Bambang Wirjatmadi
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia

Published : 23 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Found 23 Documents

Influence of Cinnamon Extract (Cinnamomum burmanii) Provision on the Reduction of Blood Glucose Level of Hyperglycemic Male Wistar Rats Aulia, Kharina; Wirjatmadi, Bambang; Adriani, Merryana
Health Notions Vol 2 No 3 (2018): March 2018
Publisher : Humanistic Network for Science and Technology (Address: Cemara street 25, Ds/Kec Sukorejo, Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia 63453)

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The number of patients with hyperglycemia in the world and in Indonesia is estimated to increase rapidly in the next 25 years. The content of cinnamaldehyde, flavonoids, polyphenols, and chromium in cinnamon thought to have an influence of hypoglycemia. This study aimed to determine the influence of cinnamon extract to a decrease of blood glucose levels in hyperglycemic rats induced by a single dose of alloxan as much as 125 mg/kg. This study was laboratory experiment by using RAL (Complete Randomize Design) with Pre-Post Test Control Group Design Research. Experimental animals used were male Wistar rats divided into 5 groups. KN was negative control group. KP was hyperglycemic positive control group. P1 was the first treatment group (a dose of 200 mg/kg). P2 was the second treatment group (a dose of 250 mg/kg). P3 was the third treatment group (a dose of 300 mg/kg). Cinnamon therapy was given orally for 14 days. The results of this research was tested statistically by using One Way ANOVA and showed that there were significant differences between the blood glucose levels in the treatment group with the positive and negative control groups. The conclusion was that the provision of cinnamon extract for 14 days could provide an influence of lowering blood glucose levels.  Keywords: Blood glucose, Cinnamon, Hyperglicemia
Effects of Purple Sweet Potatoes on Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in Rats Subjected to Exhaustive Exercise Sholikhah, Anindya Maratus`; Wirjatmadi, Bambang; Adriani, Merryana
Health Notions Vol 2 No 2 (2018): February 2018
Publisher : Humanistic Network for Science and Technology (Address: Cemara street 25, Ds/Kec Sukorejo, Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia 63453)

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Oxidative stress is a condition caused by the imbalance between the production of free radicals or ROS and the antioxidants; the level of free radicals is higher than the antioxidants. Exhaustive exercise is one of the causes of this oxidative stress. However, it can be reduced by antioxidants found in purple sweet potatoes (PSP) (Ipomoea batatas L). This study aims to evaluate the effect of two weeks supplementation of PSP extract on rats inducedoxidative stress. Twenty rats were distibuted into four groups consisted five rats each. Rats in the treatments groups were administered PSP extract for two weeks then were forced to swim until exhausted. Bloods from all samples were drawn to see the changes in the levels of malondialdehyde ans superoxide dismutase after two weeks of treatment. The data was then analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistic. The results showed that mean level of MDA and SOD differ significantly (p<0.05) between groups after the administration of PSP extract as well as after exhaustive exercise. The extracts and exhaustive exercise concurrently showed a significant effect on oxidative stress biomarkers (p<0.05). It concluded that PSP extract can protect cells against free radical produced by exhaustive exercise. 
The Role of Addition of Vitamin C in Iron Supplementation on Ferritin Serum Levels in Anemia Adolescent Females Astuti, Nanik Dwi; Wirjatmadi, Bambang; Adriani, Merryana
Health Notions Vol 2 No 3 (2018): March 2018
Publisher : Humanistic Network for Science and Technology (Address: Cemara street 25, Ds/Kec Sukorejo, Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia 63453)

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Prevention of iron deficiency anemia in Indonesia using ferrous sulfas blood-added tablets started since 1997. But iron deficiency anemia is still high, also in young women. Young women are vulnerable because of rapid growth and unhealthy their consumption patterns, which rarely consume fruits and vegetables that are a source of vitamin C. The purpose of this study was to analyze the addition of vitamin C in iron supplementation + folic acid to serum ferritin levels in adolescents females anemia. This research was an experimental quasi research. Design of research was Randomized Pre Post Test Control Group Design, with Double Blind treatment. This study had one treatment group and one control group, each group of 11 samples. The samples were chosen randomly with inclusion and exclusion. The collected data was processed using SPSS program with the analysis of paired t-test and independent t-test to test the difference of serum ferritin level. The results was showed the characteristics of respondents: age (p = 0.430), education of mother (p = 0.942) and nutritional knowledge of respondents (p = 0.928) in the same condition or both groups were had homogeneous characteristics. The pattern and level of food consumption were showed no different between control and traetment groups (p> 0.05). Serum ferritin levels showed difference between the two groups after treatment (p = 0.004). The study was showed vitamin C had role in increasing iron absorption and fill in storage of ferritin formation. Keywords: Anemia, Vitamin C, Iron supplement, Ferritin
Green Tea (EGCG) Decreases Malondialdehide In Oxidative Stress Exposure To Psychological Stress Priaminda, M Dodi F; Wirjatmadi, Bambang; Purwanto, Bambang; Adriani, Merryana
Health Notions Vol 2 No 7 (2018): July 2018
Publisher : Humanistic Network for Science and Technology (Address: Cemara street 25, Ds/Kec Sukorejo, Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia 63453)

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Expression of VCAM in Male Wistar Rats (Rattus norvegicus) with Hypercholesterolemia Supplemented with Pumpkin Seeds (Cucurbita moschata Duch) Extract Proboningsih, Jujuk; Wirjatmadi, Bambang; Kuntoro, Kuntoro; Adriani, Merryana
Health Notions Vol 2 No 6 (2018): June 2018
Publisher : Humanistic Network for Science and Technology (Address: Cemara street 25, Ds/Kec Sukorejo, Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia 63453)

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Treatment of cardiovascular diseases tends to be expensive and requires long-term therapy. Investigation about the effect of pumpkin seeds on prevention of endothelial dysfunction of blood vessel has never been reported yet, accordingly, bodies of research are required to know its effectiveness. This study aimed to analyze the expression of Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule (VCAM) in male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) with hypercholesterolemia supplemented with pumpkin seeds extract (Cucurbita moschata Duch). This was an experimental laboratory study with randomized post-test control group design. The independent variable was pumpkin seeds extract, and the dependent one was expression of VCAM. Data analysis employed chi-square test to test the difference between control and treatment groups. Study results showed that there was significant difference (p=0.000) between VCAM expression in group-K2 (positive control) as compared to group-K1 (negative control) and group-K5 (treatment group-dose 3) α=0.001, whereas no significant difference was found between that of as compared to group-K3 (treatment group-dose 1) α=0.125 and group-K4 (treatment group-dose 2) α=0.05. The study showed reduction of VCAM expression in treatment groups consisted of male Wistar rats with hypercholesterolemia supplemented with pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita moschata Duch) extract. Keywords: Pumpkin seeds, VCAM expression, hypercholesterolemia
Robusta Coffee Decreased Malondialdehyde Levels in Wistar Mice Experiencing Oxidative Stress Abidah, Rahmi Syarifatun; Wirjatmadi, Bambang; Purwanto, Bambang; Adriani, Merryana
Health Notions Vol 1 No 4 (2017): October-December 2017
Publisher : Humanistic Network for Science and Technology (Address: Cemara street 25, Ds/Kec Sukorejo, Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia 63453)

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Coffee drinking is a habit that still doubtful for it’s benefits. Many active ingredients in robusta coffee (Coffea canephora) are very useful for health, especially the antioxidant content that can ward off free radicals that absorbed in the body. Free radicals can be caused by psychological stress exposure. Excessive amounts of radicals in the body cause oxidative stress. This study aimed to see the robusta coffee effect on decreasing levels of Malondialdehyde (MDA) with “randomized post test only control group” design with 25 samples of white male rat strain wistar (Rattus norvegicus). Samples were divided into 5 groups: control groups and randomized treatment groups. Treatment given in psychological stress and giving robusta coffee drink with single dose. This study used “one way anova” test and followed by “pos hoc tukey HSD” test for statistics. Robusta coffee had an effect in MDA levels changing. There was a MDA levels decreasing in 1 hour after robusta coffee drinking in experimental rats with oxidative stress conditions that were exposed by psychological stress.   
Hubungan serum seng dengan jumlah CD4 pada lansia di Panti Jompo Sugeng, Maria Widijanti; Adriani, Merryana; Wirjatmadi, Bambang
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 2, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (398.212 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.2.1.


Background: Elderly people tend to have higher susceptibility to infections because of immune dysfunction, especially cell-mediated immune system which is related to zinc deficiency. Zinc has an important role in the cell-mediated immune system which can be determined by CD4 count. Objectives: To determine the zinc level in the serum and CD4 count in healthy elderly and the correlation between the zinc level in the serum and CD4 count. Method: This was a randomized cross-sectional study. Twenty seven healthy elderly subjects of both sexes aged 60-90 years were recruited for this study from a senior center. Zinc level in the serum and CD4 count were measured. Result: The average of CD4 count was 710 + 269 cells/ml, and the average of zinc level in the serum was 87,29 + 10,27 μg/dL. Twenty six percent elderly had low CD4 count (<460cells/ml. There was no zinc deficiency among the elderly but 30% elderly had zinc level 70- 80 μg/dL. There was a significant correlation (p<0,05) between zinc level and CD4 count, which was analyzed using Pearson correlation method.Conclusion: CD4 count has correlation with zinc level in the serum in elderlyKeywords: Zinc level, CD4 count, elderly
Pemberian Buah Kawista Menghambat Peningkatan Kadar Malondialdehid Serum Tikus Wistar yang Dipapar Asap Rokok Raharja, Kristian Triatmaja; Wirjatmadi, Bambang; Adriani, Merryana
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya Vol 29, No. 3 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jkb.2017.029.03.2


Asap rokok merupakan sumber radikal bebas (oksidan) yang dapat meningkatkan terjadinya peroksidasi lipid membran sel. Malondialdehid (MDA) adalah salah satu produk akhir dari peroksidasi lipid, digunakan sebagai biomarker stres oksidatif. Buah kawista (Limonia acidissima Linn) memiliki senyawa fenolik antara lain flavonoid dan tanin yang berpotensi sebagai antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian buah kawista secara preventif, untuk menghambat peningkatan kadar malondialdehid serum tikus Wistar yang dipapar asap rokok. Studi eksperimental menggunakan post-test only group design, dengan rancangan acak lengkap, pada tikus Wistar jantan sebanyak 25 ekor, perlakuan selama 35 hari. Tikus dibagi dalam 5 kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol negatif (tanpa perlakuan), kontrol positif (dipapar asap rokok), kelompok P1 (asap rokok dan buah kawista dosis 500 mg/kg BB), kelompok P2 (asap rokok dan buah kawista dosis 600 mg/kg BB), kelompok P3 (asap rokok dan buah kawista dosis 700 mg/kg BB). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa buah kawista yang diberikan secara preventif pada ketiga dosis, dapat menghambat peningkatan kadar malondialdehid serum tikus yang dipapar asap rokok (p=0,000). Kadar malondialdehid serum terendah terlihat pada dosis 700 mg/kg BB. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian buah kawista secara preventif, dapat menghambat peningkatan kadar malondialdehid serum tikus Wistar yang dipapar asap rokok.Kata Kunci: Antioksidan, asap rokok, buah kawista, malondialdehid, peroksidasi lipid
Combined Food (Bekatul dan Lemak) Menurunkan Kadar Kolesterol Total, Trigliserida, dan LDL pada Tikus Galur Wistar Jufri, Nur Nashriana; Wirjatmadi, Bambang; Adriani, Merryana
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya Vol 28, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jkb.2015.028.03.8


Bekatul merupakan bahan pangan nabati yang berpotensi menurunkan kolesterol karena kandungan serat pangan yang tinggi dan komponen bioaktif seperti oryzanol, fitosterol dan tokoferol serta tokotrienol. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis efek pemberian diet komibnasi bekatul dan tinggi kolesterol terhadap kadar kolesterol total, trigliserida dan LDL pada tikus galur wistar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan rancangan randomized post test only control group design. Dalam penelitian ini 25 ekor tikus galur wistar dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok secara acak diberi perlakuan selama 4 minggu. Kelompok (K-) diberi diet standar,  (K+) diberi diet standar dan tinggi kolesterol, (P1) diberi diet standar, tinggi kolesterol dan bekatul 10%, (P2) diberi diet standar, tinggi kolesterol dan bekatul 30%, (P3) diberi diet standar, tinggi kolesterol dan bekatul 50%. Kadar kolesterol total diukur menggunakan metode CHOD-PAP, trigliserida menggunakan metode GPO-PAP dan LDL menggunakan metode homogen assay. Data dianalisis menggunakan One Way ANOVA dan Tukey HSD. Pemberian bekatul dan diet tinggi kolesterol secara bersamaan memberikan kadar kolesterol total (p=0,000), trigliserida (p=0,001), dan LDL (p=0,048) yang lebih rendah secara bermakna dibandingkan kondisi diet hiperkolesterol. Dosis bekatul sebesar 50% (P3) memberikan penurunan bermakna kadar kolesterol, trigliserida dan LDL hingga sama dengan kondisi normal. Pemberian bekatul dan diet tinggi kolesterol secara bersamaan dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol total, trigliserida dan LDL pada tikus galur wistar dengan dosis efektif 50%.Kata Kunci: Bekatul, combined food,  kolesterol total, LDL, trigliserida
Efek Preventif Pemberian Ekstrak Kulit Buah Naga Berdaging Super Merah (Hylocereus Costaricensis) terhadap Malondialdehid Tikus Wistar yang Dipapar Asap Rokok Nasution, Ade Saputra; Wirjatmadi, Bambang; Adriani, Merryana
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya Vol 29, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (478.011 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jkb.2016.029.01.5


Kulit buah naga berdaging super merah  (Hylocereus costaricensis) merupakan limbah yang sangat jarang dimanfaatkan, biasanya kulit buah naga hanya dibuang begitu saja, padahal mengandung antiosianin yang cukup tinggi. Antosianin yang terkandung dalam kulit buah naga berpotensi dijadikan sebagai alternatif pewarna alami dan antioksidan alami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efek pemberian kulit buah naga berdaging super merah terhadap pencegahan kenaikan Malondialdehid (MDA) pada tikus wistar yang diberi paparan asap rokok. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan lima kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol negatif, kelompok kontrol positif, kelompok perlakuan diberi ekstrak 1,575gr/ml, kelompok perlakuan diberi ekstrak 3,150gr/ml dan kelompok perlakuan diberi ekstrak 4,725gr/ml. Kadar MDA dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode TBA (Thiobarbaturic Acid). Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 36 hari, 7 hari pertama diberi ekstrak sesuai dosis, selanjutnya 28 hari kemudian dipapar 2 batang rokok dan diberi ekstrak. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji ANOVA One Way dan LSD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar MDA pada kelompok positif dengan kelompok pemberian ekstrak 1,575 gr/ml tidak terdapat perbedanyaan nyata (0,079 >0,05). Kadar MDA pada kelompok  kontrol positif dengan kelompok pemberian ekstrak 3,15gr/ml dan kelompok pemberian ekstrak 4,725gr/ml ada perbedaan nyata (0,00 <0,05). Kelompok pemberian ekstrak 3,15gr/ml dan kelompok pemberian ekstrak 4,725gr/ml dapat mencegah kenaikan kadar MDA pada tikus yang dipapar asap rokok.