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Implementasi Konsep Tanggung Jawab Sosial sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Efektivitas Pengelolaan BUMDes Pradesa, Hafid Aditya; Agustina, Iin
Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan Vol 8, No 2 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/jmdk.v8i2.4768


This study aims to initiate a model for the social responsibility framework of BUMDes. This research has the aim of initiating a model for the social responsibility framework of BUMDes, by considering its institutional structure as a strategic business entity and becoming one of the main pillars for developing the economic potential in rural areas. Considering stakeholders from BUMDes and the social responsibility domain framework based on the Triple Bottom Line concept, the potential impact of BUMDes existence is well recognized and the social responsibility domain for BUMDes is offered in this article. The practice of social responsibility for BUMDes has not become an interesting area or even has an urgency to be studied. Eventhough, BUMDes is the dominant engine of economic growth - creators of value principles and managerial resources - and that BUMDes have an obligation to contribute to the economic growth of rural communities - encourages the need to promote sustainability among stakeholders and increase the sustainability of business that managed by BUMDes
Stakeholder Theory Perspective in the Risk Identification Process in Village Government Aditya Pradesa, Hafid; Agustina, Iin; Imam Taufik, Nur; Mulyadi, Deddy
Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Advantage Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Widya Gama Lumajang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (938.981 KB) | DOI: 10.30741/adv.v5i1.665


The purpose of this article is to explore the idea of ​​the risk identification process in village government from the perspective of stakeholder theory. This article attempts to demonstrate the importance of risk management in village governance by considering what risks can be identified regarding key stakeholders. Stakeholder theory is used as a theoretical basis in exploring the roles and interests of stakeholders related to village governance. Based on the findings drawn from risk identification process, there are nine identified risks from the four main stakeholder categories of village governance. Based on the identification of stakeholders in the village government, it could be proposed that stakeholder management in integrated risk management in the village government can be carried out and increase the effectiveness on risk and stakeholder management and this would prompts further empirical research. Furthermore, future research directions are suggested by enabling the integration of risk management and stakeholders to benefit the management process and outcomes of risk and stakeholders management. There is potential in the effectiveness of risk management in village government through new ways of thinking, analyzing, and then managing risks and integrating them with stakeholders holistically, rather than traditional efforts in each area. In the future, integrating risk management and stakeholders is very challenging, but it can be a new way to improve the performance of village government with the feasibility and benefits that need to be studied further.
Peran Dimensi Motivasi Pelayanan Publik Dalam Meningkatkan Komitmen Afektif Pegawai Iin Agustina; Hafid Aditya Pradesa; Ricky Adi Putranto
JEMAP Vol 4, No 2: Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata, Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24167/jemap.v4i2.3237


Organizational commitment is considered as one of the most important results of public service motivation. There is also an important literature from management studies and organizational behavior that emphasizes affective commitment as the main component of organizational commitment. Based on that, the purpose of this study is to examine the role of the dimensions of public service motivation on employee affective commitment. By using a quantitative approach, the research model was built and tested on 179 research respondents, who were public officer work in the area of Bandung, West Java. Multiple regression analysis is used to analyze the data, with the criteria valid for validity and reliability test. The findings showed that of the four dimensions of public service motivation, it was found that only two significantly affected affective commitment, which were variable commitment to the public interest and variable compassion.
Entrepreneur’s perceived risk and risk-taking behavior in the small-sized creative businesses of tourism sector during COVID-19 pandemic Iin Agustina; Mohd Na’eim Bin Ajis; Hafid Aditya Pradesa
JEMA: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Akuntansi dan Manajemen Vol 18, No 2 (2021): JEMA: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Akuntansi dan Manajemen
Publisher : University of Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31106/jema.v18i2.12563


The small-sized creative business in the tourism sector has been suffering risks of bankruptcy since the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Drawing on the basic theory of reasoned action, this study aims to investigate entrepreneur risk perceptions affect their risk-taking behavior. This study only focuses on the determinants of risk-taking, with regards to the perspective from an entrepreneurial lens in perceiving business, product, and profit risk during the COVID-19 pandemic. A quantitative approach using a structured questionnaire survey was utilized to attain the study objective. The dataset consists of 177 valid responses by the owner of the small-sized creative business of Indonesia’s tourism sector (mainly in handicraft and fashion categories). Correlation analysis and partial least square (PLS) modeling were employed to examine the causal relationship between constructs. Our empirical findings revealed that while entrepreneurs' perceived risk on business and product aspects was the most significant aspect that could affect their risk-taking behavior, entrepreneurs' perceived risk on profit aspects have an insignificant influence on their risk-taking behavior. It implies that the higher the level of business and product insecurity perceptions (as long as it can generate profitability and ensure business sustainability), the higher the level of risk-taking of entrepreneurs.
Analyzing Gender Differences of Entrepreneurial Intention Among Student in Islamic University Malang Nur Hidayati; Afi Rachmat Slamet; Iin Agustina
IJEBD (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Development) Vol 5 No 2 (2022): March 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (266.571 KB) | DOI: 10.29138/ijebd.v5i2.1757


Purpose: Research on entrepreneurial intention has been widely studied before, with the majority of research focusing on factors that drive individual intentions to become entrepreneurs. This study aims to examine and answer research questions about whether there are differences between male and female students in terms of their interest in entrepreneurship. Design/methodology/approach: The unidimensional nature and non-causality in this study are interesting things to further explore the depth of the research phenomenon. The entrepreneurial intention instrument with 7 indicators was developed in this study to capture the perceptions of students in assessing their intention in becoming entrepreneur. A total of 78 students from the faculty of economics and business were the respondents who participated in this study, with 40 males and 38 females. Findings: The results of the study reveal that of the seven indicators that reflect entrepreneurial intention, there are three indicators that show significant differences between male and female students in their interest in entrepreneurship, in which consist of (1) planning for starting a business, (2) feeling of being able to start their own business in the next few years, and (3) serious thinking about starting a business in the future. Research limitations/implications: By knowing about gender differences in perceiving intentions for entrepreneurship, relevant stakeholders can contribute to strengthening entrepreneurial values in students. Practical implications: The research findings draw attention to how this is the basis for how to encourage student interest in the Faculty of Economics and Business, especially in setting entrepreneurship as professional goal that could be chosen by students. University can accommodate it in the form of policies such as the "free campus" curriculum which allows students to explore and dig deeper about their interests and develop the capacity to become entrepreneurs and make it their main profession in the future. Originality/value: This study seeks to reveal how the differences in the entrepreneurial intentions of students studying at Islamic Universities. Paper type: Research Paper
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi Vol 19, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31113/jia.v19i1.859


This study aims to analyze the development of tourism destinations in Kampung Gamis Soreang by studying the socio-material relationships that underlie the development process. This study employed a qualitative approach to answer the research objectives. The data collection techniques were carried out by interviews, field observations and document analysis to answer research questions. The sampling was done by purposive sampling involving the Bandung Regency government and the local community of Kampung Gamis. The analytical framework developed describes the socio-techno-economic interaction of the surrounding actors with Kampung Gamis to obtain possible outcomes. The findings showed that there are at least four main actors in the stakeholder analysis of the tourism destination of Kampung Gamis, Soreang District, Bandung Regency; they are the government, associations or local tourism communities, entrepreneurs, and the local community. There are also some identified potentials in the development of Kampung Gamis as Tourism Destinations and several important obstacles such as lack of experience of business actors in the tourism destination of Kampung Gamis. Finally, pattern of actor and network relations in Kampung Gamis Tourism Destinations development reflects how crucial the development of kampung gamis is. 
Jurnal Manajemen dan Profesional Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Jurnal JPro
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Asia Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32815/jpro.v3i1.1109


Pegawai negeri sipil dihadapkan pada bentuk evaluasi berkala yang menuntut akuntabilitas dalam pekerjaan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana perilaku proaktif dari pegawai yang bekerja di organisasi pemerintahan dapat dijelaskan dengan perspektif teori pertukaran sosial dan keadilan dalam organisasi. Baik persepsi dukungan organisasi maupun keadilan organisasi (dalam bentuk keadilan distributif dan prosedural) diyakini dapat mempengaruhi kinerja proaktif yang dihasilkan oleh pegawai. Model konseptual yang dikembangkan pada penelitian ini kemudian diujikan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan melibatkan sebanyak 72 pegawai negeri sipil yang bekerja di Badan Kepegawaian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia di Kota dan Kabupaten Malang yang menjadi sampel dan berkenan menjadi responden dalam penelitian. Instrumen penelitian kuesioner yang disebarkan secara online, dan peneliti telah melakukan screening data untuk seluruh responden yang telah mengisi lengkapi seluruh pernyataan dalam kuesioner penelitian tersebut. Analisis regresi berganda digunakan dalam penelitian ini, dengan hasil temuan penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa dari ketiga hubungan pengaruh dalam model penelitian, persepsi dukungan organisasi ditemukan tidak mempunyai pengaruh bermakna penting pada perilaku proaktif pegawai. Sementara keadilan distributif ditemukan mempunyai pengaruh yang paling dominan dalam perilaku proaktif pegawai jika dibandingkan dengan keadilan prosedural.
Gender Differences in Risk Taking Among Entrepreneurs : Case on Small Medium Enterprise in Malang: English Iin Agustina; Hafid Aditya Pradesa
Warmadewa Management and Business Journal (WMBJ) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/wmbj.2.2.2020.63-72


Risk taking considered as one important dimension of entreprenurial orientation. This research aims to study gender differences on risk taking among entrepreneur. The overall objective of this research is to highlight the link between gender difference in risk taking when managing small business. Independent Sample T-Test and Confirmatory Factor Analysis was used to explore the phenomenon about whether there is differences in perception among male and female entrepreneur. Descriptive statistic reveals that female entrepreneur scored higher than the male entrepreneur on four of six indicator of risk taking. Eventhough there is no statistical differences in risk taking between male and female entrepreneur is small and the percentage of variance explained is low, there are significant differences in how male and female entrepreneur reflect their risk taking perception found in this study. Overall, these recommendations should help researchers to design and use more relevant risk-taking measures.Conclusions drawn from this study might be useful to better understand the use of risk taking model in entrepreneurial context.
Stakeholder Theory Perspective in the Risk Identification Process in Village Government Hafid Aditya Pradesa; Iin Agustina; Nur Imam Taufik; Deddy Mulyadi
Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Advantage Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Widya Gama Lumajang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30741/adv.v5i1.665


The purpose of this article is to explore the idea of ​​the risk identification process in village government from the perspective of stakeholder theory. This article attempts to demonstrate the importance of risk management in village governance by considering what risks can be identified regarding key stakeholders. Stakeholder theory is used as a theoretical basis in exploring the roles and interests of stakeholders related to village governance. Based on the findings drawn from risk identification process, there are nine identified risks from the four main stakeholder categories of village governance. Based on the identification of stakeholders in the village government, it could be proposed that stakeholder management in integrated risk management in the village government can be carried out and increase the effectiveness on risk and stakeholder management and this would prompts further empirical research. Furthermore, future research directions are suggested by enabling the integration of risk management and stakeholders to benefit the management process and outcomes of risk and stakeholders management. There is potential in the effectiveness of risk management in village government through new ways of thinking, analyzing, and then managing risks and integrating them with stakeholders holistically, rather than traditional efforts in each area. In the future, integrating risk management and stakeholders is very challenging, but it can be a new way to improve the performance of village government with the feasibility and benefits that need to be studied further.
Mengurai Faktor Terpenting Pada Kualitas Pelayanan Pembiayaan Murabahah Pada Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Syariah Hafid Aditya Pradesa; Iin Agustina; Pepi Zulvia
Ekonomi, Keuangan, Investasi dan Syariah (EKUITAS) Vol 4 No 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/ekuitas.v4i2.2419


The quality of service perceived by users has been generally reviewed and researched previously. This study aims to describe the important factors that reflect the quality of service in murabahah financing of a Islamic Rural Bank (BPRS) AM which is operating in Bandung Regency. A total of 140 respondents who are customers of BPRS AM in Bandung Regency are the samples in this study. Two-level confirmatory factor analysis (second order factor analysis) is used to answer the research question posed in this study, namely what are the most important aspects that can be reflected in murabahah services for customers. Factor analysis is used to test the factor weight values of each indicator of the variables observed in the study. The results of data analysis reveal that the quality of murabahah financing services can be well reflected in the aspects of guarantees of trust, responsiveness, price, physical evidence, and reliability provided to murabahah financing customers. In addition, the murabahah service model has a level of validity that can be well confirmed. Findings also reveals that respondents perceive the quality of murabahah services as being in the moderate category. Among five dimensions of murabahah service quality, the aspect of physical evidence was found to be the most important factor in reflecting the quality of murabahah services of BPRS AM operating in Bandung Regency. On the other hand, the respondent's assessment also shows that the aspect of guarantee or trust is the aspect that is rated the highest in murabahah services. In addition to the generally well-confirmed model, the findings of this study are useful as a basis for further exploration of the concept of service quality in Islamic Rural banks.