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Transaksi Gharar dalam Muamalat Kontemporer Najamuddin, Najamuddin
Syari'ah Vol 2 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Islam Indragiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (314.132 KB) | DOI: 10.32520/.v2i1.20


Gharar adalah semua akad yang mengandung ketidakjelasan atau keraguan tentang adanya komoditi yang menjadi objek akad, ketidakjelasan akibat, dan bahaya yang mengancam antara untung dan rugi; pertaruhan, atau perjudian dan transaksi ghararini merupakan salah satu praktek yang dilarang dalam Islam sesuai dengan kaidah-kaidah dasar muamalah yaitu bebas dari riba, gharar, kezhaliman dan maysir/judi. Jenis akad ghararmenurut fuqaha yang sering dilakukan secara umum dalam transaksi/muamalat adalah: Gharar fil wujud, Gharar fil hushul, Gharar fil miqdar, Gharar fil jinsi, Gharar fish shifah, Gharar fiz zaman, Gharar fil makandan Gharar fit ta’yin. Tetapi lazim dilakukan dalam muamalah kontemporer ribawi adalah praktek gharar, seperti akad Multi level Marketing (MLM), Asuransi, Undian Berhadiah dll
اهتاقيبطتو ةرصاعملا ةيلاملا تلاماعملا يف يليومتلا ريجأتلا Najamuddin, Najamuddin
Syari'ah Vol 1 No 3 (2015): Syari'ah
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Islam Indragiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2196.745 KB) | DOI: 10.32520/.v1i3.41


نم فلأتيو ، ةصاخ ةيتاذب عتمتي ، بكرم ديدج دقعك يليومتلا ريجأتلا دقعةقتوب يف ترهصناو تجمدنا ىتلا ةفورعملا ةيدقاعتلا رصانعلا نم ةعومجميف ءاهقفلا ىمادق ىدل اًـفورعم سيل ، ديرفلا دقعلا اذه انل ةجتنم ، ةدحاوفيرعت عضو يف نورصاعملا ةعيرشلا ءاهقف دهتجا اذلو ،يملاسلإا هقفلاً لاصأ امهدحأ هيف رجؤي نيفرط نيب دقع ، هنأب هفيرعت ترتخا دقو ، هلنوكي ةنيعم ةدمل ةددحم ةرجأ لباقم ، رخلآل ةصاخ ةعيبط اذ ، هل اًـكولممريجأت ةداعإب وأ ، لصلأا اذه عيبب دعو ىلع ءانب – اهتياهن يف رجأتسملللصلأا ءارش يف قحلا – هدحو رجؤملل مزلمو ، راجيلإا دقعل بحاصمةداعإ يف وأ دقعلا ةدم لاوط ةرجأ نم هعفدام ديدحت يف ىعاري نمثب رجؤملاهرابتعاب رجؤملا ىلإ لصلأا اذه يف وأ لقأ ةرجأب ىرخأ ةدمل هراجئتساةيملاسلإا نادلبلا نم ريثك يف يليومتلا ريجأتلا قيبطت أدب و . هل اًـكولمملوبقمو فورعم لماعتلا عاونأ نم عونلا اذه نأو ، ةيملاسلإا اهفراصم يفوماكحأو قفتت تاددحمو طباوض نمض ةيملاسلإا فراصملا يف هب لماعتلا
عقد التوريـد فيما فيه العـمل في إندونيسـيا Najamuddin, Najamuddin
Syari'ah Vol 2 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Islam Indragiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (344.54 KB) | DOI: 10.32520/.v2i2.27


 فاستعنت بالله قبل كل شئ ، فكتبت في هذه البحث الموضوع "عقد التوريد فيما فيه العمل في إندونيسيا" لأنه يعتبر من الموضوعات الفقهية المعاصرة المهمة والمرتبطة بحياة المجتمع الإندونيسية في هذا اليوم ، وكما أن التوريد وسيلة حديثة نسبيًا ودخل في معاملات الناس بصورة كبيرة ، بل في تعاملات الدول بعضها مع بعض، ولم تعد هناك دولة تخول تعاملاتها منه ، كما التطور في النظام المصرفي الإسلامي وقع في القطاعى الزراعى الإندونيسيا ، فأصبحت حاجة المسلمين داعية لمعرمة أحكامه ، وهو حلال فيه ، وهو حرم.    
Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 10, No 1 (2018): Dakwah Dan Tantangannya
Publisher : P3M STAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32489/tasamuh.230


Every human must be able to balance between intellectual intelligence and emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is measured of the ability to control the emotion and to refrain. In Islam, the ability of controlling the emotion and patience are mentioned the patience. Patience demands patience in the face of something difficult, heavy, and bitter, to be accepted and faced with full responsibility. Nowadays, patience is understood by many people to aim toward passive nature of patience, in meaning of resigning does not do anything when faced with problems. While in Islamic view, patience means to be strong, to stand firm, or not to despair when facing obstacles, and to keep trying maximally. In addition, someone’s mental health is the ability to adjust to the circumstances encountered, can utilize all the potential and talent as much as possible and bring to the harmony in life must also be considered. Meanwhile, Islamic counseling is a process of providing assistance to individuals to realize again its existence as a creature of God who should live in harmony with the provisions and instructions of God so as to achieve happiness in the world and in the afterlife. Urgency of preaching with the concept of patience that preaching can help clarify and illuminate the madu about how patience is consistent with the Quran and hadist. The existing of preaching is so that the mistake in understanding the patience can be reduced. The problematic society today is not only about material issues, but also about psychological problems. So, between patience, mental health and counseling Islam must be framed in preaching.
ISLAM DI CINA Najamuddin, Najamuddin
Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 8, No 1 (2016): Kesenjangan dan Konflik Multi-Etnis
Publisher : P3M STAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32489/tasamuh.196


Religion of Islam has been present in China since the year 650, precisely during the reign of the Tang Dynasty. At that time, one of the companions of the Prophet, namely Saad ibn Abi Waqqas came to mainland China to convey the message of the Prophet and Islam introduced to the people of the land. Since then, Islam widespread in China mainly through trade intermediaries. The development of Islam in China has gone through by several dynasties, including the Tang, Wudai, Song Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, Qing Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. But among these there is mentioned dynasty that has developed very rapidly and some are experiencing sluggish growth journey. Islam in China was originally foreign Muslims who were able to assimilate with the Chinese community. At a later stage, some magnifying dynasty in China and other tribes embraced Islam. Then they set up a mosque and always are steadfast personality. Karen case, Islam in China still exists. The downside is that the communists in Russia and so did China that killed millions of people is a bitter memory. The plus side is due to the attitude of the West communists identical with the cause of Islam rose to fight for their rights. On the other hand, the defeat of the Soviet Union, whose influence penetrated into China in the ideological war with the United States, causing the nation’s Muslim minority gets fresh air to rise and strengthen its existence.
Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 7, No 1 (2015): Sejarah Islam
Publisher : P3M STAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32489/tasamuh.174


Plurality is a diversity. The pluralism is the existence of a plurality of the laws. Plurality is defined as a society which has difference from each other, both in terms of economic level, ideological faith and ethnicity. But it was not considered a feud, but it has straps that bind the union. Plurality of God’s creation (creature), a sign ofoneness of God.
Al-’Uqûd Al-Murakkabah Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Syariah Najamuddin, Najamuddin
Syari'ah Vol 1 No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Islam Indragiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2159.561 KB)


Al-’uqûd al-murakkabahmerupakan salah satu akad kontemporer dalam perbankan Islam, kendati demikian akad ini lahir dari duniaperhotelan, seperti  al-Ijarah muntahiyah bi al-tamlik,  Musyarakah mutanaqishah, Ta’min tauni murakkabah, akad Murabahah lil Aamir bi asy-Syiradan Ta’jir tamwili. Al-’uqûd al-murakkabah/Multi akad adalah kesepakatan dua pihak untuk melaksanakan suatu transaksi atau muamalahyang meliputi dua unsur akad atau lebih, misalnya akad jual-beli dengan ijarah, akad jual beli dengan hibah dst. Sehingga semua akibat hukum dari akad-akad gabungan itu, serta semua hak dan kewajiban yang ditimbulkannya, dianggap satu kesatuan yang tak dapat dipisah-pisahkan, yang sama kedudukannya dengan akibatakibat hukum dari satu akad
Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 10, No 1 (2018): Dakwah Dan Tantangannya
Publisher : P3M STAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32489/tasamuh.230


Every human must be able to balance between intellectual intelligence and emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is measured of the ability to control the emotion and to refrain. In Islam, the ability of controlling the emotion and patience are mentioned the patience. Patience demands patience in the face of something difficult, heavy, and bitter, to be accepted and faced with full responsibility. Nowadays, patience is understood by many people to aim toward passive nature of patience, in meaning of resigning does not do anything when faced with problems. While in Islamic view, patience means to be strong, to stand firm, or not to despair when facing obstacles, and to keep trying maximally. In addition, someone’s mental health is the ability to adjust to the circumstances encountered, can utilize all the potential and talent as much as possible and bring to the harmony in life must also be considered. Meanwhile, Islamic counseling is a process of providing assistance to individuals to realize again its existence as a creature of God who should live in harmony with the provisions and instructions of God so as to achieve happiness in the world and in the afterlife. Urgency of preaching with the concept of patience that preaching can help clarify and illuminate the madu about how patience is consistent with the Quran and hadist. The existing of preaching is so that the mistake in understanding the patience can be reduced. The problematic society today is not only about material issues, but also about psychological problems. So, between patience, mental health and counseling Islam must be framed in preaching.
Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 7, No 1 (2015): Pluralisme beragama Dalam Menata Kerukunan Umat
Publisher : P3M STAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32489/tasamuh.174


Plurality is a diversity. The pluralism is the existence of a plurality of the laws. Plurality is defined as a society which has difference from each other, both in terms of economic level, ideological faith and ethnicity. But it was not considered a feud, but it has straps that bind the union. Plurality of God’s creation (creature), a sign ofoneness of God.
ISLAM DI CINA Najamuddin, Najamuddin
Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 8, No 1 (2016): Sejarah Islam Dari Berbagai Aspek
Publisher : P3M STAIN Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32489/tasamuh.196


Religion of Islam has been present in China since the year 650, precisely during the reign of the Tang Dynasty. At that time, one of the companions of the Prophet, namely Saad ibn Abi Waqqas came to mainland China to convey the message of the Prophet and Islam introduced to the people of the land. Since then, Islam widespread in China mainly through trade intermediaries. The development of Islam in China has gone through by several dynasties, including the Tang, Wudai, Song Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, Qing Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. But among these there is mentioned dynasty that has developed very rapidly and some are experiencing sluggish growth journey. Islam in China was originally foreign Muslims who were able to assimilate with the Chinese community. At a later stage, some magnifying dynasty in China and other tribes embraced Islam. Then they set up a mosque and always are steadfast personality. Karen case, Islam in China still exists. The downside is that the communists in Russia and so did China that killed millions of people is a bitter memory. The plus side is due to the attitude of the West communists identical with the cause of Islam rose to fight for their rights. On the other hand, the defeat of the Soviet Union, whose influence penetrated into China in the ideological war with the United States, causing the nation’s Muslim minority gets fresh air to rise and strengthen its existence.