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APPRAISAL KEBERLANJUTAN MULTIDIMENSI PENGGUNAAN LAHAN UNTUK SAWAH DI KARAWANG - JAWA BARAT Ambarwulan, Wiwin; Firmansyah, Irman; Widiatmaka, Widiatmaka; Munibah, Khursatul; Sitorus, Santun R.P.
Jurnal Kawistara Vol 5, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM

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Indonesian national food sovereignty is very dependent on the supply of rice from paddy fields in Java Island. Various factors influence the farmer’s decision to continue using his farm. This study aims to analyze the sustainable use of paddy field, determinant factors and strategies for improving sustainability. The study was conducted in Karawang Regency, one of the centers of rice production in West Java. The methodology used is a multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) using 43 attributes of 5 dimensions (ecological, social, economical, technological and legal and institutional dimension). Against the sensitive attribute analysis resulting from MDS, a prospective analysis was conducted to determine the key factors of sustainability. Priority policies for improving sustainability are developed based on the location of the key factors in the prospective diagram. The research results showed that the land utilization for paddy field in Karawang is actually less sustainable. Increasing the sustainability can be done through intervention and improving performance, preferably on sensitive attributes resulting from leverage analysis, covering 16 attributes. Priority policies is directed in the 5 key factors resulting from prospective analysis. Policies suggested are the tightening of new permits for building, strict implementation of the official spatial land use planning and delineation of agricultural land for sustainable food crops, counseling the community, revitalizing the role of BULOG, provision of subsidies as well as capital assistance to farmers.
Adequacy Analysis of Green Open Space and its Development Direction as an Attributes of Green City in the Capital of Jember Regency, Indonesia Sitorus, Santun R.P.; Wardani, Imelda Kusuma; Mulya, Setyardi Pratika
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education Volume 2 Number 1
Publisher : Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (978.458 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/sjdgge.v2i1.140


The development of an urban area needs to pay attention to the environmental carrying capacity. One of the way to achieve sustainable urban development is to apply one of the attributes of green city namely green open space (GOS). The purpose of the research are to analyze the types of land use in the years of 2010 and 2017, to analysis land use changes from 2010 to 2017, predicting land use change, analyzing the adequacy of GOS by area acreage and population number, and to determine the direction of GOS development in the Jember City.The research was conducted in the Capital of Jember Regency, namely Jember City with the total area of 9,900 ha. Methods of data analysis are the spatial analysis, analysis of population growth with quadratic growth model, Cellular Automata-Markov, and synthesis of green open space (GOS) development direction based on potential land and the value of the land. The results showed that there are ten types of land use in the Jember City, those are forest, mixed gardens, dryland agriculture, open land, cemetery, plantation, settlements and buildings, paddy fields, shrubs and grasses, and river. A relatively large land use changed in the period of 2010-2017 were dryland agriculture and paddy fields into settlements and buildings. The results of land use prediction with Cellular Automata-Markov described the trend of land use change becomes settlements (buildings) and plantations. The adequacy of public GOS by area as well as population still lacking whereas the adequacy of private GOS has been exceeded. The GOS acreage based on number of population is lower than those GOS based on an area. The GOS development planning is required to fulfill the needs. The consideration used to draw up the directives is the existing land use, regional spatial plan (RTRW), prediction of land use in the year of 2024, distribution of GOS, and land values. Development plans of GOS consist of two stages namely stage 1 and stage 2 with three priorities, namely priority 1, priority 2, and priority 3 with the total area 1,052 ha and funding require approximately two trillion rupiahs. The acreage of potential land for development of GOS has already enough to fulfill the needs of GOS based on population, however, not yet sufficient to fulfill the needs of GOS based on regency area.
Jurnal Jalan-Jembatan Vol 30 No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Direktorat Bina Teknik Jalan dan Jembatan

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ABSTRAKMetropolitan Mamminasata yang terdiri dari Makassar, Maros, Sungguminasa dan Takalar merupakan salah satu dari delapan Kawasan Metropolitan si Indonesia. Permasalahan prasarana transportasi perkotaan saat ini adalah kemacetan pada waktu jam sibuk, kesemerawutan lalu lintas, tingginya angka kecelakaan, kebisingan dan polusi udara akibat emisi kendaraan bermotor. Pemerintah telah melakukan berbagai upaya untuk mengatasi maslah transportasi namun belum efektif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kondisi eksisting sistem jaringan prasarana transportasi perkotaan dan status berkelanjutannya serta mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor kunci yang berpengaruh dalam rangka menghasilkan arah kebijakan pengembangan prasarana transportasi perkotaan berkelanjutan Metropolitan Mamminasata. ruang lingkup penelitian terbatas pada jaringan jalan nasional. Data primer diperoleh dari survei perhitungan lalu lintas dan wawancara dengan responden secara purposiv sampling. berdasarkan data lalu lintas tahun 2009 volume lalu lintas rata-rata adalah 2.299 smp/jam dan pada tahun 2013 meningkat menjadin 3.520 smp/jam. Nilai derajat kejenuhan mengalami peningkatan dari 0,43 pada tahun 2009 menjadi 0,66 pada tahun 2013. Tingkat Layanan (LOS) kategori C dimana aliran jaringa jalan stabil mendekati tidak stabil dengan volume lalu lintas tinggi. Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) digunakan untuk menganalisis empat dimensi yang terdiri dari 59 atribut. MDS menggunakan RAPTransport untuk mendapatkan Indeks Keberlanjutan. Nilai dimensi lingkungan adalah 51,87%, ekonomi dimensi 53,23%, dimensi sosial 49,19%, dan 51,68% dimensi keteknikkan. Status keberlanjutan cukup berkielanjutn yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai indeks keberlanjutan multi dimensi adalah 50,18. MDS, analisis kebutuhan dan ISM digunakan untuk untuk mendapatkan faktor kunci utama. Pemerintah dan pemerintah daerah dalam menetapkan arahan kebijakan dengan melakukan interfensi kebijakan dengan cara meningkatkan faktor-faktor kunci yang sensitif dalam upaya meningkatkan status berkelanjutan. Kata kunci :  prasarana transportasi perkotaan, keberlanjutan, tingkat pelayanan, teknik dan faktor kunci
GEOMATIKA Vol 19, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Badan Informasi Geospasial in Partnership with MAPIN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (443.786 KB) | DOI: 10.24895/JIG.2013.19-2.207


Untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi di wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Garut, perlu dilakukan penelitian terhadap potensi dan karakteristik ekonomi wilayah untuk merumuskan strategi pembangunan yang efektif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mengetahui tingkat perkembangan ekonomi wilayah di kecamatan pesisir; (2) mengetahui sektor ekonomi unggulan; (3) mengetahui hirarki dan efisiensi wilayah pembangunan; dan (4) merumuskan arahan wilayah pembangunan dan sektor ekonomi di kecamatan pesisir. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Analisis Entropi, Analisis Location Quotient (LQ), Shift Share Analysis (SSA), Analisis Skalogram, Data Envelopment Analyisis (DEA) dan Analisis MCDM-TOPSIS. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bahwa tingkat keberagaman dan keberimbangan sektor-sektor ekonomi di kecamatan wilayah pesisir masih rendah dengan tingkat perkembangan sebesar 72% dari total kemampuan maksimumnya. Wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Garut memiliki ekonomi basis di sektor primer yaitu pertanian. Sedangkan sektor sekunder adalah sektor yang tumbuh paling cepat terutama di sektor industri pengolahan. Analisis hirarki terhadap sarana prasarana ekonomi desa menunjukkan bahwa hanya ada 3 desa atau sekitar 4,6% yang masuk Hirarki I sebagai inti wilayah dan pusat pertumbuhan. Sebanyak 20 desa atau 33,8% adalah wilayah Hirarki II dan 40 desa atau 61,5% adalah wilayah Hirarki III. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa untuk meningkatkan perkembangan dan pemerataan ekonomi, prioritas pembangunan diarahkan pada Kecamatan Mekarmukti, Pakenjeng dan Caringin. Terdapat 25 desa di wilayah pesisir diarahkan untuk dikembangkan sebagai pusat pertumbuhan ekonomi dan 40 desa diarahkan sebagai wilayah pendukung atau hinterland. Prioritas pembangunan sektor ekonomi terutama diarahkan untuk sektor pertanian, sektor industri pengolahan, sektor perdagangan, hotel dan restoran, sektor gas, listrik dan air minum.Kata Kunci: Kabupaten Garut, pertumbuhan ekonomi, perkembangan wilayah, wilayah pesisirABSTRACTIn order to strengthen economic growth in coastal areas of Garut Regency, it is necessary to study characteristics of the regions economic potential and formulate the direction of development. The aims of this research were: (1) to determine the level of regional economic growth in the coastal districts, (2) to determine the leading sectors of economic, (3) to determine hierarchy and efficiency of development, and (4) to formulate direction of regional and economic development. The analytical methods used were Regional Entropy Analysis, Location Quotient (LQ) Analysis, Shift Share Analysis (SSA), Schallogram Analysis, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the MCDM-TOPSIS Analysis. The results showed that the rate of economic growth in coastal areas was 72 % of its maximum capacity. The basis of economic sectors of coastal areas in Garut regency is mainly in the primary sectors of agriculture. Secondary sector was the fastest growing sector especially in manufacturing. Hierarchy analysis of rural economic facilities showed that there were only 3 villages or approximately 4.6 % belongs to Hierarchy I as core areas and growth centers. 20 villages or 33.8 % belongs to Hierarchy II and 40 villages or 61.5 % belongs to Hierarchy III. The priority of development areas to push economic growth and equity directed to districts of Mekarmukti, Pakenjeng and Caringin. There are 25 villages directed for developing economic growth centers and 40 villages for hinterland areas. The economic developments were directed to agriculture, manufacturing, trading, hotels and restaurants, electricity, gas and water sectors.Keywords: Garut Regency, economic growth, regional development, coastal areas
A Review of Parametric and Physiographic Approaches Land Classification for Land Evaluation and Land Use Planning Sitorus, Santun R.P.
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education Vol 2 No 2 (2018): Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education
Publisher : Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (231.208 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/sjdgge.v2i2.168


Knowledge of physical characteristics of land is fundamental for rational land evaluation and land use planning, both in developed and undeveloped regions. A review of two land classifications, parametric and physiographic approaches, is carried out. The parametric approach classifies on the basis of selected land attributes determined by land use or uses in question. Its employment may range from general purpose surveys which are considering many attributes, to classification on narrower basis for special purposes. The physiographic approach, on the other hand, classifies land rather than its specific attributes. Each land unit identified in this way is therefore considered to be relatively homogeneous in overall characters. Both approaches have had varying merits depending on the goal and circumstances of the land evaluation. On a detailed study required by most practical purposes, both approaches theoretically meet the requirements of land classification. Of both approaches, it was concluded that physiographic approach had the advantage of being rapidly implemented whereas, the parametric approach, whilst slower in use and applicable only in localized studies, yielded more reliable results. In reality, however, distinction between both approaches is not so clear-cut because they can be combined with advantage. Their advantages and disadvantages relative merits also be assessed in related to three problems of land classification: (1) complexity of land, (2). extent of land-units, and (3) associations of land-units. The two approaches are really not alternatives and can, in fact, be combined with profit, since the relative advantage of each varies with circumstances. Physiographic approach offers a possibility on more rapid survey at relatively low cost, as needed in most undeveloped regions. Its reliability is consistent for reconnaissance investigation and, with moderately close sampling, for semi-detailed surveys. It has an additional advantage of enabling a survey with diverse specialists. For a detailed survey, however, greater precision and reliability of parametric approach is preferable. In practice, therefore, both methods are best combined to reinforce each other.
Perhitungan Nilai Ekonomi Total dalam Rangka Pemanfaatan Ruang Wilayah pulau Kalimantan Djakapermana, Ruchyat Deni; Sitorus, Santun R.P.; Marimin, Marimin; Rustiadi, Ernan
Journal of Regional and City Planning Vol 16, No 3 (2005)
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Services ITB

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Total  economic  value  is  considered  as  a  useful  tool  for  analyzing objectively the change of economic level in    certain area as a consequence of  changing  on  the  different  policies  of  regional  development  based  on regional  spatial  plan.  Results  calculation  on  the  application  of  total economic  value  approach  in  Kalimantan  region,  shows  that  the  total economic  values  calculated  based  on  conservation  scenario   (Scenario  A) and  do  nothing  scenario  (Scenario  B) are about 2.065,22 trillion Rupiah, and  1.695,83 trillion  Rupiah,  respectively.  The  Benefit  Cost  Ratio (BCR) for scenario A (9,91) is higher than BCR for scenario B (3,44). This calculation gave an  indication  that  comply  with the previous  premise  that regional  development  in  Kalimantan  region  should  be  based  on  regional spatial  plan  for  Kalimantan  region.  Therefore,  it  is  recommended  that development  control  to  make sure  that  developments  comply  with  the regional spati al plan should be applied wisely and consistently.Keywords: Kalimantan spatial plan, total economic values, benefit-cost ratio
Land Degradation and Landslide in Indonesia Sitorus, Santun R.P.; Pravitasari, Andrea Emma
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education Vol 1 No 2 (2017): Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education Volume 1 Number 2
Publisher : Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (273.572 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/sjdgge.v1i2.87


Land degradation is one of the causes of lack of success of agricultural activities in Indonesia because of a decline in land productivity continuously and ultimately reduce the level of income / welfare of farmers. Land degradation can occur either on dry land or in wetlands, so prevention and / or rehabilitation of degraded land is very important that the agricultural area can be used on an ongoing basis. Land degradation is the loss or reduction of utility or potential use of land, loss of or changes in land features that are not hindered replaced. According to FAO (1993), soil degradation is a process that describes the phenomenon which lower the capacity of soil to support life. Land degradation is a process of decline of soil productivity, temporary or permanent, so that eventually the land can lead to a certain critical level (Dent, 1993). The process includes various forms of land degradation levels.
STATUS EKOSISTEM PESISIR BAGI PERENCANAAN TATA RUANG WILAYAH PESISIR DI KAWASAN TELUK AMBON Asyiawati, Yulia; Yulianda, Fredinan; Dahuri, Rokhmin; Sitorus, Santun R.P.; Susilo, Setyo Budi
Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota Vol 10, No 1 (2010): Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota
Publisher : Program Studi Perencanaan Wilayah Kota

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (463.845 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/jpwk.v10i1.1367


This study aims : (1) to analyze the status of coastal ecosystems, (2) to analyze factors that affect the quality of coastal ecosystems, and (3) to prepare the direction on spatial planning in coastal areas of Ambon Bay Area. The analytical method used in this study is the analysis of ecosystem status, principal components analysis, analysis of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and analysis of dynamic systems. The results showed that the condition of ecosystem status damaged in 2008, whereby, the status of mangrove ecosystems is moderate with a density of 1100 trees/ha, the status of seagrass ecosystems damaged by percentage cover of 38,76%, and the status of coral reef ecosystems are damaged by the percentage of live coral is 42,27%. Ecosystem conditions in Ambon Bay Area is affected by land use on land, namely forest area and population. Refferral of land use planning in Ambon Bay Areas wich recommended in this study for a period of 20 years of protected areas and cultivated areas. Protected areas is aimed at 9.480,70 ha or 41,21% of land area, while the allocation of space for the cultivation area is 10.416,30 ha (58,79% of land area). To reduce the pollutant into the waters, planned buffer zones (coastal and riverine border for 11,69% of land area), which serves to absorb pollutants and protect the inland waters of the tidal influence, while still controlling the waste coming into water By using dynamic systems analysis, created the scenario of land use planning in Ambon Bay Area that integrates land and wet land. The scenario used in this study is the optimistic, pessimistic and moderate scenarios. The variable that is used to determine of policy scenarios spatial planning based on the rate of population growth is 2,5% per annum, while variable forest area of at least 30% of the area. Of the three scenarios, the scenario chosen for the land use planning policy in Ambon Bay Areas in the future is to use the moderate scenario. The simulation results moderate scenario, the status of coastal ecosystems is improved from the criteria of the coastal ecosystem damaged by coastal ecosystems index 44,44% in 2008 turned into good condition with the index of coastal ecosystems 88,89% in 2029
Transmigration Area Development and Its Community In Indonesia Sitorus, Santun R.P.
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education Vol 3 No 1 (2019): Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education (SJDGGE)
Publisher : Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (409.889 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/sjdgge.v3i1.189


Abstract Since the beginning, the great idea of transmigration program has actually been directed towards exploiting, processing and development of the two major potential resource, namely: (1) the potential of natural resources and (2) the potential of human resources. Since its implementation, the transmigration program has shown success in improving the living standards and welfare of the population and the development of previously untapped areas, although in some locations and regions it also shows the lack of success caused by various problems. At least there are three major domains of transmigration areas and community development in the future, namely: (1). Develop undeveloped regions into new productive and growing areas in accordance with its natural resource potential including New Transmigration Settlements (PTB) and New Integrated Self-establishment City (KTM). (2). Developing the existing transmigration area becoming the new growth centers of the region through the development of Integrated Self-establishment City (KTM). (3). Improving the welfare of smallholders and poor farm workers through the provision and control of production assets (land). Community and transmigration areas development in the future should be based on 5 basic principles, those are : (1). Development of land and human resources. (2). Development of sustainable agriculture system. (3). Development of business activities based on agribusiness range. (4). Development of private participation, cooperatives, State Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and individual farmers / transmigrants. (5). Integrated area development. Investment in physical development and institutional innovation in development of transmigration areas should be done gradually by following the stadia of regional development which generally consists of: Stadia I, II, III, IV, V, VI. There are two conditions that can be realized through development of transmigration areas in the future, namely: (1). First, to realize a more equally and equitable development. (2). Second, to realize a competitive nation. At least six policy direction in the construction and development of society and transmigration areas in the future. First, pay particular attention to the elements of the development of the competitiveness of the region. Second, strengthening the new orientation to provide support to: (a) Increased public income, (b) food security and board needs, (c) Creation of employment opportunities. Third, the mainstreaming of Integrated Self-Establishing City (KTM) from the planning process to the development of the area. Fourth, focusing and prioritizing the development of communities and transmigration areas. Fifth, enhancing cross-sectoral and local government participation in the planning and implementation of development of communities and transmigration areas. Sixth, increasing community independence in transmigration area. Keywords: Basic principles, Integrated self-establishing city, policy direction, stadia of regional development.
An Analysis of Land Use Change, Spatial Plan and Regional Development Level in Bogor City Sitorus, Santun R.P.; Mayasary, Dwi Septiana
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education Vol 3 No 2 (2019): Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education (SJDGGE)
Publisher : Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (414.257 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/sjdgge.v3i2.206


Abstract Bogor City is located 60 kms from the Indonesian Capital Jakarta and 120 kms from Bandung the capital of West Java Province. Strategic agricultural land and inexpensive land prices have to invest in agricultural and non-agricultural sectors. Land use conversion is inevitable, although the government has set up the regulation to control land usage (Act No 26 year 2007). This research are conducted: (1) To analyze existing land use of Bogor City (land use in 2014). (2) To analyze the land use change in period of 2005-2012. (3) To analyze the consistency of existing land use compare to spatial allocation in the RTRW of Bogor City. (4) To identify regional development hierarchy levels in Bogor City. (5) To determine factors that influence land use change. This research was started with a land use map that was retrieved from an administrative map 1: 5000 scales to Iconos image of Bogor City in years of 2005 and 2012. Consistency and inconsistency were obtained by overlaying the 2012 land use map and land allocation map of Bogor City years 2011-2031 (RTRW map). PODES is used to determine the regional hierarchy level by multiple regression methods. Existing land use classified into 9 land use, in sequence from the largest one are: mixed garden, irreguler settlement, rice field, reguler settlement, trading area, water body, dryland farm, open land and government office area. Dryland farm land use changes into 2 land use, open field land use change into 6 land use and rice field land use change into 6 land use. The consistent use of the existing land use compare to RTRW is 40.95% while inconsistence existing land use is 59.05%. During the period of 2006 to 2012, most of the regional development hierarchies in Bogor City were relatively constant (42 villages / 61.8%), 12 villages (17.6%) are increasing in the hierarchy, whereas 14 villages (20.6%) are decreasing in the hierarchy. Factors that influencing land use change of Bogor City in the period of 2005-2012 are: the extent of ​​agricultural land in 2005, the growth of social facilities, and the growth of economy facilities. Keywords : Land Use Conversion, Land Use Inconsistency, Regional Hierarchy, Spatial Plan.