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Journal : SEJ (Science Education Journal)

Students Learning Motivation and Concepts Understanding of Science through the Use of PhET Interactive Simulations Citra Dwi Rahayu; Septi Budi Sartika
SEJ (Science Education Journal) Vol 4 No 1 (2020): May
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/sej.v4i1.750


The purpose of this research is to describe the influence of PhET Interactive Simulations on the motivation of learning and understanding the concept of natural science subject matter. This research is a type of quantitative research with design method using one shot case study design. The population and research sample is grade VIII students of SMP 4 which consists of 1 class. The instruments used in this study are motivational learning questionnaires and concept comprehension tests. The technique of analyzing the data of this study is to use correlation statistics. The results showed there was an influence of PhET Interactive Simulations on learning motivation with a low relationship influence rate of 0.273, there was the influence of PhET Interactive Simulations on understanding the concept of natural science with a low influence level of 0.324, and there was the influence of PhET Interactive Simulations on the motivation of learning and understanding the concept of natural science with a low influence level of 0.122. it can be concluded that PhET Interactive Simulations affects the motivation and understanding of the concept of natural science. Further research is expected to uncover other factors that influence the motivation of learning and understanding student concepts in addition to the use of PhET Interactive Simulations.
Integrasi Nilai-nilai Al Islam dalam Mata Kuliah Fluida Melalui Model Pembelajaran Pemaknaan Septi Budi Sartika; Ima Faizah
SEJ (Science Education Journal) Vol 3 No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/sej.v3i2.3094


The research aims to describe the implementation of fluid lectures in classrooms and laboratories on the integration of Al-Islam values through the Pemaknaan Learning Models, analyzing student learning outcomes, and describing Students' response in fluid lecturing through the Pemaknaan Learning Models. The study was conducted in 4 academic year students 2018/2019 a number of 18 students. The results showed that: 1) fluid lecturing in classes as well as in laboratories is carried out well, linking the concept of fluid to the values of Al-Islam; 2) Student learning results of the minimum B category; and 3) 88% of students respond positively to the fluid lecture by integrating Al-Islam's values through a learning model of use.
The Analysis of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) at Natural Science Teachers in SMP Negeri 4 Sidoarjo Mochamad Nashrullah; Septi Budi Sartika; Nur Efendi
SEJ (Science Education Journal) Vol 6 No 1 (2022): May
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/sej.v6i1.1622


This study aims to analyze (1) Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) profile of IPA teachers in teaching science in terms of PCK component in pentagon model (2) constraint of PCK science teacher in teaching science. The PCK component consists of five components including: Component K1 (teaching orientation), K2 (knowledge of Curriculum), K3 (knowledge of students), K4 (knowledge of learning strategy) and K5 (knowledge of assessment). The research is a qualitative with phenomenology approach. The subject of the research was a science teacher at SMPN 4 Sidoarjo. Data collection techniques in this study using documentation, observation and interviews. Data analysis phase using Miles and Huberman model. Test the validity of the data used triangulation technique. Based on the research results revealed PCK teacher profile: K1 component is science learning oriented to develop the cognitive, psychomotor and affective aspects of students by applying constructivism learning theory, K2 component that is understanding the curriculum 2013 and apply it to learning but conducted development on objectives, content and learning materials, K3 component: identify that students do not experience misconception and in managing the classroom asking the students who have the advantage to help other students, K4 component is applying discovery learning model with scientific approach 5M (observing, asking, collecting data, associating and creating), K5 component is the assessment of the students covering 3 aspects (cognitive, affective and psychomotor) with assessment methods of quetion and observation, and teachers do not experience PCK constraints in teaching Water Pollution Material. In the next research is expected to reveal three other teacher competencies.
The Analysis Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of Natural Science Secondary School Teachers' Based on School Accreditation Herry Suryanto; Septi Budi Sartika; Mochamad Nashrullah
SEJ (Science Education Journal) Vol 6 No 2 (2022): November
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/sej.v6i2.1631


This study aims to determine the ability of natural science secondary school teachers’ to use information and communication technology to assist the learning process (Technological Knowledge), the ability of natural science secondary school teachers’ to manage classes (Pedagogical Knowledge), and the ability of natural science secondary school teachers’ to mastery learning (Content Knowledge). This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The research subjects were a natural science teachers’ at SMP Negeri 1 Prambon who was accredited A and a natural science teachers’ at SMP Perjuangan Prambon who was accredited B. Data collection techniques in this study used documentation, observation and interviews. The data analysis phase uses the Miles and Huberman model. Test the validity of the data using technical triangulation. Based on the research results, it was revealed that the ability of natural science secondary school teachers’ in mastering information and communication technology (Technological Knowledge) is quite good. Teachers at schools accredited A and B are quite good at operating Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point. Teachers at schools accredited A are not good at operating Microsoft Excel, while teachers at schools accredited B are not very good at operating Microsoft Excel. The ability of secondary school natural science teachers’ at accredited A schools to manage classes (Pedagogical Knowledge) is very good, while the ability of natural science secondary school teachers’ at schools accredited B is quite good. The ability of natural science secondary school teachers’ in schools accredited A is very good in mastering the subject matter they teach (Content Knowledge), while the ability of natural science teachers in schools accredited B is quite good. In future research it is expected to be able to uncover the TPACK of science teachers based on the length of time the teacher has been teaching or the other factor.