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Biaya perjalanan domestik pengunjung terhadap manfaat rekreasi di taman wisata alam punti kayu (TWAPK) kota Palembang Rommy Qurniati; Abdur Rahman Saleh
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 15 No. 2 (2010): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (808.278 KB)


Punti Kayu Nature Park can provide various benefits. Currently benefits obtained are still considering to be low. An objective and quantitative assessment of a recreation benefits by calculated travel cost and willingness to pay of visitors to recreation benefits, in the end good for as consideration to determine development alternative, construction and cost of conservation activity in Nature Park Punti Kayu (TWAPK). This research was conducted in the Nature Park Punti Kayu Palembang city, South Sumatra Province. The object of research in this study were the respondents (visitors) in the Nature Park Punti Kayu. Number of visitors samples in this study were 100 visitors. Data obtained in the form of tabulations and percentages, then analyzed descriptively. According to the research, visitor assessment to TWAPK related to condition of road to recreation object, accessibility, biodiversity, and recreation facility are good with mean score 3,62, 3,91, 3,18,and 3,33. While security and information service are ugly, with mean score 2,58. Mean of travel cost of visitor TW APK range from Rp 44.913,04 till Rp172.000,00. Progressively far the distance which is gone through by a visitor from home to location of recreation, hence expend more and more traveling cost conversely. Totalize value of willingness to pay of visitors in TWAPK for forest and land cost rehabilitation equal to Rp 876.070.734,00/year.
Perilaku masyarakat dalam pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan hutan rakyat : studi kasus di desa Kresnowidodo kecamatan Tegineneng kabupaten Pesawaran propinsi Lampung Rommy Qurniati
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 15 No. 3 (2010): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (826.381 KB)


Degradation in production forest in lampung Province was high. Wood crop was cut and changed with agriculture crop and also the settlement. Cultivation of wood in land that own by society with private forest (hutan rakyat) pattern in Kresnowidodo Village become one of solution for rare of this wood. According to that, need to know how behavior socialize in management and wood exploiting from private forest in Kresnowidodo Village in order to overcoming the rare of wood and development of private forestspecially in lampung Province. location have been selected in purposive method with consideration that Kresnowidodo Village have 227 ha private forest. Farmer population that have private forest are 315 family. According to Slofin method obtained 39 family as sample. The method used descriptive qualitative analysis. Community behavior in management and exploiting of private forest analysed from three aspect that are produce aspect, processing aspect and marketing aspect. The result obtained that wood production in private forest still be conducted traditionally. Farmers did not conducted management intensively yet since assuming private forest land still be fertile enough to support growth of wood crop. The exploitation of private forest still as peripheral income and used as saving or reserve of farmer income. The existance of wood industry in Kresnowidodo Village become one of farmer motivation to develop private forest. Certainty in wood production from private forest supported with efficient wood market in the village perhaps have supported for development and continuation of private forest in Kresnowidodo Village.
Peran Penyuluh Kehutanan Swadaya Masyarakat (PKSM) dalam Membantu Masyarakat Mendapatkan Izin Hutan Kemasyarakatan (HKm) di Kecamatan Sendang Agung Kabupaten Lampung Tengah Fadila Ayu Larasati; Rommy Qurniati; Susni Herwanti
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 20 No. 1 (2015): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1047.883 KB)


One of the solutions to increase the community welfare and manage the forest is by giving the Social Forestry license. The implementation of community forest intend to give space for the local community for sustainable forest management. The submission of HKm license was done by farmers of HKm group who already received facilitaties from forestry partner that is Non-govermental Forestry Extension Worker (PKSM) to regent. The objectives of this research were to analyze the role of PKSM level for assisting farmer to obtain HKm license and analyze the correlation between external and internal factors of partner with their role. This research was done in Subdistrict Sendang Agung as an area under the jurisdiction of PKSM to assist submission of HKm license. The data was analized by Chi Square test, meanwhile to detect the correlation level of respondent factors with partner role is using coefficient contingency correlation analize. Based on analize result partner role level is obtained in high classification, partner role is as dynamist, mediator, facilitator, motivator, and educators. Internal factors companion that has a strong enough relationship with the role of companion is the number of dependents, long-serving, and cosmopilitaness, where as age, income, as well as information disclosure had uneasy relations. External factors companion that has a strong relationship with the companion role is recognition of the success and intensity of supervision, facilities have less close relationship level with the role of companion.
EFISIENSI PEMASARAN KAYU SENGON (Falcataria moluccana) DI AREAL HUTAN RAKYAT PEKON LENGKUKAI, KABUPATEN TANGGAMUS, PROVINSI LAMPUNG (Marketing Efficiency of Sengon (Falcataria moluccana) Wood in Lengkukai Village, Tanggamus District, Lampung Province) Rian Betti Kusuma; Hari Kaskoyo; Rommy Qurniati
Jurnal Penelitian Hutan Tanaman Vol 17, No 2 (2020): JURNAL PENELITIAN HUTAN TANAMAN
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jpht.2020.17.2.101-116


                                                ABSTRACT Wood demand has increased, but wood supply from natural forests and industrial plantations has decreased. Small scale privately owned forest is an alternative to meet wood needs. To ensure the sustainability of small scale privately owned forest, it should provide high profit for the farmers and that can only be achieved by eficiency in the wood marketing. This study aimed to analyzed the efficiency of sengon wood marketing in Pekon Lengkukai Village. The research was conducted in January-February 2020. Data was collected through observation, documentation studies, and interviews with farmers and traders. Respondents consisted of 52 sengon wood farmers selected by simple random sampling and 10 marketing institutions (3 sawmills, 2 traders, and 5 loggers) selected by snowball sampling. The data were analyzed through marketing channels and market performance by using share and profit margin ratio calculation. The results identified four channels of sengon wood marketing, namely: (1) farmers - end consumers (2) farmers - sawmill - consumers, (3) farmers - collectors traders - sawmill - consumers, and (4) farmers - wood cutters - collector - sawmill - consumer. Sawmill has significant influence on marketing and achieved the highest ratio of profit margins. Based on the ratio of profit margins and share price at the farm level, the marketing of sengon wood in Lengkukai Village is inefficient. The bargaining position of farmers needs to be improved, by forming farmer groups as a marketing institution that accommodates and promotes farmer’s sengon wood, and open farmer’s access to market information and capital credit.                                            ABSTRAK Kebutuhan pasokan kayu mengalami peningkatan, tetapi kayu dari hutan alam dan hutan tanaman industri mengalami penurunan. Hutan rakyat menjadi alternatif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ini. Untuk menjaga kelestarian hutan rakyat, maka petani sebagai pengelolanya harus mendapatkan keuntungan yang tinggi, hal ini dapat tercapai jika pemasarannya efisiensi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis efisiensi pemasaran kayu sengon di Pekon Lengkukai, Kabupaten Tanggamus, Provinsi Lampung. Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Januari-Februari 2020. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui observasi lapang, studi dokumentasi dan wawancara pada petani kayu sengon serta lembaga pemasaran yang terlibat. Responden petani kayu sengon yang diwawancara, meliputi 52 orang petani yang dipilih secara acak sederhana, dan 10 lembaga pemasaran (3 sawmill, 2 pedagang pengumpul, dan 5 penebang kayu) yang dipilih menggunakan metode snowball sampling. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis berdasarkan saluran pemasaran dan keragaan pasar melalui perhitungan share dan ratio profit margin. Hasil penelitian mengidentifikasi empat saluran pemasaran kayu sengon di Pekon Lengkukai, Kabupaten Tanggamus, yaitu: (1) petani – konsumen akhir (2) petani – sawmill – konsumen akhir, (3) petani – pedagang pengumpul – sawmill – konsumen akhir, dan (4) petani – penebang kayu – pedagang pengumpul – sawmill – konsumen akhir. Sawmill memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap pemasaran kayu sengon dan juga memperoleh rasio profit margin tertinggi. Berdasarkan ratio profit margin dan share harga di tingkat petani, maka pemasaran kayu sengon di Pekon Lengkukai belum efisien. Untuk pemasaran lebih efisiensi, posisi tawar petani perlu ditingkatkan dengan membentuk kelompok tani sebagai lembaga pemasaran untuk menampung dan memasarkan kayu sengon dari petani, dan membuka akses petani pada informasi pasar kayu sengon dan kredit permodalan. 
Organisasi dan Keragaan Pasar Durian: Studi Kasus di Desa Sungai Langka, Kecamatan Gedong Tataan, Provinsi Lampung (Market Organization and Performance of Durian: Case Study at Sungai Langka Village, Gedong Tataan District, Lampung Province) Rommy Qurniati; Ari Yudha Prasetya; Susni Herwanti; Machya Kartika Tsani
Jurnal Penelitian Hutan Tanaman Vol 18, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Penelitian Hutan Tanaman
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jpht.2021.18.2.79-91


ABSTRACTDurian production is a source of annual income for community living adjacent to the Wan Abdul Rahman Great Forest Park. Since, durian has a high economic value for the community, it is necessary to have an efficient marketing. The objective of this research was to analyse the market performance and organization of the durian market in its marketing system. The study was conducted in Januari until June 2019 on farmers and marketing institutions of durian at Sungai Langka Village, which is located on the boundary of the Wan Abdul Rachman Great Forest Park. Qualitative analysis was carried out to study the market organization and quantitative analysis was used to analyze market performance. The marketing of durian consists of four channels with a market structure that leads to oligopsony market at the farmer level and oligopoly at the marketing institutions (middlemen and retailers). The values of marketing margin, profit margin, ratio profit margin, and market share are not evenly distributed among all marketing institutions involved, therefore the durian marketing system is not efficient. Farmers need to collaborate with various parties to improve their capacity to produce high-quality durians and market them more efficiently.Keywords: Market conduct, market structure, marketing channels, marketing efficiency, profit margin ABSTRAKHasil tanaman durian menjadi sumber penghasilan tahunan bagi masyarakat yang tinggal berbatasan dengan Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rahman (Tahura WAR), agar durian dapat memberikan nilai ekonomi yang tinggi bagi masyarakat, maka dibutuhkan sistem pemasaran yang efisien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis organisasi dan keragaan pasar pada sistem pemasaran durian. Penelitian dilakukan pada Januari sampai Juni 2019 pada petani dan lembaga pemasaran durian di Desa Sungai Langka, Kecamatan Gedung Tataan, Kabupaten Pesawaran yang berbatasan dengan Tahura WAR. Analisis kualitatif dilakukan untuk mengkaji organisasi pasar dan analisis kuantitatif digunakan untuk menganalisa keragaan pasar. Pemasaran durian terdiri dari empat saluran dengan struktur pasar oligopsoni di tingkat petani dan oligopoli di lembaga pemasaran (tengkulak dan pengecer). Nilai margin pemasaran, margin keuntungan, rasio profit margin, dan pangsa pasar belum merata diantara semua lembaga pemasaran yang terlibat, sehingga sistem pemasaran durian belum efisien. Petani perlu melakukan kerja sama dengan berbagai pihak untuk meningkatkan kapasitasnya dalam memproduksi durian yang berkuliatas dan memasarkannya secara lebih efisien.Kata kunci: Efisiensi pemasaran, margin keuntungan, perilaku pasar, saluran pemasaran, struktur pasar
Jurnal Belantara Vol 2 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Forestry Study Program University Of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.628 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jbl.v2i2.183


Agroforestry systems, with products in the form of robusta coffee, can increase income and environmental sustainability. The research objective is to find out the robusta coffee marketing channel. Retrieval of data through interviews with actors or institutions involved, observation, and documentation studies. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively qualitatively about the structure, behavior, and market channels. The results of the study indicate that there are several marketing institutions, namely: farmers, collectors, wholesalers, retailers, and cooperatives. In addition, there are three channels of robusta coffee marketing, namely: (1) farmers to collectors, then wholesalers and retailers, (2) farmers to cooperatives, then retailers, and (3) farmers to cooperatives. The most efficient channel is the third channel, but most farmers choose to sell their coffee to the first channel. This is because of the closer distance to the collecting traders, the lending of money given to farmers by collecting traders, and the absence of special treatment for coffee sold. The market structure formed in coffee marketing is the oligopsonist market, where the price of coffee is determined by large traders. The capacity of cooperatives should be improved by the government in order to compete with collectors, wholesalers, and retailers.
Jurnal Belantara Vol 3 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Forestry Study Program University Of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (498.747 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jbl.v3i1.315


Durian is a plant that has high production potential planted by farmers in Sidodadi Village with agroforestry patterns. This production potential can provide benefits for farmers if they are able to be marketed efficiently. The purpose of this study was to analyze the channels and margins of durian marketing in Sidodadi Village, Teluk Pandan District, Pesawaran District, Lampung Province. The study was conducted in January 2019 with the object of research by farmers and durian marketing institutions in Sidodadi Village. Analysis was carried out qualitatively to assess marketing channels and quantitatively to calculate marketing margins. The results showed that marketing of durian in Sidodadi Village consisted of 3 marketing channels and led to the oligopsonistic market structure. The uneven value of marketing margins, profits, and farmer shares has caused the marketing system to be inefficient.
Jurnal Belantara Vol 3 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Forestry Study Program University Of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (305.443 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jbl.v3i1.375


Community Forestry is a government policy that aims to reduce the rate of deforestation by involving local communities through optimal, fair, and sustainable use of forest resources while maintaining the preservation of forest and environmental functions. The diversity of plant species is one indicator of the preservation of forest and environmental functions. This study aims to determine the types of plants and cropping patterns carried out related to the characteristics of group members after obtaining Community Forest Utilization Permits. The study was conducted in December 2018. Data collection was carried out by structured interviews with members of the Sinar Harapan farmer group and direct observation in the field. Data is tabulated and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the planting pattern used in Sinar Harapan group was a simple agroforestry pattern consisting of 8 types of intolerant plants namely avocado (Persea americana), petai (Parkia speciosa), areca nut (catechu area), durian (Durio zibethinus), jengkol (Archidendrom pauciflorum), bananas (Musaceae), candlenuts (Aleurites moluccanus), mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni) and 7 types of tolerant plants consisting of lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), cloves (Syzygium aromaticum), jaling (Archidendron bubalinum), chili (Capsicum frutescens) ), pepper (Piper Nigrum), nutmeg (Myristica fragrans), and coffee (Coffea). The diversity of plant species is influenced by farmer characteristics such as age, type of work, activity in the organization, land area, and the number of working days of farmers.
Jurnal Belantara Vol 4 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Forestry Study Program University Of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1048.85 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jbl.v4i1.449


The development of mangrove forests as a mean of ecotourism has high economic value. The purpose of this study is to analyze the economic value of mangrove ecotourism. Determination of the sample is using the accidental sampling method. The data are collected by conducting interview and observation techniques in the field, the data will be analyzed descriptively and quantitatively through a travel cost method. The results show that ecotourism visitors come from inside and outside Lampung Province with an average travel cost is Rp 107.500/person/visit. The number of visitors reaches 1.200 people/year, so the economic value generated is Rp 129.000.000/year or Rp 1.038.647/ha/year. The object in the ecotourism location is quite simple, such as in the form of bridges, photo spots, seats, gazebo, and boats to surround the mangrove forest. The government and the community have an important role in the efforts to increase the economic value through the provision of facilities, quality and good services to ensure the sustainability of mangrove ecotourism.
Budaya dan kearifan lokal dalam pengelolaan lahan dengan pola agroforestri di Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung Batutegi Provinsi Lampung Dadi Anesa; Rommy Qurniati; Yulia Rahma Fitriana; Irwan Sukri Banuwa
ULIN: Jurnal Hutan Tropis Vol 6, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (472.815 KB) | DOI: 10.32522/ujht.v6i1.5840


Pola tanam agroforestri merupakan sistem pengelolaan lahan yang banyak diterapkan dalam pemanfaatan lahan hutan melalui penggabungan antara tanaman kehutanan dan tanaman pertanian. Dalam pengelolaanya, petani memiliki cara tersendiri yang dipengaruhi oleh budaya dan kearifan lokal yang diwarisi orang tuanya. Untuk itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi budaya dan kearifan lokal petani dalam pengelolaan lahan dengan pola agroforestri.  Pengambilan data telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari-Maret 2021 dengan studi kasus di 3 Gabungan kelompok tani (Gapoktan) yaitu Gapoktan Hijau Makmur, Gapoktan Mahardika, dan Gapoktan Cempaka yang berada dalam wilayah Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung (KPHL) Batutegi, Provinsi Lampung. Penentuan besarnya responden menggunakan teknik purposive sampling yang difokuskan pada petani agroforestri. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara terstruktur menggunakan kuisioner dan wawancara mendalam. Pada penelitian ini teridentifikasi bahwa cara pengelolaan lahan petani dipengaruhi oleh budaya berupa kegiatan ngoret, angin-anginan, nunas, perantingan dan setek pada pemeliharaan tanaman, mutil dan ngunduh pada kegiatan pemanenan dan pembibitan. Selain itu budaya ini juga mengandung kearifan dalam kegiatan babat belukar pada penyiapan lahan dan nandur pada penanaman. Kearifan lokal ini masih diterapkan secara terbatas sehingga perlu dikembangkan agar dapat diterapkan secara luas untuk mendukung kelestarian hutan di KPHL Batutegi.
Co-Authors Abdur Rahman Saleh Afrian Andrianto AGUS SETIAWAN Aldy Mega Syahputra Annisa Marchantia Pratiwi Aplita Fitri Ana Ari Yudha Prasetya Ari Yudha Prasetya Asihing Kustanti Askasifi Eka Cesario Askasifi Eka Cesario, Askasifi Bhaskara, Dendi Restu Christine Wulandari Christine Wulandari Christine Wulandari Christine Wulandari Dadi Anesa Dadi Anesa Desrian Alfandi DESSY NATALIA Dessy Natalia Destia Novasari Duryat Duryat Duryat Duryat Duryat Duryat Duryat, Duyat Duryati Duryati Dwi Haryono Dwi Haryono Eny Puspasari Evi Juita K. Nababan Fadila Ayu Larasati Faisal Arafat Faisal Arafat Fembriarti Erry Prasmatiwi Ferli Hartati Ferli Hartati Ferli Hartati Firdasari . Firdasari Firdasari Gilang Ramadan Hari Kaskoyo Hari Kaskoyo Hari Kaskoyo Hari Kaskoyo Hari Kaskoyo Helen Yuseva Ayu Helen Yuseva Ayu Hendra Prasetia Heryandi Heryandi Heryandi Heryandi Indra Gumay Febryano Indra Gumay Febryano Irwan Irwan Irwan Sukri Banuwa Iznita Mulya Hanum Kaskoyo, Hari Kristin, Yuliana Lina Nur Aminah Lina Nur Aminah Machya Kartika Tsani Machya Kartika Tsani Machya Kartika Tsani Marlica Tri Asmi Marlica Tri Asmi Mira Amelda Wati Nanda Kurnia Sari Nanda Kurnia Sari Nindya Tria Puspita Novi Rosanti Nurpine Nadeak Nurpine Nadeak Otik Nawansih Pices Raini Dwi Putri Pices Raini Dwi Putri Rafin Olivi Rafin Olivi Rahmat Safe’i Resti Widya Putri Resti Widya Putri Ria Indrian Ariftia Ria Indrian Ariftia Rian Betti Kusuma Rini Nurindarwati Riska Ersi Noviyanti Riska Ersi Noviyanti Rudi Hilmanto Rudi Hilmanto Rudi Hilmanto Rusdi Evizal Samsul Bakri Sanjaya, Purba Simarmata, Gita Bahana Slamet Budi Yuwono Slamet Budi Yuwono Surnayanti Surnayanti Susni Herwanti Susni Herwanti Susni Herwanti Susni Herwanti Susni Herwanti Tsabita Naqiyya Wahyu Hidayat Wanderi . Wulandari, Dita Yulia Rahma Fitriana