. The sample of this research was obtained from 100 respondents who have purchased a Samsung smartphone with the number of the purchase more than once. Methods of analysis used in this study are Structural Equation Modelling. The results of this research indicate that: (1) Brand experience influenced brand trust positively and significantly; (2) The trust against a brand loyalty affect brand positively and significantly; (3) Brand experience have positive and significant effect on emotional attachment; (4) Emotional attachment affects brand trust positively and significantly; (5) Brand trust have the influence of brand loyalty positively but not significant.
Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan Vol. 20 No. 1 (2018): MARCH 2018
Publisher : Management Study Program, Faculty of Business and Economics, Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (352.951 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jmk.20.1.23-30


Lifestyle, variety seeking, customer trust and pro­motion are some factors that can be a trigger. The sample of respondents used in this study is 385 respondents’ smartphone users who have experience of brand switching, while the analysis of this study using structural equation modelling (SEM) and to process this research data used AMOS version 20. The result indicated that lifestyle and variety seeking is able to increase brand switching, especially on smartphone pro­duct users. Consumer trust in a particular brand still unable to reduce their desire to switch brand significantly, an­other result also indicated that promotion unable to increase the desire to switch brands.
Co-Authors . Ismunawan . Pardi Adindah Novihartina Jafar Aditya M. Kouwagam Kouwagam Alex Maritz Ari Susanti Ari Susanti Ari Susanti Atika Ayu Ismawati Atika Ayu Ismawati, Atika Ayu Barnabas Theodore Pistos Utomo Kaya Budi Istiyanto Budi Istiyanto Budi Carolina Novi Mustikarini Christina Sudyasjayanti Cindy Yoel Tanesia Cindy Yoel Tanesia Cipta Canggih Perdana Cipta Canggih Perdana Daniel Kurniawan Deasy Widya Hayu Deni Setiadi Deni Setiadi, Deni Denny Bernardus Diana Aqmala Dina Martha Hutapea Edelshia Salli Padang Endah Pri Ariningsih Erwin Erwin Erwin Erwin Parega Evelyn Destiana Tanus Fadhil Ali Sani Fadma Sari Felicia Wong Fenti Winda Sari Fenti Winda Sari, Fenti Winda Fintikasari, Indah Fransisca Jovita Amelfdi Ginanjar Rahmawan Ginanjar Rahmawan, Ginanjar Gracia Ongkowijoyo Hafiz Kurniawan Hafiz Kurniawan, Hafiz Hani Sirine Heny Kurnianingsih Heny Kurnianingsih, Heny Hestin Mutmainah, Hestin Ida Ayu Kade R. Kusasih, Ida Ayu Kade R. Indah Fintikasari Indri Wijayanti Ismunawan Ismunawan, Ismunawan Istiatin Johanes Ivan Justin Wijaya Luhgianto Mahesha Al Mubarak Maichal Maichal Manuel Goncalves Michel Vincencia Muchtar Muchtar Murry Harmawan Saputra Murry Harmawan Saputra Murry Harmawan Saputra Natali Ika Widjaya Novika Ayu Triany Novika Ayu Triany Novita Yuniarti Novita Yuniarti, Novita Oky Tira Ayuda Oky Tira Ayuda, Oky Tira Olivia T. Putri, Olivia T. Oscarius Yudhi Ari Wijaya Pardi, . Sayrina Cantika Marselinus Sinar Dharmayana Putra Sinar Dharmayana Putra Sobhan Arisian St Salmah Sharon Stiven Gunawan Tanesia, Cindy Yoel Tony Antonio Tony Antonio Tunjung Candra Ervia Danis Utomo Wibisono Wibisono, Utomo Wijaya, Oscarius Yudhi Ari Winarto Poernomo Winata . Winata ., Winata Winata Winata Winata, Winata Wisnu Sancoyo Wisnu Sancoyo, Wisnu Yuyun K. M. Suade Yuyun Karystin Meilisa Suade Yuyun Karystin Meilisa Suade