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Makna Logos dan Logika dalam Yohanes 1:14 bagi Pertumbuhan Iman Kristen Masa Kini Josapat Bangun; Suhadi Suhadi
Jurnal Teologi Berita Hidup Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Maret 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Berita Hidup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38189/jtbh.v5i2.387


Today's Christian faith is mostly built without Logos and logic, as a result there is a deviation of faith growth, not towards Christ as the Head of the Church, but growing towards faith in oneself, faith in material things, faith in miracles, and faith without a solid foundation. Many studies on the Logos have been done, as well as on logic, especially in philosophy. However, the study of the meaning of Logos and logic associated with the growth of Christian faith with qualitative methods is something new, the results are expected to add to the treasures of academic scientific literature. It turns out that the growth of Christian faith will not occur in a healthy and balanced manner if only through reading the Logos alone and also if only relying on limited logic. The growth of Christian faith is very dependent on the balance of studying the Logos as a Person and the graphe Logos critically and analytically by using the logic of God's gift properly and correctly, in the help, guidance, and being led by the Holy Spirit. As it turns out, the growth of true Christian faith only occurs if the Logos and Logos become the leading subject, while logic becomes a limited instrument that must always thirst and hunger for true truth. Always realize that the logic that has been updated must always be subject to the guidance of the Holy Spirit so as not to go astray. All learning outcomes to the Logos and Logos should be realized in concrete actions (operibus) as a sign of faith growth and spiritual maturity in the Logos, the goal is that the growth of Christian faith has a significant impact on the world where Christian faith is present as a manifestation of the incarnation of the Logos in the Logos. believer's life today.
Peranan Wahyu Ilahi dalam Kanonisasi Alkitab Yohanes Telaumbanua; Suhadi Suhadi
Jurnal Teologi Berita Hidup Vol 6, No 1 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Berita Hidup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38189/jtbh.v6i1.548


The content of the Bible is that God Himself breathed out or inspired the Bible, so the Bible is true. Along with history attacks against the inerrancy of the Bible have occurred. Errantists and Inerrantists emerged, both of whom had thinkers who could deal with the facts of several parts of the Bible in question and both parties read the conclusions of their opponents. Then it is very important to remember that the Bible validates itself because the books were breathed into God's breath (2 Timothy 3:16). In other words, canonicality is inherent in these books, because they come from God. Likewise, interpreting the Bible by the light of the Holy Spirit enables us to believe in the truth of the Bible. So, the researcher used qualitative research methods with a descriptive literature approach. The descriptive literature approach is a data collection technique based on library research as supporting material for theory formulation.Isi alkitab ialah Allah sendiri yang meniupkan keluar atau mengilhami Alkitab, maka Alkitab adalah benar. Seiring dengan sejarah serangan-serangan terhadap ketidakkeliruan Alkitab pun terjadi. Muncul kaum errantis dan kaum inerrantis, keduanya mempunyai pemikir-pemikir yang cakap menghadapi fakta-fakta beberapa bagian-bagian Alkitab yang dipermasalahkan dan kedua pihak membaca kesimpulan-kesimpulan dari lawannya. Kemudian amat penting diingat bahwa Alkitab mengesahkan dirinya sendiri karena kitab-kitab ditiupkan oleh napas Allah (2Tim. 3:16). Dengan kata lain, kekanonannya telah melekat di dalam kitab-kitab itu, karena berasal dari Allah. Demikian pula penafsiran Alkitab oleh terang Roh Kudus memampukan kita mempercayai kebenaran Alkitab. maka peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif literatur. pendekatan deskriptif literatur ialah teknik pengumpulan data berdasarkan kajian pustaka sebagai bahan pendukung perumusan teori. 
Jurnal Abdimas Vol 14, No 2 (2010): December 2010
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v14i2.26


Abstrak. Kepemilikan sertifikat sebagai bukti penguasaan hak atas tanah telah menjadi hal yang sangat penting untuk terus dilakukan sosialisasi atau pun upaya penyadaran terhadap masyarakat. Kepemilikan sertifikat tersebut tidak sekedar terpeuhinya syarat administrative, dan bukti formil saja. Namun lebih dari itu, yaitu sebagai jaminan kepastian hokum. Yang dimaksudkan dengan sertifikat adalah sebagai suatu surat tanda bukti hak yang berlaku sebagai alat pembuktian yang kuat mengenai data fisik dan data yuridis yang termuat di dalamnya, sepanjang data fisik dan data yuridis tersebut sesuai dengan data yang ada dalam surat ukur dan buku tanah yang bersangkutan. Dari pengertian sertifikat tersebut, maka secara terseirat kekuatan pembuktian suatu sertifikat adalah merupakan ”alat pembuktian yang kuat”, yang mempunyai arti bahwa selama tidak dapat dibuktikan sebaliknya, data fisik dan data yuridis yang tercantum di dalamnya harus diterima sebagai data yang benar, baik dalam melakukan perbuatan hukum sehari-hari maupun dalam berperkara di Pengadilan. Untuk memperoleh suatu sertifikat sebagai bukti penguasaan hak atas tanah ini, harus didahukui dengan kegiatan pendaftaran tanah, baik pendaftaran tanah yang pertama kali maupun pendaftaran tanah setelah terjadi peralihan hak atas tanah. Kata Kunci : Kepemilikan hak atas tanah, Sertifikat, Pendaftaran tanah.
Peranan Wahyu Ilahi dalam Kanonisasi Alkitab Yohanes Telaumbanua; Suhadi Suhadi
Jurnal Teologi Berita Hidup Vol 6, No 1 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Berita Hidup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38189/jtbh.v6i1.548


The content of the Bible is that God Himself breathed out or inspired the Bible, so the Bible is true. Along with history attacks against the inerrancy of the Bible have occurred. Errantists and Inerrantists emerged, both of whom had thinkers who could deal with the facts of several parts of the Bible in question and both parties read the conclusions of their opponents. Then it is very important to remember that the Bible validates itself because the books were breathed into God's breath (2 Timothy 3:16). In other words, canonicality is inherent in these books, because they come from God. Likewise, interpreting the Bible by the light of the Holy Spirit enables us to believe in the truth of the Bible. So, the researcher used qualitative research methods with a descriptive literature approach. The descriptive literature approach is a data collection technique based on library research as supporting material for theory formulation.Isi alkitab ialah Allah sendiri yang meniupkan keluar atau mengilhami Alkitab, maka Alkitab adalah benar. Seiring dengan sejarah serangan-serangan terhadap ketidakkeliruan Alkitab pun terjadi. Muncul kaum errantis dan kaum inerrantis, keduanya mempunyai pemikir-pemikir yang cakap menghadapi fakta-fakta beberapa bagian-bagian Alkitab yang dipermasalahkan dan kedua pihak membaca kesimpulan-kesimpulan dari lawannya. Kemudian amat penting diingat bahwa Alkitab mengesahkan dirinya sendiri karena kitab-kitab ditiupkan oleh napas Allah (2Tim. 3:16). Dengan kata lain, kekanonannya telah melekat di dalam kitab-kitab itu, karena berasal dari Allah. Demikian pula penafsiran Alkitab oleh terang Roh Kudus memampukan kita mempercayai kebenaran Alkitab. maka peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif literatur. pendekatan deskriptif literatur ialah teknik pengumpulan data berdasarkan kajian pustaka sebagai bahan pendukung perumusan teori. 
ASPEK KELEMBAGAAN DALAM PERLINDUNGAN LAHAN PERTANIAN PANGAN BERKELANJUTAN Suhadi Suhadi; Tri Andari Dahlan; Asmarani Ramli; Ardi Sirajudin Ra’uf; Lucky Andinna Santyoko Yogaswari; Muhammad Ridha
Hukum dan Politik dalam Berbagai Perspektif No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Hukum dan Politik dalam Berbagai Perspektif

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/hp.v1i2.165


Ketersediaan lahan merupakan salah satu isu utama dalam konteks kedaulatan dan ketahanan pangan. Fakta menunjukkan bahwa perlindungan lahan pertanian pangan belum efektif, yang ditandai oleh masih tingginya perubahan lahan pertanian menjadi lahan nonpertanian. Mulyani memperkirakan laju konversi sawah nasional sekitar 96.512 ha pada periode 2000-2015, dan dengan laju yang demikian itu diperkirakan lahan sawah akan menciut dari 8,1 juta ha menjadi hanya 5,1 juta ha pada tahun 2045
Improving Mathematics Learning Outcomes using Problem Based Learning Models Suhadi Suhadi
Social, Humanities, and Educational Studies (SHES): Conference Series Vol 5 (2022): Social, Humanities, and Educational Studies (SHEs): Conference Series (Special Issue 2
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/shes.v5i6.81035


Based on the observations of researchers, it was found that the learning in grade II is still centered on teachers because the learning model used is lectures. This study aims to find out the results of learning when teachers use PBL learning model. This research is a Class Action Research (CAR). The results showed that the learning steps of Problem Based Learning (PBL) that can be designed by teachers include problem orientation in learners, organizing learners to learn, guiding individual or group investigations, developing and presenting works, analyzing and evaluating problem solving processes. The implementation of PBL learning model can improve the math learning outcomes of grade II students at SD Negeri 2 Somosari in the 2020/2021 school year with the completion of classical learning of learners from 36.67% in the pre-cycle to 46.67% in cycle I and 76.67% in cycle II.