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Jurnal Abdimas Mandiri Vol. 7 No. 1

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36982/jam.v7i1.2972


Kegiatan sosialisasi dan diseminasi protokol kesehatan pencegahan COVID-19 hingga ke tingkat desa diseluruh wilayah nusantara terus digencarkan oleh berbagai pihak terkait. Salah satunya adalah dengansosialiasasi pemakaian masker karena masih rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat dalam tertib bermasker. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk sosialisai penggunaan masker serta pembagian maskernon medis secara gratis sehingga diharapkan dapat meningkatkaan ketaatan penggunaan masker. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Desa Suralaga, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, Nusa Tengara Barat (NTB). Masyarakat sasaran berjumlah 15 rumah/kepala keluarga (KK) dengan jumlah total masker sebanyak50 buah. Masker diperoleh dari bantuan KODEPENA (Komunitas Dosen, Penulis dan Peneliti Indonesia)Pusat yang dikirimkan beberapa hari sebelum kegiatan ini dilaksanakan. Metode yang digunakan adalahmelalui pendekatan secara door to door (dari rumah ke rumah) selama 1 hari. Adapun tahapanpelaksanaan terdiri atas : (1) Tahap perencanaan dan persiapan ; (2) Tahap pelaksanaan; (3) Tahapevaluasi dan penyususnan luaran. Berdasarkan kegiatan yang telah dilakukan, dapat diketahui bahwapermasalahan yang ada di lingkungan masyarakat adalah kurangnya kesadaran dan pengetahunterkait penggunaan masker. Namun secara keseluruhan kegiatan ini berjalan dengan baik dan semuapeserta menunjukkan sikap senang dan sangat antusias untuk menerima kegiatan pengabdian ini. Selainitu, mereka sangat terbuka dalam mengungkapkan permasalahan-permasalahan yang dihadapi sertamengungkapkan keinginan-keinginanya terkait kegiatan pengabdian ini.
PERTUMBUHAN IKAN LELE SANGKURIANG (Clarias Gariepenus) PADA SISTEM RESIRKULASI Lalu Sepi Al-Muhatir R.; Nanda Diniarti; Alis Mukhlis
Jurnal Media Akuakultur Indonesia Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Media Akuakultur Indonesia
Publisher : Program Studi Budidaya Perairan Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/mediaakuakultur.v3i2.2443


Catfish is one of the commodities with promising prospects for development, both in hatchery and grow-out activities. One of the challenges in catfish farming is the high mortality rate of intensively raised fish without water exchange. In order to increase production, the implementation of good cultivation technologies is necessary to maximize the results. One such technology that can be used is the Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS). This study aims to analyze the effects of RAS using lettuce plants as biofilters on the growth and survival of Clarias gariepinus catfish. The test animals used in this study were Clarias gariepinus catfish sourced from Beta Fish Lingsar Farm, with seed size ranging from 7-8 cm. The study was conducted with three treatments (plots): pond 1 = RAS with lettuce biofilter at a stocking density of 1000 individuals, pond 2 = RAS with a stocking density of 1000 individuals, and pond 3 = RAS with a stocking density of 500 individuals. The results of the study showed that the use of the RAS system had an impact on the growth and survival of the fish. The RAS system with lettuce biofilter was able to increase the Specific Growth Rate (SGR) by 6.02% and reduce fish mortality rate with a Survival Rate (SR) value of 62.8%. Based on these findings, the use of RAS with plant biofilters can be further developed on a larger scale in aquaculture.
EDUKASI PENTINGNYA NUTRISI IKAN UNTUK MENCEGAH STUNTING DI PONDOK PERASI, KECAMATAN AMPENAN, MATARAM Wastu Ayu Diamahesa; Thoy Batun Citra Rahmadani; Septiana Dwiyanti; Yuliana Asri; Nuri Muahiddah; Rangga Idris Affandi; Sahrul Alim; Muhammad Sumsanto; Bagus Dwi Hari Setyono; Dewi Putri Lestari; Salnida Yuniarti Lumbessy; Nanda Diniarti; Andre Rachmat Scabra; Damai Diniariwisan
Jurnal Abdi Insani Vol 10 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Abdi Insani
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/abdiinsani.v10i2.910


Stunting is a health issue that impacts children on a local, national, and international scale. High rates of early marriage are directly associated to the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia. Children in early childhood who marry and become pregnant without the knowledge, mental and financial readiness to become good mothers pose a grave threat to the quality of the future human resources. The problem of stunting is influenced not only by a single element, but also by multiple factors, the most significant of which is the fulfillment of nutrient needs, particularly protein, in this case through fish consumption. This community service project aims to provide counseling or instruction on the significance of fish nutrition in preventing stunting, as well as teach participants how to make cookies from wet anchovies. This method of community service is counseling, which consists of multiple stages, including preparation, distribution of materials, pre- and post-testing, explanation of method to make anchovy cookies, and tasting fish-based processed foods together. From the findings of the pretest given by the speaker to the respondents, 50% of the respondents consumed around 200 g of fish on the day of counseling, and 100% of the respondents were motivated to consume fish following the counseling. In addition to emphasizing the significance of consuming fish on a regular basis for proper nutrition, the presenters demonstrated how to make anchovy cookies as an alternative snack for children. The outcome of this service activity is that the respondents are enthusiastic and inspired by the knowledge offered by the presenters, and are interested in preparing anchovy-based cookies at home.
Jurnal Pengabdian Perikanan Indonesia Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Community Empowerment
Publisher : Program Studi Budidaya Perairan Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppi.v3i2.2773


Pelatihan ibu-ibu dan remaja putri mengenai pengolahan hasil perikanan merupakan suatu yang penting untuk menyokong ke majuan bidang pariwiisata yang ada di Desa Ekas Buana. Kegiatan ini terjadi pada masa covid 19 sehingga metode penyampaian materi dan pelatihan dia tur sesuai dengan protokol kesehatan. Peserta yang disasar adalah ibu-ibu rumah tangga dan remaja putri. Resep yang diberikan dibuat dalam bentuk buku saku resep yang berisi beberapa cara pengolahan ikan dan rumput laut menjadi beberapa penganan dan hanya 1 olahan yang didemonstrasikan. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa ibu-ibu dan remaja putri yang mengikuti telah paham beberapa olahan dan memiliki beberapa ide modifikasi dari resep olahan yang telah diberikan. Untuk selanjutnya diharapkan ada pelatihan pengemasan untuk hasil olahan perikanan
Addition of probiotic EM-4 with different concentrations in cultivation media on the growth and survival rate of freshwater pomfret fish (Colossoma macropomum) Muhammad Ilham Fasya; Nanda Diniarti; Salnida Yuniarti Lumbessy
JURNAL MINA SAINS Vol. 9 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Mina Sains
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30997/jmss.v9i2.9908


This study aims to analyze the addition of EM-4 probiotics with different concentrations to the cultivation media on the growth and survival of freshwater pomfret fish (C. macropomum). This research was carried out for 50 days at the Fish Production and Reproduction Laboratory, Aquaculture Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Mataram University. The method used was an experiment using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments and three replications, namely without the addition of probiotics or control (P1); probiotic EM-4 0.5 ml/L (P2); probiotic EM-4 1.5 ml/L (P3); and probiotic EM-4 2.5 ml/L (P4). Test parameters include absolute weight, absolute length, specific growth rate, survival rate, feed conversion ratio, feed utilization efficiency, air quality, and bacterial density. Data analysis used analysis of variance (ANOVA) at a confidence level of 95%. If the research results show significant differences, further tests use the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The research showed that adding EM-4 probiotics to the rearing media at different concentrations could significantly affect (p<0.05) fish survival rate, absolute weight, specific growth rate, feed conversion value, and feed utilization efficiency. The treatment of adding EM-4 probiotics to the maintenance media with a concentration of 1.5 ml/L of air provides the best value for survival rates, growth, FCR, and EPP. It can maintain the quality of the cultivation media in good condition for the growth of freshwater pomfret (C. macropomum).  
Co-Authors Abidin, Z Amalia Febriani Ananda Rosalina Andika Gumilang Kushayadi Andre Rachmat Scabra Andre Rachmat Scrabra Apri Imam Supii Arbi Tarmizi Arziahningsih Arziahningsih Atta Mullah Ayu Adhita Damayanti Bagus Dwi Hari Setyono Bagus Dwi Hari Setyono Bagus Dwi Hari Setyono Baiq Hilda Astriana Baiq Hilda Astriana Baiq Hilda Astriana Baiq Hilda Astriana Baiq Lizawati Baiq Retno Wulandari Bangun Bangun Damai Diniariwisan Dewi N. Setyowati Dewi Nu'Aeni Setyowati Dewi Nur&#039;aeni Setyowati Dewi Nur'aeni Setyowati Dewi Nuraeni Setyowati Dewi Nur’aeni Setyowati Dewi Nur’aeni Setyowati Dewi Nur’aeni Setyowati Dewi Nur’aeni Setyowati Dewi Putri Lestari Dewi Putri Lestari, Dewi Putri Diamahesa, Wastu Ayu Dian Ayu Candra Dewi Diaz Asa Gusmi Edi Sulman Edi Sulman Fajrianti Dwi Kurnia Fariq Azhar Fariq Azhar Fisma Josara Apriliyanti Fitriani Mulyani, Laily Fuji Zakiyah Hasyiati Aini Husnul Ayu Juniarti I Wayan Sutresna Ifla Afifilah Iin Farliani Imam Eka Apriyan Junaidi, Muhammad Laily Fitriani Mulyani Laily Fitriani Mulyani Lalu Jaye Warse Lalu Sepi Al-Muhatir R. Lalu Sofyan Satria Jaya Lora Santika Luh Putu Ratna Sundari Lumbessy, Salnida Yuniarti M. Marzuki Mega Selfiaty Mochammad Amiri Muhamad Junaidi Muhammad Ilham Fasya Muhammad Junaidi Muhammad Junaidi Muhammad Junaidi Muhammad Junaidi Muhammad Marzuki Muhammad Sumsanto Muhammad Supiandi Mukhlisatun Nunik Cokrowati Nunik Cokrowati Nunik Cokrowati Nunik Cokrowati Nunik Cokrowati Nunik Cokrowati Nunik Cokrowati Nunik Cokrowati Nunik Cokrowati Nunik Cokrowati Cokrowati Nunik Cokrowati, Ibadur Rahman, M. Junaidi, Nurliah, M.Marzuki, Nurhariati . Nuri Muahiddah nurul safitri Paryono Paryono Prawita Anggeni Putra Wirasakti Wirasakti Putu Pande Nico Ardana Raden Oki Suendi Rahmi Sri Ramadhani Rangga Idris Affandi Regina Burhani Rina Rosnawati Rinto Basuki Rizka Diniantari Rayes Rovi Ratna Sari S Sukiandi Sadikin Amir Safitri, Wiwin Sahrul Alim Saptono Waspodo Saptono Waspodo Saptono Waspodo, Saptono Septiana Dwiyanti Septiana Dwiyanti Septiya Nur Safitri Setyowati, Dewi Nur’aeni Sopiyan Hadi Sunaryo Sunaryo Thoy Batun Citra Rahmadani Thoy Batun Citra Rahmadani W Wulandari Wila Lailatul Hulpa Wilda Safitri Woro Kusumaningtyas Perwitasari Yeni Puji Lestari Lestari Yuliana Asri Yuliana Asri yunita ananda