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Jilbab Dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an Budiyanto Budiyanto; Arfatul Muawanah
Al-Bayan: Jurnal Ilmu al-Qur'an dan Hadist Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Januari
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur'an Wali Songo Situbondo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (407.817 KB) | DOI: 10.35132/albayan.v2i1.45


Kita dapat melihat bahwa para penafsir dari masa lalu telah sepakat bahwa jilbab adalah kewajiban agama bagi wanita, para sarjana sepakat pada kewajiban untuk mengenakan jilbab dan tidak setuju tentang arti memperluas jilbab, apakah membentang di seluruh tubuh kecuali satu mata, merentangkannya di seluruh tubuh kecuali mata kedua atau memperpanjang di seluruh tubuh kecuali wajah, M. Quraish Shihab menyatakan bahwa kewajiban untuk memperpanjang jilbab adalah bahwa masalah khilafiyah jelas tidak berdasar karena para ulama sepakat bahwa mereka harus mengenakan jilbab untuk Muslim wanita, karena urutannya didasarkan pada argumen yang sangat kuat.
Efek Inkubasi Aerob Fakultatif terhadap Kualitas Organoleptik, Fisik, dan Nutrisi Ampas Tahu Difermentasi Kapang Neurospora sitophila dan Trichoderma viridae sebagai Pakan Ternak Budiyanto Budiyanto; W. Suryapratama; S. Rahayu
Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science) Vol 23, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jpi.23.2.136-143.2021


Physical And Sensory Characteristics Of Emulsion Drinks Red Palm Oil Devi Silsia; Liza Bunaiyah; Budiyanto Budiyanto
AGRITEPA: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian Vol 8 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : UNIVED Press, Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37676/agritepa.v8i2.1333


Red palm oil contains carotenoids (β, α, ϒ-carotene) so that it has the potential to be developed into a healthy oil. This study aims to obtain physical characteristics (viscosity and stability) and sensory of red palm oil emulsion drink at various concentrations of the addition of CMC and mango flavor. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 2 factors, namely the CMC concentration (0.5%, 0.75% and 1%) and the mango flavor concentration (1.5% and 2%). Red palm oil emulsion drink has a viscosity of 137.93 - 314.92 cP and stability of 77.66 - 94.06%. Sensory score for color 3.44 - 3.80, aroma 3.0 - 3.53, taste 2.72 - 3.00 and viscosity 3.16 -3.32. The higher the CMC concentration and the added manga flavor, the higher the viscosity and stability as well as the sensor score.
Prosiding Semnastek PROSIDING SEMNASTEK 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

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Pengembangan sumber energi terbarukan merupakan pengembangan sumber energi yang potensial,seperti  tenaga  angin,  matahari,  dan  sel  bahan  bakar  hidrogen.  Pembangkit  listrik  terdistribusimemberikan solusi atas penggunaan jaringan listrik mikro arus searah ( JLMAS), PengembanganJLMAS akan memberikan konstribusi dalam pengembangan distribusi pembangkitan dari beberapaenergi terbarukan dalam mengatasi ketersediaan energi listrik. JLMAS merupakan gabungan daribeberapa  energi terbarukan yang  menyuplai  ke  jaringan  mikro, yang  dapat  bekerja  bersamaandengan  jaringan  distribusi  utama melalui  konverter  dua  arah  (  Biderectional  Converter  DC-AC)maupun bekerja sendiri dalam jaringan listrik  mikro arus searah, makalah  ini menjelaskan konsepJLMAS yang dapat diterapkan dalam sistim jaringan distribusi dari beberapa energi terbarukan
Studi Potensi Talas Liar sebagai Sumber Bioetanol dan Implementasinya pada Pembelajaran Biologi Herlina Herlina; Aceng Ruyani; Zamzaili Zamzaili; Budiyanto Budiyanto
PendIPA Journal of Science Education Vol 3, No 1 (2019): FEBRUARY
Publisher : University of Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (463.572 KB) | DOI: 10.33369/pendipa.3.1.28-32


ABSTRACT[Study of Potential of Wild Taro as a Bioethanol Source and Its Implementation in Biological Learning]. This research aims to (1) Determine the carbohydrate content in three types of wild taro. (2) Assessing the effect of different types of yeast on ethanol produced. (3) Assessing the effect of fresh and dried taro tubers on ethanol produced. (4) To find out the difference in learning outcomes of students who use research-based LKS and those who do not use research-based LKS. Bioethanol is obtained through fermentation using yeast. The method used is direct observation and testing of the bioethanol produced. The carbohydrate content of taro kembaang (Colocasia esculenta) in wet conditions is 23.04% and in dry conditions 78.433%. For kemumu forest (Alocasia macrorrhiza) in wet conditions 20.08% and in dry conditions 79,725. For black taro (Xantomonas nigrum) 23.20% in wet conditions and in dry conditions 72.622%. Traditional yeast produces more ethanol than packaging yeast (Fermipan). More ethanol is produced in taro in dry conditions, namely kembaang taro (Colocasia esculenta) 2.30%, kemumu taro forest (Alocasia macrorrhiza) 2.64% and black taro (Xantomonas nigrum) 2.23%. Based on the fresh dried taro tuber, dried taro tubers produce more ethanol. LKS which is a learning resource is used to determine whether there is a difference between the experimental class and the control class using the T test. There are significant differences in learning outcomes between the experimental classes using research-based LKS and the control class that does not use research-based LKS which is characterized by the T test test where th> tk, th = 18.3138 and tk = 2.0085. So that the experimental class learning outcomes are better than the control class. Keywords: Potential; wild taro; bioethanol; learning process.(Received November 6, 2018; Accepted February 9, 2019; Published February 26, 2019) ABSTRAKPenelitan ini bertujuan untuk (1) menentukan kandungan karbohidrat pada tiga jenis talas liar. (2) Mengkaji pengaruh perbedaan jenis ragi terhadap etanol yang dihasilkan. (3) Mengkaji  pengaruh segar dan keringnya umbi talas terhadap etanol yang dihasilkan. (4) Untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan LKS berbasis riset dan yang tidak menggunakan LKS berbasis riset. Bioetanol didapatkan melalui fermentasi menggunakan ragi.Kandungan karbohidrat talas kembaang (Colocasia esculenta) pada kondisi basah 23.04% dan pada kondisi kering 78.433%. Untuk talas kemumu hutan (Alocasia macrorrhiza) pada kondisi basah 20.08% dan pada kondisi kering 79.725. Untuk talas hitam (Xantomonas nigrum) 23.20% pada kondisi basah dan pada kondisi kering 72.622%. Ragi tradisional lebih banyak  menghasilkan etanol  dari pada ragi kemasan (Fermipan). Etanol lebih banyak dihasilkan pada talas dalam kondisi kering yaitu talas kembaang (Colocasia esculenta) 2.30%, talas kemumu hutan (Alocasia macrorrhiza) 2.64% dan talas hitam (Xantomonas nigrum) 2.23%. Berdasarkan segar keringnya umbi talas, umbi talas kering lebih banyak menghasilkan etanol. LKS yang merupakan sumber belajar digunakan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol dengan menggunakan uji T. Terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan LKS berbasis riset dan kelas kontrol yang tidak menggunakan LKS berbasis riset yang ditandai dengan uji T tes dimana th>tk, th = 18.3138 dan tk = 2.0085. Sehingga hasil belajar kelas eksperimen lebih baik dari pada kelas kontrol. Kata kunci: Potensi; talas liar; bioetanol; pembelajaran.
Technologic Vol 11, No 2 (2020): TECHNOLOGIC
Publisher : Politeknik Manufaktur Astra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52453/t.v11i2.297


Abstrak--Perancangan PLTS pada roof top fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta dengan menggunakan simulasi program PV*SOL. Total modul yang di representasikan oleh program ini adalah sebanyak 570 modul PV, menggunakan PV dengan kapasitas 500 Wp. Inverter yang digunakan sebanyak 21 unit, karena masing-masing inverter memiliki kapasitas yang berbeda maka masing-masing area Gedung di suplai minimal oleh 2 inverter. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi, estimasi energi yang dihasilkan cukup efisien yakni sebesar 285 kWp, dengan potensi radiasi matahari sebesar 4.76 kWh/m²/hari. Total pemakaian beban yang digunakan oleh Gedung A B C D Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta ini sebesar 629,739 kWh/tahun, dapat di akomodir oleh PLTS sebesar 319,431 kWh/tahun atau sebesar 50.7% dari keseluruhan total beban yang biasa digunakan, kemudian didistribusikan ke beban sebesar 208,362 kWh/tahun. Sedangkan total beban pada Gedung SIPIL sebesar 63,337 kWh/tahun, dapat diakomodir oleh PLTS sebesar 43,329 kWh/tahun atau sebesar 68.4% dari keseluruhan beban yang biasa digunakan.Investasi awal dibutuhkan dana sekitar $ 270,750. Kata Kunci: PLTS atap, PV*SOL, On-Grid
JDMP (Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen Pendidikan) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): Volume 5, Nomor 2, April 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jdmp.v5n2.p%p


Kerjasama stake holder, merupakan kebutuhan perguruan tinggi untuk meningkatkan mutu Tri Dharma. Kemitraan dalam negeri dan luar negeri, merupakan indikator kualitas perguruan tinggi secara nasional maupun internasional. Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan problematika kerjasama Perguruan Tinggi, solusi yang ditempuh Perguruan Tinggi dalam menguatkan kerjasama dalam masa pandemi covid 19 dan penguatan kerjasama Perguruan Tinggi pasca Pandemi Covid 19. Metode yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kualitatif dengan desain strategi inqury. Hasil dari penelitian ini dalam memetakan problematika kerjasama yaitu 1) terbatasnya tatap muka secara langsung 2) terbatasnya kegiatan kerjasama internasional 3) tervariasinya standar operasional prosedur kerjasama antar lembaga. Solusi yang ditempuh 1) menguatkan kerjasama dalam masa pandemic 2) menerapkan prosedur daring 3) melakukan perencanaan yang matang 4) keterampilan menguasai IT. Pola penguatan kerjasama 1) faktor motivasi kerjasama 2) Pergeseran nilai etika 3) Cara inovatif untuk kerjasama. Kesimpulannya bahwa tetap terjalin proses kerjasama perguruan tinggi namun dilakukan dengan daring dan perencanaan yang matang.
Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian Andalas Vol 26, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jtpa.26.1.84-91.2022


Orange peel is one of byproduct from the kalamansi syrup industry. Orange peel oil is stored in the oil gland of the skin (flavedo). Orange peel contains cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin and other components. Degradation carried out by biological agents such as bacteria and fungi can increase oil yield. This study aimed to determine the effect of fermentation time and the amount of inoculum on the yield of orange oil. This study consisted of two factors, namely the length of fermentation (2 days, 4 days, 6 days) and the number of inoculums (2.5%, 5%, 7.5%). The data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA and DMRT methods. The results showed that the length of fermentation time and the number of inoculums had a significant effect on the increase in yield and had no significant effect on the quality characteristics of the essential oil of kalamansi orange peel. The highest yield was obtained at 4 days fermentation with an inoculum of 7.5%.
PENGARUH SAAT PEMANGKASAN CABANG DAN KADAR PAKLOBUTRAZOL TERHADAP HASIL MENTIMUN (Cucumis sativus) Budiyanto Budiyanto; Oetami Dwi Hajoeningtijas; Bambang Nugroho
Agritech: Jurnal Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto Vol 12, No 2 (2010): AGRITECH
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/agritech.v12i2.991


Progressively increase amount the resident claimed the existence improvement of vegetable result is inclusive of cucumber in amount and also its quality. Effort to increase production of cucumber by repair of energy kindness technique through branch clipping and use resistor paclobutrazol. The purpose of the research is to find the effect of time when cutting branches happen and the degree of inhibitor substance paclobutrazol on the result of cucumber. This research is a test on a wide field which is located in Banyumudal village at Moga subdistrict in Pemalang regency with position of height 650 meters over the sea surface on September to November 2009. This experiment used preparation of factorial trying with the Randomized Complex Block Design (RCBD) of three repeated factors. The first factor is when cutting branches (S) which consists of three standards; without cutting the branches (SO); age cutting of 21 days after planting (S1); age cutting of 28 days after planting (S2). The second factor, the concentration of inhibitor substance paclobutrazol (K) which consists of four standards, 0 ml (KO); 0,125 ml (Kl); 0,250 ml (K2); and 0,375 ml (K3). The adding of inhibitor substance paclobutrazol is held after cutting the braches, exactly at the age of 21 day after planting and 28 day after planting. For the plants which are not cut, they will be given at the age of 21 day after planting by spraying the substance over the plants. The analysis result proved that the the happening of cutting branches does not factually effect to the parameter of flowering phase and harvest time. At the parameter of flowering phase for each plants, the quantity of fruit, the weight of fruit for each plants, the length of fruit, and the diameter of fruit, all those show the existence of influence. The cutting branches at the age of 21 day after planting gave a maximum result. The giving of inhibitor substance paclobutrazol effected to every parameter which are experimented, concentration of paclobutrazol 0,375 ml/liter of water that can increase the result to be maximum. The combination of cutting branches happen at the age of 21 day after planting and the concentration of paclobutrazol 0,375 ml/liter of water could add the result of planting cucumber optimally. Key words: Paclobutrazol, cucumber, cutting
Company’s Supply Chain Strategy in Internal Factors to Predict Capital Structure and Profitability on Manufacturing Sector Evelyn Wijaya; Nur Fadjrih Asyik; Budiyanto Budiyanto; Teddy Chandra; Priyono Priyono
International Journal of Supply Chain Management Vol 9, No 1 (2020): International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM)
Publisher : International Journal of Supply Chain Management

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Abstract- Supply chain is crucial in the current highly competitive and fast-changing business environment, in which the optimisation of all resources matters, creating an ef?cient. Capital structure based on the supply chain strategy is one of the important decisions for financial managers who are able to describe the overall cost of capital and have an impact on increasing the profitability of the company. The aim of this research was (1) to analyze the influence of internal factors including company size and tangibility on capital structure and profitability and (2) to analyze the influence of internal advertising factors on profitability. This study’s samples were 117 manufacturing companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange for period 2010-2016. The data were analyzed by using path analysis with SmartPLS 3.0. The results of the research stated that firm size had a significant effect on capital structure and profitability, tangibility did not have a significant effect on capital structure but had a significant effect on profitability. Meanwhile, advertising did not have a significant effect on profitability. Furthermore, there is a positive influence between capital structure and profitability. This result is in accordance with signalling theory which states that the addition of corporate debt supported by the achievement of high corporate profits will be a positive signal for investors.