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Public’s Attribution vs Punitive Behavior in Indonesian Public Relations Practice Kriyantono, Rachmat; Riani, Yuyun Agus; Safitri, Rizky Ika
Jurnal ILMU KOMUNIKASI Vol 14, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : FISIP Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (126.717 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jik.v14i1.1180


The research aims to test situational crisis communication and attribution theories in Indonesian context. Crisis threats companies’ reputation and affects the public’s attribution which will lead to the creation of punitive behavior from the public towards the organization. The study used a quantitative approach with experimental method and content analysis in the pre-research. Involving 90 respondents, the research fi nds that mass media infl uences public’s attribution within the experimental group who were given positive and negative news. The research shows that the crisis history and the relational reputation determine the public attribution toward the initial crisis responsibility.
DIALOG DAN MEDIASI: PERSPEKTIF KOMUNIKASI KONFLIK DALAM STRATEGI MANAJEMEN KONFLIK (Studi Fenomenologi terhadap Konflik Perguruan Pencak Silat di Madiun – Jawa Timur) Widiyowati, Estu; Kriyantono, Rachmat; Prasetyo, Bambang Dwi
CHANNEL Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 6, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (119.037 KB)


IntisariKonflik di Madiun yang terjadi antara perguruan pencak silat Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate dengan Persaudaraan Setia Hati Winongo Tunas Muda tergolong ke dalam konflik masyarakat. Konflik terjadi secara berulang pada dua waktu yaitu terjadi pada Bulan Suro dan terjadi dalam keseharian anggota perguruan. Perspektif komunikasi konflik memberikan sudut pandang bahwa dialog dan mediasi menjadi strategi manajemen konflik yang efektif digunakan dalam mengelola konflik masyarakat. Namun, dalam fenomena konflik perguruan pencak silat yang terjadi di Madiun, dialog dan mediasi belum mampu mengelola konflik secara keseluruhan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi proses manajemen konflik yang telah dilakukan oleh jajaran pengurus perguruan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua faktor utama yang menghambat proses dialog dan mediasi, yaitu adanya pengaruh dari kepentingan politik dan ekonomi, sosialisasi kebijakan yang belum menyeluruh, dan proses pengelolaan konflik yang bersifat kondisional. Terwujudnya efektifitas proses dialog dan mediasi didorong oleh faktor netralitas pihak yang berkonflik, pemberdayaan komunitas, dan program kerja yang berkelanjutan.Kata Kunci: Konflik Masyarakat, Manajemen Konflik, Komunikasi Konflik
Kearifan Lokal dan Strategi Komunikasi Public Relations di BUMN dan Perusahaan Swasta Kriyantono, Rachmat; Sa’diyah, Halimatus
Jurnal ILMU KOMUNIKASI Vol 15, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : FISIP Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (329.378 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jik.v15i2.1480


This study describes the connection between communication strategies of state-owned enterprises (BUMN) and private companies in Indonesia with its local culture. Contructivism was applied to explore qualitative data, involving the practitioners from BUMN and private companies. The research finds two propositions, i.e. the more local wisdoms are understood, the easier to create communication strategy of public relations that builds good relations with the public; communication strategy based on local wisdoms is used by both BUMN and private companies. The research contributes to enrich public relations study within Indonesian local perspectives.
Model Manajemen Konflik Berbasis Kearifan Lokal: Konflik Perguruan Pencak Silat Di Madiun – Jawa Timur Widiyowati, Estu; Kriyantono, Rachmat; Prasetyo, Bambang Dwi
Komunikator Vol 10, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jkm.101004


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemaknaan peran nilai kearifan lokal dalam proses manajemen konflik dan untuk memetakan model manajemen konflik yang sesuai dengan nilai kearifan lokal masyarakat Madiun. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode fenomenologi. Pemilihan informan dilakukan dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai budaya Jawa sebagai nilai kearifan lokal masyarakat Madiun yang ole anggota perguruan dimaknai sebagai pedoman idup utama, maka proses manajemen konflik juga harus berpedoman pada nilai kearifan lokal yang bertujuan untuk mewujudkan perdamaian jangka panjang. Pemetaan model manajemen konflik dilakukan dengan berpedoman pada nilai etika Jawa, hamemayu hayuning bawono, dan mangan ora mangan anggere kumpul. Pemetaan model manajemen konflik berdasarkan pada nilai kearifan lokal dapat menunjukkan bahwa ketokohan merupakan karakteristik utama dari model manajemen konflik di Madiun, khususnya dalam mengelola konflik masyarakat.Kata Kunci: Pencak Silat, Manajemen Konflik, Budaya Jawa,  Perspektif Komunikasi Asia
Kontroversi Gaya Komunikasi Politik Presiden K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Ervina, Angela; Kriyantono, Rachmat; Wulandari, Maulina Pia
MEDIAKOM : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Mediakom Vol 02, No 02, Februari 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (152.439 KB) | DOI: 10.32528/mdk.v2i2.1921


K.H Abdurrahman Wahid is a religious and political figure in Indonesia. As a religious leader Gus Dur was known as the Chair of the PBNU and the great ulama of the descendants of the Banu Hashim. As a politician, Gus Dur is the fourth President of the Republic of Indonesia. Gus Dur's political communication as a religious figure and the President was known to be controversial. The controversial rhetoric of political communication turns out to have a hidden meaning that can be expressed through the study of discourse analysis using the method presented by Teun A. van Dijk. This study uses an interpretive approach with a critical paradigm. The 2001 Presidential Decree became the main focus of the author in expressing the meaning contained in the controversial phenomenon. The results showed that controversial political communication carried out by Gus Dur turned out to save the people from unconstitutional actions. Key words: Political Communication, K.H Abdurrahman Wahid, Critical Discourse Study.
The Implementation of Permenpan-RB No 29/2011 in Crisis Management of Government Public Relations Kriyantono, Rachmat
Komunikator Vol 11, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jkm.112023


This study aims to evaluate whether Public Relations practitioners have implemented the principles of the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Permenpan-RB) No. 29 of 2011 concerning The Guidelines for Crisis Management within government agencies. A crisis is an unexpected event that threatens public expectations, has the potential to produce negative things, affects the performance and reputation of an institution. In the era of democracy, the threat of a greater crisis occurs because the public has a critical character, is free to give opinions, and is free to access information from various channels, including the internet. Crisis must be managed well because a crisis is possible for every institution and it has a negative or positive impact on the institution. PR is communication management and crisis develops due to communication factors so that PR is a crisis manager. By conducting in-depth interviews with 23 government public relations practitioners, this study found that Permenpan-RB No. 29 of 2011 had not been fully applied. This study confirms that the structural position of public relations plays an important role in public relations activities. This research reinforces the literature review on crises that government public relations practitioners tend to devise ways to prevent crises after the cause of the crisis is known and public relations practitioners are not yet proactive in crisis prevention planning. This research contributes to the study and practice of government public relations as a socialization that public relations rules in Indonesia have adopted the ideal principle of public relations based on academic literature.
representamen Vol 5 No 02 (2019): Jurnal Representamen Volume 5 No 02 Oktober 2019
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (424.898 KB) | DOI: 10.30996/representamen.v5i02.2937


The research aims to evaluate apologia strategy based on ethical perspective of public relations. The research applies standards of ethics from The Indonesian Public Relations Association and Apologia Theory. Some research proves that the ability of an organization to deal with a crisis depends on the types of allegations during a crisis. The research tests whether the strategies of Government Public Relations (GPR) of Malang Regency also appropriate with these standard when the organization faces an allegation of corruption. Conducting content analysis on 47 editions of online news, the research reveals that the GPR has adopted ethical standard when delivery information in quote news as a channel of crisis communication. All the ethical standards applied are concerning to public interest, telling true information, address the economic, physical and psychological concerns of the public.Keywords: Apologia, Communication, Crisis, Ethics, Government Public Relations, Indonesia
Efektivitas website perguruan tinggi negeri sebagai penyedia informasi bagi mahasiswa Kriyantono, Rachmat
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi Vol 4, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Communications Science, Dr. Soetomo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25139/jsk.v4i1.1799


This study aims to describe the practice of public relations communication on the website of state universities. It explores the opinions of state university students on the website of their respective university. Evaluating websites based on student opinion is consired beneficial because the students are users who frequently access the website for administrative and academic purposes. The method used in this study was a survey with 360 respondents from four state universities in Malang. From the data findings, it can be concluded that in general, the websites of the four university have been rated effective by students based on several dimensions of website quality, such as transparency, interactivity, accessibility, useful information, web maturity, usability, openness, and positivity. However, the positivity dimension needs to be amended further because three out of four state university websites are only considered to be quite effective.
Perencanaan Darurat Menghadapi Krisis pada Kementerian dan Lembaga Nonstruktural Pusat Kriyantono, Rachmat; Ameliyah, Arini
Jurnal ILMU KOMUNIKASI Vol 17, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : FISIP Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (338.089 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jik.v17i2.2191


Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan perencanaan darurat krisis oleh humas pemerintahan Indonesia. Penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan perencanaan krisis penting untuk meminimalkan dan membatasi dampak krisis. Contingency plan merupakan bentuk perencanaan darurat krisis yang efektif di era keterbukaan informasi. Peneliti melakukan wawancara kualitatif terhadap 16 informan praktisi humas pemerintah yang masuk peringkat keterbukaan informasi publik. Penelitian ini menghasilkan lima proposisi: posisi struktural humas memengaruhi peran manajemen krisis, konstruksi humas tentang krisis memengaruhi strategi perencanaan krisis, humas pemerintah belum memiliki contingency plan, tim manajemen krisis bukan bagian strategi humas lembaga pemerintah dalam manajemen krisis, dan konstruksi humas terkait krisis memengaruhi strategi manajemen krisis dan hambatannya.
Jurnal Nomosleca Vol 5, No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/nomosleca.v5i1.2749


Abstract This study discusses the positives and negatives received by the journalist Forum Merdeka Barat 9 (FMB9) as an evaluation of the government public relations program. Government Public Relations initiated FMB9 to get access for the media to get information related to the government agenda. In addition, the presence of FMB9 represented a single government narrative in accordance with Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 2015. Forum Merdeka Barat 9 is one of the flagship programs that form the Directorate General of Information and Communication of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Dirjen IKP Kemenkominfo) which consists of media discussions or press conferences as the government's main news source. This study used quantitative methods and data collection techniques, namely Forum Group Discussion (FGD) for 30 FMB9’s journalists. Informants consisted of journalists from printed media, television and online media in three discussion sessions. Aspects that include: information completeness, focus, right time, easy access, ease of information, media discussion, free media permission, and information clarity, will then be used to explore quantitative analysis to see FMB9's effectiveness and to remove programs in this forum is activated. The results of this study reveal the Benefits of FMB9 for journalists after the arrival of FMB9. Keywords: Merdeka Barat 9 Forum, Media Relations, Communication Evaluation, Government Public RelationsDOI :