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KITAB AL-SANĪ AL-MAṬĀLIB: Interkoneksi Nahwu dan Tasawuf Zakiyah, Zakiyah
WALISONGO Vol 20, No 2 (2012): Walisongo, Spiritualisme
Publisher : IAIN Walisongo Semarang

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Abstract   This paper reviews a book entitled al-Sanī al-Maṭālib written by Kiai Nur Iman Mlangi Yogyakarta. This book is written in Arabic containing an interconnection between Arabic grammar and mysticism. This book is very interesting due to the fact that those two knowledges have its own rules. In addition, there is only small number of authors who had written with the same model, to name one of them is Shaikh Abdul Qadir bin Ahmad al-Kuhany with his work entitled Manniyat al-Fāqir al-Munjarid wa Sayrat al-Murīd al-Mutafarrid”. The book al-Sanī al-Maṭālib was predicted written in the late 18s Century or the beginning of 19s century, it is based on the period of Kiai Nur Iman’s life in which around the mid of 18s century. The grammatical rule of Arabic in this book was explained theosophically, it is started with the explanation of tauhid (oneness) as the basic learning for Muslim, followed by the meaning of each Arabic rule in mystical aspect.   *** Tulisan ini mereview buku yang berjudul al-Sanī al-Maṭālib yang ditulis oleh Kiai Nur Iman Mlangi Yogyakarta. Buku ini ditulis dalam bahasa Arab yang mengandung interkoneksi antara ilmu Nahwu (tata bahasa Arab) dengan mistisisme. Buku ini sangat menarik karena kenyataan bahwa kedua pengetahuan tersebut memiliki aturan sendiri-sendiri. Selain itu, sangat sedikit penulis yang menulis dengan gaya seperti itu. Salah satunya adalah Syaikh Abdul Qadir bin Ahmad al-Kuhany dengan karyanya yang berjudul Manniyat al-Fāqir al-Munjarid wa Sayrat al-Murīd al-Mutafarrid. Buku al-Saniy al-Muthalib diduga telah ditulis pada akhir abad ke-18 atau awal abad ke-19, menurut periode kehidupan Kiai Nur Iman yaitu sekitar pertengahan abad ke-18. Aturan Nahwu dalam buku ini dijelaskan secara teosofi yang dimulai dengan penjelasan mengenai tauhid (keesaan Tuhan) sebagai kajian dasar bagi orang Islam, yang diikuti dengan makna dari masingmasing aturan bahasa Arab dalam aspek mistiknya.   Keywords: al-Sanī al-Maṭālib, Nahwu, tasawuf, Kiai Nur Iman
Islamic welfare system dealing with the poor in rural area Zakiyah, Zakiyah
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies Vol 1, No 1 (2011): Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga

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This paper try to review the practice of Islamic welfare system (such as zaka,waqf, shadaqa, infaq, hibah and qurban) dealing with poor people in rural area.Then, this study looks at four main issues, namely how the structure of thecommitee, the management of such system, fund rising strategy, and peopleaccessibility to this welfare system. In order to deal with this, it is used someframeworks namely; firstly, the welfare strategy as proposed by Spicker (1995)including economic production, redistribution, and solidarity. Secondly, the conceptof welfare offered by Azmi (1991), Midgley (1997), and Zastrow (2004).This research took place in North and South Wonorejo, a village located in Magelangdistrict, Central Java. Finding of this research shows that this scheme has operatedconventionaly and has not contributed much on enhancing people welfare.There is no formal institution that organizes all element of such scheme. As thesocial welfare institution, this system ideally offers program, benefits and servicesthat help people meets those social, economic, educational and health needs.However, there is no specific program for the poor people offered by the committeeof the Islamic welfare scheme. Studi ini berusaha mengkaji praktik system kesejahteraan dalam Islam (sepertizakat, wakaf, shadaqah, infak, hibah dan qurban) dalam hubungannya denganmasyarakat miskin di wilayah pedesaan. Kajian melihat empat persoalan utama,yakni bagaimana struktur panitia, pengelolaan sistem kesejahteraan, strategipengumpulan dana, dan akses masyarakat terhadap sistem tersebut. Untukmenjawab persoalan ini, kajian mempergunakan kerangka kerja antara lain strategikesejahteraan sebagaimana diusulkan Spicker (1995) termasuk produksi,redsitribusi, dan solidaritas ekonomi, dan konsep kesejahteraan sebagaimanadikemukakan Azmi (1991), Midgley (1997), dan Zastrow (2004). Kajian inidilakukan di Desa Wonorejo Utara dan Selatan, Magelang, Jawa Tengah. Kajianini menemukan antara lain: skema kesejahteraan masih dilakukan secarakonvensional dan tidak banyak berkontribusi terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat.Tidak ada lembaga resmi yang mengorganisir semua unsur dalam skema tersebut.Sebagai lembaga kesejahteraan sosial, sistem ini idealnya menawarkan program,manfaat dan layanan yang menolong masyarakat dalam memenuhikebutuhan-kebutuhan ekonomi, sosial, pendidikan dan kesehatan. Namundemikian, tidak ada program khusus bagi masyarakat miskin yang ditawarkanoleh pengelola skema kesejahteraan Islam.
Fikih kerukunan dalam naskah Serat Waosan Puji Zakiyah, Zakiyah
IJTIHAD Jurnal Wacana Hukum Islam dan Kemanusiaan Vol 12, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Salatiga

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This paper focus on a manuscript entitled Serat Waosan Puji. This manuscript is saved at Widya Budaya library of Yogyakarta kingdom. Data is analyzed using reception theory and sociology of letter. Finding of this research shows that physically this manuscript is in a good condition and readable. This manuscript consists of several texts which tell about do’a (prayer), pillar of faith, pillar of Islam, theology, name of verses in the Quran, Ki Purwadaksina’s teaching, Serat Niti Sruti, and Serat Nitipraja. Meanwhile, the teaching of harmony is stated in three pupuh (chapter) namely pupuh dhandhanggula consisting of Ki Purwadaksina’s teaching, pupuh dhandhanggula consisting of Serat Nitisruti, pupuh dhandhanggula consisting of serat Nitipraja. Among all of those harmonius teaching are (1) philosophy of life comprising pandhita lami, pandhita boja karana, and pandhita umarshandu or pandhita gunung, (2) things which should be avoided namely pandhita sipat, limpad, prakken sang hyang, nggenthong umos and tawang brana. (3) lesson of life interaction such as empathy, respecting others, humble and others, (4) asthabrata, (5) principle of king.
PEMAHAMAN NILAI-NILAI SYARI’AH TERHADAP PERILAKU BERDAGANG (Studi pada Pedagang di Pasar Bambu Kuning Bandar Lampung) Zakiyah, Zakiyah
SOCIOLOGIE Vol 1, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : SOCIOLOGIE

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This research intends to describe the sharia values comprehension towards bargain behaviour amid Bambu Kuning Market merchants in Bandar Lampung. The type of this research is qualitative research along with observation, documentation, and in dept interview as the data collecting method. Data analysis technique is done by the way data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Based on research output, it can be concluded that merchant’s comprehension toward sharia values and their bargain behaviour have quite diverse comprehension and behaviour. Diverse points of view which are related to trade in the eyes of Islam, with diverse comprehension and behaviour are shown by Bambu Kuning merchants in Bandar Lampung. Bargain within religion is allowed, even it is something recommended. However, bargain has to pay attention rules be appointed by Islam religion. Merchant’s sharia value comprehension becomes the basic to act and behave for them suit Islamic bargain etiquette or values. For example, Islamic principle encourages the merchants being truthful, mandate, and genuine as the fundamental for them do not lie setting the prices and truthful in weighing. Whereupon, based on research output, there are some frauds of merchant’s behaviour from sharia values in bargaining. Other examples are setting higher prices too far than early price, and cheating in weighing mainly by the fruit merchants. That behaviour is one of deviation towards Islam religion guideline. Further, sharia values relating to Islamic bargain etiquette are shown by merchants on their everyday bargain practice.Keywords: Sharia values, trading
Understanding Marital Disputes Management in Religious Office and Syariah Court in Malaysia Zakiyah, Zakiyah
Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage Vol 3, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Center for Research and Development of Religious Literature and Heritage

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This article reviews a monograph entitled Managing Marital Dispute in Malaysia, Islamic Mediators and Conflict Resolution in the Syariah Court written by Syarifah Zaleha Syed Hassan  and Sven Cederrot. This book contributed in the discourse of anthropology of Islamic law. This book discussed about three institutions that dealt with Islamic family law; kadi, women counselor and judge. This monograph was published in 1997 when Islamic family law became one of the heated topics in many part of the world. This book was a result of extensive research conducted at the religious office and syariah court in Kedah and Johor Malaysia. This study shows that mediator used different ways in dealing with the family disputes including formal, semi formal and informal. The first method was used to deal with adjudication, the second was utilized to manage arbitration, and the last was used in consultation, conciliation and mediation. In addition, ‘kadi’, women counselor  and the judge not only use legal formal approach but also local norm when giving advice and managing cases.
Analisis Pengaruh Kompetensi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Badan Pengelola Dan Pengembangan Taman Mini Indonesia Indah Zakiyah, Zakiyah; Ariyanto, Eny
Akmenika Vol 13, No 1 (2016): AKMENIKA
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

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Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) is the second largest tourist destination inJakarta. Until now TMII is managed by the Management Board and DevelopmentTaman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII BPP). The number of employees BPP TMII,early out by 2015, as many as 734 people. In the period 2011-2014, employeesperformance BPP TMII yet optimal and showed the phenomenon tends to decrease.Similarly, the level of competency of the employees pointed to the fact remains lowordo not meet minimum standards set BPP TMII management, among others, by78.75% of the employees had high school education or less. The issue is whether theemployees competence affect the performance? with reference to the formulation ofthe problem, the study aims to examine and analyze whether BPP TMII employeescompetence variable effect on performance. The study design used is associativeresearch. The study population was all employees assigned BPP TMII. Because ofthe size of the population is large, this study used a sample. The minimum samplesize is determined by the formula Slovin and with a level of fault tolerance selectedby 5%, then obtained a sample size of 259 people. The sampling method used simplerandom sampling. Furthermore, the research hypothesis was tested using statisticalmodels of linear regression and multiple linear regression. The test results prove thehypothesis that the variables of competence by dimensional motif, character, selfconfidence,knowledge, skills, either partially or simultaneously have a significantpositive effect on employees performance BPP TMII, and the coefficient ofdetermination obtained 52.7%.
Pizza Kacang Hijau Sebagai Intervensi Diet Untuk Anak Autisme Dan Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD Fitriyani, Vika Ramadhana; Lababah, Ainiyatul luklukatul; Zakiyah, Zakiyah; Ananditha, Aries Chandra
Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah Vol 3, No 1 (2018): JURNAL KEPERAWATAN MUHAMMADIYAH

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (198.112 KB) | DOI: 10.30651/jkm.v3i1.1707


Objective: Autism and ADHD children were special need child that have to need their own diets. For autism gluten and casein patients are considered toxic, because the body with autism does not produce enzymes digest gluten. As a result, these undigested proteins are converted into chemical components called opoids. Opoid itself, like drugs such as opium, morphine, and heroin that works as toxins that can interfere with brain function and immune system, causing behavioral disorders. for this study aimed to describe the effect of green bean pizza for diet in children with autism and ADHD.Methods: The method used in this research is case study. The population studied were children with autism and ADHD. Cases used are children with autism. Data collection was done by observation to the respondent before and after givenGreen Peanut Pizza. Univariate data analysis technique using quantitative.Results: In the observation of hyperactive activity of children before and after intervention for 1 week showed improvement. The child's previous hyperactive level is often (almost daily) less frequent (approximately once a week). The child's mother reports that the child is only doing aggressive behavior while facing a situation that really makes his feeling emotionally.Conclusion: Green Bean Pizza is an alternative solution for children's diets with autism and ADHD as it proves to decrease the rate of hyperactivity in children with autism and ADHD.
Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 20, No 2 (2012): Spiritualisme Islam
Publisher : LP2M - Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/ws.20.2.204


This paper reviews a book entitled al-Sanī al-Maṭālib written by Kiai Nur Iman Mlangi Yogyakarta. This book is written in Arabic containing an interconnection between Arabic grammar and mysticism. This book is very interesting due to the fact that those two knowledges have its own rules. In addition, there is only small number of authors who had written with the same model, to name one of them is Shaikh Abdul Qadir bin Ahmad al-Kuhany with his work entitled Manniyat al-Fāqir al-Munjarid wa Sayrat al-Murīd al-Mutafarrid”. The book al-Sanī al-Maṭālib was predicted written in the late 18s Century or the beginning of 19s century, it is based on the period of Kiai Nur Iman’s life in which around the mid of 18s century. The grammatical rule of Arabic in this book was explained theo­sophically, it is started with the explanation of tauhid (oneness) as the basic learning for Muslim, followed by the meaning of each Arabic rule in mystical aspect.***Tulisan ini mereview buku yang berjudul al-Sanī al-Maṭālib yang ditulis oleh Kiai Nur Iman Mlangi Yogyakarta. Buku ini ditulis dalam bahasa Arab yang me­ngandung interkoneksi antara ilmu Nahwu (tata bahasa Arab) dengan mis­tisis­me. Buku ini sangat menarik karena kenyataan bahwa kedua pengetahuan tersebut memiliki aturan sendiri-sendiri. Selain itu, sangat sedikit penulis yang menulis dengan gaya seperti itu. Salah satunya adalah Syaikh Abdul Qadir bin Ahmad al-Kuhany dengan karyanya yang berjudul Manniyat al-Fāqir al-Munjarid wa Sayrat al-Murīd al-Mutafarrid. Buku al-Saniy al-Muthalib diduga telah ditulis pada akhir abad ke-18 atau awal abad ke-19, menurut periode kehidupan Kiai Nur Iman yaitu sekitar pertengahan abad ke-18. Aturan Nahwu dalam buku ini dijelaskan secara teosofi yang dimulai dengan penjelasan mengenai tauhid (keesaan Tuhan) sebagai kajian dasar bagi orang Islam, yang diikuti dengan makna dari masing-masing aturan bahasa Arab dalam aspek mistiknya.
P3MD Poverty Reduction Program Viewed From the Sharia Economic Perspective Zakiyah, Zakiyah
Muqtasid: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah Vol 8, No 1 (2017): MUQTASID: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/muqtasid.v8i1.78-87


Since the independence of Indonesia was proclaimed in 1945 until now, it still has problem of economic and social crisis. Indonesian government has not succeeded in establishing a welfare economy and has not been able to build a solid economy for society. The purpose of this research is to find out Poverty Reduction Program in P3MD of Village Economic development. This is a qualitative research. Method of collecting data used in this research is interview about P3MD in Poverty Reduction through the development of Infrastructure, Education, and Health. Primary data in this study is obtained in the field, the results of interviews with leaders or village apparatus. Secondary data is obtained from document collection related to Poverty Reduction Program. In addition, secondary data is also obtained from library research. The results of this study show the activities in the form of development of facilities and infrastructure such as creativity training, makeup, catfish breeding, making batik, and others can improve economic growth. The concepts of P3MD consist of socialization, negotiation, programming, activity implementation and community participation in Salam Babaris sub district. In the implementation of the P3MD program, the government must determine the policy on the process of distributing the village funds through regional government budget for the development of rural communities in order to be distributed correctly and on time in accordance with village law.Semenjak kemerdekaan bangsa Indonesia diproklamasikan pada tahun 1945 hingga saat ini, ternyata perekonomian bangsa Indonesia selalu dilanda krisisekonomi dan sosial. Pemerintahan di Indonesia yang sekarang berjalan silih berganti ternyata belum mampu membangun sebuah perekonomian kesejahteran dan ternyata belum bisa membangun perekonomian yang kokoh, memakmurkan, mensejahterakan dan adil bagi seluruh rakyat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Program Pengentasan Kemiskinan dalam P3MD pembangunan perekonomian desa. Dalam penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Dalam metode kualitatif menggunakan pengumpulan data dengan cara wawancara mengenai P3MD dalam pengentasan kemiskinan dengan melalui pembangunan sarana dan prasarana, pendidikan, dan kesehatan. Data primer dalam penelitian ini berupa data yang diperoleh dilapangan, hasil wawancara dengan pimpinan atau pejabat yang ditunjuk dikantor kelurahan dan kecamatan. Sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh melalui studi dokumen terkait dengan Program Pengetasan Kemiskinan. Di samping itu data sekunder juga diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan (library research) berupa buku panduan, literature kepustakaan dan catatan-catatan yang berhubungan dengan program Perencanaan Partisipasi Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa (P3MD). Hasil dari Penelitian ini menunjukan Program-program kegiatannya berupa pembangunan sarana dan prasarana maupun pembangunan perekonomi lewat kegiatan Bumdesa seperti pelatihan-pelatihan kreativitas seperti tata boga, tata rias, budidaya lele dumbo, membatik, dan lain-lain. Rangkaian konsep perencanaan P3MD terdiri dari sosialisasi, musyawarah program/Musrenbang desa, penyusunan program, pelaksanaan kegiatan dan partisipasi masyarakat di Kecamatan Salam Babaris. Dalam penyelenggaraan program P3MD pemerintah harus menentukan kebijakan mengenai proses pencairan dana desa melalui APBD untuk pembangunan masyarakat desa tertinggal tersalurkan dengan benar dan tepat waktu sesuai dengan ketentuan UU Desa. 
Jurnal Kesehatan Saelmakers PERDANA (JKSP) Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Kesehatan Saelmakers PERDANA
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (262.639 KB) | DOI: 10.32524/jksp.v3i1.646


The incidence of anxiety in Indonesia in the face of childbirth as many as 107 million pregnant women (28.7%) of 373 million pregnant women who experience anxiety about childbirth. The population of pregnant women on the island of Java in 2012 was 67,976 pregnant women, while those who experienced anxiety at the time of going into labor were 35,587 people (52.3%) (BPS, 2013). Parity of pregnant and work mothers is a factor causing the emergence of anxiety levels in primigravida pregnant women (Handayani, 2015). This study aims to determine how the relationship of characteristics to the level of anxiety of pregnant women before spontaneous labor in the District Health Center Makasar, East Jakarta. This study uses a descriptive correlation design with the Cross Sectional survey method. Data analysis using the Spearman Rank test, this study was conducted on 41 respondents. The results showed a relationship between the characteristics of age, parity status, occupation with anxiety levels of pregnant women, and there was no relationship between the level of education and anxiety levels of pregnant women. The age correlation value (r = 0.758), with a p-value of 0,000 (<0.05), parity status of the correlation value (r = 0.394) with a p-value of 0.011 (<0.05), education level of correlation value ( r = 0.986) with a p-value of 0.003 (<0.05), Work with a correlation value (r = -0.309) with a p-value of 0.049 (<0.05). Suggestion: pregnant women can take advantage of regular health service visits to reduce anxiety levels before delivery.