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PENGARUH TRAGAKAN SEBAGAI PENGIKAT TERHADAP SIFAT FISIK TABLET HISAP EKSTRAK JAHE (Zingiber officinalle Roxb.) Taurina, Wintari; Syukri, Yandi; Triastuti, Asih
Majalah Obat Tradisional Vol 18, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (661.951 KB) | DOI: 10.14499/mot-TradMedJ18iss2pp%p


Jahe (Zingiber officinale Roxb.) merupakan salah satu tanaman obat yang berkhasiat sebagai obat batuk, pelega perut, obat rematik serta penawar racun, dan telah lama digunakan dalam bentuk jamu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sediaan obat tradisional yang lebih praktis, ekonomis, stabil, dan bernilai estetis dalam bentuk tablet hisap ekstrak jahe. Pertama dilakukan ekstraksi dari serbuk jahe, kemudian dibuat ekstrak kental dan diformulasi menjadi tablet hisap menggunakan metode granulasi basah dengan variasi konsentrasi bahan pengikat tragakan berturut-turut adalah 5%, 7,5%, dan 10%. Granul yang dihasilkan diuji sifat fisiknya berikut dievaluasi sifat fisik tablet dan tanggapan rasa serta waktu melarut di dalam mulut. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan korelasi Pearson dengan taraf  kepercayaan 99%. Semua formula dengan variasi konsentrasi bahan pengikat tragakan dapat menghasilkan sifat fisik tablet hisap yang baik dalam memenuhi persyaratan. Dari hasil penelitian terlihat bahwa semakin besar konsentrasi tragakan  yang digunakan menyebabkan % penyimpangan bobot tablet dan kerapuhan semakin kecil, kekerasan akan semakin besar serta memperlama waktu melarut tablet. Diantara formula, tablet dengan konsentrasi tagakan 10% menghasilkan sifat fisik yang paling optimal dengan penyimpangan bobot 0,98%, kekerasan 10,18 kg, dan kerapuhan 0,11% serta waktu melarut 11,50 menit. Pada uji tanggapan rasa ketiga formula sebagian besar diterima responden dengan syarat meningkatkan kemanisan dan memperbaiki bentuk dan warnanya.
Formulasi Tablet Ekstrak Daun Pepaya (Carica papaja L.) dengan Bahan Pengikat Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) Herawati, Mutiara; Syukri, Yandi; Chabib, Lutfi

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Abstrak             Selama ini daun pepaya (Carica papaja L.) hanya digunakan sebatas sebagai sayuran pelengkap makanan. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun pepaya dapat digunakan untuk pengobatan antikanker. Ekstrak daun pepaya diperoleh dari metode penyarian maserasi dengan menggunakan cairan penyari etanol. Sediaan tablet ekstrak daun pepaya diharapkan dapat menjadi alternatif pengobatan antikanker yang mudah dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsentrasi Polyvinylpirrolidone (PVP) sebagai bahan pengikat sehingga didapatkan formula sediaan tablet dengan karakterisktik tablet yang baik. PVP berperan dalam meningkatkan gaya kohesifitas serbuk atau granul, sehingga jika dikompresi akan membentuk massa yang kohesif dan kompak sebagai tablet. Tablet dibuat 3 formula variasi bahan pengikat PVP (4%; 6%; 8%) dengan metode granulasi basah. Granul diuji waktu alir, sudut diam, pengetapan, dan Carrs Index sedangkan tablet diuji keseragaman bobot dan ukuran, kerapuhan, kekerasan, dan waktu hancur. Hasil uji sifat fisik tablet menunjukkan bahwa meningkatnya variasi kadar pengikat PVP tidak berpengaruh pada kekerasan dan kerapuhan tablet, tetapi menyebabkan waktu hancur semakin lama. Formula I dengan bahan pengikat PVP 4% merupakan formula yang paling baik karena memiliki nilai kekerasan, kerapuhan, dan waktu hancur yang relatif lebih baik dibandingkan formula lain. Kata kunci : ekstrak daun pepaya, Carica papaja L., antikanker, PVP. AbstractThe use of papaya’s leaf (Carica papaja L.) is only consumed as vegetable to complete the main food. Based on previous research, the result showed that extract of papaya’s leaf can be used for anticancer treatment. That’s why the preparation tablet of extract of papaya’s leaf is hoped to be the alternative of anticancer treatment which are easily to the patients who consume it. The purpose of this research is to obtain the formulation of the tablet by knowing the optimal concentration of PVP as a binding material in producing the best physical characteristic of the tablet it self. PVP plays role in improving the cohesiveness, so as it is compressed, then it will form the cohesive and compact as a tablet. The tablets were made from 3 formula with the PVP binding-material variation (4%, 6%, 8%) using the wet granulation method. Granules obtained were tested in the flow time, angle of repose, tapping, and Carrs Index. Tablet that was finally processed then its physical properties included uniformity of weight and size, friability, hardness, and disintegration time. The result of the test shows the characteristic physical tablet indicated the raising of binding level of PVP variation does not affect the hardness and friability of the tablets, but giving an effect related to the longer the disintegration time. Formula I which contains combination of PVP 4% is the best tablet formula compare to the other formula. Key words : papaya’s leaf extract, Carica papaja L., anticancer, PVP.
JFIOnline | Print ISSN 1412-1107 | e-ISSN 2355-696X Vol 3, No 3 (2007)
Publisher : Indonesian Research Gateway

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Prednison adalah obat yang digunakan untuk menekan sistem imun dan inflamasi yang sukar larut dalam air. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menaikkan kelarutan prednison pada proses formulasi melalui pembentukan dispersi padat menggunakan polivinilpirolidon (PVP). Formulasi tablet prednison secara kempa langsung dengan teknik dispersi padat dibuat dengan 5 variasi konsentrasi PVP 1, 2, 3, 4, dan 5%. Sebagai  pembanding digunakan kontrol negatif yaitu yang mengandung 0% PVP. Serbuk dispersi padat yang diperoleh diuji sifat alirnya meliputi waktu alir dan sudut diam untuk optimasi metode kempa langsung. Tablet yang dihasilkan diuji sifat fisiknya meliputi keseragaman bobot, kekerasan, kerapuhan dan waktu hancur serta sifat kimianya (uji disolusi). Hasil evaluasi sifat fisik tablet menunjukkan bahwa semua formula memenuhi persyaratan yang tercantum dalam Farmakope Indonesia edisi IV dan kepustakaan lainnya. Data yang diperoleh dari uji disolusi dianalisis menggunakan ANAVA dengan taraf kepercayaan 95 %. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan laju disolusi prednison dibanding dengan kontrol negatif yaitu formula I 0,35%; formula II 0,64% ; formula III 0,12% ; formula IV 15,9% dan formula V 27,37%. Hasil perhitungan DE30 dari seluruh  formula yaitu 65,98% untuk formula I; formula II 66,16%; formula III 74,55%; formula IV 80,37%; formula V 91,02%, sedangkan pada kontrol negatif memiliki DE30 63,47% dan kontrol positif 83,94%. ABSTRACT Prednisone is a drug, used to provide relief for inflamed areas of the body which insoluble in water. The aim of this research was to increased the solubility of prednisone to formulation process by solid dispersion system using polyvinnilpyrrolidon(PVP). Direct compression prednisone tablet formulation by solid dispersions teknique was made with 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 % PVP variation concentration and a compatitor used the formula with 0% PVP (negative control). The mass powder of solid dispersion that have got, tested about the fisical and the chemistry point include  the flowing time and angle of repose to optimate direct compresiion method. Tablet yields was tested its physical characteristics include uniform weigh, hardness, friability, disintegration and dissolution. Dissolution data was analized statistically used ANAVA. The result showed that there were an increased percentage of prdnisone disolution compared with negative control ( 0% PVP), e.a : 0,35% for 1st formula; 0,64% for 2nd formula ; 3rd formula 0,12% ;  4th formula 15,9% dan 5th formula  27,37%. The disolution efficiency from all of the formula are 65,98% for formula I; formula II 66,16%; formula III 74,55%; formula IV 80,37%; formula V 91,02%. DE30 of  negative control 63,47% and for positive control 83,94%.
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 3, No 3 (2007)
Publisher : Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35617/jfi.v3i3.83


Prednison adalah obat yang digunakan untuk menekan sistem imun dan inflamasi yang sukar larut dalam air. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menaikkan kelarutan prednison pada proses formulasi melalui pembentukan dispersi padat menggunakan polivinilpirolidon (PVP). Formulasi tablet prednison secara kempa langsung dengan teknik dispersi padat dibuat dengan 5 variasi konsentrasi PVP 1, 2, 3, 4, dan 5%. Sebagai  pembanding digunakan kontrol negatif yaitu yang mengandung 0% PVP. Serbuk dispersi padat yang diperoleh diuji sifat alirnya meliputi waktu alir dan sudut diam untuk optimasi metode kempa langsung. Tablet yang dihasilkan diuji sifat fisiknya meliputi keseragaman bobot, kekerasan, kerapuhan dan waktu hancur serta sifat kimianya (uji disolusi). Hasil evaluasi sifat fisik tablet menunjukkan bahwa semua formula memenuhi persyaratan yang tercantum dalam Farmakope Indonesia edisi IV dan kepustakaan lainnya. Data yang diperoleh dari uji disolusi dianalisis menggunakan ANAVA dengan taraf kepercayaan 95 %. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan laju disolusi prednison dibanding dengan kontrol negatif yaitu formula I 0,35%; formula II 0,64% ; formula III 0,12% ; formula IV 15,9% dan formula V 27,37%. Hasil perhitungan DE30 dari seluruh  formula yaitu 65,98% untuk formula I; formula II 66,16%; formula III 74,55%; formula IV 80,37%; formula V 91,02%, sedangkan pada kontrol negatif memiliki DE30 63,47% dan kontrol positif 83,94%. ABSTRACT Prednisone is a drug, used to provide relief for inflamed areas of the body which insoluble in water. The aim of this research was to increased the solubility of prednisone to formulation process by solid dispersion system using polyvinnilpyrrolidon(PVP). Direct compression prednisone tablet formulation by solid dispersions teknique was made with 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 % PVP variation concentration and a compatitor used the formula with 0% PVP (negative control). The mass powder of solid dispersion that have got, tested about the fisical and the chemistry point include  the flowing time and angle of repose to optimate direct compresiion method. Tablet yields was tested its physical characteristics include uniform weigh, hardness, friability, disintegration and dissolution. Dissolution data was analized statistically used ANAVA. The result showed that there were an increased percentage of prdnisone disolution compared with negative control ( 0% PVP), e.a : 0,35% for 1st formula; 0,64% for 2nd formula ; 3rd formula 0,12% ;  4th formula 15,9% dan 5th formula  27,37%. The disolution efficiency from all of the formula are 65,98% for formula I; formula II 66,16%; formula III 74,55%; formula IV 80,37%; formula V 91,02%. DE30 of  negative control 63,47% and for positive control 83,94%.
A Preformulation of a Water Soluble Furosemide Dosage Form Syukri, Yandi; Yuwono, Tedjo; Hakim, Lukman
Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy Vol 13 No 1, 2002
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Skip Utara, 55281, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (99.369 KB) | DOI: 10.14499/indonesianjpharm0iss0pp50-54


Solid dispersion system of water-insoluble furosemide in polyvinylpirolidon (PVP) was prepared by a solvent method in various ratios of 1 : 1, 1 : 3, 1 : 5, 1 : 7 and 1 : 9 of the drug and PVP, respectively in order to improve furosemide solubility and dissolution. The improvement of furosemide solubility was studied by a solubility method in a shaking waterbath. The solubility test showed that various concentrations of PVP and temperature gave statistically significant increased of furosemida solubility (P < 0,05). The dissolution study of furosemide solid dispersion system was done using a dissolution tester at the rotation rate of 50 rpm. Furosemide concentration released was determined spectrophotometrically using a UV spectrofometer. This test showed a significant increased of furosemida solubility (P < 0,05), but with a prolonged of releasing time.Key Word : solid dispersion, solubility, dissolution, bioavailability.
Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy Vol 23 No 1, 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Skip Utara, 55281, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (233.544 KB) | DOI: 10.14499/indonesianjpharm23iss1pp60-64


White dragon fruit  is  a well  known  and  widely  used  herbal medicine,  especially  in  Asia,  which  contains  several  interesting bioactive constituents and possesses health promoting properties. The  aim  of  this  study  was  to  analyze  for  the  bioactive compounds,  evaluate  total  phenolic  contents  and  antioxidant capacities  of  methanolic  extract  of  white  dragon  fruit.  The antioxidant  activity  was  determined  by  the  1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging activity assay. Total phenolic  content  were  determined  by  Folin-Ciocalteu  method. Phytochemical  screening  of  the  white  dragon  fruit  showed the  presence  of  triterpenoid,  alkaloid,  flavonoid  and  saponin. The  extract  exhibited  strong  antioxidant  activity  with  IC50 of 193 μg/mL, and total phenolic content of 246 μg/mL in 1 Kg dry extract.Key words: antioxidant activity, total phenolic, DPPH, white dragon fruit
Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Vol. 6 No. 1 (2009)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

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ABSTRACTAllopurinol is a pyrimidine derivative that effective to normalize levels of uric acid in bloodand urine. Allopurinol is very slightly soluble in water, but it has high permeability (BCS class II) sothat the dissolution is an important determine to express the drug bioavailability. Additional materialdifferences and the production process of each plant can cause differences in the quality of theresulting allopurinol tablets. This study aimed to compare the quality of branded generic andgeneric products allopurinol tablets in the quality of disintegration and dissolution. This study used 5kinds branded generic (A, B, C, D, E) and 5 kinds of generic products (F, G, H, I, J). Disintegrationtest carried out according to USP-NF 32ndedition by the medium of water at 37 ± 2°C. Dissolutiontests conducted according to USP-NF 32ndedition using apparatus 2 (paddle methode), the speedof rotation 75 rpm, in 0.01 N HCl medium at 37 ± 0.5°C. The data obtained compared with therequirements listed in the Indonesia Pharmacopoeia 4thedition and USP-NF 32ndedition, and thenstatistically analyzed by T test at 95% confidence interval. Results of disintegration and dissolutiontests met the requirements in the literature. Statistical test results showed that products haddifferent disintegration and dissolution profile.Keywords: allopurinol, disintegration, dissolution, tablets
Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Vol. 5 No. 1 (2008)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

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ABSTRACTVirgin Cocunut Oil (VCO) is a pure coconut oil, it has many advantages in health. It hasbeen circulated in market with unpleasant taste. Therefor, an innovation to find an acceptableformula by consumer should be carried out. The aimed of this research is to find out theinfluence of mix emulsifier toward physical stability of emulsion. Multiple emulsions w/o/wwere made by mix Span 80 with variation concentration 20%, 15%, 10%, and Tween 80. In orderto know the physical stability of emulsion w/o/w should be carried out viscosity test, separation inroom temperature, separation at 40ºC, separation due to centrifugation, creaming volume,paticle size, homogenity for 4 weeks storage, and respondent survey with 20 person. The testresult for 3 formulation emulsion for 4 weeks storage showed that formulation are nothomogeneous, but arter the formulas were shaken, it become homogeneous. In variousconcentration of Span 80, the longer preperations were storage the higher volume sedimentationand viscosity. Moreover, the longer preparations were storage, creaming volume and particle sizedecrease. Emulsifier combination between Span 80 with variation concentration 20%, 15%, 10%,and tween 60 in multiple emulsion w/o/w influenced physical stability multiple emulsi w/o/w.Moreover, this formulation also would be pleasant by consumen.Keywords: Multiple emulsion w/o/w, Span 80, Tween 60, Virgin Coconut Oil
Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2004)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

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ABSTRACTBrain barrier is effective barrier in drug delivery to brain. For effectiveness drug deliveryneed be desaigned a delivery with nanoparticle technology. Nanoparticles are solid colloidalparticles ranging in size from 1 to 1000 nm that are utilized as drug delivery agents. The primaryadvantages of nanoparticle carrier technology is that nanoparticles mask the blood – brain barrierlimiting characteristics of the therapeutic drug molecule. Furthermore, this system may slow drugrelease in the brain, decreasing peripheral toxicity. The method which elaboration in manufacturenanoparticles are emulsion polimerization, interfacial polimerization, desolvation evaporation andsolvent deposition. Currently, report evaluating nanoparticles for brain delivery have studiedanesthetic and chemoterapeutic agent. These studies are reviewed for efficacy and mechanisms oftransport. Physiological factors such as phagocytic activity of the reticuloendothelial system andprotein opsonization may limit the amount of brain delivered drug. Nanoparticle technology appearsto have significant promise in delivering therapeutic molecules across the blood-brain barrier.Key Word : Drug Delivery System, Nanoparticle, Blood-Brain Barrier
Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2005)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

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ABSTRACTFurosemide is a diuretic drug, which is insoluble in water. Due to this condition, it is needed away to increase the dissolution rate with forming of inclusion complex in copresipitation systemwhich produce as solid dispersion product using β-cyclodextrin carrier. The copresipitation systemwas made up of 1 : 0,5; 1 : 1; 1 : 1,5 and 1 : 2 variation concentration of furosemide- β-cyclodextrin. The characteristic forming of inclusion complex in solid dispersion system wasevaluated by infrared analysis and then followed by HyperChem molecular model analysis. Thedissolution test was done in order to see the increasing of dissolution rate and this test is usedbuffer phosphate pH 5,8 as the medium with rotation speed 100 rpm at 37 ± 0,50C for 60 minutes.The amount of dissoluted furosemide was then analyzed by spectrophotometric test. Thedissolution parameter with Dissolution Efficiency (DE) is conducted in 10, 30, and 60 minutes. Thedata were analyzed with Two Way ANOVA at p
Co-Authors Ade Herlin Aditya Sewanggara Amatyawangsa Wicaksana Aditya Sewanggara Amatyawangsa Wicaksana Agita Dyah Permatasari Agung Endro Nugroho Agung Endro Nugroho Aji Winanta Aldia Dwi Karina Ningrum Aldia Dwi Karina Ningrum Amalia Humairah Amelia Arum Prasetya Anik Ariyani Anisa Nur Fazzri Annisa Fitria Arba Pramundita Ramadani Arifa Caryn Dea Aris Perdana Kusuma, Aris Perdana Asih Lestari Asih Triastuti Bambang Hernawan Nugroho Budy Wijiyanto Denox Asih Pertiwi Diny Rizayulianty Elfi Susanti V. H. Endang Lukitaningsih Endang Lukitaningsih Farida Ulfa Feris Firdaus Fissy Rizki Utami Galuh Annaba Maharani Hakim, Lukman Hannie Fitriani Hannie Fitriani Herianto Pandapotan Iqmal Tahir Isna Qiftayati Isnatin Miladiyah Istanti Istanti Ivan Julio Joko Tri Wibowo Kartika Puspitasari Larysa Fernenda Laryssa Fernenda Lelita Ayu Saputri Lisnawati Tiara Putri Lukman Hakim Lutfi Chabib, Lutfi M. Hatta Wibowo Maulia Ulfa mega octavia Melinda Dewi M Mira Amaliasari Sitorus Muhammad Sulaiman Zubair Muhammad Sulaiman Zubair Muhammad Sulaiman Zubair Mulyanti, Eka Mulyanti, Eka Mutiara Herawati, Mutiara Nadia Hazami Nur Asita Nurul Ainah Octavia, Mega Prima Aulia Putra Primadara Damayanti Ratih Dyah Listianingrum Ratih Lestari Ratih Lestari Redjeki, Tri Rini Utami Rio Fandi Sholehuddin Ririk Purwati Rochmy Istikaharah Rochmy Istikharah Romdhonah Romdhonah Ronny Martien Ronny Martien Saepudin Saepudin Septiani Eka Cahyani Sherina Nabila Putri Hakim Shinta Dewi Sista Werdyani Sista Werdyani Siti Zahliyatu T. N. Saifullah Tamhid, Hady Anshory Tasya Salsabila Tatang Shabur Julianto Tedjo Yuwono Utomo, Suryadi Budi Wintari Taurina Yoga Febriana Yuni Darty Yuwono, Tedjo Ziyyatul Kholidah