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Hubungan antara Ekspresi Ki-67 dan Kaspase-3 dengan Respons Kemoterapi Neoajuvan pada Pasien Karsinoma Serviks Stadium IB2 dan IIA2 di Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin, Bandung MAHAYASA, I MADE WIDYALAKSANA; TOBING, MARINGAN DIAPARI LUMBAN; HARSONO, ALI BUDI
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 10, No 2 (2016): April - June 2016
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Cancer

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ABSTRACTCervical carcinoma is the second ranks cancer in women in developing countries. This study was a retrospective cohortstudy of the relationship between the role of Ki-67 expression and caspase-3 on tumor shrinkage response in cervical carcinoma stage IB2 and IIA2. A total of 41 cases have been done NACT with Cisplatin, Vincristine and Bleomycin. All samples showed expression in immunohistochemical staining for Ki-67 and caspase-3. Meanwhile, Pearson correlation analysis found no correlation between the expression levels of Ki-67 and caspase-3 with a diminution oftumor mass (p>0.05). While the correlation between the ratio of Ki-67 expression and caspase-3 with a significant diminution of tumor mass is obtained p 0.042, R-0.319, means that the higher the Ki-67 expression levels compared caspase-3 expression level then the response of the tumor mass size reduction will be better.ABSTRAKKarsinoma serviks merupakan kanker kedua terbanyak pada wanita di negara berkembang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kohort retrospektif yang mempelajari hubungan antara peran ekspresi Ki-67 dan kaspase-3 terhadap respons pengecilan tumor pada karsinoma serviks stadium IB2 dan IIA2. Sebanyak 41 kasus telah dilakukan KTNA dengan Cisplatin, Vincristin, dan Bleomycin (PVB).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan seluruh sampel ekspresi pada pewarnaan imunohistokimia untuk Ki-67 dan kaspase-3. Sedangkan analisis korelasi Pearson tidak didapatkan korelasi antara tingkat ekspresi ki-67 dan kaspase-3 dengan pengecilan massa tumor dan nilai p>0,05. Sedangkan korelasi antara rasio ekspresi Ki-67 dan kaspase-3 dengan pengecilan massa tumor didapatkan bermakna dengan nilai p = 0,042 (p<0,05), R-0,319. Artinya, semakin tinggi proliferasi (tingkat ekspresi Ki-67) dibandingkan dengan apoptosis (tingkat ekspresi kaspase-3) maka respons pengecilan tumor akan semakin baik pada karsinoma serviks stadium IB2 dan IIA2
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 21 No. 4 (2014): December 2014
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1416.842 KB) | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.21.4.173


Akt is a protein that is associated with cell proliferation and is expressed at high levels in cancer cells. Some research indicates it may play a role in increasing the resistance of cancer cells to chemotherapy treatment. P53 is a tumor suppressor protein that influences the cell cycle and apoptosis. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the expression of Akt and p53 in cancerous tissue before chemoradiation treatment, and the clinical response to treatment of cervical cancer patients. Twenty microscopic tissue samples were taken from cervical cancer biopsies obtained from patients before cancer treatment. The tissue samples were stained with p53 and Akt antibodies via immunohistochemistry technique, to measure expression of both proteins. After completion of chemoradiotherapy, patients’ clinical response to treatment was determined using the pelvic control method. Our results revealed no correlation between expression of Akt and p53 index (P = 0.74) as well as between p53 Index and chemoradiotherapy clinical response (P=0.29). There was significant correlation between expression of Akt and cervical cancer chemoradiotherapy response (P = 0.03). There was no correlation found between p53 index and chemoradiotherapy clinical response (P = 0.29). High expression of Akt may related with high cell proliferation and resistance to chemoradiotherapy.
KORELASI ANTARA MIB-1, AgNOR DAN APOPTOSIS CASPASE-3 DENGAN RESPONS KEMORADIOTERAPI PADA KANKER SERVIK Iin Kurnia; Budiningsih Siregar; Setiawan Soetopo; Irwan Ramli; Tjahya Kurjana; Andriono .; Maringan DL Tobing; Bethy Suryawathi; Devita Tetriana
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology) Vol 14, No 1 (2013): Februari 2013
Publisher : BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17146/jstni.2013.14.1.692


Salah satu cara pengobatankanker servik adalah dengan kemoradioterapi melalui pemberian radioterapi dan kemoterapisecara bersamaan pada kanker servik stadium lanjut lokal. Respons kemoradioterapidipengaruhi oleh faktor biologis yaitu kinetika sel yang terdiri dari proliferasi dan kematian sel.Pada penelitian ini dipelajari korelasi antara biomarker proliferasi sel kanker, yaitu AgNOR, MIB-1, dan ekspresi apoptosis jalur caspase-3 dengan respons kemoradioterapi pada kanker servik.Dua puluh satu sediaan mikroskopik jaringan kanker servik yang diambil dari biopsi pasiensebelum menerima tindakan kemoradioterapi diberi pewarnaan AgNOR, sedangkan deteksiMIB-1 dan apoptosis caspase-3 dilakukan dengan teknik immunohistokimia. Setelah selesaimenerima kemoradioterapi dilakukan pengamatan respons klinik dengan cara pelvic control.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebelum kemoradioterapi tidak ditemukan korelasi nilaiAgNOR, MIB-1 dengan apoptosis (p>0,05). Proliferasi sel yang diamati dengan AgNOR danMIB-1 sebelum kemoradioterapi tidak menunjukkan adanya korelasi dengan respons jaringankanker setelah kemoradioterapi, namun ekspresi apoptosis menunjukkan korelasi positifdengan respons kemoradioterapi. Indeks apoptosis caspase-3 yang diperoleh dapat dijadikanbahan pertimbangan pada penjadwalan kemoradioterapi kanker servik.
Deteksi Sel Rogue Pada Sel Limfosit Darah Tepi Pasien Kanker Serviks Pra dan Paska Kemoradioterapi Dwi Ramadhani; Setiawan Soetopo; Tjahya Kurjana; Bethy S Hernowo; Maringan DL Tobing; Devita Tetriana; Viria Agesti Suvifan; Sofiati Purnami; Yanti Lusiyanti
Jurnal Keselamatan Radiasi dan Lingkungan Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Juni 2016
Publisher : Pusat Teknologi Keselamatan dan Metrologi Radisasi - BATAN

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Proses penentuan nilai dosis radiasi pengion berdasarkan indikator biologis atau biodosimetri umumnya dilakukan berdasarkan analisis kromosom disentrik. Proses biodosimetri berdasarkan analisis kromosom disentrik yang tidak boleh melibatkan kromosom disentrik dalam sel rogue karena nilai dosis yang diperoleh lebih tinggi dari nilai sebenarnya. Sel rogue adalah sel dalam tahap metafase yang berasal dari kultur sel limfosit darah tepi dan memiliki jumlah aberasi kromosom sangat tinggi meskipun sampel darah tidak terpapar oleh radiasi pengion. Hingga kini belum diketahui secara pasti penyebab timbulnya sel rogue dalam sel limfosit darah tepi. Terdapat Didugaan bahwa infeksi virus atau bakteri penyebab terbentuknya sel rogue. Dugaan lainnya menyatakan bahwa paparan radiasi dengan Linear Energy Transfer (LET) tinggi adalah penyebab timbulnya sel rogue. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendeteksi keberadaan sel rogue pada pasien kanker serviks sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan proses kemoradioterapi. Prediksi nilai dosis radioterapi dilakukan berdasarkan jumlah kromosom disentrik dengan atau tanpa melibatkan kromosom disentrik dalam sel rogue. Sebanyak 20 ml sampel limfosit darah tepi dari lima pasien kanker serviks paska radioterapi dikultur, dibuat preparatnya dan diamati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya satu sel rogue pada salah satu pasien kanker serviks paska kemoradioterap. yang diakibatkan oleh paparan radiasi. Prediksi dosis menunjukkan bahwa nilai prediksi dosis dengan melibatkan kromosom disentrik dalam sel rogue menyebabkan nilai dosis yang diperoleh lebih tinggi dari nilai sebenarnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa paparan radiasi pengion dapat mengakibatkan terbentuknya sel rogue pada individu dengan tingkat radiosensitivitas tinggi. Dengan demikian proses biodosimetri berdasarkan analisis kromosom disentrik tidak dapat dilakukan dengan melibatkan kromosom disentrik dalam sel rogue. The process of determining the ionizing radiation dose based on biological indicator or biodosimetry is generally carried out using the analysis of dicentric chromosome. Biodosimetry process based on the analysis of dicentric chromosome should not involving the dicentric in a rogue cell that may cause the radiation prediction doses value more higher than the true doses value. Rogue cells is cells in metaphase derived from the peripheral blood lymphocytes culture and contain a high number of chromosome aberration even though the blood sample were not exposed to ionizing radiation. Until now it was not clear what factor that can induce the rogue cells in peripheral blood lymphocytes. There was suggestion that infection of virus or bacteria and radiation exposure of high linear energy transfer (LET) can induce rogue cells. Aim of this research was to detect the presence of rogue cells in cervical cancer patients before and after radio chemotherapy process. The prediction of radiotherapy doses was carried out with and without involving the dicentric chromosomes in the rogue cells. Twenty milliliter of blood samples from five cervical cancer patients obtained before and after radiotherapy was cultured, harvested and analyzed. The experimental result showed that there was a presence of one rogue cell in one cervical cancer patient after radio chemotherapy process. A radiotherapy prediction doses showed that predictive dose value dose involving dicentric chromosomes in rogue cell was higher compared to the real radiation dose value. Based on the research result it can be concluded that exposure to ionizing radiation can induced the presence of the rogue cells in high radiosensitivity person. It means that in the biodosimetry process based on the analysis of dicentric chromosome should not involve the dicentric chromosome in the rogue cell.
Pendeteksian Ekspresi Biomarker ERK Secara Semi Kuantitatif dan Kuantitatif Pada Kanker Serviks Sebelum Respon Kemoradioterapi Teja Kisnanto; Rina Tri Wardani; Budiningsih Siregar; Mellova Amir; Setiawan Soetopo; Irwan Ramli; Tjahya Kurjana; Andrijono Andrijono; Bethy S Hernowo; Maringan DL Tobing; Devita Tetriana
Jurnal Keselamatan Radiasi dan Lingkungan Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Juni 2016
Publisher : Pusat Teknologi Keselamatan dan Metrologi Radisasi - BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (371.099 KB)


Kanker servik merupakan penyakit kanker yang umum dijumpai pada wanita yang disebabkan oleh virus HPV (Human Papilova Virus). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan ekspresi protein MNK (Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase) pada penderita kanker serviks sebelum tindakan pengobatan terhadap respon kemoradioterapi. Sampel uji yang digunakan adalah sediaan mikroskopis hasil biopsi jaringan kanker dari penderita kanker serviks stadium lanjut (IIB-IIIB) sebanyak 20 sampel. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode imunohistokimia dengan menggunakan biomarker MNK pada biopsi jaringan kanker serviks. Ekspresi protein MNK yang positif ditandai dengan warna coklat tua yang terdapat pada inti sel. Respon kemoradioterapi diperoleh dari RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta dan RS Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai IRS (Imuno Reaktif Score) protein MNK pada grup respon kemoradioterapi baik lebih tinggi dibandingkan grup respon kemoradioterapi buruk dan tidak ditemukan adanya hubungan IRS protein MNK dengan respon kemoradioterapi. Sedangkan hubungan ekspresi MNK terhadap respon kemoradioterapi menunjukkan adanya korelasi perbedaan grup respon kemoradioterapi antara ekspresi protein MNK negatif dan ekspresi protein MNK positifCervical cancer is a cancer that common in women caused by HPV (Human Papilova Virus). The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship MNK protein expression (Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase) in patients with cervical cancer before chemoradiotherapy treatment. Sample used was the preparation of microscopic cancer tissue biopsies from patients with advanced cervical cancer (IIB-IIIB) is 20 samples. The method used is immunohistochemistry using MNK biomarkers in cervical cancer tissue biopsies. MNK positive protein expression marked with dark brown color that is contained in the cell nucleus. Chemoradiotherapy response obtained from RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo and Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung. The results show the value of the IRS (Immuno Reactive Score) MNK protein in response to chemoradiotherapy group either higher than the response to chemoradiotherapy group was bad and did not find any relationship IRS MNK protein with chemoradiotherapy response. While the relationship MNK expression responses show a correlation chemoradiotherapy group differences in chemoradiotherapy response between MNK expression negative and MNK expression positive.
Pendeteksian Ekspresi Biomarker MNK Secara Semi Kuantitatif dan Kuantitatif Pada Kanker Serviks Sebelum Respon Kemoradioterapi Teja Kisnanto; Rina Tri Wardani; Budiningsih Siregar; Mellova Amir; Setiawan Soetopo; Irwan Ramli; Tjahya Kurjana; A Andrijono; Bethy S Hernowo; Maringan DL Tobing; Devita Tetriana
Jurnal Keselamatan Radiasi dan Lingkungan Vol 1, No 2 (2016): Desember 2016
Publisher : Pusat Teknologi Keselamatan dan Metrologi Radisasi - BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (305.883 KB)


Kanker servik merupakan penyakit kanker yang umum dijumpai pada wanita yang disebabkan oleh virus HPV (Human Papilova Virus). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan ekspresi protein MNK (Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase) pada penderita kanker serviks sebelum tindakan pengobatan terhadap respon kemoradioterapi. Sampel uji yang digunakan adalah sediaan mikroskopis hasil biopsi jaringan kanker dari penderita kanker serviks stadium lanjut (IIB-IIIB) sebanyak 20 sampel. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode imunohistokimia dengan menggunakan biomarker MNK pada biopsi jaringan kanker serviks. Ekspresi protein MNK yang positif ditandai dengan warna coklat tua yang terdapat pada inti sel. Respon kemoradioterapi diperoleh dari RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta dan RS Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai IRS (Imuno Reaktif Score) protein MNK pada grup respon kemoradioterapi baik lebih tinggi dibandingkan grup respon kemoradioterapi buruk dan tidak ditemukan adanya hubungan IRS protein MNK dengan respon kemoradioterapi. Sedangkan hubungan ekspresi MNK terhadap respon kemoradioterapi menunjukkan adanya korelasi perbedaan grup respon kemoradioterapi antara ekspresi protein MNK negatif dan ekspresi protein MNK positif. Cervical cancer is a cancer that common in women caused by HPV (Human Papilova Virus). The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship MNK protein expression (Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase) in patients with cervical cancer before chemoradiotherapy treatment. Sample used was the preparation of microscopic cancer tissue biopsies from patients with advanced cervical cancer (IIB-IIIB) is 20 samples. The method used is immunohistochemistry using MNK biomarkers in cervical cancer tissue biopsies. MNK positive protein expression marked with dark brown color that is contained in the cell nucleus. Chemoradiotherapy response obtained from RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo and Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung. The results show the value of the IRS (Immuno Reactive Score) MNK protein in response to chemoradiotherapy group either higher than the response to chemoradiotherapy group was bad and did not find any relationship IRS MNK protein with chemoradiotherapy response. While the relationship MNK expression responses show a correlation chemoradiotherapy group differences in chemoradiotherapy response between MNK expression negative and MNK expression positive.
Multiple human papilloma virus infections predominant in squamous cell cervical carcinoma in Bandung Edhyana Sahiratmadja; Maringan D.L Tobing; Birgitta M Dewayani; Bethy S Hernowo; Herman Susanto
Universa Medicina Vol. 33 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18051/UnivMed.2014.v33.58-64


BACKGROUND Persistent infection of high risk genotypes of human papilloma virus (hrHPV) has been established as the etiological cause for cervical cancer, and the most prevalent genotypes that infect the cervical tissue are HPV-16 and HPV-18. However, HPV genotype profile has been shown to differ according to geographical distribution across the globe. The present study aimed to determine the HPV genotype distribution in cervical cancer patients from Bandung, Indonesia. METHODS During the period of July – November 2010 viral DNA was extracted from randomly chosen cervical cancer biopsies and subjected to genotype determination using the diagnostic linear array genotyping test (Roche). The distribution of HPV genotypes was explored and the prevalence of HPV genotypes was mapped. RESULTS Of 96 cervical cancer tissue samples, 76 (79.2%) were histopathologically classified as squamous cell cervical carcinoma. Due to the high cost of HPV genotyping tests, only twenty-five samples were randomly genotyped. Almost 90% of the cervical cancer patients were multiply infected with HPV-16 in combination with HPV-18, HPV-45, or HPV-52. The HPV-16 genotype had the highest prevalence, all samples being infected with HPV-16. CONCLUSION The cervical cancer cases were predominantly infected by multiple hrHPVs with HPV-16 as the major genotype among other hrHPVs, supporting the carcinogenic role of this hrHPV. Therefore, screening for hrHPVs in the general population is urgently needed as a means of early detection of cervical cancer.
Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Sikap Terhadap Perilaku Keikutsertaan Deteksi Dini Kanker Serviks pada Paramedis Perempuan Johanna Sharon Carolina; Maringan Diapari Lumban Tobing; Raden Mas Sonny Sasotya; Zahrotur Rusyda Hinduan
Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Volume 4 Nomor 1 Maret 2021
Publisher : Dep/SMF Obstetri & Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/obgynia/v4n1.264


Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap paramedis terhadap perilaku partisipatif dalam deteksi dini kanker serviks.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Observasional Analitik dengan rancangan potong lintang. Data yang digunakan merupakan data primer yang berasal dari hasil wawancara dan kuesioner tervalidasi. Jumlah minimal sampel adalah 206.Hasil: Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 220 wanita dengan tingkat pengetahuan pap smear 75,5% dan tes IVA 85,0%. Untuk responden yang melakukan pap smear 6,4%, dan tes IVA 16,8%. Hasil didapatkan tidak ada hubungan antara variabel tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap perilaku partisipatif dalam deteksi dini kanker serviks pada paramedis wanita (P>0,05).Diskusi: Menurut teori IBM, perilaku yang terjadi dipengaruhi oleh lima faktor, yaitu pengetahuan dan keterampilan, kecenderungan berperilaku, minat berperilaku, kendala lingkungan, dan kebiasaan berperilaku. Penelitian ini memberikan pengaruh pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap perilaku paramedis.Kesimpulan: Tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap paramedik perempuan tidak berpengaruh terhadap keikutsertaan tes IVA dan Pap smear.Toward Participation Behavior in Early Detection of Cervical Cancer on Women ParamedicAbstract Objective: This study aims to analyze the relationship between the level of knowledge and attitudes of paramedics on participatory behavior in early detection of cervical cancer.Method: This research is an Analytical Observational Research with a cross-sectional design. The data used are primary data derived from validated interviews and questionnaires. The minimum sample size is 206.Result: This study was conducted on 220 women with a Pap smear level of knowledge of 75.5% and an IVA test of 85.0%. For respondents who did pap smears were 6.4%, and IVA tests were 16.8%. The results showed no relationship between the variable level of knowledge and attitudes towards participatory behavior in early detection of cervical cancer in female paramedics (P> 0.05).Discussion: According to IBM theory, a behavior that occurs is influenced by the following five factors, knowledge and skills, the tendency to behave, the interest to behave, environmental constraints, and habits to behave. This study analyzes the effect of knowledge and attitudes on paramedical behavior.Conclusion: The level of knowledge and attitudes of women paramedics did not affect the participation of IVA tests and Pap smears.Key word: Knowledge, attitudes, behavior, early detection of cervical cancer
Perbandingan Kadar Testosteron dan Lemak Viseral Pasien Sindrom Ovarium Polikistik di Poliklinik Aster RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung Sebelum dan Setelah Pemberian Terapi Metformin Imelda Rosmaida Siagian; Mulyanusa Amarullah Ritonga; Maringan D.L. Tobing; M. Rizkar Arev Sukarsa
Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Volume 4 Nomor 1 Maret 2021
Publisher : Dep/SMF Obstetri & Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/obgynia/v4n1.205


Tujuan: Terdapat 50-70% kasus sindrom ovarium polikistik yang berkaitan dengan adanya resistensi insulin. Peran agen sensitisasi insulin seperti metformin diharapkan dapat memperbaiki kondisi lemak dan testosteron bebas yang tinggi sehingga memperbaiki gejala klinis pasien dengan sindrom ovarium polikistik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perbedaan indeks androgen bebas (sebagai representasi kadar testosteron) dan lemak viseral pasien sindrom ovarium polikistik sebelum dan sesudah diberi pengobatan metformin. Metode: Populasi penelitian didapatkan dari data penelitian DLBS (Dexa Laboratories of Biomolecular Sciences) 3233 yaitu 29 kasus wanita sindrom ovarium polikistik yang datang untuk berobat di Klinik Aster RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung periode Januari 2013 - Desember 2017, dengan menggunakan metode experimental design dengan pendekatan one group pretest-posttest design. Pengambilan sampel penelitian dilakukan secara purposing sampling yang diambil secara retrospektif pada data sekunder yang terdapat dalam rekam medik. Hasil: Didapatkan rata-rata indeks androgen bebas sebelum pemberian terapi metformin 2.67 ± 0.43 dan sesudah pemberian terapi 1.88 ± 0.37. Rata-rata kadar lemak visceral sebelum pemberian terapi metformin 10.27±2.589% dan sesudah pemberian terapi 8.00±1.488%. Kesimpulan: Sehingga disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan signifikan kadar indeks androgen bebas (p:0.008) dan lemak visceral (p:0,0001) pada pasien sindrom ovarium polikistik sebelum dan sesudah pemberian terapi metformin.Comparasion of free Androgen Index and Viseral Fat in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Patients in Aster Polyclinic Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung Before and After Giving Metformin TherapyAbstractObjective: There are 50-70% of cases of polycystic ovary syndrome associated with insulin resistance. The role of insulin sensitizing agents such as metformin is expected to improve the condition of high fat and free testosteron, thereby improving the clinical symptoms of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. This study aims to determine differences in free androgen index (represent the value of free testosteron) and visceral fat levels of polycystic ovary syndrome patients before and after being given metformin treatment. Method: The study population was obtained from DLBS (Dexa Laboratories of Biomolecular Sciences) 3233 research data, namely 29 cases of polycystic ovary syndrome women who came for treatment at the Aster Clinic Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung from January 2013 - December 2017, using the experimental design method with the one group pretest-posttest design approach. Sampling was done by purposing sampling taken retrospectively on secondary data contained in the medical record. Result: The average free androgen index levels were obtained before the administration of metformin therapy 2.67 ± 0.43 and after the administration of therapy 1.88 ± 0.37 Average visceral fat levels before administration of metformin therapy 10.27 ± 2.589% and after administration of 8.00 ± 1,488%. Conclusion : It was concluded that there were significant differences in free androgen index (p: 0.008) and visceral fat (p: 0.0001) in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome before and after metformin therapy.Key word: Polycystic ovary syndrome, free androgen index, viseral fat, metformin
Karakteristik Pasien Tumor Trofoblas Gestasional Risiko Rendah dengan Kemoresitensi terhadap Metotreksat yang Dirawat di RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung Periode 2011−2015 Ronald Jackson Sinaga; Maringan D. L. Tobing; Ali Budi Harsono
Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Volume 1 Nomor 2 September 2018
Publisher : Dep/SMF Obstetri & Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1525.855 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/obgynia.v1n2.47


AbstrakTujuan: Penelitian ini akan mendeskripsikan karakteristik pasien TTG risiko rendah yang resisten terhadap metotreksat di Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung selama periode 2011-2015.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif retrospektif, berlokasi di Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi dan Instalasi Rekam Medis Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung dari bulan April sampai Mei 2017.Hasil: Selama periode penelitian didapatkan 46 kasus TTG risiko rendah yang resisten terhadap metotreksat. Jumlah kejadian terbanyak pada rentang usia 31-35 tahun (45,6%), 36,9% dengan paritas 2, 69,6% dengan gejala klinis perdarahan vagina abnormal, 91,3% dengan kehamilan sebelumnya mola hidatidosa, 52,5% kasus memiliki interval antara kehamilan dengan diagnosis TTG ≤ 4 bulan, 60,9% kasus kadar β-hCG awal > 100.000 mIU/ml. Sebanyak 28,3% kasus bermetastasis, 76,9% di paru-paru dan 23% di otak. Sebagian besar kasus TTG ditemukan pada stadium I (65,2%) pada tahap II, III dan IV adalah 10,9%, 15,2% dan 8,7%.Diskusi: Resistensi terhadap metotreksat pada kasus TTG risiko rendah kebanyakan terjadi pada pasien berusia 31-35 tahun, paritas 2, gejala klinis perdarahan vagina abnormal, kehamilan sebelumnya mola hidatidosa, interval antara kehamilan sebelumnya dengan saat didiagnosis TTG ≤4 bulan, β-hCG awal >100.000 mIU/ml, dan paling banyak ditemukan pada stadium I.Characteristic of Low Risk Gestational Thropoblastic Neoplasia Patien with Chemoresistance to Methotrexate at Dr.  Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung in 2011−2015Abstract Objecttive:  This research will describe the characteristics of patients with low risk GTN with chemoresistancy to methotrexate at Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung during the period 2011-2015.Method: This research was a descriptive retrospective study located at Obstetrics and Gynecology Department and Medical Record Installation of Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung from April to May 2017.Results: During research period that was 46 low risk GTN cases with chemoresistancy to methotrexate. Number of incident mostly in 31−35 years (45,6%), 36,9% with parity 2, 69,6% with clinical symptom of abnormal vaginal bleeding, 91,3% with previous pregnancy hydadityform mole, 52,5% had interval between pregnancy with GTN diagnose was ≤4 months, 60,9% with intial β-hCG >100.000 mIU/ml, 28,3% case metastasized, 76,9% in lung and 23% in brain. Most of the GTN cases found in stage I ( 65,2%), in stage II, III and IV was 10,9%, 15,2% and 8,7%. Discussion: Chemoresistancy to methotrexate in low risk GTN mostly occur in 31-35 years of age, parity 2, mostly clinical symptom of abnormal vaginal bleeding, hidatydiform mole previous pregnancy, interval between pregnancy was ≤ 4 months, intial β-hCG >100.000 mIU/ml, and mostly found in first stage.Key words: Low risk gestational thropoblastic neoplasiac, hemoresistant