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Kajian Daerah Rawan Kebakaran Kota Langsa Menggunakan Metode Weight Product (WP) heri irawan; Faiz Isma; Irwansyah
Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Komputer (J-ICOM) Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Komputer (JICOM)
Publisher : E-Jurnal Universitas Samudra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33059/j-icom.v2i1.3417


This research was conducted to determine the Fire Prone Areas in Langsa City with the hope to realize the stability of regional development by minimizing potential losses that will be suffered and to attract investors to invest because there is a guarantee of security towards investment assets from fire hazards. By using the Weighting Product (WP) method to find out Fire-Prone Areas scattered in 5 Districts and 64 Gampongs in Langsa City based on predetermined criteria referring to Minister of Public Works Regulation No. 20 / PRT / M / 2009. From the results of the study using the Weighting Product (WP) method, it was found that there were 5 Gampong Subdistricts that were included in the prone category, 7 Gampong included in the rather vulnerable category and 1 in the relatively safe category. It can be said that this district must get serious attention considering the population density (KP), fire history, and the distance from the water supply is large enough so that the index value is very high. While the East Langsa sub-district was classified as a fairly safe sub-district from 15 villages, there were 8 villages that were in the safe category, 7 villages were classified as somewhat safe, and none of them were classified as somewhat vulnerable, vulnerable and very vulnerable. This is because the area of ​​east langsa is quite large with a population density that is not so dense and the range of water supply is close. Keywords: Fire-Prone Areas, WP
Global Science Society Vol 1 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : LPPM dan PM Universitas Samudra

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Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) yang diusulkan menyiapkan tenaga teknis yang akan dibekali kemampuan mendesain dan membuat rencana anggaran Biaya (RAB) dalam mendukung kegiatan peningkatan fasilitas Gampong Kuala Geulumpang. 6 bulan. Sasaran program kegiatan ini adalah perangkat Gampong Kuala Geulumpang sebagai mitra 1 dan pemuda karang taruna sebagai mitra 2. Permasalahan utama yang dihadapi oleh Mitra 1 adalah belum adanya tenaga teknis di kalangan perangkat gampong sehingga semua kegiatan perencanaan di percayakan pihak ketiga.Permasalahan utama yang dihadapi oleh Mitra 2 adalah kurangnya wadah untuk menggali potensi pemuda gampong selain kegiatan olahraga.Kegiatan yang akan dilaksanakan selama Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) pada Mitra 1 adalah melatih perangkat gampong untuk monitoring dan evaluasi .Kegiatan dilanjutkan pada mitra 2 yaitu bimbingan teknis desain gambar dan RAB menggunakan Autocad.Target dari Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) ini yaitu menyiapkan kader desa sebagai tenaga teknis yang mampu merancang desain gambar dan RAB pembangunan prasarana Gampong dan melatih perangkat Gampong supaya mampu memonitoring dan mengevaluasi pekerjaan teknik
Global Science Society Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Global Science Society (GSS) Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyaraka
Publisher : LPPM dan PM Universitas Samudra

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The proposed Community Partnership Program will provide solutions and innovations about effective, easy, efficient and environmentally friendly enclosure systems. Technological innovation in making this cage is the existence of a separator between solid and liquid impurities as a source of odor and the existence of a control tub to accommodate liquid impurities so that it spreads. The Community Partnership Program activities will be carried out for 6 months. The target of this activity program is the Etawa Farmers Group located in Benua Raja Village. The main problem faced by Mitra is that the goat livestock business is undergoing very rapid development, but the waste generated both solid and liquid has not been managed optimally and is still scattered around the cage, causing unpleasant odors. Activities to be carried out during the Community Partnership Program on Mitra1; Training and mentoring environmentally friendly goat pens. The activity continued with Partner 2. Training and making a control tub to collect liquid waste that has a high economic value. The targets of the Community Partnership Program are; produce environmentally friendly pens Community Partnership Program (PKM) is the publication of scientific articles
Global Science Society Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Global Science Society (GSS) Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM dan PM Universitas Samudra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33059/gss.v4i1.4310


Banda Mulia Subdistrict is one of the subdistricts in Aceh Tamiang Regency which is the center of shallot production in Aceh. Shallot production in Banda Mulia District reached 12.5 tons/ha. The Blessing Fried Onion Business Group is a business group engaged in the production of fried onions. The production process of fried onions is still done in a very simple way so that the production process takes a longer time. The goal to be achieved in this Community Empowerment Program is to provide assistance in the form of an onion peeling machine, an onion slicing machine, and a spinner machine. The specific target of this Community Empowerment Program activity is the development of fried onion micro businesses by utilizing technology in the production process to be able to improve the community's economy. In an effort to achieve these goals, the Community Empowerment Program team implemented several methods, starting with conducting surveys and direct interviews with the fried onion business group in order to obtain information on the main problems faced by partners. The Community Empowerment Team then provided assistance to partners by handing over the epidermis peeling machine, onion slicing machine and spinner machine so that the production process would be shorter.
Educational Building Jurnal Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan dan Sipil Vol 4, No 2 DES (2018): EDUCATIONAL BUILDING
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (519.993 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/ebjptbs.v4i2 DES.12560


Pembangunan perumahan di kota Langsa dan sekitarnya terus mengalami peningkatan menyebabkan permintaan bata untuk keperluan pasangan dinding akan terus juga mengalami peningkatan. Umumnya ketersediaan bata saat ini masih menggunakan cara teradisional melalui proses pembakaran secara berlebihan akan berdampak terhadap polusi udara. Sehingga perlu diberikan suatu alternatif dalam penyediaan bata tanpa pembakaran yang ramah lingkungan dan bermutu baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan produksi batu bata tanpa bakar dengan memanfaatkan material limbah pertanian dan material alam yang lebih efisien dari segi waktu serta bermutu baik berdasarkan sifat fisik dan mekanis memenuhi standarisasi penyediaan bata di Indonesia. Penelitian menunjukkan pembuatan bata tanpa bakar lebih efisien dari segi waktu yaitu selama 4 hari bata sudah dapat dipasarkan dengan sifat fisik bata berukuran 225 x 110 x 65 mm, berwarna coklat muda dan bersuara nyaring dan sifat mekanis menghasilkan kuat tekan sebesar 6,14 Mpa dan kuat lentur berkisar 1,5 Mpa dimana kondisi ini memenuhi toleransi standarisasi bata di Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Bata tanpa bakar,sifat fisik bata,dan sifat mekanis bata ABSTRACT Housing development in the city of Langsa and surrounding areas continues to increase. It cause the demand of bricks for the needs of wall pairs continuesly increasing. Currently, the availability of bricks is produced by traditional methods through excessive combustion processes which caused an impact on air pollution. Therefore, the needs of an alternative method in providing both environmentally friendly and good quality bricks. The purpose of this study is to produce non-combustible brick production by utilizing agricultural waste and natural materials that are more time-efficient and good quality based on physical and mechanical properties to meet the standard of brick provision in Indonesia. The study showed that brick without burning process was more efficient in terms of time where in 4 days brick could be marketed. The brick physical properties is 225 x 110 x 65 mm, light brown color and loud sound. The mechanical properties of brick have compressive strength of 6.14 Mpa and strong bending ranges from 1.5 MPa which meets brick standardization tolerance in Indonesia Keywords: Brick without burning, brick physical test, and brick mechanical
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 6, No 4 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v6i4.11243


ABSTRAKTujuan dilaksanakannya kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk mengatasi permasalahan sampah di wilayah Gampong Meurandeh Dayah Kecamatan Langsa Lama khususnya sampah rumah tangga yang perlu ditanggulangi dengan pengelolaan sampah yang optimal. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah pelatihan dengan dialog partisipatif yaitu mengajak masyarakat di Gampong Merandeh Dayah untuk terlibat langsung dalam pemberdayaan pengelolaan sampah melalui pembentukan Bank Sampah nantinya. Tata cara pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini terdiri dari tiga tahap yaitu tahap pertama persiapan dengan melakukan survey pendahuluan melalui koordinasi dengan Geuchik dan Direktur BUMG. Tahap kedua pelaksanaan, dimana pada tahap ini dilakukan sosialisasi, pendampingan dan pelatihan serta pelaksanaan pendirian Bank Sampah. Evaluasi tahap ketiga bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat keberhasilan program PKM ini. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat ini terlaksana sesuai dengan yang diharapkan dan terdapat respon positif baik dari masyarakat maupun Geuchik Gampong yang menyampaikan harapannya kepada Tim untuk terus membantu dan mendampingi pimpinannya guna memajukan pembangunan desanya untuk lebih baik. Kata kunci: sampah; bank sampah; BUMG mitra usaha mandiri. ABSTRACTThe purpose of implementing this Community Service activity is to overcome waste problems in the Gampong Meurandeh Dayah area, Langsa Lama District, especially household waste, which needs optimal waste management. Implementing community service is training with participatory dialogue, inviting the community in Gampong Merandeh Dayah to be directly involved in empowering waste management by establishing a Waste Bank later. The procedure for implementing this community service activity consists of three stages: the first stage of preparation by conducting a preliminary survey through coordination with Geuchik and the Director of BUMG. The second stage of implementation is socialization, mentoring, training, and the establishment of a Waste Bank. The third stage of evaluation aims to measure the level of success of this PKM program. The results of this community service were as expected, and there was a positive response from the community and the Geuchik Gampong. They expressed their hopes for the Team to continue to help and accompany their leadership to advance the development village for the better. Keywords: garbage; garbage bank; BUMG independent business partners.
Effect of Stream River and Tidal on the Suspended Sediment Concentration of Kuala Langsa Estuary, Aceh, Indonesia Irwansyah Irwansyah; Faiz Isma; Yulina Ismida; Muhammad Fauzan Isma; Suliadi Firdaus Sufahani; Helmy Akbar
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 28, No 1 (2023): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.28.1.27-36


Kuala Langsa estuary is a semi-closed zone where there is an exchange of two water masses between river and tidal of the Malacca Strait. The exchange of those two water masses occurs as a physical result of fluctuating estuaries. This caused Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC) continue to increase as the estuary is the final distribution point for sediment brought from upstream by erosion in the Langsa River. This sediment contributes to the silting of Langsa estuary. This is caused the KRI dr. Soeharso Hospital to be unable to dock at the Kuala Langsa Port during the 66th Surya Bhaskara Jaya Navy Operations 2017. It’s necessary to study estuary physical conditions, which include bathymetry, currents, temperature, salinity, and concentrations of floating sediment that occur as a result of the tides and river discharges. This research used quantitative and qualitative exploratory methods, analyzed a direct correlation between the measurement results, roughness coeficient, and sediment transport rate used relevant empirical equations (Duboy's, Einstein's, Rottner, Chang, Simons, and Richardson, and Lane and Kalinske aquations). This research found that the Langsa estuary is 16 km with a semidiurnal tidal type. In the Langsa estuary, it was discovered that  the highest sediment rate was at the mouth of the estuary is 10.700.739,71 ton/day-1 and the physical model of Muara Langsa has a good correlation to the results of measurements-model indicate value of CC width = 0.959 and tide CC= 0.421, This study provides initial information for conducting hydrodynamic and morphological models at the mouth of estuary.
Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 6, No 3 (2023): MARTABE : JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31604/jpm.v6i3.996-1001


Penyebaran covid-19 masih menjadi ancaman mulai di mulai tahun 2019 sampai saat ini berbagai cara digunakan untuk mengatasi penyebaran covid-19 oleh pemerintah salah satunya dengan social distancing.  Selama ini pengukuran suhu pada umumnya masih menggunakan thermo gun yang mana pengukurannya masih melibatkan petugas. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat adalah merancang dan menerapkan teknologi sistem pengukuran suhu tubuh menggunakan pencitraan thermal berbasis internet of things pada mitra dalam hal ini Puskesmas Langsa Lama sehingga diharapkan dapat mencegah penyebaran covid-19 di lingkungan mitra.
Analisis Kerentanan Struktur Gedung C Rumah Sakit Rujukan Regional Kota Langsa Menggunakan Metode Pushover Analysis MEILANDY PURWANDITO; HAIKAL FAJRI; IRWANSYAH .; MUHAMMAD AGUSSALIM
TERAS JURNAL : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 13, No 2 (2023): Volume 13 Nomor 2, September 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/tj.v13i2.964


Abstrak Fenomena gempa merupakan gejala alam yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap bangunan, terutama pada bangunan tinggi. Perencanaan struktur bangunan gedung tahan gempa sangat penting di Indonesia, mengingat sebagian besar wilayahnya terletak dalam wilayah gempa dengan intensitas sedang hingga tinggi. Kajian penelitian adalah Rumah sakit rujukan regional kota Langsa dengan struktur bangunan 4 lantai dan tinggi 19,25 meter. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan kriteria level kinerja struktur dan mengetahui pola keruntuhan bangunan sehingga dapat diketahui joint-joint yang mengalami kerusakan dan kehancuran. Metode analisis pushover merupakan salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis beban gempa guna mengetahui perilaku keruntuhan struktur dari hasil nilai performance point menggunakan ATC-40 dan nilai target displacement FEMA-356 dan FEMA 440. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa berdasarkan ATC-40 untuk arah-x diperoleh nilai drift aktual sebesar 0,0082 mm berada di level kinerja Immediate occupancy dan untuk arah-y sebesar 0,0072 berada di level kinerja Imediated Occupancy. Sedangkan menurut FEMA 356 dan FEMA 440 drift aktual untuk arah-x sebesar 0,015 yang berada di level kinerja Damage Control, sementara arah-y sebesar 0,037 berada pada level kinerja Life safety. Kata kunci: kerentanan struktur, rumah sakit, gempa, pushover analysis, level kinerja Abstract Earthquake phenomena are natural phenomena that greatly affect buildings, especially tall buildings. The planning of earthquake-resistant building structures is very important in Indonesia, considering that most of the area is located in an earthquake area with moderate to high intensity. The research study was the Langsa city regional hospital with a 4-storey building structure and a height of 19.25 meters. The purpose of this study was to determine the criteria for the level of structural performance and to determine the pattern of building collapse so that the joints that were damaged and destroyed could be identified. The pushover analysis method is one of the methods used to analyze earthquake loads to determine the collapse behavior of structures from the results of performance point values using ATC-40 and displacement target values of FEMA-356 and FEMA 440. The results show that based on ATC-40 for the x-direction the actual drift value of 0.0082 mm is obtained at the Immediate Occupancy and for the y-direction of 0.0072 at the Immediate Occupancy performance level. Meanwhile, according to FEMA 356 and FEMA 440 the actual drift for the x-direction is 0.015 which is at the Damage Control, while the y-direction is 0.037 at the Life safety performance level. Keywords: structure vulnerability, hospital, earthquake, pushover analysis, performance level
Perbandingan Analisis Struktur Gedung Laboratorium PGSD Universitas Samudra Metode Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus Menggunakan ETABS dan BIM Tekla Struktural Designer Muhammad Azis Syah; Muhammad Zacky Ardhyan; Haikal Fajri; Meilandy Purwandito; Irwansyah Irwansyah
Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Sipil Vol 20 No 2 (2023): Oktober 2023
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Masyarakat (P3M), Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/jirs.v20i2.1048


Indonesia is located on the fault line of the Eurasian and Indo-Australian plates which makes Indonesia prone to earthquakes. The structural design of the Special Moment Resisting Frame System (SRPMK) is required for reinforced concrete buildings in high earthquake-prone areas, it is hoped that using the SRPMK construction method can have a flexible structure. The purpose of this research is to discuss the comparison of test control of the Samudra University PGSD Laboratory Building with the Etabs application and the Tekla Structural Designer Application. The building structure under review is a reinforced concrete structure with 3 floors with a building length of 54 m, width of 18 m, and height of 16.8 m. The type of soil for the construction site is soft soil with earthquake design category D. Construction planning refers to SNI 1726 – 2019. The additional dead loads of floors and roofs are 0.672 and 0.710, the largest live loads are 7.18 kN/m², the earthquake loads with Ss and S1 are 0.68 and 0.34, the priority factor earthquake of 1.5 and a period of 20 seconds, the suction and compressive wind loads are -0.25 kN/m² and -0.41 kN /m². The results of structural analysis using the ETABS application and the Tekla Structural Designer application, the control values of the mass participation test, the fundamental natural vibration time, the base reaction, and the standard deviation between floors have met the requirements for earthquake-resistant building planning. The volume of concrete is 594.9 m³, the bone requirement for D22 is 3432.96 kg, D19 is 3605 4.89 kg, D16 is 26434.5 kg, D13 is 1774.72 kg, Ø12 is 6237.53 kg, Ø10 is 31599, 07 kg, Ø8 is 4589.31 kg