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Response of Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of 4 Flood- tolerant Sugarcane (Saccharum Officinarum L.) Cultivars to ZA (Zwavelzuur Ammoniac) fertilizer application in Jember and Bondowoso Sholeh Avivi; Cacuk Purnomo; Ayu Puspita Arum; Sugeng Winarso; Sri Hartatik
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 4, No 2 (2019): August
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada jointly with PISPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2873.457 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ipas.40173


The business expansion of sugarcane can be done using marginal land, such as wet land. This study attempted to get the right doses of ZA fertilizer applied to several sugarcane cultivars, which are tolerant to flooding in two different locations. The research was carried out in Jubung Agrotechnopark garden,  University of Jember and seed gardens of Dewisri Bondowoso, from November 2015 to November 2016. The experiment was arranged in factorial randomized complete block design. The first factor was the doses of ZA fertilizer, consisting of 3 levels of treatment, i.e. 0 kg.ha-1 (without ZA fertilizer), 500 kg.ha-1 and 1000 kg.ha-1. The second factor was 4 sugarcane cultivars,  consisting of flood-tolerant sugarcane cultivars from 2014 screening result, i.e. PSJT 941, Bulu Lawang, PS 865 and Kidang Kencana. The results showed that the application of ZA fertilizer at 1000 kg.ha-1 affected the height of stems, the number of tillers, diameter of the stem and the number of segments. Meanwhile, the application of ZA fertilizer at 500 kg.ha-1 affected the number of leaves, fresh weight of shoots, dry weight of shoots, fresh weight of roots, dry weight of roots, brix content, and the content of sucrose and reducing sugar. Flood-tolerant sugarcane cultivars are shown by the highest brix and sucrose fertilizer, observed in  PS 865, Bulu Lawang, PSJT 941, and Kidang Kencana, sequentially. The highest content of reducing sugar was found in PSJT 941, PS 865, Kidang Kencana, and Bulu Lawang, successively.
PENGARUH WAKTU PEMBERIAN PUPUK KANDANG TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN VEGETATIF TABULAMPOT JAMBU AIR MDH (Syzygium samarangense (Blume) Merr. & L.M. Perry) Yusfi Afidah; Fatimatuz Zuhro; Hasni Ummul Hasanah; Sugeng Winarso; Mohammad Hoesain
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

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MDH water apple is one type of fruit plant that can be cultivated intabulampot. Facts in the field indicate that planting it in tabulampotmakes the plant bear fruit faster. Another factor that determines theproduction of MDH guava is fertilization, including fertilizing withorganic matter. Besides giving organic fertilizer, the right time whenapplying fertilizer is also important in determining the growth of MDHguava. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the timeof manure on the vegetative growth of MDH guava. This research wasconducted in the green house in March to August 2018. This study useda randomized block design with 9 repetitions and 3 treatments, namely:(1) fertilization at the beginning of planting, (2) fertilization in the 1stand 3rd month after planting, and (3) fertilization in the 1st and 5thmonths after planting. Data were analyzed using ANOVA test. Theresults of this study indicate that manure has a significant effect on thenumber of leaf parameters, but does not significantly affect plantheight, number of primary branches, and number of secondarybranches. The best growth results were obtained at two time offertilizing in MDH water apple. Keyword : MDH water apple, manure, tabulampot, time of fertilizing.
Pertumbuhan Sawi yang Berasosiasi dengan Bakteri Synechococcus sp. pada Berbagai Kondisi Media Salinitas - Asmuni; Sholeh Avivi; Sugeng Winarso
Agrovigor Vol 10, No 1 (2017): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (575.915 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/agrovigor.v10i1.2844


Sawi hijau merupakan salah satu jenis sayur yang di konsumsi oleh masyarakat Indonesia yang memiliki banyak manfaat diantaranya untuk mencegah kanker, hipertensi, penyakit jantung, membantu kesehatan sistem pencernaan, mencegah dan mengobati penyakit pellagra, serta menghindarkan ibu hamil dari anemia. Tanaman sawi pada umumnya dapat hidup di dataran rendah maupun dataran tinggi, akan tetapi lebih baik penanamannya dilakukan di dataran tinggi. Penelitian tentang resistensi sawi di media salin belum banyak dilakukan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui respon tanaman sawi hijau yang telah berasosiasi dengan bakteri Synechococcus spterhadap berbagai kondisi salinitas. Penelitian ini dilakukan mulai bulan November 2016 sampai Januari 2017 di Desa Bendoarum Kecamatan Wonosari Kabupaten Bondowoso. Adapun bahan tanam yang digunakan adalah sawi, biakan bakteri fotosintetik (Synechococus sp), air, tanah, pasir, garam NaCl, pupuk (urea, SP-36 dan KCl). Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 4 kali ulangan. Perlakuan salinitas diberikan berdasarkan penambahan konsentrasi garam (NaCl) yaitu kontrol (0 ppm), 2500 ppm, 5000 ppm, 7500 ppm, dan 10.000 ppm. Respon ta tanaman terhadap perlakuan didasarkan pada variabel jumlah daun, jumlah klorofil, panjang akar, volume akar, berat basah, dan berat kering. Data tersebut dianalisis menggunakan uji Anova dan Jarak Berganda Duncan (DMRT) dengan signifikansi pada taraf 5%. Respon tanaman sawi terhadap penambahan garam menunjukkan hasil yang berbeda nyata pada semua parameter pertumbuhan yang meliputi jumlah daun, jumlah klorofil, panjang akar, volume akar, berat basah, dan berat kering. Respon tanaman yang tercekam garam baik yang diberikan bakteri Synechococcus sp atau yang tidak diberikan menunjukkan hasil menurun dan berbeda nyata pada parameter panjang akar, berat basah, dan berat kering. Pemberian bakteri Synechococcus sp pada tanaman yang ditanam dilahan salin tidak berpengaruh nyata pada parameter pertumbuhan tanaman, tapi cenderung meningkatkan berat basah tanaman, berat kering tanaman, dan panjang akar tanaman.Kata kunci : Salinitas, Sawi Hijau, Synechococcus sp, pertumbuhan tanaman
Aluminum Exchangeable and Phosphorous Availability on Ultisol Using Humic Substance and Synthetic Organic Acid Sugeng Winarso; Abdullah Taufiq
JOURNAL OF TROPICAL SOILS Vol 16, No 3: September 2011

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5400/jts.2011.v16i3.183-190


Humic substance (HS) extracted from composted agricultural waste contains organic acids that potential for an acid soil amandement. Functional group of COOH and OH in synthetically organic acid is higher than in HS originated from composted agricultural waste. Addition of synthetically organic acid to the HS may increase its functional group and therefore it will increase effectiveness in detoxifying aluminum (Al) and desorpting phosphorus (P) from an acid soil. Objective of reseach was to determine effect of synthetic organic acid addition to HS extracted from composted organic matter in desorpting P and detoxify Al. Research was conducted at Soil Laboratory of Agricultural Faculty of Jember University from February to May 2010. Treatment consisted of combination of four levels of HS concentration extracted from composted rice straw (0; 1,000; 2,000; and 5,000 mg kg-1) with two kind of synthetic organic acid: ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and acetic acid (CH3COOH) at concentration of 5 mM. The treatment laid out in a randomized complete by design with three replications. Ultisol collected from Kentrong Banten was used in this reseach. Observation consisted of pH, Al and P concentration in the suspension at 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks after incubation. The result showed that EDTA or acetic acid treatment at concentration of 5 mM effectively increased soil pH and decreased exchangeable Al (exch-Al). However, EDTA was more reactive and having higher capability in increasing pH and detoxifying exch-Al than acetic acid. Humic substance extracted from composted rice straw at concentration of 1,000 to 5,000 mg kg-1 also effectively increased soil pH, decreased exch-Al, and increased P availability during a 4 week incubation period. The HS effect in Al detoxification and P desorption in acid soil could be boosted by addition of EDTA or acetic acid synthetic
Ecological Value Of Soil Organic Matter (SOM) at Tropical Evergreen Aglaia-Streblus Forest of Meru Betiri National Park, East Java, Indonesia Hari Sulistiyowati; Sugeng Winarso; Damasa Macandog; Rachel Sotto; Nestor Baguinon; Inocencio Buot Jr
JOURNAL OF TROPICAL SOILS Vol 21, No 3: September 2016

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5400/jts.2016.v21i3.129-140


As part of carbon pools, forest soil stores soil organic matter (SOM) that contains many elements including organic C, N, P, and K. These elements contribute nutrients for biogeochemical cycles within the ecosystem. This study was done to determine the ecological value of forest soil organic matter at tropical evergreen Aglaia-Streblus forest of Meru Betiri National Park (MBNP), East Java, Indonesia. The data were sampled along gradient topography in Pringtali tropical forest of TMBNP. Direct measurements of soil moisture, temperature, and pH were taken in the field. The soil samples were extracted from 6 points of soil solum using soil auger, and then oven-dried to get value of dry-weight. The elements content of organic C, N, P, and K were analyzed and estimated at the laboratory. The ecoval of SOM was appraised using developed ecological valuation tool. The result showed that SOM contributed higher ecoval of organic C (66.03 Mg ha-1) than other elements. Compared to P and K elements, N had the highest stock of element content. However, comparing to other two tropical forest ecosystems of Asia the ecoval of SOM elements in TMBNP was relatively low because of its natural geomorphological features.The ecoval of SOM elements in TMBNP was relatively low because of its natural geomorphological features. The ecovals contributed about 2.440,64 - 6.955,50 USD or  31.271.923,73 - 89.120.837,23  IDR per hectare of ecological value (d) to the ecosystem. This value was mainly contributed by organic C stock in the TMBNP forest SOM. It means the forest SOM had higher element content of organic C than N, P, and K elements. This d value is an indicator for TMBNP to protect the SOM elements meaning protecting their resources to sustain the biogeochemical cycles in the forest ecosystem. All the management and policy correlated to this protected area should consider this valuable information for their plan and actions.
Aluminum Detoxification by Humic Substance Extracted from Compost of Organic Wastes Sugeng Winarso; Eko Handayanto; Abdullah Taufiq
JOURNAL OF TROPICAL SOILS Vol 15, No 1: January 2010

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5400/jts.2010.v15i1.19-24


Aluminum Detoxification by Humic Substance Extracted from Compost of Organic Wastes (S Winarso, E Handayanto and A Taufiq):  Humic substance could control the activity of metal as well as exchangeable aluminum (Alexch) on acid soil. The humic substance extracted from compost of agricultural waste is rarely conducted. The objective of research was to evaluate the effect of humic substance concentration and sources to pH and Al suspension. The research had been conducted in the Soil Laboratory of Agricultural Faculty of Jember University from April to July 2009. The humic substance used in these researches was extracted from compost of rice straw (RS), soybean straw (SS), cassava starch solid waste (CSSW), and empty bunch of oil palm tree (EBOPT). The humic substance concentration treatments were 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 ppm. Result of the analysis showed that characteristic of humic substance was difference depending on the source material used. The humic substance extracted from SS contain total base cations (K, Na, Ca, Mg) higher (1.17%) compared with CSSW (1.07%), OPT  (0.87%), and RS (0.69%). While the humic substances extracted from RS contain total organic acid (Acetic, Fumeric, cetoglutamic, Sucsinic, Propionic, Butiric, Ocsalic, and sitric acid) higher (157 ppm) compared with EBOPT (129 ppm), SS (115%), and CSSW (108%). Among these organic acids, acetic acid was highest concentration (> 34.51% of total acid). The addition of humic substance increased pH and decreased aluminum concentration of the suspension. The higher pH increment and Al concentration reduction took placed in the suspension treated with humic substance from SS compost. The correlation between decreasing Al concentration with humic substance concentration which explained chelation was higher (r = 0.97) than decreasing Al concentration with increasing pH which explained precipitation (r = 0.93). Based on these research results, it can be concluded that humic substance extracted from agricultural waste have a good prospect as a soil ameliorant to increase soil pH, detoxify soil aluminum, and increase soil P availability on acid soil.  
UNEJ e-Proceeding Proceeding of International Conference on Food Sovereignty and Sustainable Agriculture (FoSSA) 2017
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) is a plantation crop as a raw material for making cigarettes. Thequality of cigarettes depends on tobacco leaves as raw materials and the fuel is affected by thepotassium content in plant tissues. So that, potassium affects the quality of the leaves.Potassium is absorbed by plants that come from several sources of chemical fertilizers andpotassium mineral that can be found in nature. In this study, besides the addition of leucitemineral as a source of potassium is also done the addition of potassium-solubilizing bacteria toincrease the availability of potassium in the soil and accelerate the process of dissolvingpotassium in the soil. Potassium-solubilizing bacteria (PSB) can accelerate the solubilizing ofpotassium into K+ ions so that more is available in soil and plants are able to uptake potassiumin large quantities. This study used Factorial Randomize Complete Block Design which included4 levels of potassium and 3 levels of PSB with three replications. The purpose of this researchis to know the effect of leucite and PSB in increasing the availability of potassium in the soil,potassium concentration in plant tissue, potassium uptake and plant growth of Besuki NaOogst tobacco. The results showed that the interaction between the addition of potassiumsource and inoculation of potassium-solubilizing bacteria had a significant effect on potassiumavailability in soil, potassium concentration in plant tissue, potassium uptake and a height ofthe plant. The interaction between the leucite rocks and PSB may increase the availability ofpotassium in the soil and give the same results compared with the addition of KNO3 fertilizer.
UNEJ e-Proceeding Proceeding of International Conference on Food Sovereignty and Sustainable Agriculture (FoSSA) 2017
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Biochar is a highly resistant source of carbon to the decomposition process so it can storecarbon in the long term and improve soil characteristics. However, the macro nutrientcontent in biochar is so low that it has not been able to increases soybean plant prductionespecially its dry weight, thus lowering the root nodules. Therefore, biochar needs to beenriched with nutrients, especially NPK, adjusting the requirement of soybean plants bycomparison (8: 5,1: 4) in biochar. The addition of inappropriate nutrients especially nitrogenwill also affect the development of root nodules. Therefore, this study aims to determine (1)the effect of enriched biochar on soil properties, (2) the effect of soil properties on soybeanroot nodules, (3) the best combination of biochar and NPK in improving the development ofroot nodules. This research was conducted using Factorial Randomized Block CompleteDesign (RBCD) consisting of two factors with three replications. The first factor (B): Biocharsource, consisting of four levels and then the second factor (D): Enriched Biochar Dose,consisting of four levels. Based on the correlation result, the root nodules is significantlyinfluenced by soil pH, total N, N uptake, P uptake, and K uptake in acid soil, while measuredphysical and biological characteristic have not significantly influence. Total N and N uptakehave negative correlation so that its enhancement will reduces development of root nodules.The results show that enriched biochar is not significantly influential in increasing total soilN, while significantly reduces soil pH. In soybean crops, enriched biochar significantlyinfluences N, P, and K uptake, vice versa significantly reduces root nodules at doses greaterthan 2.5 ton / ha. The best combination was found in 2.5 ton / ha dose of rice straw biocharand wood biochar for optimize development of root nodules
Pengaruh Kombinasi Senyawa Humik dan CaCO3 terhadap Alumunium dan Fosfat Typic Paleudult Kentrong Banten Sugeng Winarso; Eko Handayanto; Syekhfani Syekhfani; Didik Sulistyanto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5400/jts.2009.v14i2.89-95


Effect of Humic Compounds and CaCO3 Combination on Aluminium and Phosphate of Typic Paleudult Kentrong Banten (S. Winarso, E. Handayanto, Syekhfani and D. Sulistyanto): Decomposition of organic matter releases humic compounds, that can chelate metals include Al in acidic soils. This chelation of Al is important for decreasing of Al activity and P fixation in acidic soils. This study was aimed to test the effect of humic compounds extracted from rice-straw compost and CaCO3 combination on aluminium activity and phosphate (available P) on an Ultisol (Typic Paleudult) collected from Kentrong Banten.  A laboratory study was conducted by series consentration of CaCO3 (0, 500, 1.000, 2.000, dan 3.000 ppm) in 8 grams of acidic soil. The acidic soil had previously been subjected to continuously addition of humic compounds and none. Then, these mix of soil and CaCO3 were added 40 ml contained 5.000 ppm humic compounds to obtain 1:5 soil:suspension ratio and  control was made by using aquadest. They were shaked for 2 hours every day and pH was measured. At 11st days incubation  Alexch (N KCl) and soluble of P (PB and PC) were measured.  The results  showed that liming or addition of CaCO3 to the acidic soils decreased Alexch (precipitated to be Al(OH)3) linearly with formula y = -0.778x + 6.108; y = Alexch (Cmol kg-1), x = CaCO3 (M); R² = 0,916. Combination addition of humic compounds and CaCO3 was able to increase pH and Alexch up to not detected. The increased of P-soluble or desorption P untill 384% took place at addition of 0.0016 M CaCO3 and 5000 ppm humic compounds. More desorption of P was observed if the acidic soils has previously been subjected to continuously addition of humic compounds, such us the increased of soluble P up to 739% at addition of CaCO3 0.0008 M.
Pemaduan Pseudomonas putida 27.4B dan Trichorderma sp. dalam Media Cair Senyawa Humik yang Diberi Zeolit untuk Mendapatkan Produk Multifungsi Ramah Lingkungan Sugeng WINARSO; Eko HANDAYANTO; SYEKHFANI .; Didik SULISTYANTO
Jurnal Pengendalian Hayati Vol 1 No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jember

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Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (Pseudomonas putida 27.4B) is effective in dissolving undissolve P;humik compound can decrease Al exchange in acid soil and can be used as microorganism liquidmedia; Zeolite can improve CEC and bases concentration; and Trichorderma sp. can control diseaseand increase crop yield. Therefore, aim of this research is to make product having multifunction bothenvironment friendly soil amandement (fertilizer) and biopesticide, combination Pseudomonas putida27.4B, humic compound, zeolite, and Trichorderma sp.Potetoes Dextro Agar (PDA) media used to see resistance and growth, continued humic compoundliquid media added zeolite. Research design is completele randomized design with three factor are: 1)Trichorderma sp. concentration are: 0 (control); 104; 105; dan 106; 2)good combination obtained last research are: a). 1000 ppm humic compound; 0,1% zeolit; P. putida27.4B 1012 and b). 5000 ppm humic compound; 0,1% zeolit; P. putida 27.4B 1012; and 3) incubation time are: 2 and 4 weeks.Result of research indicate that combination Pseudomonas putida 27.4B and Trichorderma sp. inPDA media can grow together, with visually speed of Trichorderma sp. growth faster thanPseudomonas putida 27.4B. Pseudomonas putida 27.4B proven can live on, even very good, in humiccompound liquid media added zeolite and Trichorderma sp. Its best growth is at humic compoundconcentration 1000 ppm. Besides that is tendency of combination Pseudomonas putida 27.4B andTrichorderma sp. exactly can increase growth of Pseudomonas putida 27.4B both at humic compoundconcentration 1000 ppm and without addition of humic compound. While at humic compoundconcentration 5000 ppm, Trichorderma sp. inokulasi exactly decrease Pseudomonas putida 27.4B.
Co-Authors - Asmuni Abdullah Taufiq Abdullah Taufiq Achmad Sjaifullah Achmad Sucahyo Agung Budi Santoso Alfarisy, Fariz Kustiawan Ananias De Deus Ancah Caesarina Novi Marchianti Ankardiansyah Pandu Pradana Aprilia Rizqi Arifandi, Didin Arum Ayu Puspita Aryo Fajar Sunartomo Azza Putra Kusuma Bambang Hermiyanto Basuki, Basuki Cacuk Purnomo Damasa Macandog Dedik Budianta Deus, Ananias De Dewi Rokhmah Didik SULISTYANTO Didik SULISTYANTO Didik Sulistyanto Didin Arifandi Dwi Wahyuni Dyah Ayu Dyah Ayu Savitri Eko Handayanto Farida Wahyu Ningtyias, Farida Wahyu Fatimatuz Zuhro Fatimatuz Zuhro, Fatimatuz Fitri Krismiratsih Fitri Krismiratsih FNU Slameto Ganestri, Rakhmaghfiroh Geonina Hasni Ummul Hasanah Hoesain, Mohammad Hoesain, Mohammad I Indasah IGM Subiksa Iis Nur Asyiah Inocencio Buot Jr Isa Ma’rufi Kacung Hariyono Khrisna Agung Cendekiawan Lintang Mutiara Putri Mandala, Marga Marinus H Pandutama Mis war Mochammad Wildan Djatmiko Mochammad Wildan Jadmiko Moh Waisul Karomi Najmi Muhammad Ilmiawan Nanik Kurniati Nestor Baguinon Prasetya Dhanny Prastyantoko Kukuh Pratiwi Ogis Rachel Sotto Rachmi Masnilah Rakhmaghfiroh Geonina Ganestri Rendy Anggriawan Rudy Erwiyono Salsabila Regina Intansari Sheila Natasya Anindia Putri Sholeh Avivi Siti Habibah Siti Habibah Slamerto Slamerto Sofia Sofia Sofia Sofia Sri Hartatik Sudarko Sudarko Sudarko Sudarko Sukron Romadhona Sulistiyowati, Hari Suyono . SYEKHFANI . Syekhfani Syekhfani Tiara Rizky Oceananda Suharto Tri Candra Setiawati Tri Candra Setyawati Wachju Subchan Wachju Subchan Wachju Subchan Wagiyana Wagiyana Widya Irawati Wiwien Sugih Utami Yuli Hariyati Yuli Hariyati Yuliani Elia Yuni Handayani Yusfi Afidah