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KNOWLEDGE OF MIDWIVES ON IUD COUNSELING Ferina, Ferina; Purwara, Benny Hasan; Setiawati, Elsa Pudji; Susiarno, Hadi; Abdurrahman, Muniroh; Sukandar, Hadyana
The Southeast Asian Journal of Midwifery Vol 5 No 1 (2019): The Southeast Asian Journal of Midwifery
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Kebidanan Indonesia

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The evaluation of IUD contraceptive services is still lack of quality until now. Many IUD  acceptors choose to stop use contraception because they don't accept side effects such as bleeding, and fear of interfering with sexual intercourse. Adequate information from professional health personnel, in the form of counseling, is a very important step in helping women choose the best contraceptive method and according to their needs. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between education level and work period of midwives to the knowledge of midwives about IUD counseling. The research method uses a quantitative approach with a crossectional design. The number of respondents was 124 midwives Public Health Center in Bandung. The sampling technique uses consecutive sampling. Measurement of IUD counseling knowledge using a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability using the Rasch Model with alpha chron-bach 0.87 (Good). Data were analyzed using SPSS 20 chi-square. The results of the study found that almost all of the 96% of respondents were lack of knowledge about counseling IUDs. The chi-square analysis results did not have a significant relationship between the level of education and knowledge of IUD counseling p = 0.548 (> 0.05). There is no significant relationship between the period of work with knowledge of IUD counseling p = 0.081 (> 0.05). Communication and counseling have been included in the Midwifery Diploma III education curriculum, but the level of education does not have a significant relationship to the knowledge of midwives about IUD counseling. This shows that the learning process in educational institutions has not been able to produce midwives who have knowledge of IUD counseling as expected.
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung Vol 46, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran

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Prolapsus organ panggul (POP) merupakan kondisi yang umum pada perempuan usia lanjut. Keluhannya bersifat prolapsus organ panggul (POP) merupakan kondisi umum bersifat progresif pada perempuan usia lanjut. Saat ini belum ada laporan mengenai hubungan antara komponen faktor risiko dan anatomi. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor risiko klinis POP serta pengaruhnya pada komponen anatomi penentu tahapan klinis kelainan tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan di Departemen Obstetri dan Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Unpad/Rumah Sakit Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung periode Desember 2009?Mei 2010. Limapuluh dua pasien POP dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu 30 subjek POP tingkat III dan 22 POP tingkat I-II. POP berasosiasi signifikan dengan usia, paritas, menopause, serta TSH. Usia ?50 tahun (OR=0,08; 95% IK=0,018-0,333 versus <50 tahun), paritas ?3 (OR=5,56; 95% IK=0,02-0,55 versus paritas <3), dan status menopause (OR=5,14; 95% IK=1,18-22,49 versus tidak menopause). Korelasi positif signifikan panjang hiatus genitalis (HG) dengan usia (r=0,656) dan paritas (r=0,539). Ukuran perineal body (PB) korelasi negatif signifikan dengan usia (r= -0,298) dan paritas (r=-0,335). Kelompok menopause menunjukkan peningkatan panjang HG dan penurunan ukuran PB yang signifikan. Panjang PB meningkat signifikan pada kelompok yang menerima TSH. Hubungan yang signifikan antara panjang total vagina (PTV) dan faktor-faktor risiko hanya menemukan pemendekan PTV signifikan pada usia >50 tahun. Simpulan, usia, paritas, dan menopause merupakan faktor risiko kemungkinan POP serta mempunyai korelasi dengan panjang GH dan PB dan progresivitas POP. [MKB. 2014;46(1):57?60]Kata kunci: Hiatus genitalis, panjang total vagina, perineal body, prolapsus organ panggulRisk Factors for Patients with Pelvic Organ Prolapse on Hiatus Genitalis, Total Vaginal Length, and Perineal BodyPelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a common and progressive condition in elderly women. Currently, there are no report regarding the relationship between risk factor and anatomical components. This research was to identify risk factors and its influence on the POP clinical anatomy component determining clinical stages of this disorder. The study was conducted at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran/Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung during the period of December 2009?May 2010. Fifty-two POP patients were participated, 30 subjects were in grade III and 22 subjects were in grade I?II. Found a significant association between age, parity, menopause, and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and the incidence POP. Age >50 years (OR=0.08, 95% CI=0.018 to 0.333 versus <50 years), parity >3 (OR=5.56, 95% C1=0.02 to 0.55 versus parity <3), and menopausal status (OR=5.14, 95% CI=1.18 to 22.59 versus not menopausal). Long hiatus genetalis (HG) had a significant positive correlation to age (r=0.656), while HG had a significant positive correlation to parity (r=0.539). Size of the perineal body (PB) showed a significant negative correlation with age (r=-0.298) and parity (r=-0.335). Menopausal group showed significant increase in HG length and decrease in size of the PB compared to the premenopausal group. The PB length increased significantly in those receiving HRT (p=0.018). Significant relationship between total length of the vagina (PTV) and the risk factors was only found in the form of significant shortening of PTV at aged >50 years. In conclusion, age, parity, and menopause are risk factors for POP probability and has a correlation with HG length, PB and progression of POP. [MKB. 2014;46(1):57?60]Key words: Genital hiatus, pelvic organ prolapse, perinael body, total vaginal length DOI: 10.15395/mkb.v46n1.229
Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Putri di Pondok Pesantren Sidoarjo Jawa Timur Nisa Mairo, Queen Khoirun; Rahayuningsih, Sri Endah; Purwara, Benny Hasan
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung Vol 47, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran

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terkait kesehatan reproduksinya. Remaja lebih banyak menghabiskan waktunya di sekolah. Pondok pesantren merupakan model pendidikan yang bercirikan asrama dengan pola interaksi 24 jam dengan teman sebaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis faktor yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan reproduksi remaja putri di pondok pesantren. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 100 remaja putri Pondok Pesantren Darul Falah Pusat pada kurun waktu September−Oktober 2012 dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang telah teruji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Variabel pengetahuan, sikap, komunikasi orangtua, komunikasi guru, komunikasi teman sebaya, dan sumber informasi sebagai independen, sedangkan kesehatan reproduksi sebagai dependen. Data dianalisis secara univariabel, bivariabel, dan multivariabel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan remaja yang bermasalah dalam kesehatan reproduksi sebanyak 68%. Kesehatan reproduksi remaja terdapat hubungan bermakna dengan faktor pengetahuan  (p=0,022),  sikap (p=0,002) dan komunikasi teman sebaya (p<0,001), tetapi tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna terhadap kesehatan reproduksi remaja pada komunikasi orangtua (p=0,655), komunikasi guru (p=0,833), dan sumber informasi (p=0,532). Faktor yang paling berhubungan dengan kesehatan reproduksi remaja putri di pondok pesantren adalah komunikasi teman sebaya (p=0,001). Simpulan, masalah kesehatan reproduksi di pondok pesantren masih tinggi dengan pengetahuan mengenai kesehatan reproduksi masih rendah, sikap terhadap kesehatan reproduksi kurang, dan faktor yang paling berhubungan adalah komunikasi teman sebaya. [MKB. 2015;47(2):77–83]Kata kunci: Kesehatan reproduksi remaja, lingkungan, pengetahuan, pondok pesantren, sikapReproductive Health of Adolescent Girls in Islamic Boarding School Sidoarjo East JavaAbstractReproductive organ maturation process in adolescence is often prone to health issues. Adolescents spend more time in school, especially when they study in an islamic boarding school. Islamic boarding school is an educational model which is characterized by a dorm with 24 hour interaction pattern among peers. This study aimed  to analyze factors associated with adolescent reproductive health in Islamic boarding school female students. This study was conducted on 100 adolescent girls in Darul Falah Center Islamic boarding school during September to October 2012 using questionnaires with proven validity and reliability. Knowledge, attitudes, parent communication, teacher communication, peer communication, source of information were used as the independent variables and reproductive health was used as the dependent variable. All variables were analyzed ini univariabel, bivariable, and multivariable manners. The results of this study show that 68% adolescents had reproductive health problems. There was a significant relationship between knowledge (p=0.022), attitude (p=0.002) and peers communication (p<0.001) factors and  adolescent reproductive health withno significant relationship discovered between the reproductive health of adolescents and parent communication (p=0.655), teacher communication (p=0.833), and sources of information (p=0.532). The most influencing factor associated with reproductive health in adolescent girls Islamic boarding school was peer communications (p=0.001). In conclusions, reproductive health problem in Islamic boarding school remains high with inadequate knowledge of reproductive health and  low attitude towards reproductive health with peer communication as the most influencing factor. [MKB. 2015;47(2):77–83]Key words: Adolescent reproductive health, attitudes, environment knowledge, Islamic boarding school DOI: 10.15395/mkb.v47n2.457
Perbedaan Pendidikan Kelompok Sebaya tentang Pendewasaan Usia Perkawinan di Perkotaan dan Perdesaan Willa Follona; Ardini S. Raksanagara; Benny Hasan Purwara
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional Vol 9 No. 2 November 2014
Publisher : Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (716.11 KB) | DOI: 10.21109/kesmas.v9i2.518


Remaja berisiko terhadap pernikahan usia dini namun informasi tentang pendewasaan usia perkawinan masih kurang. Pendidikan kelompok sebaya merupakan metode pendidikan kesehatan yang sesuai untuk remaja, namun belum terlaksana di lingkungan masyarakat baik perkotaan maupun perdesaan. Selain itu, belum terfokus pada pendewasaan usia perkawinan, sehingga perlu diketahui perbedaan pengetahuan dan sikap tentang pendewasaan usia perkawinan setelah pendidikan kelompok sebaya pada remaja di perkotaan dan perdesaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perbedaan pendidikan kelompok sebaya tentang pengetahuan dan sikap mengenai pendewasaan usia perkawinan antara remaja di wilayah perkotaan dan perdesaan. Penelitian ini merupakan eksperimen semu dengan desain pretest-posttest pada 60 remaja yang dipilih secara acak sederhana di Desa Cileungsi (perkotaan) dan Desa Mampir (perdesaan) Kecamatan Cileungsi pada bulan Maret 2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan kelompok sebaya dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap remaja perkotaan serta perdesaan dengan p < 0,001. Namun tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada peningkatan pengetahuan maupun sikap dengan p > 0,05. Pendidikan kelompok sebaya dapat dilaksanakan di berbagai wilayah sehingga diperlukan dukungan berbagai pihak untuk pelatihan pendidik sebaya bagi remaja dan pengembangan di lingkungan masyarakat. The Difference of Peer Education about Maturation Age of Marriage in Urban and Rural Areas Adolescents are at risk of having early marriage, but they still lack of information about maturation age of marriage. Peer education is a suitable method to provide adolescents with health education. However, health education given to adolescents both in urban society and rural society has never used this method, and has not been focused on maturation age of marriage. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the difference between knowledge and attitude of urban adolescents and those of rural adolescents about maturation age of marriage after peer education method is used. This study was aimed to analyze the difference impacts of peer education on maturation age of marriage among urban and rural adolescents. This is a quasi experimental study using pre-test and post-test design on 60 adolescents who are selected using a simple random sampling, from Cileungsi Village (urban area) and Mampir Village (rural area) in Cileungsi Sub-district in March 2014. The results show that peer education is able to improve the knowledge and attitude about maturation age of marriage of adolescents with p < 0.001. However, it does not show any significant difference with p > 0.05 in both knowledge and attitude. Peer education can be implemented in all regions. Therefore, supports from all stakeholders is necessary to make some training for trainers in peer education for teenagers and its development in society.
Pengembangan Modul Konseling Alat Kontrasepsi dalam Rahim (AKDR) bagi Bidan Ferina Ferina; Benny Hasan Purwara; Elsa Pudji Setiawati; Hadi Susiarno; Muniroh Abdurrahman; Hadyana Sukandar
Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Vol 29 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Sekretariat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22435/mpk.v29i1.384


Abstract The participation of IUD contraception has not reached a satisfactory rate. The factor that caused this because acceptors did not receive side-effects, fears of sexual intercourse disorders and the risk of malignancy. Lack of information through counseling causes this problems. It caused the ability of midwives to do counseling is still low. The counseling guide available on the form of Family Planning Decision Making Tools (ABPK) with the form of structured counseling has not been able to encourage midwives to conduct counseling properly. Too many ABPK sheets make it difficult for midwives to apply counseling practices. The aim of this study was to develop a IUD counseling module. The research design used was exploratory qualitative with a narrative approach. Samples were selected by purposive sampling, consisting of two counseling experts, three obstetricians experts, three experts from midwifery person from an Indonesian language expert, eight midwives practitioners and eight women of reproductive age. Data was collected by in-depth interviews of experts. Data were processed through the stages of transcription, reduction, coding, categorization to form a theme. The theme obtained was then developed into a draft module with a narrative literature review approach to produce a draft module for IUD counseling. The validity test of qualitative data was carried out by triangulation through midwife group discussions, discussion groups of fertile age women, and expert judgement in April to July 2017. The results of this study are a prototype of the IUD counseling module that can be applied as a guide for midwives because this module does not only contain how the technique of counseling, what will be conveyed in counseling and what distinguishes it from the previous module, in this module there is preparation that strengthens an important midwife to carry out counseling. Abstrak Keikutsertaan kontrasepsi Alat Kontrasepsi dalam Rahim (AKDR) hingga saat ini belum memuaskan. Faktor yang menyebabkan diantaranya akseptor tidak menerima efek samping, khawatir gangguan hubungan seksual, dan risiko keganasan. Informasi melalui konseling yang kurang berkualitas menyebabkan masalah tersebut. Hal ini terjadi karena kemampuan bidan melakukan konseling masih rendah. Panduan konseling berupa Alat Bantu Pengambilan Keputusan ber-KB (ABPK) dengan bentuk konseling terstrukur belum mampu mendorong bidan melakukan konseling dengan baik. Lembar ABPK yang terlalu banyak menyulitkan bidan untuk konseling. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan modul konseling AKDR. Desain penelitian ini adalah exploratory qualitative dengan pendekatan naratif. Sampel dipilih dengan purposive sampling, terdiri dari 2 pakar konseling, 3 pakar Keluarga Berencana (KB)-dokter spesialis obstetri dan ginekologi, 3 pakar bidan, 1 pakar bahasa Indonesia, 8 praktisi bidan dan 8 Wanita Usia Subur (WUS). Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara mendalam untuk mendapatkan penjelasan yang memadai dari pakar. Data diolah melalui tahap transkripsi, reduksi, koding, kategorisasi hingga terbentuk tema. Tema yang diperoleh kemudian dikembangkan menjadi draf modul dengan pendekatan narrative literature review hingga dihasilkan draf modul konseling AKDR. Uji keabsahan data kualitatif dilakukan dengan triangulasi melalui diskusi kelompok bidan, diskusi kelompok WUS, dan expert judgement pada bulan April-Juli 2017. Hasil penelitian ini berupa prototipe modul konseling AKDR yang dapat diterapkan untuk menjadi panduan bagi bidan karena modul ini tidak hanya berisi bagaimana teknik konseling, informasi yang disampaikan dalam konseling dan yang membedakan dengan modul sebelumnya, dalam modul ini terdapat persiapan yang menguatkan seorang bidan penting melaksanakan konseling.
Correlation of Maternal Serum Hepcidin, Soluble Transferrin Receptor (sTfR) and Cholecalciferol with Third Trimester Anemia: Findings from A Nested Case-control Study on A Pregnancy Cohort Raden Tina Dewi Judistiani; Sefty Mariany Samosir; Setyorini Irianti; Benny Hasan Purwara; Budi Setiabudiawan; Johannes Cornelius Mose; Budi Handono
The Indonesian Biomedical Journal Vol 12, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : The Prodia Education and Research Institute (PERI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18585/inabj.v12i4.1252


BACKGROUND: Cholecalciferol, hepcidin, and soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) interaction play an essential role in iron hemostasis. Anemia in pregnancy contributes to morbidity and mortality both for the mother and baby. In this study, we assessed the correlation between hepcidin, sTfR and cholecalciferol in third trimester maternal anemia. We aimed to find the cut-off for hepcidin and sTfR.METHODS: A case-control study involving 56 pregnant women in each anemia and healthy group was nested on a previous larger cohort study in Indonesia. Serum hepcidin, sTfR and cholecalciferol level were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method.RESULTS: Serum hepcidin and sTfR level were significantly higher in case group, while serum cholecalciferol level has no difference between the two groups. New cut-off points were found for hepcidin (<15.93 ng/mL) and sTfR level (>2234.45 ng/mL). Low level of hepcidin (OR=5.32) and high level of sTfR (OR=8.28) increase the risk of anemia. High level of sTfR (adjusted OR=4.725; CI 95%=1.730-12.904; p=0.02) was the most important factor contributes to anemia, followed by the low level of hepcidin (adjusted OR=3.677; CI 95%=1.363-9917; p=0.01).CONCLUSION: The high level of sTfR is the most important factor related to anemia in the third trimester, followed by the low level of hepcidin. Low cholecalciferol level tends to favor the incident of anemia. The new cut-off point of third trimester sTfR and third trimester hepcidin were established in this study and may be useful for risk assessment and treatment monitoring for anemia in pregnancy.KEYWORDS: anemia, cholecalciferol, hepcidin, pregnancy, soluble transferrin receptor
Comparison of Vitamin D3 Serum and Method of Deliveries among Pregnant Women Who Did and Did not Performe Regular Outdoor Aerobic Activities Setyorini Irianti; Teuku Kyan Nuryasin; Budi Handono; Benny Hasan Purwara; Zulvayanti Zulvayanti; Herman Susanto
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol 8, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (112.607 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/gmhc.v8i2.6338


The maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is still very high. One of the main factors is postpartum hemorrhage and an increase in the cesarean section rate (CSR). The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology has recommended aerobic exercise. We assumed that outdoor aerobic exercise could be useful for the advancement of labor and the reduction of CSR. This study aimed to assess whether regular exercise can have a good impact on reducing labor and CSR, which is likely to be affected by an increase in vitamin D3 levels. It was an experimental study involving 40 patients at Al Islam Awibitung Hospital and Ibrahim Adjie Healthcare Center in Bandung in February–April 2018, who met the inclusion criteria and divided into two groups, who performed regular outdoor aerobic activity and those who did not. Patient characteristics, work progress, and vitamin D3 levels recorded. The data collected was then tested and compared between pre-and post-treatment, a paired t test was done. There was a relationship between the increase in-vitamin D3 and the ease of childbirth in the treatment group (p<0.05). The comparison of vitamin D3 levels among the two groups was −18.8% vs −26.8% respectively (p<0.05). Method of delivery were spontaneous delivery 80% vs 25%, vacuum extraction 15% vs 55%, and cesarean section 5% vs 20%, respectively (p<0.05). In conclusion that regular outdoor aerobic exercise in a pregnant woman could increase vitamin D3 levels, ease labor, and reduce CSR. PERBANDINGAN KADAR VITAMIN D3 SERUM DAN METODE PERSALINAN ANTARA IBU HAMIL YANG MENJALANKAN DAN TIDAK MENJALANKAN AKTIVITAS AEROBIK DI RUANG TERBUKA SECARA RUTINSaat ini angka kematian maternal di Indonesia masih sangat tinggi. Salah satu faktor penyebab utama adalah perdarahan pasca salin dan meningkatnya insidensi seksio sesarea. Aktivitas aerobik telah direkomendasikan oleh American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG). Kami mempunyai hipotesis bahwa aktivitas aerobik rutin di udara terbuka dapat memengaruhi kadar vitamin D3 serum ibu yang dapat meningkatkan kelancaran persalinan dan menurunkan risiko seksio sesarea. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuktikan hipotesis di atas. Metode penelitian adalah studi eksperimental terhadap 40 ibu hamil di RS Al Islam Awibitung dan Puskesmas Ibrahim Adjie Bandung pada bulan Februari–April 2018 yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi, serta dibagi dalam 2 grup, yaitu grup perlakuan yang melaksanakan aktivitas aerobik di udara terbuka secara rutin dan grup kontrol yang tidak melaksanakan aktivitas aerobik. Dilakukan pencatatan karakteristik pasien, kemajuan persalinan, metode persalinan, dan kadar vitamin D3 sebelum dan setelah perlakuan, serta dilakukan analisis statistik dengan paired t test. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara perubahan kadar vitamin D3 dan metode persalinan (p<0,05). Perbandingan perubahan kadar vitamin D3 antara kedua kelompok adalah −18,8% vs −26,8% (p<0.05). Metode persalinan adalah persalinan spontan 80% vs 25%, ekstraksi vakum 15% vs 55%, dan seksio sesarea 5% vs 20% (p<0,05). Simpulan, aktivitas aerobik rutin di udara terbuka pada ibu hamil berdampak terhadap kadar vitamin D3 serum ibu dan dapat memperlancar proses persalinan serta menurunkan risiko seksio sesarea.
Effect of Integrated Reproductive Health Learning Module Application on Student’s Motivation and Learning Satisfaction in Junior High School Fitria Fitria; Benny Hasan Purwara; Vita Murniati Tarawan
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol 7, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (976.656 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/gmhc.v7i2.2875


One of the potential public health issues in Indonesia is adolescent reproductive health (ARH) issue, particularly premarital sex and promiscuity behaviors which create the risk for unwanted pregnancies and sexual transmitted diseases such as HIV and AIDS. This study aimed to increase in student’s motivation and learning satisfaction through the application of integrated reproductive health learning module in junior high school. This was a pre- and post-test quasiexperimental study with control group design on 358 seventh grade junior high school students in Bandung city. Sampling was performed using multistage random sampling method and subjects were divided equally into treatment group (n=179) and control group (n=179). Data collected were analyzed using chi-square test, Wilcoxon test, and Mann-Whitney test. Results showed that the application of integrated reproductive health learning module influenced motivation and satisfaction, which was evident from the increase in motivation and learning satisfaction scores in the treatment group (21.9% and 6.23%) when compared to the control group (2.2% and 6.1%). In conclusions, the use of integrated reproductive health learning module significantly influences student’s motivation and learning satisfaction among seventh grade junior high school students. PENGARUH PENERAPAN MODUL PEMBELAJARAN KESEHATAN REPRODUKSI TERINTEGRASI TERHADAP MOTIVASI DAN KEPUASAN BELAJAR SISWA DI SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMASalah satu permasalahan kesehatan masyarakat yang potensial di Indonesia adalah masalah kesehatan reproduksi remaja (KRR) khususnya perilaku seks pranikah dan pergaulan bebas yang berisiko kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan dan penyakit infeksi menular seksual (IMS) seperti HIV dan AIDS. Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan motivasi dan kepuasan belajar siswa dengan menerapkan modul pembelajaran kesehatan reproduksi terintegrasi di sekolah menengah pertama (SMP). Penelitian ini menggunakan pre- and post-test quasi-experimental study dengan desain kelompok kontrol pada 358 siswa kelas tujuh SMP di Kota Bandung pada Maret–April 2017. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan menggunakan metode multistage random sampling dan subjek dibagi secara merata menjadi kelompok perlakuan (n=179) dan kelompok kontrol (n=179). Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis menggunakan uji chi-square, uji Wilcoxon, dan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan modul pembelajaran kesehatan reproduksi terintegrasi memengaruhi motivasi dan kepuasan belajar yang terbukti dari peningkatan motivasi dan skor kepuasan belajar pada kelompok perlakuan (21,9% dan 6,23%) bila dibanding dengan kelompok kontrol (2,2% dan 6,1%). Simpulan, penerapan modul pembelajaran kesehatan reproduksi terintegrasi secara signifikan memengaruhi motivasi dan kepuasan belajar siswa kelas tujuh SMP.
Perbedaan antara Jenis dan Derajat Kelainan Jantung serta Jenis Persalinan terhadap Outcome Ibu dan Bayi pada Kehamilan dengan Penyakit Jantung Cytta Nirmala; Johanes C Mose; Muhammad Alamsyah Aziz; Jusuf Sulaeman Effendi; Benny Hasan Purwara; Adhi Pribadi
Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Volume 2 Nomor 1 Maret 2019
Publisher : Dep/SMF Obstetri & Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1719.843 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/obgynia.v2n1.87


AbstrakTujuan: Penelitian ini dilakukan upaya untuk menilai karakteristik dan outcome kehamilan dengan kelainan jantung baik pada ibu dan bayi di RSUP dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung dari tahun 2015 sampai 2017.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik (cross-sectional). Subjek penelitian adalah semua ibu hamil dengan kelainan jantung yang menjalani persalinan di RSUP dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung dari tahun 2015 − 2017 dengan menggunakan data sekunder. Hasil: Selama periode penelitian sebanyak 76 sampel penelitian yang diperoleh. Pada penelitian ini usia rata-rata ibu adalah 30 tahun, paling banyak pada paritas 1 dan 3 yaitu sebesar 31,6%. Usia kehamilan saat terjadi persalinan  > 37 minggu sebanyak 53,9%. Lama perawatan pasien rata-rata 7 sampai 8 hari dengan ruang rawat yang paling banyak adalah ICU sebanyak 32,9%, dan ruang rawat biasa sebesar 39.5%. Jenis kelainan jantung yang paling sering adalah kardiomiopati peripartum dan hipertensi, yaitu sebesar 42,1%. Jenis persalinan yang banyak dilakukan adalah seksio sesarea yaitu sebesar 64,5%. Penelitian ini memperoleh bahwa ibu dengan kelainan jantung yang hidup sebesar 88,2% dan meninggal sebesar 11,8% setelah menjalani persalinan.Kesimpulan: Ada perbedaan antara derajat kelainan jantung berdasarkan NYHA (New York Heart Association) dengan outcome ibu dan bayi pada kehamilan dengan kelainan jantung.Differences between Types and Degrees of Heart Disorders and Types of Labor in the Outcome of Mothers and Babies in Pregnancy with Heart DiseaseAbstractObjective: through this research conducted efforts to assess the characteristics and outcome of pregnancy with cardiac disease both in mother and infant in dr dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung from year 2015 to 2017.Method: an observational analytic (cross-sectional) research with subjects were all pregnant women with cardiac abnormalities who underwent delivery at dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung from 2015 to 2017 using secondary data.Results:During the research period as many as 76 samples obtained. In this study the average age of the mother is 30 years, most at parity 1 and 3 that is equal to 31.6%, age of pregnancy during labor> 37 weeks by 53.9%. The average length of patient care was 7 to 8 days with the most hospital room was ICU of 32.9% and the regular room was 39.5%. The most common types of heart disorders are peripartum cardiomyopathy and hypertensive heart disease, which is 42.1%. Type of delivery mostly by cesarean section that is equal to 64.5%. The study found that mothers with heart abnormalities were 88.2% alive and died of 11.8% after going through labor.Conclusion: There is a difference between the degree of cardiac abnormalities based on NYHA (New York Heart Association)  classification with maternal and infant outcomes in pregnancy with cardiac abnormalities.Key words: Type and Degree of Heart Abnormality, Type of Birth, Outcome of Mother and Infant
Perbandingan Wound Dehiscence Pasca Seksio Sesarea Antara Pasien Rujukan dan Non-rujukan di Bandung Melia Juwita Adha; Benny Hasan Purwara; Ruswana Anwar
Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Volume 4 Nomor 1 Maret 2021
Publisher : Dep/SMF Obstetri & Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/obgynia/v4n1.256


Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan kejadian wound dehiscence pasca seksio sesarea dan bakteri terkait antara pasien rujukan dengan non-rujukan. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan  laporan serial kasus observasional secara retrospektif.  Kriteria subjek pada penelitian ini terdiri atas pasien rawat inap yang didiagnosis wound dehiscence pasca seksio sesarea, berusia 16 - 45 tahun, paritas 1 – 8, lama rawat 3 – 14 hari, terdapat pemeriksaan kultur pus, kadar hemoglobin dan albumin selama dirawat. Penelitian dilakukan di Departemen/SMF Obstetri dan Ginekologi RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin/Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung periode Januari – Desember 2019. Hasil: Dari seluruh seksio sesarea terdapat 942 kasus rujukan dan 431 kasus non rujukan. Wound dehiscence terjadi pada 20 kasus (1,45%), dengan jumlah kasus 16 (1,7%) dari seluruh kasus rujukan dan 4 (0,92%) kasus dari seluruh pasien non-rujukan. Tidak terdapat perbedaan karakteristik pasien dari kadar hemoglobin dan albumin ataupun luaran lama perawatan  (p>0,05). Kultur pus wound dehiscence menunjukkan bakteri tersering yang ditemukan dua kelompok adalah Staphylococcus spp. Kesimpulan: wound dehiscence lebih sering terjadi pada kasus rujukan dan tidak terdapat perbedaan karakteristik dan jenis bakteri antar kelompok rujukan dan non-rujukan.Comparison of the Incidence of Post-Caesarean Wound Dehiscence among Referral and Non-referral Patients in BandungAbstract Objective: This study aims to compare the incidence of post caesarean wound dehiscence and related bacteria between referred patients and non-referred patients.  Method: This was a retrospective observational case series. Inclusion criteria consisted of all inpatients who diagnosed as caesarean  section wound dehiscence, aged 16 – 45 years old, parity 1 – 8, length of stay 3 -14 days, as well as the albumin, hemoglobin, and pus culture had been examined. The study was conducted in Obstetric and Gynaecology Department, Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung from January to December 2019. Result: Among all caesarean section cases, the referred and non-referred cases were 942 and 431, respectively. Wound dehiscence were occurred in 20 cases, consisted of 16 referred cases (1.7%) and 4 (0.09%) non-referred cases. There was no difference in subject characteristics, hemoglobin, albumin, and length of stay (p>0.05). The most common observed bacteria in both group was Staphylococcus spp. Conclusion: Wound dehiscence is more frequent occurred in referred cases and bacterial characteristics between referred and non-referred group is comparable.Key words: caesarian section, pus culture, referred case, Staphylococcus