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Journal : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam

Tinjauan Maqashid Syariah dan Fiqh al-Bi’ah dalam Green Economy Muhtadi, Ridan; Utama, R Wahyu Agung; Arifin, Nur Rachmat; Mawardi, Imron
Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Vol 10 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Fakultas Agama Islam UHAMKA
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (829.34 KB)


Economic development in the 20th century has a huge impact on the sustainability of mankind. However, on the other hand, it has a negative impact on the living ecosystem. Economics and the environment are considered two opposite sides in some ways like the way they treat profit orientation toward sustainable development. Sustainable development On the basis of this result creates a relatively new concept, Green Economy. Green Economy is a concept that supports human welfare and care for the preservation of the environment and ecosystem of life in economic development. But the negative side of economic development could also affect the depletion of natural resources due to overexploitation, pollution of the land, water, and air due to industrial pollution, floods, and impact on climate change. Islam has an ideal concept of sustainable development. There are at least fundamental rules in order to support the sustainable development of the implementation of environmental fiqh based maqasid sharia for the management of Islamic resources in economic transactions.   Keywords: Maqasid Syariah, Fiqh environment, Green Economy, Environmental Preservation
Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Vol 10 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Fakultas Agama Islam UHAMKA
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (242.862 KB)


Islamic boarding school is one of the educational institutions that have a strong network. Until now, there were 27,230 Islamic boarding schools scattered throughout Indonesia. Today, the function of Islamic boarding schools is not only functioning as an Islamic-based educational institution but also Islamic boarding schools has a function as a social institution. Islamic boarding schools are considered potential to become the basis of empowerment local people's economy and the center of economic development of the people in the regions, both in the form of Islamic financial institutions or Islamic boarding school cooperation. Law in Indonesia, No.33 of 2014 concerning guarantees on halal products provides significant opportunities for innovative product development given the huge potential of Indonesia's Muslim population. In the process, the requirement to use halal certification in trade as mandated by national law carries a dilemma on halal industrial players as well as micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The problem of capital and funding is key problem. This qualitative paper offers a literature review. The purpose of this paper is to understand how innovative funding models are through Islamic Boarding School venture capital the company spurred the growth and development of the halal industry. The Sharia Local Funding Card (SALAF) is innovative Mudharabah and Musyarakah transaction models at Baitul Mal Wattamwil, which are realized in sustainable funding with the Sharia business capital company for halal industry players. Allocation of profit sharing is based on the contract by specifying several parts other than cards as productive deposits. These deposits will be managed as productive stimulus funds for maintenance of halal certification, training, and business assistance, and the SALAF card balance itself. SALAF card is an innovative model that has a sustainable funding agreement that involves several stakeholders to improve productivity, growth, and presence of halal products in the nation trade arena.  Keywords: financing, SMES, SALAF card, Islamic Boarding School venture capital  
Ekonomi Islam Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Fakultas Agama Islam UHAMKA
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22236/jei.v12i2.3417


Islamic boarding school is one of the educational institutions that have a strong network. Until now, there were 27,230 Islamic boarding schools scattered throughout Indonesia. Today, the function of Islamic boarding schools is not only functioning as an Islamic-based educational institution but also Islamic boarding schools has a function as a social institution. Islamic boarding schools are considered potential to become the basis of empowerment local people's economy and the center of economic development of the people in the regions, both in the form of Islamic financial institutions or Islamic boarding school cooperation. Law in Indonesia, No.33 of 2014 concerning guarantees on halal products provides significant opportunities for innovative product development given the huge potential of Indonesia's Muslim population. In the process, the requirement to use halal certification in trade as mandated by national law carries a dilemma on halal industrial players as well as micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The problem of capital and funding is key problem. This qualitative paper offers a literature review. The purpose of this paper is to understand how innovative funding models are through Islamic Boarding School venture capital the company spurred the growth and development of the halal industry. The Sharia Local Funding Card (SALAF) is innovative Mudharabah and Musyarakah transaction models at Baitul Mal Wattamwil, which are realized in sustainable funding with the Sharia business capital company for halal industry players. Allocation of profit sharing is based on the contract by specifying several parts other than cards as productive deposits. These deposits will be managed as productive stimulus funds for maintenance of halal certification, training, and business assistance, and the SALAF card balance itself. SALAF card is an innovative model that has a sustainable funding agreement that involves several stakeholders to improve productivity, growth, and presence of halal products in the nation trade arena. Keywords: financing, SMES, SALAF card, Islamic Boarding School venture capital
Ekonomi Islam Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Fakultas Agama Islam UHAMKA
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (242.862 KB)


Islamic boarding school is one of the educational institutions that have a strong network. Until now, there were 27,230 Islamic boarding schools scattered throughout Indonesia. Today, the function of Islamic boarding schools is not only functioning as an Islamic-based educational institution but also Islamic boarding schools has a function as a social institution. Islamic boarding schools are considered potential to become the basis of empowerment local people's economy and the center of economic development of the people in the regions, both in the form of Islamic financial institutions or Islamic boarding school cooperation. Law in Indonesia, No.33 of 2014 concerning guarantees on halal products provides significant opportunities for innovative product development given the huge potential of Indonesia's Muslim population. In the process, the requirement to use halal certification in trade as mandated by national law carries a dilemma on halal industrial players as well as micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The problem of capital and funding is key problem. This qualitative paper offers a literature review. The purpose of this paper is to understand how innovative funding models are through Islamic Boarding School venture capital the company spurred the growth and development of the halal industry. The Sharia Local Funding Card (SALAF) is innovative Mudharabah and Musyarakah transaction models at Baitul Mal Wattamwil, which are realized in sustainable funding with the Sharia business capital company for halal industry players. Allocation of profit sharing is based on the contract by specifying several parts other than cards as productive deposits. These deposits will be managed as productive stimulus funds for maintenance of halal certification, training, and business assistance, and the SALAF card balance itself. SALAF card is an innovative model that has a sustainable funding agreement that involves several stakeholders to improve productivity, growth, and presence of halal products in the nation trade arena. Keywords: financing, SMES, SALAF card, Islamic Boarding School venture capital
Tinjauan Maqashid Syariah dan Fiqh al-Bi’ah dalam Green Economy Ridan Muhtadi; R Wahyu Agung Utama; Nur Rachmat Arifin; Imron Mawardi
Ekonomi Islam Vol. 10 No. 2 (2019): Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Fakultas Agama Islam UHAMKA
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (829.34 KB)


Economic development in the 20th century has a huge impact on the sustainability of mankind. However, on the other hand, it has a negative impact on the living ecosystem. Economics and the environment are considered two opposite sides in some ways like the way they treat profit orientation toward sustainable development. Sustainable development On the basis of this result creates a relatively new concept, Green Economy. Green Economy is a concept that supports human welfare and care for the preservation of the environment and ecosystem of life in economic development. But the negative side of economic development could also affect the depletion of natural resources due to overexploitation, pollution of the land, water, and air due to industrial pollution, floods, and impact on climate change. Islam has an ideal concept of sustainable development. There are at least fundamental rules in order to support the sustainable development of the implementation of environmental fiqh based maqasid sharia for the management of Islamic resources in economic transactions. Keywords: Maqasid Syariah, Fiqh environment, Green Economy, Environmental Preservation
Ekonomi Islam Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Ekonomi Islam Fakultas Agama Islam UHAMKA
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22236/jei.v12i2.3417


Islamic boarding school is one of the educational institutions that have a strong network. Until now, there were 27,230 Islamic boarding schools scattered throughout Indonesia. Today, the function of Islamic boarding schools is not only functioning as an Islamic-based educational institution but also Islamic boarding schools has a function as a social institution. Islamic boarding schools are considered potential to become the basis of empowerment local people's economy and the center of economic development of the people in the regions, both in the form of Islamic financial institutions or Islamic boarding school cooperation. Law in Indonesia, No.33 of 2014 concerning guarantees on halal products provides significant opportunities for innovative product development given the huge potential of Indonesia's Muslim population. In the process, the requirement to use halal certification in trade as mandated by national law carries a dilemma on halal industrial players as well as micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The problem of capital and funding is key problem. This qualitative paper offers a literature review. The purpose of this paper is to understand how innovative funding models are through Islamic Boarding School venture capital the company spurred the growth and development of the halal industry. The Sharia Local Funding Card (SALAF) is innovative Mudharabah and Musyarakah transaction models at Baitul Mal Wattamwil, which are realized in sustainable funding with the Sharia business capital company for halal industry players. Allocation of profit sharing is based on the contract by specifying several parts other than cards as productive deposits. These deposits will be managed as productive stimulus funds for maintenance of halal certification, training, and business assistance, and the SALAF card balance itself. SALAF card is an innovative model that has a sustainable funding agreement that involves several stakeholders to improve productivity, growth, and presence of halal products in the nation trade arena. Keywords: financing, SMES, SALAF card, Islamic Boarding School venture capital
Co-Authors Achmad Hijri Lidnillah Achmad Hijri Lidnillah, Achmad Hijri Achmad Kharis Adhama, Gabriella Jodie Ainur Rachman Ainur Rachman, Ainur Ainur Rofiq Kurniawan Ajeng Gama Rosyida Al Ma'rifatul A'la Al Mustofa, Muhammad Ubaidillah Ambariyanto Ambariyanto Anisa Priyanka Jasmine Aprilidya Ayu Parandita Ananta Ardina Talitha Nidya Ari Prasetyo Ari Prasetyo Arifin, Nur Rachmat Ariska Oktavia Arni Dini Inayati Aufar Fadlul Hady Aulia Ramadhani Aysha Dhamaring Nugroho Azel Raoul Reginald Azel Raoul Reginald, Azel Raoul Bayu Wardhana Bintang Pratama Buana Putra Dewie Saktia Ardiantono Diamantin Rohadatul Aisy Dian Anggraini Dien Mardhiyah Dzikri Nurrohman Dzikri Nurrohman Eko Fajar Cahyono, David Kaluge Fakhrana, Fathaniadina Faridatun Nila Faridatun Nila Faridatun Nila Fary Adisetya Putra Fathaniadina Fakhrana Febrinda Eka Damayanti Firsty Izzata Bella Fithrotin Azizah Rahmah Fitri Nur Latifah Gabriella Jodie Adhama Gea Papurane Langi Hanifiyah Yuliatul Hijriah, Hanifiyah Yuliatul Huzein Satrio Prasetyawan Ilham Nur Agustha Ilham Nur Agustha, Ilham Nur Ilmiawan Auwalin Imam Sopingi Indi Masita Lisdawami Indra Kharisma Raharjana Insani, Taqiyah Dinda Insani, Taqiyah Dinda Ira Erlinawati Ira Erlinawati, Ira Ishma Amelia Jihad Jihad Jihad, Jihad Kurniawan, Ainur Rofiq Kusnul Ciptanila Yuni K. Mahmudah, Siti Nur Md Atiqur Rahman Sarker Mirna Ainurrachma Moch. Ali Fudin Al Islami Moh Fudholi Moh. Fudholi Moh. Fudholi Mohammad Haidar Risyad Mohammad Haidar Risyad Muhamad Nafik Hadi Ryandono Muhamad Nafik Hadi Ryandono, Muhamad Nafik Muhammad Adlan Muhammad Ali Nuruddin Muhammad Sanusi Muhammad sanusi Muhammad Syauqi Muhammad Ubaidillah Al Mustofa Muhammad Ubaidillah Al Mustofa Muhammad Ubaidillah Al Mustofa Muhammad Ubaidillah Al Mustofa Muhammad Wicaksono Hasdyani Putra Muslich Anshori Muslich Anshori Muslich Anshori Mutmainah Mutmainah Nareswari Saputro Nareswari Saputro, Nareswari Nidya, Ardina Talitha Nikmatul Atiya Nila, Faridatun Norma Rosyidah Norma Rosyidah, Norma Nova Rini Nova Rini Novalia Nastiti Novalia Nastiti, Novalia Nur Rachmat Arifin Nur Rachmat Arifin Nuria Latifah Nurul Asfiah Nurul Asfiah Okyviandi Putra Erlangga Ongky Martha Dwiyananda Ongky Martha Dwiyananda, Ongky Martha Pramita Agustin Pramita Agustin, Pramita Puji Sucia Sukmaningrum Putra, Fary Adisetya R Moh Qudsi Fauzi R Wahyu Agung Utama R Wahyu Agung Utama R. Wahyu Agung Utama R. Wahyu Agung Utama R. Wahyu Agung Utama R. Wahyu Agung Utama Rachman Sugiharno Raditya Sukmana Ramdani Ramdani Rani, Lina Nugraha Renny Oktafia Renny Oktafia, Renny Ridan Muhtadi Rifqul Ma'isyah Ririn Tri Ratnasari Rosana Puspasari Rosana Puspasari, Rosana Samsidar Widiarso Setiyo Aji Shofal Iman Siti Maisaroh Siti Maisaroh Siti Nur Azizaturrohmah Siti Nur Azizaturrohmah, Siti Nur Siti Nur Mahmudah Siti Zulaikha Sri Herianingrum Sri Ningsih Sulaeman Sulaeman Sunan Fanani, Sunan Sunarno Sunarno Taqiyah Dinda Insani Taufan Indrasasmita Tika Widiastuti Tika Widiastuti Tjiptohadi Sawarjuwono Utama, R Wahyu Agung Utama, R. Wahyu Agung Wahyu Wibisono Wahid Wisudanto Wisudanto Yanuar Dharma Putra Yossy Imam Candika Zaim Nur Afif Zaim Nur Afif, Zaim Nur